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「primitive polynomial」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 10件
a primitive element発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
《ガロワ体の》 原始元《primitive root または primitive polynomial》 - 研究社 英和コンピューター用語辞典
The reciprocal polynomial of an irreducible polynomial is also irreducible, and the reciprocal polynomial of a primitive polynomial is primitive.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ある既約多項式の逆多項式はまた既約であり、原始多項式の逆多項式は原始である。 - コンピューター用語辞典
The RAID controller uses the primitive polynomial of Galois extension field for generating the redundancy data and the same polynomial as the generation polynomial of a redundancy code.例文帳に追加
RAIDコントローラは、冗長データを生成するためのガロア拡大体の原始多項式と、冗長符号の生成多項式に同一の多項式を用いる。 - 特許庁
A first primitive root α_1 is obtained on the basis of a first polynomial equation for the fist extension from a first finite body to a second finite body (ST1).例文帳に追加
第1の有限体から第2の有限体への第1の拡大についての第1の多項式を基に第1の原始根α_1 を得る(ST1)。 - 特許庁
A second primitive root α_2 is obtained on the basis of a second polynomial expression for the second extension from the second finite body to a third finite body, in which a coefficient of 0-order term is regulated by use of the first primitive root 1 obtained in ST1 and the coefficient of 0-order term of the first polynomial equation (ST2).例文帳に追加
第2の有限体から第3の有限体への第2の拡大についての第2の多項式であって、ST1で得られた第1の原始根α_1 と第1の多項式の0次の項の係数とを用いて、0次の項の係数が規定された第2の多項式を基に第2の原始根α_2 を得る(ST2)。 - 特許庁
On the basis of a formation polynomial equation corresponding to a plurality of different encoding codes of each size to be obtained from a common primitive polynomial equation, hardware of a coefficient circuit is shared in coefficients that values of the coefficients are the same or have a small difference.例文帳に追加
共通の原始多項式から得られる各々サイズの異なる複数の符号化コードに対応する生成多項式に基づいて、係数の値が同一又は少数差の係数について係数回路のハードウェアを共用する。 - 特許庁
This PN code generating device is provided with a PN code generater 100 for generating PN codes in the prescribed number of stage by using a primitive polynomial G (x), and for shifting the code contents in the respective stages to the post-stages according to shift clocks.例文帳に追加
原始多項式G(x)を使用して所定段数のPN符号を発生しシフトクロックにしたがって各段の符号内容を後段へシフトさせるPN符号発生部100を備える。 - 特許庁
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Weblio英和対訳辞書での「primitive polynomial」の意味 |
Primitive polynomial (field theory)
Wiktionary英語版での「primitive polynomial」の意味 |
primitive polynomial
primitive polynomial (複数形 primitive polynomials)
- (algebra, ring theory) A polynomial over an integral domain R such that no noninvertible element of R divides all its coefficients at once; (more specifically) a polynomial over a GCD domain R such that the greatest common divisor of its coefficients equals 1.
- 1992, T. T. Moh, Algebra, World Scientific, page 124,
- We claim that every primitive polynomial can be written as a product of irreducible elements in . […] By induction on the degree of the primitive polynomials, we conclude that both can be written as product of irreducible elements in .
- 2000, David M. Arnold, Abelian Groups and Representations of Finite Partially Ordered Sets, Springer, page 114,
- If , the ring of polynomials with coefficients in , then the content of , denoted by , is the greatest common divisor of the coefficients of . The polynomial is called a primitive polynomial if . Since , by Gauss's lemma [Hungerford, 74], the set of primitive polynomials in is a multiplicatively closed set. Define , the localization of at , a subring of the field of quotients of . Elements of are of the form with and a primitive polynomial.
- 2000, Jun-ichi Igusa, An Introduction to the Theory of Local Zeta Functions, American Mathematical Society, page 1,
- According to the Gauss lemma, the product of primitive polynomials is primitive. Therefore if are primitive and with in , then necessarily is in and primitive. […] The irreducible elements of are irreducible elements of and primitive polynomials which are irreducible in .
- 1992, T. T. Moh, Algebra, World Scientific, page 124,
- (algebra, field theory) A polynomial over a given finite field whose roots are primitive elements; especially, the minimal polynomial of a primitive element of said finite field.
- 2002, Charles E. Stroud, A Designer's Guide to Built-in Self-Test, Kluwer Academic, page 69,
- 2003, Zhe-Xian Wan, Lectures on Finite Fields and Galois Rings, World Scientific, page 145,
- Definition 7.2 Let be a monic polynomial of degree over . If has a primitive element of as one of its roots, is called a primitive polynomial of degree over .
- Theorem 7.7 For any positive integer there always exist primitive polynomials of degree over . All the roots of a primitive polynomial of degree over are primitive elements of . All primitive polynomials of degree over are irreducible over . The number of primitive polynomials of degree over is equal to .
- 2008, Stephen D. Cohen, Mateja Preŝern, The Hansen-Mullen Primitivity Conjecture: Completion of Proof, James McKee, Chris Smyth (editors), Number Theory and Polynomials, Cambridge University Press, page 89,
- This paper completes an efficient proof of the Hansen-Mullen Primitivity Conjecture (HMPC) when n = 5, 6, 7 or 8. The HMPC (1992) asserts that, with some (mostly obvious) exceptions, there exists a primitive polynomial of degree n over any finite field with any coefficient arbitrarily prescribed.
- Since fields are rings, the domain of applicability of the ring theory definition includes that of the one specific to Galois fields. It is thus perfectly feasible for a given instance to be a primitive polynomial in both senses of the term: such is the case, for example, for the minimal polynomial (over a given finite field) of a primitive element (i.e., that has said primitive element as root).
- (polynomial over a finite field whose roots are primitive elements):
- More precisely, a primitive polynomial over (with coefficients in) of order has roots that are primitive elements of .
- Given a primitive element , the set of powers constitutes a polynomial basis of .
- In consequence, a primitive polynomial is sometimes defined as a polynomial that generates .
- (polynomial over an integral domain such that no noninvertible element divides all of its coefficients): monic polynomial
- content (of a polynomial)
- irreducible
- primitivity
Further reading
- Polynomial basis on Wikipedia.
- Gauss's lemma (polynomial) on Wikipedia.
- Polynomial ring on Wikipedia.
- Primitive polynomial on Encyclopedia of Mathematics
- Galois field structure on Encyclopedia of Mathematics
- Primitive Polynomial on Wolfram MathWorld
「primitive polynomial」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 10件
Each of output bits which are successively bit-shifted in the shift direction in individual stages R0 to R13 of a 14-stage shift register 101 selects an M sequence, which is generated by a prescribed primitive polynomial corresponding to a scramble number based on position information of a disk, from a selection table in a feedback bit selector 102.例文帳に追加
14段のシフトレジスタ101の各段R_0〜R_13で順次シフト方向にビットシフトされた各出力ビットは、フィードバックビットセレクタ102において、ディスクの位置情報に基づくスクランブル番号に対応する所定の原始多項式により生成されるM系列を選択テーブルから選び出す。 - 特許庁
A method for generating a codeword includes preparing a set of dominant error events from an intersymbol interference characteristics of a recording medium; and generating a codeword from data using a non-primitive generator polynomial that can calculate a unique syndrome set which can completely specify each dominant error event.例文帳に追加
記録媒体の符号間の干渉特性からドミナントエラーイベントのセットを準備する過程と、それぞれのドミナントエラーイベントを完全に特定できる固有のシンドロームセットを算出できる非原始生成多項式を使用することにより、データからコードワードを発生させる過程と、を含むコードワードの発生方法である。 - 特許庁
Next, a companion matrix corresponding to an m-th primitive polynomial f(x) on GF(q) [x] and powers of the companion matrix are generated, and an operation is performed for the partial secret information and the generated random numbers on the finite fields GF(q) according to combination to be determined based on constitution of the generated companion matrix and the powers of the companion matrix to output mn pieces of partial distribution information.例文帳に追加
次に、GF(q)[x]上のm次原始多項式f(x)に対応するコンパニオン行列とそのコンパニオン行列の累乗とを生成し、生成されたコンパニオン行列とそのコンパニオン行列の累乗との構成に基づいて定まる組み合わせに応じて、部分秘密情報と生成された乱数とを有限体GF(q)上で演算を行い、mn個の部分分散情報を出力する。 - 特許庁
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