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Wiktionary英語版での「on borrowed time」の意味 |
on borrowed time
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/06/29 04:07 UTC 版)
- (idiomatic) A period of time whose precise duration is not known but which can be expected to be quite limited, and at the end of which one's situation, benefits, or opportunities will be entirely terminated.
- 1920, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Rilla of Ingleside, ch. 31:
- [A]t eighty a body is living on borrowed time.
- 1957 Aug. 12, Herman N. Bundesen MD, "Diet and Health, Lewiston Daily Sun (USA), p. 3 (retrieved 28 June 2011):
- A century ago you could expect to live 40 years. . . . Anything beyond that was borrowed time.
- 1997 Aug. 25, Christopher Clarey, "Ho Returns In Time To Say Farewell," New York Times (retrieved 28 June 2011):
- 2011, Lisa Wingate, Larkspur Cove, ISBN 9780764208218, p. 193:
- 1920, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Rilla of Ingleside, ch. 31:
- borrowed time at OneLook Dictionary Search
「on borrowed time」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 9件
Barack obama, president obama, is there on borrowed time例文帳に追加
バラク・オバマ “大統領” は期間限定です - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
But given your black widow status, he was living on borrowed time anyways.例文帳に追加
でもあなたの ブラックウィドウの地位があれば 彼は奇跡的に 長生き出来たかもね - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
On the basis of the calculated principal balance C of the first time and a borrowed amount M, a principal portion B included in the payment amount P of the first time is calculated (X12).例文帳に追加
算出された初回の元金残高Cおよび借入額Mに基づき、初回の支払い額Pに含まれる元金分Bは算出される(X12)。 - 特許庁
On the basis of the borrowed amount M and the interest rate R, an interest portion I include in the payment amount P of the first time is calculated (X13).例文帳に追加
借入額Mおよび利率Rに基づき、初回の支払い額Pに含まれる利息分Iは算出される(X13)。 - 特許庁
Japan has never closed its doors completely on outside cultures, technologies, or systems. On the contrary, we have always embraced outside influences, and over time, made them into something of our own. We haven't just copied or borrowed wholesale. Neither have we only rejected.例文帳に追加
我が国は、古来、外来の文化、技術、制度に決して完全に門を閉ざすことなく、これを、主体的な努力により時間をかけ、自らのものとしてきた。 - 経済産業省
Japan has never closed its doors completely on outside cultures, technologies, or institutions. On the contrary, we have always embraced outside influences, and over time, made them into something of our own. We haven't just copied or borrowed wholesale. Neither have we only rejected. Taking in, digesting and assimilating ideas from abroad has always been Japan's greatest strength.例文帳に追加
我が国は、古来、外来の文化、技術、制度に決して完全に門を閉ざすことなく、これらを、主体的な努力により時間をかけ、自らのものとしてきた。たんなる受容や採用、あるいは拒絶ではなく、消化し、まさに同化してきた。 - 経済産業省
According to statistics compiled at that time, there were around 15 million people who borrowed consumer loans. On the other hand, multiple debts are a very serious problem. Moreover, the Takefuji problem (Takefuji’s filing for bankruptcy protection) occurred last year. In light of that, we must appropriately deal with this issue from a comprehensive perspective発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
これも消費者金融という、大体あのころの統計だと1,500万人ぐらいが、利用しておられる一方で、多重債務問題も大変大きな問題でございます。それから、武富士問題も去年起きました。そういったことを踏まえて、しっかり総合的観点できちんとやっていかねばならないというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁
単語を確認! -
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単語を理解! -
Weblio例文辞書での「on borrowed time」に類似した例文 |
on borrowed time
across time
with the passage of time
during the intervening time
「on borrowed time」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 9件
In Vietnam, prior approval and a separate borrowing registration certificate from the central bank of Vietnam is required when borrowing from the parent company involves a medium- to long-term loan (more than one year), even if the amount to be borrowed is within the range set at the time of license acquisition. Though these procedures usually can be completed within a few weeks, they sometimes can take a few months depending on the transaction.例文帳に追加
さらに、ベトナムでは、親会社から借入を行う際、ライセンス取得時の借入予定金額の範囲内であっても、中長期借入(1年超)の場合には、ベトナム中央銀行からの事前承認及び個別借入登録証が必要であり、通常は数週間以内で手続が完了するが、案件によって数か月を要する場合があるといった課題が指摘されている。 - 経済産業省
I am aware of media reports since yesterday about moves by the authorities of European countries to strengthen the regulation of short sales. In Japan, there have been obligations of specification and confirmation of short sales and regulation on prices regarding short sales of all listed stocks. In addition, after the Lehman shock, Japan introduced a ban on so-called naked short sales ― short sales in which stocks are not borrowed at the time of selling.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
空売り規制については、ご指摘のとおり、昨日来、欧州各国当局において強化の動きが報じられていることは承知いたしておりますが、我が国は、空売りに関しまして、従来、すべての上場株式等の空売りについては、明示・確認義務、価格規制が設けられておりまして、加えてリーマン・ショック以降、空売りの際に株の手当てのない空売り、いわゆるネイキッド・ショート・セリングの禁止ということをやらせていただいたわけでございます。 - 金融庁
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