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該当件数 : 21



to be crippled  - 斎藤和英大辞典


abasia due to ataxia of the legs  - 日本語WordNet


syphilis of the spinal cord characterized by degeneration of sensory neurons and stabbing pains in the trunk and legs and unsteady gait and incontinence and impotence  - 日本語WordNet


Torataro, one of the three presidents, dropped out since he could not walk due to festering wound, and Keido, the other of the three, was injured and lost his sight.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide a method for easily manufacturing a polymer film optical waveguide with small light loss in high yield without performing a post heat treatment for stress relaxation. - 特許庁



When the face authentication is unsuccessful, the face authenticating apparatus receives operational input from the pedestrian M by prompting the pedestrian M to operate an operating unit installed near a door. - 特許庁


To provide a lower extremity prosthesis device attached to a user who lost the part of the leg below the femur, allowing optimum and smooth walking even if walking speed varies. - 特許庁


Segments passing the vanishing point are evaluated for whether or not they correspond to sidewalk edge lines according to a density difference between both sides, and a sidewalk area is identified. - 特許庁


To provide a walking training device capable of training always under the same condition of training load characteristic by controlling, in accordance with temperature changes, the amount of compensation for changes in driving losses due to the temperature changes from the start of operation of the walking training device. - 特許庁


更に,付加ばね(2, 2')は,ガスばね(1, 1'')がガス圧を完全に消しているか又はガス圧が低下している異常時でも,者がボンネット上まで跳ね上げられるに先立ってボンネットを,持ち上げられた者保護位置に維持するに十分な予圧力をもって予圧されている。例文帳に追加

Also, the additional springs (2, 2') are pressurized with sufficient pressurization force for keeping the hood at the pedestrian protection position before the pedestrian is jumped on the hood, even in the case of abnormality where gas pressures in the gas springs (1, 1'') are totally lost or gas pressures are reduced. - 特許庁



To provide a spring device for the opening/closing flap member of a vehicle, in which when a pedestrian is hit by the vehicle and jumped on a hood, the hood is kept at a raised pedestrian protection position, even in the case of abnormality where a gas pressure in a gas spring is totally lost or a gas pressure is reduced. - 特許庁


The claimed invention is not considered to involve an inventive step when the removal of a function or an effect as a result of omission of some constitutes disclosed in the prior art is obvious to a person skilled in the art.  - 特許庁


To reduce the loss of light quantity by performing the design of the optimum reflection preventing film, and to enhance the manufacturing yield of a diffraction grating body in the diffraction grating body corresponding to two light rays different in wavelength. - 特許庁


To provide a walking assist device which prevents a sudden loss of a supporting force, although the device supports the weight of the user with an output of a motor, due to a switching operation error by the user. - 特許庁


Thus, when the alignment measurement ends in failure, the alignment measurement is repeatedly performed, so the success rate of the alignment measurement is held excellent, and a frequency of feeding of a semiconductor wafer, not having been subjected to trimming processing, to a next process decreases to improve the yield of the semiconductor wafer W. - 特許庁


To prevent a hazard and a damage to pedestrians and equipment by surely collecting an article when a passenger on an elevator drops the article through a clearance formed between a car door and a landing door and storing the article dropped by the passenger to minimize the loss of the passenger who drops the article. - 特許庁

労働生産性の上昇は賃金上昇に貢献することから、設備投資の増加や、付加価値の高い産業を創出して業なき労働移動を通じた労働配分をい、また技術進を活かすことでマクロの労働生産性の上昇を図っていく必要がある 。例文帳に追加

Increased labour productivity contributes to the increase of wages; it is important for us to increase labour productivity at the macro level, by increasing business investment, by creating industries with high value-added, by allocating labour to such industries through labour mobility without unemployment, and by effectively using technological advancement . - 厚生労働省


The quality of army food (food on board was short in vitamins), expansion of the sailing area, the effect of Takagi's incorrect theory on the causes of beriberi (unbalance between protein and carbohydrate), the collapse of the belief that 'beriberi in the Navy has been exterminated' (thanks to the progress of diagnostic standards of beriberi, patients who might before have been diagnosed with nervous disorder could now receive a correct diagnosis).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The radar 2 mounted on the vehicle 1 searches the front of own car, detects and acquires the body of strong reflection intensity stronger than the prescribed threshold set for detecting target, if the objective body is the low reflective body the threshold value is made lower by a threshold modification means for preventing from missing the low reflective body. - 特許庁


Increased labour productivity contributes to the increase ofwages; it is important for us to increase labour productivity at the macro level, by increasing business investment,by creating industries with high value-added and with labour productivity increase, by allocating labour to suchindustries through labour mobility without unemployment, and by effectively using technological advancement. - 厚生労働省


その後、米国の国内事情、マサチューセッツ州議会日程等に配慮し、しばらくの間、米国の前向きな対応を見守っていたものの、事態の実質的な進展が図られなかったため、1998年9月にEU と共同調により、米国に対してパネル設置要請をい、10月にはパネルの設置が決定した。しかしながら、その後、米国内での合衆国憲法との整合性についての国内裁判手続の中(後述)で、マサチューセッツ州法は、効力停止の状態とされたことから、我が国は、1999年2月にEU とともにパネルの検討の停止の手続をとったところ、本件パネルは、紛争解決了解(DSU)第12条12項の規定が、12ヶ月を超えてパネルが停止された際にはパネル設置の根拠をう旨を定めていることから、2000年2月11日に消滅した。例文帳に追加

Subsequently, Japan decidedin light of the situation in the United States, the schedule of the Massachusetts state legislature, and the apparently positive attitude of the countryto observe the US actions. No progress was made, however, leading Japan and the EU to jointly request the establishment of a WTO panel in September 1998. This panel was established in October, but subsequent litigation within the United States (described below) declared the law unconstitutional and void, so Japan and the EU took procedures to suspend the panel in February 1999. On February 11, 2000, the authority of the panel lapsed because Article 12.12 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) voids panels that have been suspended for more than twelve months. - 経済産業省


日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2024 License. All rights reserved.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
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