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However, the situation in Kyoto was unstable, and Yoshihide had to postpone his entrance into the capital.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We noted the medium-term challenges which need to be addressed to ensure future global prosperity, including climate change, energy security and protectionism.  - 財務省


In 1568 returning to the capital, Takamasa secured, by order of either Yoshiaki or ODA Nobunaga, the return of his old domain that had been seized by the Miyoshi clan, and worked to bring prosperity to the Hatakeyama clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The place is known for its connection to MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka and Shigetada HATAKEYAMA, busho (Japanese military commanders) during the late Heian period, and flourished as Sugaya-juku Station on the Kawagoe Kodama Okan (Kawagoe-Kodama route) connecting Edo with Joshu during the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Therefore, the founders of Kamakura New Buddhism had energetically preached that Buddhist doctrines of their school would save the country, for example, Eisai's "Kozengokoku-ron" and Nichiren's "Shugo kokka-ron" (Treatise on protection of the nation) and "Rissho Ankoku-ron" (Treatise for Spreading Peace Throughout the Country by Establishing the True Teaching).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, in May 1183, MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka's troops swept into Kyoto from Hokuriku, and the Taira clan, whose main forces were crushed by Yoshinaka's troops, finally decided to escape Kyoto and headed towards Dazaifu accompanied by Emperor Antoku, but were repelled by Koreyoshi OGATA, a bushi of Bungo and landed on Yashima Island.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The history of the Wakasa-Takeda clan dates back to the time when Nobuhide TAKEDA, the eldest son of the fourth head of the Aki-Takeda clan Nobushige TAKEDA (Muromachi period), was appointed to shugo of Wakasa Province after he killed in 1440 the shugo of Wakasa Province Yoshitsura ISSHIKI at the behest of the sixth shogun of Muromachi bakufu Yoshinori ASHIKAGA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To realize a fixing structure of a partial denture or full denture which is capable of surely and stably fixing the denture by using an obscure and transparent plastic material without using unsightly metal to induce a metal allergy, is light in weight and is less bulky and can reduce the stimuli to be imparted to the gingiva and a method of making for the same. - 特許庁


It is clear that the Muromachi dono (the Shogun) did not completely lose his authority to grant the keryo ando after the Onin War and the Meio Coup, from this two following facts: (1) when Haruyoshi NIJO and Haresuke KAJUJI disputed the Inoie sho manor in Kaga Province at the end of the reign of the Muromachi shogunate, despite the Emperor Ogimachi's decision to provide an ando guarantee to Haresuke, the Shogun Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA neglected this imperial decision and provided the ando to Haruyoshi on the grounds that Haresuke had supported the previous shogun Yoshihide ASHIKAGA, (2) Nobunaga ODA who backed up Yoshiaki issued shuinjo (a shogunal license for foreign trade which was bearing the scarlet seal of the shogun) to the kuge nobles in response to Yoshiaki's 'gyo' and 'gogeji' (shogunal directive).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide a full denture fixing structure which can surely and stably fix a full denture without using a metal having a bad outward appearance and causing metallic allergy, but using an inconspicuous transparent plastic material, has a light weight and a small volume, and can reduce the stimulus given to gingival, and to provide a method of manufacturing the structure. - 特許庁



During the rule of Shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA and constable Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA, the Bukeshisso (coordinator for the Northern Court and the Ashikaga government) would intervene with Imperial Court matters, and when in 1370, Emperor Gokogon expressed his wish to abdicate the throne to his prince, Imperial Prince Ohito, retired Emperor Suko claimed that the ascension of his legal child, Imperial Prince Yoshihito was more appropriate and a conflict over Imperial succession occurs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a method for producing a cutlet-like food expected to be stable in its amount and in its price, contributing cost reduction in the food, available to be supplied to consumers such as aged persons or vegetarians who cut down intake of animal protein, substituted for fish decrease in distribution amount of which is predicted, having high nutritional value, and also satisfying the consumers in palate feeling/taste thereof. - 特許庁



The purpose and meaning are diversified because some feasts are held for 'the productiveness of grain' for good harvests, and a prayer for good luck charm and prayer for warding off evil such as 'good catch and memorial service,' 'prosperous trade,' 'an attempt to secure protection from a plague,' 'state of perfect health,' 'safety of one's family,' 'peace and longevity,' 'harmonious marriage,' 'fertility and family prosperity,' 'ancestor worship,' 'abundance and joy to all people,' 'universal peace' and so on, some are held in appreciation for accomplishments of such prayers, some are held as a result of development of annual events such as Sekku and so on, or some are held to console spirits of great people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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