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意味・対訳 熟慮の結果

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「for reasons of policy」の意味

for reasons of policy


「for reasons of policy」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 19


for reasons of policy発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

熟慮の結果. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

-The security policy (basic policy concerning the proper protection of the institution's information assets that stipulates (1) information assets to be protected, (2) reasons for protection and (3) the locus of responsibility for protection, etc.)1発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

・セキュリティポリシー(組織の情報資産を適切に保護するための基本方針であり、①保護されるべき情報資産、②保護を行うべき理由、③それらについての責任の所在等の記載がなされたもの。) - 金融庁

During the Edo period too, bridges were not built across major rivers for military and political reasons, and the government not only issued the national isolation policy (Kaikin Policy - the policy to forbid private people to trade with foreign countries) and the ban on production of large ships (a part of Buke shohatto - Laws for the Military Houses), but also prohibited distribution using vehicles such as horse- or cow-drawn buggies on Kaido (road) to protect Edo.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

江戸時代においても軍事的・政治的理由として大きな河川には橋はかけられず、鎖国(海禁政策)や大船建造の禁(武家諸法度の一部)が出された他、江戸防衛を理由に街道筋の牛馬車など車両使用した物流を禁じる方針を採った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to determine influences upon the policy rules of configuration changes, a policy management device preliminarily defines and stores information which associates detailed information of a system configuration management target object with comparison contents of reasons for applying the policy rules and defines the degrees of influences.例文帳に追加

ポリシ管理装置は、構成変更のポリシルールへの影響を判定するために、システム構成管理対象オブジェクトの詳細情報とポリシルール適用理由の比較内容を関連付け、その影響度を定義した情報をあらかじめ定義し、格納しておく。 - 特許庁

The policy management device performs discrimination processing of discriminating whether reasons for applying policy rules which the policy management device itself manages are satisfied or not on the basis of the difference information and lists up policy rules which are influenced by the configuration change, with detailed causes and the degrees of influences, whereby user's policy correction is facilitated.例文帳に追加

ポリシ管理装置は、その差分情報をもとに自身が管理するポリシルールについてポリルール適用理由が満たされているかどうかの判定処理を行って、構成変更によって影響を受けるポリシルールを詳細原因と影響度付きでリストアップすることでユーザのポリシ修正を容易にする。 - 特許庁

Initially, businesses such as steel and chemical manufacturing, and subsequently automobiles, home appliances, and other manufacturing products were selected as the targets of the industrial policy. This was due to two reasons—the high standards of productivity growth rate and the high income elasticity of demand for these businesses7.例文帳に追加

当初鉄鋼・化学、その後自動車・家電等の製造業が産業政策の対象として選択された背景には、①生産性上昇率基準が高いこと、②需要の所得弾力性が高いことの2つがあった。 - 経済産業省


In addition, the Edo bakufu government took the policy of abolishing daimyo families cantered on the tozama daimyo that had aided the Toyotomi family, and many daimyo families were abolished for the reasons that no heir existed or they violated a bakufu government law, also producing lots of 牢人.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

更に江戸幕府は旧豊臣系大名の外様大名を中心に大名廃絶政策を取り、多くの大名が世嗣断絶、幕法違反などの理由によって取り潰され、これによっても大量の牢人が生じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「for reasons of policy」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 19


Following the sharp increase in rice prices due to floods and other reasons, the bakufu set up a policy that required people to contribute one-tenth of rice for sake brewing to be stockpiled in case of a poor harvest and famine in 1802.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

享和2年(1802年)ふたたび水害などに起因する米価の高騰により、幕府は酒造米の十分の一を供出させ、不作や飢饉のときのための備蓄米として取っておこうという政策を打ち出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Assess both the costs and benefits of each available alternative for addressing the problem and identify the reasons why the alternative selected best achieves the policy objective.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

問題に対処するために利用可能なそれぞれの選択肢の費用及び便益を評価し,選択された選択肢が政策目標を達成する理由を特定する。 - 経済産業省

As for the reasons of his dismissal, it is said that he neglected the administrative affairs addicting himself to alcohol and women; he was a Christian; and it might have been a result of the Shogunate's policy to abolish powerful non-Tokugawa feudal lords, because the Tsutsui clan was one of such lords even ruling an important area of Kinai region (including five powerful provinces near to Kyoto).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

改易の理由は、定次が酒色に溺れて政務を顧みなかったこと、キリシタンであったことなどのほかに、筒井氏のような外様大名を畿内に置いておくのは危険と考えた幕府の有力外様大名取り潰し政策の一環とも伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said the reasons why Hisamasa insisted that they should side with the Asakura clan were as follows: "the alliance had been maintained since Sukemasa was in power;" "they were deeply indebted to the Asakura clan for joint fights against repeated attacks from the Saito, the Kyogoku, and the Rokkaku clans;" and "Hisamasa himself was skeptical about the character and policy of Nobunaga."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

久政が朝倉方につくべきだと主張した理由として、「亮政の代からの同盟関係であること」、「度重なる斎藤氏氏、京極氏、六角氏の攻勢に共闘した大恩」、「久政自身が信長の性格や方針に懐疑的であったこと」などが挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(i) In cases where the management team adopts a policy to the effect that a fair transaction price for acquiring property can be calculated on the basis of the appraised value of the real estate, with a certain range of adjustment, whether the real estate-related fund management company has developed a control environment for periodically examining the appropriateness of such range of adjustment in view of the market conditions; whether the real estate-related fund management company has developed a control environment for appropriately announcing such policy (if the policy is revised, the reasons for the revision shall be included) (in the case of a private placement fund, such announcement shall be made by making notifications to subscribers).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

① 物件取得に係る取引価格に関し、鑑定評価額を基準として一定の幅を加減した額であれば公正であるとの方針である場合は、当該加減をする幅が市況に鑑み適切であるかについて、定期的に見直しを行う態勢となっているか。また、こうした方針(当該方針を見直した場合は、その理由を含む。)において、適切に公表(私募ファンドにあっては、契約者への通知)を行う態勢となっているか。 - 金融庁

The reasons for this increase in the rate of workforce participation by women may be drawn back to the fact that the traditional mindset that married women should stay at home and concentrate on housework and raising children is fading while the education standard of women has improved and the number of highly-skilled workers is increasing. In addition, it has been analyzed that the government's policy to promote part-time labor and temporary employment through the practice of work sharing based on the Wassenaar Agreement established in 1982 has contributed to this development.例文帳に追加

このように女性の労働力率が高まった理由としては、既婚女性は家事や子育てに専念すべきであるという伝統的な意識が薄れる一方、女性の教育水準が高まったこと、高スキルの女性が増えてきたことに加えて、1982年のワッセナー合意に基づくワークシェアリングによるパートタイム就労や臨時雇用を促す政府の政策が寄与したと分析されている。 - 経済産業省

(i) Whether the securities company, etc. has formulated a conflict of interest management policy (referring to the policy prescribed in Article 70-3(1)(iii) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance; the same shall apply hereinafter), while taking into consideration the contents, characteristics, scales, etc. of the securities company, etc. and its parent/subsidiary financial institutions, and whether such policy specifies the following matters: the types of transactions with the risk of conflict of interest; major examples and the identification process of such transactions; the methods of conflict of interest management (if conflict of interest management is conducted at different levels and to different extents, the content of and reasons for such difference); the conflict of interest management system (including the responsibility and independence of the person who controls the company-wide management system for identifying transactions involving the risk of conflict of interest and conducting conflict of interest management (hereinafter referred to as the “conflict of interest manager”), as well as the review system for the methods of identifying transactions involving the risk of conflict of interest and conducting conflict of interest management); and the scope of companies subject to conflict of interest management.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

① 利益相反管理方針(金商業等府令第 70条の3第1項第3号に規定する方針をいう。以下同じ。)は、証券会社等及びその親金融機関等又は子金融機関等の業務の内容・特性・規模等を勘案した上で、利益相反のおそれのある取引の類型、主な取引例及び当該取引の特定のプロセス、利益相反管理の方法(利益相反管理の水準・深度に差異を設ける場合は、その内容及び理由を含む。)、利益相反管理体制(利益相反のおそれのある取引の特定及び利益相反管理に関する全社的な管理体制を統括する者(以下「利益相反管理統括者」という。)の職責及びその独立性並びに利益相反のおそれのある取引の特定及び利益相反管理の方法についての検証体制)並びに利益相反管理の対象となる会社の範囲を記載したものとなっているか。 - 金融庁


In order for the Chinese economy to achieve balanced, sustainable growth from now, there is an urgent need for China to continue strengthening macroeconomic control, advance further efforts to tackle structural issues such as expanding consumer demand resulting from increased incomes among farmers and other reasons, reform of state-owned enterprises, the financial system and social insurance system, while rectifying the growth pattern characterized by an overemphasis on investment. Thus there is a need to continue paying attention to trends concerning the government’s operation of economic policy.例文帳に追加

中国経済が今後、持続可能でバランスのとれた成長を達成するためには、マクロコントロールの強化を引き続き堅持し、農民の収入増加等を通じた消費需要の拡大、国有企業改革や金融制度改革、社会保障制度改革等の構造的問題への取組を一層進展させながら、投資偏重の成長パターンを是正していくことが急務となっており、今後とも政府の経済政策運営の動向に注視していく必要がある。 - 経済産業省


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