
「噴射圧力」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(35ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 噴射圧力に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 1719



In the resonance electromagnetic wave radiation member of terahertz waves and the method of manufacturing the same, the heated and compressed air adjusted to the specific pressure and temperature to generate resonance electromagnetic waves of terahertz waves is injected to a member with high electric conductivity and the member with high electric conductivity is made to excite resonance electromagnetic waves of terahertz waves. - 特許庁


The gas formation supply system 30 mainly comprises a fuel reformer 31 forming hydrogen or reformed gas containing hydrogen by reforming main fuel, a gas compressor 33, a pressure accumulation tank 34, a premixed gas pressure regulation valve 35, a header pipe 36, and a gas injector 32 injecting the reformed gas to each cylinder. - 特許庁


When controlling amount of injection of gasoline and hydrogen at a ratio determined in accordance with an operation condition of the internal combustion engine, a rate of increase of cylinder pressure is reduced by correcting a ratio of hydrogen addition into a reduction side when an index value related to magnitude of combustion noise exceeds a predetermined value to suppress combustion noise. - 特許庁


To provide an inexpensive and versatile resonance electromagnetic wave radiation member of terahertz waves for injecting heated and compressed air adjusted to specific pressure and temperature to generate resonance electromagnetic waves of terahertz waves to an object with high electric conductivity for a certain period of time, and a method of manufacturing the resonance electromagnetic wave radiation member of terahertz waves. - 特許庁



This removing method of the metal sticking material formed of molten metal stuck to a surface of the plate glass, while cooled and solidified, is characterized by spraying blast media mainly composed of water soluble inorganic salt such as sodium hydrogen carbonate having the prescribed average particle size by using a straight hydraulic blast device with compressed air having prescribed pressure as an injection medium. - 特許庁



This control device for a fuel pump 27 supplying fuel to an engine 1 comprises a fuel pressure sensor 29 detecting a fuel pressure in a fuel pipe 28 from a fuel tank 26 to a fuel injection valve 20 and a control unit 30 stopping a drive of the fuel pump 27 when a condition of low fuel pressure is detected by this sensor 29. - 特許庁


The fuel injection device maintains a state that an injector 42 is pressed onto a cylinder head by energizing a coil 62 to extend a magnestrictive element 61 to a combustion chamber 23 side if there is the possibility that a gas in the combustion chamber 23 leaks outside through seal members 45, 46 by a pressure rise in the combustion chamber 23 incident to combustion of a mixture. - 特許庁


When a cooling water temperature detected by a water temperature detecting means, and an intake air temperature detected by an intake temperature detecting means satisfy a respective preset temperature condition, and fuel pressure detected by fuel pressure detecting means is less than a preset first determination fuel pressure, a control means performs an increase control of the fuel injection amount. - 特許庁


The combustion dynamics control system includes: a sensor 60 configured to measure acoustic pressure across the fuel injection orifice 52 and generate a signal therefrom; a signal conditioner 62 configured to condition the sensor signal and generate a conditioned sensor signal therefrom; and a controller 64 configured to generate the acoustic driver control signal in response to the conditioned sensor signal. - 特許庁



To provide a porous honeycomb filter having high collection efficiency of fine particles (particulates) or the like, capable of preventing the increase in pressure loss caused by the clogging of pores, and capable of developing these characteristics especially coping with a recent diesel engine employing high pressure fuel injection, a common rail or the like, and a method for manufacturing the same. - 特許庁



An aqueous solution containing an organic or an inorganic compound is jetted to the porous dielectric sheet containing at least one of a hindered phenolic stabilizer, a sulfur stabilizer, a phosphorus stabilizer, a fatty acid metal salt and a nucleating agent with a pressure sufficient for the solution to pass through the sheet, and then the sheet is dried to produce the electret filter medium. - 特許庁


An aqueous solution containing at least one organic or inorganic compound having an index (pKa) of acid dissociation of not less than 3.0 is jetted to the porous dielectric sheet with a pressure sufficient for the solution to pass through the sheet so as to turn the sheet into the electret to its interior sufficiently, and then the sheet is dried to produce the electret filter medium. - 特許庁


ECU 1A is provided with a cylinder pressure control means controlling cylinder pressure at a compression end not higher than prescribed pressure corresponding to cylinder temperature at the compression end in response to execution of deceleration rich spike in a compression ignition type engine 50 executing deceleration rich spike injecting fuel into a cylinder during deceleration fuel cut operation. - 特許庁


An ejection pulse DP includes an expansion element p1 for varying a voltage to expand a pressure chamber, an expansion hold element p2 holding the terminal potential of the expansion element for a fixed time, and a contraction element for varying a voltage to contract the pressure chamber in order, in such a state that the expansion element p1, the expansion hold element p2 and the contraction element are connected to each other. - 特許庁


The liquid ejector comprises a head member 10 having a nozzle opening 13, a means for moving the head member 10 in the main scanning direction relatively to a recording medium, a means 15 for varying the ink pressure at the nozzle opening part, and a means for setting one of a plurality of gray scale data based on ejection data constituting a row corresponding to main scanning. - 特許庁

四 起動機、磁石発電機、機上発電機、燃料ポンプ、プロペラ調速器、気化器、高圧油ポンプ、与圧室用過給器、防氷用燃焼器、防氷液ポンプ、高圧空気ポンプ、真空ポンプ、インバーター、脚、フロート、スキー、スキッド、発電機定速駆動器、水・アルコール噴射ポンプ、排気タービン、燃焼式客室加熱器、方向舵、昇降舵、補助翼、フラップ、燃料噴射ポンプ、滑油ポンプ、冷却液ポンプ、フェザリング・ポンプ、燃料管制装置、除氷系統管制器、酸素調節器、空気調和装置用圧力調節器、高圧空気源調整器、高圧空気管制器、電源調整器、高圧油調整器、高圧油管制器、滑油冷却器、冷却液冷却器、燃料タンク(インテグラル式のものを除く。)、滑油タンク、機力操縦用作動器、脚作動器、動力装置用作動器、点火用ディストリビューター、点火用エキサイター、発動機架及び航法装置(電波法の適用を受ける無線局の無線設備を除く。)例文帳に追加

iv) Starter, magnet generator, airborne generator, fuel pump, propeller governor, carburetor, hydraulic pump, cabin super-charger, combustion heater for de-icing, de-icing fluid pump, air compressor, vacuum pump, inverter, landing gear, float, ski, skid, constant-speed drive unit for generator, water or alcohol injection pump, exhaust turbine, cabin combustion heater, rudder, elevator, aileron, flap, fuel injection pump, lubricating oil pump, cooling-liquid pump, feathering pump, fuel control unit, de-icing system controller, oxygen regulator, pressure regulator for air-conditioning system, high-pressure air regulator, high-pressure air controller, voltage regulator, high-pressure oil regulator, high-pressure oil controller, oil cooler, cooling-liquid cooler, fuel tank (excluding integral type), oil tank, flight control actuator, landing gear actuator, actuator for power unit, ignition distributor, ignition exciter, engine mount and navigation equipment (excluding radio equipments of radio station subject to the Radio Act  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a fuel high pressure accumulator for a fuel injection system for an internal combustion engine comprising an accumulator chamber restricted by an inner wall and at least one connecting pipe piece improved of a type having at least one connecting hole opening to the accumulator chamber, and having high strength for pressure especially when a dynamic compressive load is acting thereon. - 特許庁


The depressurizing tank 10 is provided with a diffusing means 16 for diffusing the washing water in the depressurizing tank 10, a depressurizing hole 13a for releasing the internal pressure to the outside, and a drainage hole 11a for causing the washing water to flow cut to the separation tank 50, and the separation tank 50 is provided with a drainage means 59 for draining the washing water. - 特許庁



The upper electrode 80 is provided over the upper face 72 and the upper part of the side face 71 of the piezoelectric body layer 70, and a protective film 310 is provided on a part which is not covered by the upper electrode of the piezoelectric body layer 70. - 特許庁


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