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violate policyとは 意味・読み方・使い方

Weblio例文辞書での「violate policy」に類似した例文 |
violate policy
violate the regulations
to infringe the regulations
to break through discipline
to break the regulation―violate the rule
to violate the regulations―contravene the rules―break a rule
to conflict with the rule―clash with the regulation
「violate policy」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 5件
Contractual clauses that are illegal under the Antimonopoly Act could also be interpreted as invalid under private law since they violate the public policy principle prescribed in Article 90 of the Civil Code.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
独占禁止法上違法となる契約条項については、民法第90条(公序良俗違反)により私法上の効力も無効となる場合もある。 - 経済産業省
Contractual clauses that are illegal under the Antimonopoly Act could also be interpreted as invalid under private law because they violate the public policy principle prescribed in Article 90 of the Civil Code.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
独占禁止法上違法となる契約条項については、民法第90条(公序良俗違反)に基づき、私法上の効力も無効となる場合もある。 - 経済産業省
Therefore, the policy for national defense stated that the national defense by the Imperial Army would take the offensive against countries that attempted to violate Japan's national strategy in East Asia, and clearly rejected the defense-only policy due to the establishment of interests in Manchuria and Korea.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
したがって国防方針は帝国軍の国防は東アジアにおいて日本の国家戦略を侵害しようとする国に対して攻勢を取ることを定め、さらに満州や韓国に利権を扶植したので、国土での専守防衛を明確に否定している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
I would like to make sure of one thing in relation to the "no-return rule." Is it your understanding that the return of the person serving as Deputy Commissioner for Policy Coordination to the Ministry of Finance does not violate that rule because the post of the Deputy Commissioner for Policy Coordination is equivalent in seniority to a director-general but is not exactly the same as a director general?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
人事の関係で、「ノーリターンルール」のところをちょっと確認したいのですが、長官は、今回の人事は、総括審議官ということで、「局長級」ということなので、局長ではないからルールには抵触していないという理解ですか。 - 金融庁
Especially when supporters of his close advisors in the Imperial court demanded Ito to resign from the Imperial Households Minister in 1887 in protest against the revision of the treaty and his Europeanization policy, the Emperor did not accept Ito's resignation and, instead, ordered him to continue to serve as the Imperial Households Minister and to work on the draft constitution, and also when Tateki TANI, the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce on the side of Emperor's close advisors in the Imperial court, attempted to report against the proposal for revision of the treaty to the throne, the Emperor would not see Tani against Motoda's advice, saying he should not violate the duties of the Minister of Foreign Affairs according to the principles of 'Kimu rokujo' and allowed to remove Tani.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
特に、1887年に条約改正や欧化政策に対する反発から伊藤に対して宮内大臣を辞任を要求する意見が宮中側近側より出た際には、天皇は伊藤の辞任を認めず、引き続き宮内大臣の職と憲法草案作成の職務にあたるように指示し、宮中側近側にあった農商務大臣谷干城が条約改正案反対の上奏を行おうとした際には元田による谷への謁見の勧めにも関わらず、「機務六条」の原則を理由に外務大臣の職務を犯すべきではないとしてこれを受け入れずに、谷の更迭を許した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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