
「地域内貿易」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 123



The consideration by Members of a notified RTA shall be normally concluded in a period not exceeding one year after the date of notification. - 経済産業省

第2-2-1-3 図は域貿易の財別構成を3 地域で比較したものである。例文帳に追加

Figure 2-2-1-3 compares the composition by goods in inter-regional trade among three regions. - 経済産業省


Regional integration through customs unions or free trade areas liberalizes trade among countries within the regions, while maintaining trade barriers with countries outside the region or regions. - 経済産業省


In the breakdown of the trade balance by trade partner country/region, the deficit with China is the largest, accounting for approximately one-forth of the total US trade deficit (Figure 1-1-19). - 経済産業省



The growth of intra-regional investment has in turn promoted trade among the region's industries. - 経済産業省



Figure 3.4.1 compares the intra-regional trade ratio in the East Asian region with the intra-regional trade ratio of the EU and NAFTA, respectively. - 経済産業省


Clarification on submission of data by RTA Parties (preferential duties and MFN duties etc.) - 経済産業省


Anti-competitive practices in domestic markets of each country and region that impact trade and investment - 経済産業省


Note: Figures in brackets indicate the number of corporations trading with those countries and regions. - 経済産業省



(Increase of intra-industry trade for electrical machinery between Japan and other East Asian countries and region) - 経済産業省



Studies concluding that regionalism has been activated by the advance of regional trade liberalization include the domino effect (Baldwin, 1995). The domino effect is an effect of regional free trade agreements that reduce trade costs of member countries and oppositely increases costs of nonmember countries, which makes nonmember countries choose to participate in the agreement, leading to further decrease in regional free trade costs and increase in the number of member countries increases. - 経済産業省


The reason for this condition is that, while RTAs promote trade liberalization within the respective regions, if they raise barriers to trade with countries outside the regions, they would impede trade liberalization as a whole. - 経済産業省


However, looking at the breakdown by partner countries and regions, a large proportion of the trade balance was accounted for by China and the oil producing countries. Even in 2007, the trade deficit with China and the oil producing countries increased while the overall US trade deficit declined (see Figure 1-2-8). - 経済産業省


The trade intensity index expresses the degree of closeness of trade between two countries (or regions). For most countries, especially the EU15 countries, this index is greater than one, suggesting that intra-regional trade is active. - 経済産業省


Such exceptions are allowed from the viewpoint of trade liberalization, on the condition that the formation of a customs union or free-trade areas and conclusion of the interim agreement concerning such formation should not have the purpose of raising barriers against trade between the nations within a region and the nations outside the region, but should have the purpose of facilitating trade within the region. - 経済産業省

まず貿易について、二国間(地域)の貿易の緊密度を表す指標である貿易結合度を見ると、東アジアの多くの国・地域間で1を超え、2000 年から2005 年で高まっており、東アジアは域貿易関係を緊密化し、貿易量を増加させながら一体化を進展させていることがうかがえる(第2-1-8 表)。例文帳に追加

Beginning with trade, the trade intensity index, which expresses the degree of closeness of trade between two countries (or regions), indicates that in many trade relationships between two countries or regions of East Asia, the index exceeds 1 and that the index increased between 2000 and 2005. This suggests that trade relationships in East Asia are becoming closer, and, with increasing trade volumes, that integration is picking up its pace (Table 2-1-8). - 経済産業省


Another issue we should consider in relation to the financial safety net in Asia is how to expand the use of our own currencies for trade and investment in the region.  - 財務省


In this way, APEC area has highly supplementing trade relations compared to East Asia region.In the future, the regional trade will be invigorated further once trade liberalization, smoother trade management and cooperation are progressed in the future. - 経済産業省


Assuming that trade facilitation improved the trade volume of target countries or regions whose volume was previously below average to meet the average level, we measured trade volume before and after the improvement. - 経済産業省


This agreement, Japan's first Regional Trade Agreement (RTA), aims to promote a comprehensive economic partnership between the two countries, which partnership is to have the effect of expanding trade and investment within the region and harmonizing systems in such areas as paperless trade and mutual recognition. By liberalizing and facilitating trade and investment and harmonizing economic systems, such EPA would have the further effect of improving bilateral cooperation in the areas of information and communication technology ("ICT"), and trade and investment. - 経済産業省

国際経済ルール上、FTA/EPAはGATT(関税及び貿易に関する一般協定)/WTO(世界貿易機関)体制の例外として位置づけられ、GATTにおいて、「妥当な期間」に、「構成地域の原産の産品の構成地域間における実質上のすべての貿易について」、関税等を廃止することを条件として、一部のGATT 締約国間で特恵的な自由貿易協定を締結することが認められている。例文帳に追加

Under international economic rules, FTAs/EPAs are treated as an exception to the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) /WTO (World Trade Organization) regime, and GATT signatories are allowed to conclude preferential free trade agreements with other member nations on the condition that “within a reasonable length of time” the duties and other restrictive regulations are eliminated onsubstantially all the trade between the constituent territories in products originating in such territories”. - 経済産業省

国際経済ルール上、EPA/FTA は GATT(関税及び貿易に関する一般協定)/WTO(世界貿易機関)体制の例外として位置づけられ、GATT において、「妥当な期間」に、「構成地域の原産の産品の構成地域間における実質上の全ての貿易について」、関税等を廃止することを条件として、一部の GATT締約国間で特恵的な自由貿易協定を締結することが認められている。例文帳に追加

Under international economic rules, EPA/FTA are positioned as an exception to the system of GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)/WTO (World Trade Organization); GATT allows certain GATT member states to form a preferred free trade agreement between them, on the condition that custom duties, etc. will be removed “within a reasonable length of time” “on substantially all the trade between the constituent territories in products originating in such territories. - 経済産業省


The elimination of trade barriers between parties due to regional integration results in changes in the prices of goods and services traded in the region and corresponding changes in volumes. - 経済産業省


Broadcasting organizations whose headquarters are in a territory of a member country in the World Trade Organization, provided that the radio program has been broadcast from a transmission device also existing in a territory of a member country in the Organization  - 特許庁


The elimination of trade barriers, however, only applies to the RTA member parties. Thus, some of the goods and services that had been imported from non-parties will instead be imported from the member parties in what is calledtrade diversion.” - 経済産業省


Submit the data within ten weeksor 20 weeks in the case of RTAs involving only developing countriesafter the date of notification of the agreement. - 経済産業省


As can be seen from Fig. 2-1-4, the ratio of intraregional trade in East Asia is rapidly rising, and interdependence in the region is increasing.  - 経済産業省


While trade growth and investment flows within the APEC region have outperformed the rest of the world, we should nevertheless guard against the pressure to raise new trade and investment barriers. - 経済産業省


APEC has an important role to play in coordinating information sharing, transparency, and capacity building, and will hold a policy dialogue on regional RTAs/FTAs. - 経済産業省


Over the last 20 years in East Asia, in addition to intra-regional trade expanding quantitatively, there has been a qualitative improvement in trade linkage also and closeness in trade relations has advanced. - 経済産業省


As benchmark cases, we compared a trade amount increase ($148 billion) due to tariff abolition in target countries and regions and the improvement of trade facilitation (Figure 3-1-21). - 経済産業省


As the caliphate expanded, regional trade flourished in addition to the traditional intermediate trade between Europe and Asia.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Outgoing remittance for which the name of goods or the name of a country/region/city, which is suspected of being related to the regulations on trade-related payment, is stated in the content of the remittance of a customer  - 財務省


We will continue our collective commitment to strengthening and deepening regional economic integration and to eliminate barriers to international trade and investment in the region. - 経済産業省


The intra-regional trade in East Asia (total amount of export by each countryand region) expanded 3.2 times (US$104.3 billion ? US$333.1 billion) over the ten years between 1981and 1991. - 経済産業省


Trade and investment within Asia are expected to increase, as the creation of international business networks advances. - 経済産業省

また、いずれの地域でも素材の域貿易比率は約4 割前後となっており、特に東アジアは1990 年代以降比率を下げている(第2-1-16 図)。例文帳に追加

Moreover, for whichever region, the ratio of intra-regional trade of raw materials is around 40%, especially in East Asia, this ratio has declined since the 1990s (Figure 2-1-16). - 経済産業省


The regional trade ratio of APEC was 65.2% in 2008 exceeding the ratio of EU and NAFTA and displays that close economic ties among APEC member countries and regions. - 経済産業省


Moreover, the regional trade expansion is considered to result in the diversification of import originating countries and to contribute to more stable procurement of resources and food products. - 経済産業省


With regard to ASEAN intra-regional trade, promotion of the "ASEAN Free Trade Area" was agreed upon in 1992 and tariff reduction commenced from the following year. - 経済産業省


For example in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), member countries are seen to lower their MFN tariff rates in proportion to the tariff rate cuts applicable to the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)(Figure 4-2-10). - 経済産業省


For example, Figures 1.1.18 and 1.1.19 indicate that intra-regional trade in general and electric machinery is increasing among all countries. - 経済産業省


As mentioned above, unlike real economic aspects such as trade, the progress of regional financial integration in Asia is slow as compared to other regions. - 経済産業省

世界の農林水産物貿易は、地域で行われる傾向が強く、その典型はEU地域であるが、日本からの輸出も、香港、中国、台湾といった東アジア地域向けのものが多くを占めている58(第4-2-4-2 表)。例文帳に追加

Globally, there is a strong tendency that the trade of agricultural and marine products is carried out within regions, and the typical example of this is the EU region. Exports from Japan to the East Asian region, such as Hong Kong, China and Taiwan, also account for a large portion of Japan's total exports58 (Table 4-2-4-2). - 経済産業省


Intra-industry trade for electrical machinery is believed to be increasing in East Asia as its Grubel-Lloyd Index is showing particularly sharp increases. Looking into trade relations between Japan and other East Asian countries for electrical machinery trade, the degree of its intra-industry trade with NIEs stayed at the same level after hitting the ceiling in 1995. But such degree of Japan's trade with China and ASEAN4, particularly their parts trade, kept rising between 1990 and 2005.(Figure 2.2.14) - 経済産業省


The WTO, however, under Article XXIV of the GATT, authorizes the establishment of CUs, FTAs and interim agreements if their purpose is to facilitate trade within the region and not to raise barriers to trade with non-parties. The WTO allows these RTAs to be exempted from the most-favoured-nation principle as long as they conform to the conditions outlined in Figure 15-3, below. - 経済産業省


Subject to this agreement, negotiations between the EU and the regional integration groups within the ACP states (four regions in Africa, Caribbean region, and the Pacific countries region; a total of six regions) commenced in September 2002. There are plans to maintain and reinforce several regional integrations within the ACP, to enter into EPAs with integrated regions by the end of 2007, and, following a 12-year transition period, to establish a complete free trade area by 2020. - 経済産業省


When comparing a Customs Union (CU) and a Free Trade Area (FTA), the similarity is that both seek to liberalize trade within contracting regions by eliminating tariffs and restrictive trade rules. The difference between them is that under a CU, all external and internal tariff rates and trade rules for goods traded among the contracting parties must be uniform, but there is no need to make them uniform under an FTA. - 経済産業省

上述三角形の世界通商概念図を論じた際に、ASEAN は成長著しい新興国地域でありながら、中国・メルコスールとは違って各国・地域との貿易関係を概ね希薄化させていたのは、域国・地域の高成長を背景に、ASEAN 域での貿易の深化を遂げていたからである、とも考えられる。例文帳に追加

In the discussion on above-mentioned triangular world trading conceptual chart, unlike China and MERCOSUR, despite the fact that ASEAN was an emerging region with remarkable growth, it rarefied its trade relations with other countries/ regions. This may be caused by the fact that ASEAN managed to deepen its trade within the ASEAN region. - 経済産業省



First, to tackle anticompetitive practices conducted in the local market of each country and region, which adversely affect trade and investment, development of competition policy and strengthening of its enforcement is necessary. - 経済産業省


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