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該当件数 : 19



When the rice cooking device is located at the rice cooking position, a part of the rear part of the rice cooking device 5 is so arranged to overlap posts 9 within the width thereof as viewed from the side of the frames 2. - 特許庁


Ietsugu OINOMIKADO (御門 , 1197 - August 21, 1271) was a Kugyo (high court noble) in the middle of Kamakura period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A rice storage 3 protruding on the drawing side of the rice cooking device 5 is provided on the upper end side of the frames 2, the posts 9 of the frames 2 are arranged on the rear part side of the rice cooking device 5 as viewed from the side of the rice washing/cooking apparatus 1 and the L-shaped frames are arranged on both lateral end parts. - 特許庁


When a plurality of rice cookers 5 placed side by side between the leg parts 7 are moved to their rice cooking position, the frame 2 keeps space where between the proximal lateral side part on of opposed sides of both rice cookers 5 as well as the distal lateral sides of whole of them are generally fully exposed. - 特許庁



To provide an apparatus which achieves a higher efficiency of rice cooking work by achieving easier maintenance for inspection, adjustment or the like of a rice cooking device or devices near it through an open part continuously formed to the front part from the lateral side part of a rice washing/ cooking apparatus. - 特許庁



To facilitate the maintenance, including inspections and adjustments, of two rice cookers or peripheral equipment about them from the middle where both rice cookers face each other and from their lateral sides by rendering both sides of each rice cooker exposed wide, and improve rice cooking efficiency. - 特許庁


To improve maintenance performance of a rice washing and cooking device by enabling inspection work to be conducted from the side through a horizontal U-shaped space part composed of a rice storage, supports, and legs in inspecting the rice washing and cooking device. - 特許庁


A plurality of rice cookers S are mounted on the mounting platform 2, and the rice washing device 4 is fitted to a turning arm 6 turnably supported by the support body 3 via a vertical shaft 5 so as to face the respective rice cookers S. - 特許庁


A small amount of soft freshly-cooked rice is put in the rice bowl and a modest amount of miso soup is poured into the soup bowl so that it doesn't quite cover the vegetables.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In addition to plain congee, it is often cooked in a stock made from chicken or conpoy (the adductor muscles of Japanese scallops or tairagi shellfish that have been boiled and sun-dried)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The next Princess Teishi, the mansions that she inherited were Biwa-dono Palace on Konoe Oji (aka Yomeimon Oji) which runs through Daidairi's Yomei-mon Gate, and Oi-dono on Oi-no-mikado Oji which runs through Daidairi's Ikuho-mon Gate, so her title had a "mon" because of that.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a vessel for dividing, freezing and preserving a food such as boiled rice or the like or a vessel for dividedly preserving the food enabling a person to divide, freeze and preserve just boiled rice in individual rooms of the vessel, take out the just boiled rice unit, transfer it into a rice bowl, heat it by a microwave oven, and eat it efficiently as good as the just boiled rice. - 特許庁


To enable anyone to comfortably and surely perform a setting operation by performing appropriate voice reporting corresponding to conditions in the conditions that it is needed for a user in the process of the setting operation in a rice cooker for cooking rice by setting functions such as menu selection and rice brand selection. - 特許庁


Due to the investiture of Prince Oi (Emperor Junnin) as Crown Prince supported by FUJIWARA no Nakamaro in 756, he was rather excluded from the government, and then demoted to Dazai gon no sochi (Provisional Governor-General of the Dazai-fu offices) for complicity in the Rebellion of TACHIBANA no Naramaro occurring the following year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a rice cooker in which an insulating sheet material, which insulates the interval of a trunk member composing a shell periphery side part and a circuit board installed within a receptacle body, is not bent or crushed at the time of receptacle body assembly. - 特許庁


The rice cooking oven 11 has an assembly-type and substantially tubular constitution wherein a pot fitted and held in an upper opening can be heated for cooking by a heating means disposed inside. - 特許庁


To provide a rice cooker and warmer preventing the undesired disengagement of a radiator plate set detachably mounted on a lower face of a lid set without keeping high accuracy in sizes of components and their assembling, and easily mounting and demounting the radiator plate set. - 特許庁


This rice cooker further includes a smell emission means 25 emitting the smell to add the smell of the boiled rice to the mist to fill the pot to provide the boiled rice in a state close to the steaming rice in the warming process. - 特許庁



In Suwa Taisha Shrine Shimosha Harumiya, reed tubes are put into a big pan of red bean Kayu at the Kayu boiling house on the evening of January 14th, simmered through the night, and offered to the gods on the morning of the 15th; after the festival, the tubes are broken open, and the amount of Kayu in the tubes is measured to see whether predetermined kinds of crops will have a good or bad harvest.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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