



Death by fireとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 焼死

学術用語英和対訳集での「Death by fire」の意味

death by fire

「Death by fire」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


a place of purgatory, where sins are purified by fire after a person's death発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

死後,この世で犯した罪を火によってぬぐう場所 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a moth that burns itself to death by flying into a fire発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

灯火に寄って来て火に焼かれて死ぬ虫 - EDR日英対訳辞書

The temple was again completely destroyed by fire after Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA's death (1425).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

足利義満没後の応永32年(1425年)に再度全焼している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

an end to one of her race more terrible than death by fire or torture,発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

ピカニニ族の最後としては火あぶりや拷問よりもひどい死に方です。 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』

Moreover, "Kotai Jingu Gishikicho" adds Kawairi (die by drowning in a river) and Hiyaki (burnt by fire to death) to Kunitsu tsumi crimes.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また、『皇太神宮儀式帳』には川入(川に入って溺死すること)・火焼(火によって焼死する事)を国つ罪に追加している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Hidemitsu was surrounded by the Hidemasa HORI's force and then handed over his treasures to the besieging army, he stabbed Mitsuhide's wife and children to death and set the castle on fire to kill himself.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

堀秀政軍に城を囲まれた秀満は、財宝を包囲軍に渡した後、光秀の妻子を刺し殺し、城に火を放って自害したとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was taken into custody at Rokkaku prison under supervision of the Kyoto deputy, however he was murdered there and his death was covered up by a fire which occurred at the time of Kinmon Incident.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

身柄は京都所司代が管理する六角獄舎に預けられていたが、禁門の変の際に生じた火災を口実に殺害された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「Death by fire」の意味

death by fire

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「Death by fire」の意味

death by fire

斎藤和英大辞典での「Death by fire」の意味

Death by fire

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「Death by fire」の意味

death by fire


「Death by fire」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


Joki has been famous for his farewell poem (composed before his death), saying "Meditation does not always require a quiet place. If you have established your own philosophy, nothing will trouble you as if you would feel fire cool.(必ずしも山水用いず、心頭滅却すればし" (The original text written by Jukukaku TO says "as if fire itself would be cool.(自ずからし) "発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

このとき残した「安禅必ずしも山水を用いず、心頭滅却すれば火も亦た涼し」の辞世で知られる(杜荀鶴の原典は「…火も自ずから涼し」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 108 A person who sets fire to and burns a building, train, tram, vessel or mine actually used as a dwelling or in which a person is actually present shall be punished by the death penalty or imprisonment with work for life or for a definite term of not less than 5 years.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百八条 放火して、現に人が住居に使用し又は現に人がいる建造物、汽車、電車、艦船又は鉱坑を焼損した者は、死刑又は無期若しくは五年以上の懲役に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In 1874, the following year, to carry out the wish of his foster father who died an unnatural death, he rebuilt Kawarazaki-za Theater in Shiba (Minato Ward, Tokyo) that had been discontinued for 20 years after it was burned down by the fire in 1855.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

翌明治七年(1874)には非業の死を遂げた養父の遺志を継いで、安政二年(1855)の失火全焼以後20年来絶えていた河原崎座を芝(東京都港区)に再興。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a breathing apparatus for refuge; lightweight, small-sized and can be put between a refugee's teeth, which is used during a fire, or the like, for escaping from death by suffocation due to short oxygen air and evacuating the site as soon as possibly.例文帳に追加

火災発生時等において、酸欠状態による窒息死等から逃避するために、一刻も早く現地から脱出ために使用する軽量かつ小型であり、口で咥えることができる避難用呼吸具を提供する。 - 特許庁

However, some of the wives escaped, including that of Kiyomasa KATO, and moreover, Garasha HOSOKAWA, who was Tadaoki HOSAKAWA's official wife and Mitsuhide AKECHI's daughter, refused to be taken as a hostage and committed suicide by setting fire to her residence, which resulted in her tragic death; therefore, the operation was deemed a failure and stopped.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし加藤清正の妻をはじめとする一部には脱出され、さらに細川忠興の正室・細川ガラシャ(明智光秀の娘)に人質となることを拒絶され屋敷に火を放って死を選ぶという壮烈な最期を見せられて、人質作戦は中止された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under this arrangement, the terms of fire insurance contracts clearly stipulate that insurance claims shall not be paid for damage caused by earthquakes and tsunami, so the situation is different compared with the payment of disaster death benefits (life insurance).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

こうした仕組みのもとで火災保険の約款においては、地震・津波等による被害については保険金を支払わない旨、明確に規定されており、災害死亡保険金(生命保険)とは事情が異なるというふうに認識をいたしております。 - 金融庁

Article 9-7-5 (1) The provisions of Part 2, Chapter X, Section 1, Subsection 1 (excluding Article 650, paragraph (1) and Article 664) (General Provisions on Casualty Insurance) of the Commercial Code shall apply mutatis mutandis to mutual aid contracts concluded by a business cooperative or a minor business cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities or a fire mutual aid cooperative (hereinafter referred to as "a cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities" in this Article) whereby mutual aid premiums are received by promising to compensate for damages that may be caused by certain accidental incidents; the provisions of Subsection 2 (Fire Insurance) of the same Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to fire mutual aid contracts concluded by a fire mutual aid cooperative; the provisions of Subsection 3 (Cargo Insurance) of the same Section shall apply mutatis mutandis to mutual aid contracts concluded by a cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities (excluding a fire mutual aid cooperative) whereby mutual aid premiums are received by promising to compensate for damages to cargos that may be caused by certain accidental incidents; and the provisions of Section 2 (excluding the provisions pertaining to Article 664 among the provisions on application mutatis mutandis set forth in Article 683, paragraph (1)) (Life Insurance) of the same Chapter shall apply mutatis mutandis to mutual aid contracts concluded by a cooperative engaged in mutual aid activities (excluding a fire mutual aid cooperative) whereby mutual aid premiums are received by promising to pay a certain amount of money with regard to the survival or death of a person (including a physical condition where said person has been diagnosed by a doctor to have no more than a certain period left to live).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第九条の七の五 商法第二編第十章第一節第一款(第六百五十条第一項及び第六百六十四条を除く。)(損害保険の総則)の規定は共済事業を行う事業協同組合若しくは事業協同小組合又は火災共済協同組合(以下この条において「共済事業を行う協同組合」という。)が締結する一定の偶然の事故によつて生ずることのある損害をてん補することを約し共済掛金を収受する共済契約について、同節第二款(火災保険)の規定は火災共済協同組合が締結する火災共済契約について、同節第三款(運送保険)の規定は共済事業を行う協同組合(火災共済協同組合を除く。)が締結する一定の偶然の事故によつて生ずることのある運送品の損害をてん補することを約し共済掛金を収受する共済契約について、同章第二節(第六百八十三条第一項に掲げる準用規定のうち第六百六十四条に係る規定を除く。)(生命保険)の規定は共済事業を行う協同組合(火災共済協同組合を除く。)が締結する人の生存又は死亡(当該人の余命が一定の期間以内であると医師により診断された身体の状態を含む。)に関し一定の金額を支払うことを約し共済掛金を収受する共済契約について、それぞれ準用する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Masahiro SAIMURA, also a member of the Akamatsu family and was the lord of Takeda-jo Castle in Tajima Province, switched to the East squad from the West squad as well, but after the battle (Battle of Sekigahara) he was ordered to kill himself by Ieyasu Tokugawa, for the charge that Masahiro seriously damaged the castle town by setting fire brutally when he attacked Nagafusa MIYABE of the West squad at his home castle, Tottori-jo Castle, (for this incident, the theory of the false accusation caused by Koremori KAMEI, who encouraged the betrayal and shifted the responsibility is highly likely), and with Masahiro's death, the Akamatsu clan as daimyo had distinguished.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

同じく赤松一族で但馬竹田城城主・斎村政広も西軍から東軍に寝返ったものの、西軍に与した宮部長房の居城・鳥取城を攻めるときにあまりに手ひどく城下町を焼き払ったために、徳川家康から戦後、これを理由に自害(この件に関しては寝返りを促した亀井茲矩に責任転嫁された冤罪説が強い)を命じられてしまい、これにより大名としての赤松氏は滅亡したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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