
「地域内貿易」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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Closer trade relations and growing investment have promoted increasingly advanced economic structures and horizontal regional specialization in East Asia, contributing to regional convergence and sophistication. - 経済産業省


APEC has mainly worked for the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment and the promotion of economic and technical cooperation within the region. In 1994, the Bogor objective was adopted, which aims at achieving free and open trade and investment no later than the year 2010 for advanced countries in the region and no later than the year 2020 for developing countries in the region. Every year since then, member countries and regions announce annual action plans for achieving the Bogor objective. - 経済産業省

また、WTO 協定では、EPA / FTAなどの地域貿易協定について、①域原産品の域における「実質上すべての貿易」(substantially all the trade)について関税その他の制限的通商規則を廃止すること、②域外国に対する関税その他の通商規則をより制限的にしないこと、という要件を課している。例文帳に追加

WTO agreements further refer to Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) such as EPAs and FTAs by requiring their signatory countries: a) to abolish tariffs and other restrictive trade rules concerning substantially all the trade of products originating from the region established by such agreement; and b) not to make tariffs and other trade rules imposed on non-member countries of the agreement more restrictive. - 経済産業省

WTO協定では、EPA/FTAなどの地域貿易協定について、①域原産品の域における「実質上のすべての貿易」(substantially all the trade)について関税その他の制限的通商規則を廃止すること、②域外国に対する関税その他の通商規則をより制限的にしないこと、という要件を課している27。例文帳に追加

The WTO agreements set conditions on regional trade agreements, such as EPAs/FTAs, to (i)eliminate tariffs and other restrictive trade rules on "substantially all the trade" in goods produced in the region, and (ii) refrain from imposing restrictive tariffs and trade rules on imports from external regions. - 経済産業省


また、WTO協定では、EPA/FTAなどの地域貿易協定について、①域原産品の域における「実質上すべての貿易」(substantially all the trade)について関税その他の制限的通商規則を廃止すること、②域外国に対する関税その他の通商規則をより制限的にしないこと、という要件を課している。例文帳に追加

The WTO agreements set conditions on RTAs, such as EPAs/FTAs, to (1) eliminate tariffs and other restrictive trade rules on "substantially all the regional trade" in goods that are produced in the region, and (2) refrain from imposing more restrictive tariffs and trade rules on imports from external regions. - 経済産業省



Performance artists where one of the following conditions has been fulfilled: the performance has taken place in a member country of the World Trade Organization; the performance has been transcribed in sound recordings the producer of which is a national of a member country in the World Trade Organization, or if the first fixation of the sound has been done in a territory of a member country in the Organization; the performance has been transmitted through a broadcasting organization whose headquarters is in a member country of the World Trade Organization, provided that the radio program has been broadcast from a transmission device also existing in the member country.  - 特許庁


In addition, member countries may strengthen, on regional basis, their cooperation in these areas, in a way which is supportive of the IMF's objectives and responsibilities in the global economy, taking into account their common interests in international trade and investment and shared concerns about the risk of regional contagion.  - 財務省

地域貿易協定は、GATT 第24条により、域外に対して障壁を高めないことや、域での障壁を実質上のすべての貿易で撤廃すること等の一定の要件を満たすことを条件に、最恵国待遇原則の例外として正当化されるものである。例文帳に追加

Article XXIV of the GATT exempts RTAs from the most-favoured-nation principle under certain conditions. Specifically, RTAs must not raise barriers to trade with countries outside of the region and must eliminate barriers to trade within the region with respect to substantially all the trade. - 経済産業省


An FTA, a main component of the EPA, is admitted as a "Regional Trade Agreement" under the WTO agreements, which are excluded from the principle of most-favoured-nation treatment, if certain conditions are met such as: (1) not imposing higher trade barriers on nonmember countries; and (2) eliminating barriers between member countries for substantially all trade (Article 24 of the GATT). - 経済産業省


そのため、GATT 第24条は、①域における関税その他の貿易障壁は、実質的にすべて廃止すること、②域外諸国に対する関税その他の貿易障壁は、設立以前より制限的であってはならないことという要件に適合する場合に限って、地域統合に最恵国待遇原則の例外を認めている(第15章「地域統合」参照)。例文帳に追加

Therefore, GATT Article XXIV provides that regional integration may be allowed as an exception to the MFN rule only if the following conditions are met: first, tariffs and other barriers to trade must be eliminated with respect to substantially all trade within the region; and second, the tariffs and other barriers to trade applied to outside countries must not be higher or more restrictive than they were prior to regional integration. (For a detailed discussion, see Chapter 15 on Regional Integration). - 経済産業省



Given the increase in intra-regional trade and the delayed development in landlocked countries, regional cooperation has a significant role to play in developing cross-border infrastructure. - 財務省


An analysis of trends in the trade of intermediate goods by country and region reveals that the volume of intra-regional exports by Japan greatly exceeds the volume of imports, and thus the region has become a base for the supply of intermediate goods. - 経済産業省


Therefore, we will take a leading role in the aggressive promotion in bilateral EPAs in the Asia-Pacific region, and promoting broad regional economic cooperation and tackling according to each sector in APEC, and work toward forming trade and investment rules in the Asia-Pacific region fit for the 21st century. - 経済産業省


Some emerging economies have sought to achieve exchange rate stability by adopting peg regimes against a single currency or a basket of currencies, often in the same region, of countries with which they have the closest trade and investment links.  - 財務省


It is expected that by providing this kind of cooperation to facilitate economic activities tailored to the economic conditions in each country, the countries and regions within East Asia will enjoy greater benefits from the facilitation of trade and investment. - 経済産業省

FTA/EPA が関税及び非関税措置の撤廃により自由貿易地域の設立を目指していることを踏まえ、FTA/EPA に基づく二国間セーフガード措置の規律はWTOのセーフガード協定よりも規律が強化された容となっていることが多い。例文帳に追加

In light of the aim of FTAs/EPAs to establish free trade zones through the elimination of tariff and non-tariff measures, disciplines for bilateral safeguard measures under FTAs/EPAs are often stricter than they are in the WTO Agreement on Safeguards. - 経済産業省


Such movement of developing countries and countries in transition shifting to adopt external policies activated regional integrations, which aimed at trade and investment liberalization, in the 1990's. - 経済産業省


(Generally, within 10 years for temporary (interim) arrangements to establish free trade areas, on the analogy of usually granted transition period of 10 years.) - 経済産業省

ただし、実を見ると、ここ20 年で、日本・ASEANを含む東アジア生産ネットワークは、世界の他地域に類をみないほど、飛躍的に貿易額を拡大させ、通商関係を深化させている。例文帳に追加

However, upon close examination, the East Asia network including Japan and ASEAN have significantly expanded the amount of trade exceptionally in the world and have deepened their trade relationships over the past 20 years. - 経済産業省


APEC is for trade and investment liberalization and facilitation in the Asia Pacific region is expected to have an important role as a framework to promote regional economic cooperation in quality. - 経済産業省

1993年の米国シアトルにおける第1回 APEC首脳会議以来,我々の貿易は 4 倍に,そしてアジア太平洋地域での対外直接投資は年率 20%以上増加している。例文帳に追加

Since the first APEC LeadersMeeting in 1993 in Seattle, USA, our trade has grown four times and foreign direct investment in the Asia-Pacific region has been growing at an annual rate of more than 20 percent. - 経済産業省

我が国の自動車部品の輸出について、世界とのサプライチェーンのつながり方をみるため、2010 年合計の貿易統計を用いて、主な輸出先への直接の輸出元となっている国地域を比較した(第4-2-1-1 表)。例文帳に追加

To inspect the connection between Japanese export of automobile parts and supply chains with the world, we compared domestic areas of origin2 of direct export to major export destination, using the foreign trade statistics of 2010 (Table 4-2-1-1). - 経済産業省

また、ASEAN 域の経済連携については、1992年より ASEAN自由貿易地域(AFTA)が進められてきたが、2015年にはさらに広い分野での統合を含めた ASEAN経済共同体(AEC)が完成予定。例文帳に追加

The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) has been underway since 1992 as an economic partnership within the ASEAN region, and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which will integrate a broader range of areas, is planned to be completed in 2015. - 経済産業省


In the 1980s, the global economy saw a rise of regionalism such as the development of the European Community (EC; the predecessor of the European Union (EU)) and foundation of the USA-Canada Free Trade Agreement. These moves were seen to vitalize regional economies, while triggering concerns for a possible emergence of bloc economies. - 経済産業省


Trade and investment has increased, and, as noted later in Section 2, passengers and cargo are moving with increasing frequency within the region, part of a significant surge in the movement of goods, money, people and information. - 経済産業省


While in Saijyou food industry cluster council in Ehime prefecture, the third sectors in the city80and local trading companies are working in collaboration with JA (Japanese agriculture association) and food makers and developed a food export route outbound from Shikoku region. - 経済産業省


These mechanisms, which could be established in each region such as Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe, would be funded by countries in the region that are strongly interdependent on each other in the fields of trade, investment, and so on, and that are conducting continuous dialogue with each other on their policy directions. - 財務省


The Asian region is highly interdependent on trade and investment. Under such circumstances, strengthening financial cooperation within the region is essential to prevent the re-emergence of currency crises, while ensuring monetary and financial stability in the region.  - 財務省

1994 年にインドネシアのボゴールにおいて首脳により採択された「ボゴール目標」(先進国・地域は2010年までに、途上国・地域は2020 年までに、自由で開かれた貿易・投資を実現する、という目標)の達成に向けて、これまでAPECでは、自主的な関税の削減、貿易円滑化行動計画(TFAP1、2)及び投資円滑化行動計画(IFAP)の策定・実施、知的財産権保護のためのガイドラインの作成といったAPEC域貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化に向けた様々な取組が推進され、メンバーエコノミーによって実行されてきた。例文帳に追加

Adopted by the leaders in Bogor, Indonesia in 1994, the "Bogor Goals" (developed countries and regions by 2010, developing countries in the region by 2020 to achieve each goal of free and open trade investment) are to be achieved. With APEC in the past there were voluntary reductions of tariffs, a trade facilitation action plan (TFAP1, 2) with an investment facilitation action plan (IFAP) development and implementation, including guidelines for the protection of intellectual property rights. In the APEC region, various initiatives have been promoted for trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and have been performed by the member economies. - 経済産業省


We instructed officials to continue exploring avenues for increased transparency and cooperation on regulatory issues affecting services trade, mindful that services account for a majority of economic activity and employment in our economies, yet continue to account for a relatively small portion of regional and global trade.  - 経済産業省

実際に、東北地域の自動車部品や電子部品産業は、地域の幹線道路である国道4 号線や東北自動車道沿いに造成された工業団地に関連企業が多く立地しており、製品が京浜港や成田空港といった関東地域貿易拠点経由で輸出されることも考えられる。例文帳に追加

In fact, a lot of related companies of automobile parts and the electronic parts industry in the Tohoku area are located in the manufacturing area developed along the national highway No. 4 that is a local main road or Tohoku Expressway, it is considered that their products are exported via a trade base in Kanto area such as Keihin port and Narita Airport. - 経済産業省


Under these circumstances, we are firmly determined to heighten our efforts against the impact of such potential risks, pursue appropriate macroeconomic policies, and further strengthen the regional financial safety net by effectively collaborating with AMRO, the ADB and the IMF while promoting intra-regional trade and investment.  - 財務省

我々は、今後の地域金融協力の可能性のある分野である、ⅰ)インフラ金融、ⅱ)災害リスク保険、ⅲ)域貿易決済における現地通貨の使用、の 3 分野についての当初の研究成果に留意し、域経済の持続的な成長のため、これら3分野が重要であることを認識。例文帳に追加

We welcomed the initial research findings on each of the three possible areas for ASEAN+3 financial cooperation: i) infrastructure financing, ii) disaster risk insurance, and using local currencies for the regional trade settlement. We recognized the importance of these areas in regional economic growth and sustainability.  - 財務省


The owner of a patent shall be obliged to work the patented invention either himself or through a person authorized by him, by implementing it in Spain or on the territory of a Member of the World Trade Organization in such a manner that the working is sufficient to satisfy demand on the national market. - 特許庁


The importance of regulatory issues to trade and investment in the region, however, is likely to grow exponentially in the coming years, and greater political engagement is needed to ensure that regulatory cooperation activities within APEC are both efficient and effective.  - 経済産業省


From among emerging economies, Asian countries such as China and ASEAN countries have accelerated the division of labor process, and established a production network within the region, based on which they have been actively carrying out intraregional intermediate products trading and exporting final products worldwide to regions including Europe and the U.S., and thereby they have affirmed their position as the “world’s factory.” - 経済産業省

事務局提案である統合フレームワーク(Integrated Framework (IF))の強化、地域的な貿易関連支援の強化については、想定している支援の容、必要な支援額、IF の強化や新たな基金を創設することに伴うガバナンス等のコストを、まず十分慎重に検討すべきです。例文帳に追加

The two proposals, namely the strengthening of the Integrated Framework (IF) and the enhancement in regional trade-related aid, should be given careful consideration.For example,we need to specify what kind of aid will be provided through these proposals, estimate the needs of developing countries, and evaluate governance and other related costs to implement them.  - 財務省


The application may contain a declaration claiming the priority, as provided for in the Paris Convention, of one or more earlier national, regional or international applications filed by the applicant or his predecessor in title in or for any State party to the said Convention or any Member of the World Trade Organization.  - 特許庁

アジアを消費市場としてみた場合、NAFTAやEUと比較して経済規模や貿易規模については、大きな違いはないものの、一人当たりGDPは、NAFTA・EUの約4 分の1 と小さく、アジア域における国・地域別の一人当たりGDPの格差も大きいことから、アジアはNAFTAやEUとは異なった特徴を持つ市場となっている。例文帳に追加

As consumption market, Asia is comparable to NAFTA and EU in terms of economic size and trade volume, however, GPD capital is small recording only one fourth of NAFTA or EU. The disparity of GDP per capita by country and region is also large in Asia. Thus, as a consumer market, Asia has different characteristics compared to NAFTA to EU. - 経済産業省


East Asian countries and regions have huge trade surpluses due to increased export to advanced countries reflecting brisk consumption in the US, so do oil producing countries due to crude oil prices which have soared and remained at a high level. On the other hand, domestic consumption and the expansion of investments have been lackluster in these countries, resulting in high savings rates. - 経済産業省


Eliminate, consistent with our WTO obligations, existing local content requirements that distort environmental goods and services trade in the region by the end of 2012, and refrain from adopting new ones, including as part of any future domestic clean energy policy.  - 経済産業省


At the meeting of such parties in November 2001, the following was agreed to: 1) the building of an "economic cooperation framework" between China and the ASEAN, and the establishment of "China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA)" within 10 years; and 2) the conducting of consultations to determine the items in respect of which liberalization measures would be accelerated ("early harvest" measures). - 経済産業省


The recent FTAs of the United States with various countries and regions are designed to demand trading partners to guarantee the same level of protection as provided in American national laws. Some of them contain much stiffer provisions than those stipulated in the Agreement on "Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)" of the WTO. - 経済産業省


Partly due to the sluggish progress of the Uruguay Round (1986-1993) of GATT negotiations, European countries and the US moved towards regionalism, by liberalizing and facilitating trade and investment within neighboring regions tied with deep economic relations, with a view to improving corporate profits through expanded markets and more efficient production bases, as well as promoting economic reforms. For example, the EC accelerated efforts towards the realization of the EU (established in 1993) and the US carried forward the Enterprise for Americas Initiative and preparation for the NAFTA (enforced in 1994). - 経済産業省


For these reasons, the trade in East Asia is characterized by a production network made up of the various countries and regions, which operate under a cross-border division of labor based on their particular strengths. Production through this network depends upon the mutual supply of intermediate goods-mainly electrical machinery products that are relatively cheap to transport due to modularization-that are produced in various regions, transported elsewhere in the region for assembly as finished products, and then shipped to countries outside the East Asian region. In a sense, then, this production network fulfills the role of “the world’s factory.” - 経済産業省

また、地域をカバーする広域インフラの整備や、域貿易・投資を促進する観点から、輸送、通関、および事業立ち上げ等のコストを低減させるための、国境横断型の支援も、域の成長を促す上で重要であり、地域開発金融機関である AfDBが先頭に立って取り組んでいくことを期待します。例文帳に追加

In addition, I welcome that the private sector development continues to be given a policy priority in the post General Capital Increase strategy of the Bank. Furthermore, I would like to point out that it is also vital for regional growth to develop infrastructures for region-wide services and to encourage regional trade and investment through cross-border assistance to reduce costs of transportation, custom clearance, and business starts-up. I hope that the ADB Group will continue to take the lead in this endeavor, as a regional development financial institution.  - 財務省

国際経済交流財団のアンケート調査によると、現在、自由貿易協定(FTA)・経済連携協定(EPA)を活用している製造業は約27%、活用できる国・地域がないため、活用していない企業が約33%で、その、約70%は、活用できる国・地域があれば活用する意向があり、FTA・EPA の活用に前向きな企業は全体の約半数となっている(第3-1-4-1 図)。例文帳に追加

According to the questionnaire survey of the Japan Economic Foundation, Manufacturing industry that makes good use of free trade agreement (FTA), economic partnership agreement (EPA) are about 27%, and the company which does not take advantage of the FTA, EPA due to the reason that there are no countries or few countries available for these system are about 33%, and about 70% of the companies have intention to use the policies if there is any available country/region. This means that nearly half of all companies are positive to utilize the FTA/EPA (Figure 3-1-4-1). - 経済産業省


As stated earlier, two-way trade (horizontal intra-industry trade) has been increasing between Japan, and other East Asian counties and regions. Under these circumstances, East Asian countries and regions are believed to be stepping up exports of the same product items as being shipped by Japan to third-country markets. - 経済産業省


First, we estimated the trade volume increase brought by the reduction of the business cost distance in terms of goods. Among factors that affect the flow of goods stated in Table 3-1-14, we used the following items (for which data are available not only for bilateral trade between Japan and a target country, but also bilateral trade between the partner country and the third country in Asia) as explanatory variables in the estimation: (1) tariff rates, (2) harbor and airport infrastructures, (3) transparency of customs procedures, (4)simplicity and speed of customs procedures, and (5) political stability. - 経済産業省



(1) Article 24 of GATT requires that duties and other restrictive trade regulations should be eliminated between contracting parties with respect to "substantially all trade," but it does not clearly define the word "substantially all" or clearly set the deadline for the complete achievement of liberalization within the region; and (2) working groups have been established to examine compliance with conditions required for FTAs, but they have not been properly functioning due to disagreements on interpretations of the Article 24. - 経済産業省


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