該当件数 : 165件
Studied chashitsu (tea room), focusing on its ideological background. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a technology to record position attitude and observation conditions for observing virtual space (virtual object) and then observe the virtual space (virtual object) with the position attitude and the observation conditions in recording. - 特許庁
before World War II, the police organization called special political police - EDR日英対訳辞書
A virtual environment corresponding to an observation environment of printed matter is created (S1001). - 特許庁
Judging by its name, the Kin-no-Ma (lit. Gold Room), compound is assumed to have been a treasure store. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
おい 警察犬 何に使うつもりだ? どんな犯罪 想定してんだ? これ。例文帳に追加
Hey police dog what are you going to use? what kind of crime do you suppose? this. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
そう アンディ捜査官は 理想的な警察官さ オレにとっては 何というか...例文帳に追加
Ah, yes. agent andy lister is the epitome of the ideal police officer. based on me, you know... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
a Buddhist doctrine that enlightenment can be attained through direct intuitive insight - 日本語WordNet
surveillance of some place or some person by the police (as in anticipation of a crime) - 日本語WordNet
仮想面としての観察面とアイポイントの間に位置する観察光学系であって、前記観察光学系は、前記観察面側から順に、接合レンズと、正レンズ成分と、を備え、 以下の条件式(1)を満足する。例文帳に追加
A viewing optical system is positioned between a viewing plane as a virtual plane and en eye point. - 特許庁
警察が他の仕事で忙しい時に 生じる大混乱は 強盗にとって理想的だ例文帳に追加
The ensuing chaos when police are otherwise engaged ideal time for a robbery. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
うちの家族も警察もそう言う 私の疑い深さは病的で それは妄想だとね例文帳に追加
That's what my family says, that's what the police say, that i'm paranoid, that i'm delusional. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
in order to obtain virtual array "observations" without a priori knowledge of the DOAs (directions of arrival) - コンピューター用語辞典
Where, α, β, and γ are an angle formed by a virtual line L1 and a virtual line L2, an angle formed by the plane of the pupil side of the observer in the grip part 3 and the display surface 1a, and an angle formed by the virtual line L2 and a virtual line L1' respectively. - 特許庁
To provide technology for enabling users who observe a virtual space to observe an operation to be performed by other user by operating an object in the virtual space. - 特許庁
To allow both viewers at remote places to observe a stereoscopic image of an object synthesized on a virtual space to which a viewer belongs. - 特許庁
Consequently, as for a virtual surface to be formed by the observer's convergence angle, its lower part projects to the observer's side, its upper part is withdrawn into the back and a virtual inclination surface 1301 like an uphill seen from an observer's position is generated. - 特許庁
To provide a video image composition system which can watch each user from a desired visual point of a virtual space. - 特許庁
To observe virtual endoscopic image data of a luminal organ always from an appropriate direction in real time. - 特許庁
Zenjo (dhyaana in Sanskrit, jhaana in Pali) is to meditate and observe the truth while focusing one's mind. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
An observation region 117 including foreign matter D is supposed on an air bearing surface 109 in order to observe the foreign matter D on the air bearing surface 109 of a slider 107 being the object to be observed. - 特許庁
To provide a method of insuring that an entire surface to be examined has been properly viewed in virtual navigation and examination of a virtual object. - 特許庁
When the virtual object representing the handler is dynamically changed according to the dimension of the virtual object shown in a view volume of the observer, a desired virtual object can be selected easily. - 特許庁
A position attitude of a handy sensor mounted on a hand of the observer is set up as the position attitude of the target virtual object observed by the observer (S206), an image that observes the virtual object establishing its position attitude from a view point of the observer is produced (S208), and the image is provided to the observer by superposing it on the real space (S211). - 特許庁
The binocular main observer beam path has two main observation pupils 3A, 3B in the objective plane with centers on a first virtual straight line 7. - 特許庁
The binocular co-observer beam path has a pair of co-observation pupils 5A, 5B in the objective plane with centers on a second virtual straight line 9. - 特許庁
In a recording mode, position attitude of an observer's view point and a virtual space image are recorded in a memory (S1120). - 特許庁
To enhance virtual navigation 2255 and examination of a virtual object using a method of insuring that an entire surface to be examined has been properly viewed. - 特許庁
To improve virtual navigation 2255 and inspection of a virtual object by a method for observing the whole surface to be inspected properly and securely. - 特許庁
The position and the attitude of the operating device existing in the real space are detected when, based on the position and the attitude of an observer detected, the virtual object is drawn in the real space observed by the observer. - 特許庁
To provide a configuration for displaying a cursor or the like having moved out of a display part as a virtual object, for observation. - 特許庁
This was exemplified by his vision for the Mt. Haruna Institute of Industrial Art and his ambition to visit advanced western countries. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Whatever the case may be in the field of biology, it is important to feel something from an observation as a starting point of an inspiration. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a technique for performing measurement of a virtual object so that an observer can intuitively easily understand it. - 特許庁
To provide a virtual reality exhibition system where an experience facility 10 is divided into section area, an observer 29 can freely move each section area, observe image information of different virtual world in each section area and observe an actual relic 12. - 特許庁
To present a video image free from unnatural feeling to an observer by making the observer recognize a virtual stereoscopic screen having a position and a shape different from an actual display screen. - 特許庁
The co-observer beam path can be displaced with respect to the main observer beam path, so that the angle between the first and second virtual straight lines 7, 9 changes. - 特許庁
To solve the problem that an observational direction (or an incident direction of electron beams) in an observed image actually obtained has some errors compared to a set value and the errors affect on analysis of the observed image thereafter. - 特許庁
The viewing optical system is positioned between a viewing plane as a virtual plane and en eye point. - 特許庁
To provide a technique capable of intuitively operating a virtual object arranged in a compound real space to an observer who observes a compound real space that is compounded of a real space and a virtual space. - 特許庁
To provide technology for properly expressing a reflection into a virtual object from peripheral environment when observing the virtual object while changing an attitude of a viewpoint. - 特許庁
Next, the visually unrecognizable region 6 is brought close and indicated to the observer during the visualization of the virtual flight, or the visually unrecognizable region 6 is automatically visualized during the virtual flight. - 特許庁
To calculate a center position used to scale a virtual object so that a CG image suitable to observe the outer appearance of the virtual object can be generated. - 特許庁
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