
「物価インフレ率」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 20



a period of slow economic growth and high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation)  - 日本語WordNet


Looking at the inflation rate, this has been negative in Hong Kong since 1999 and prices have fallen. - 経済産業省


With rises in import prices coupled with domestic economic expansion, the inflation rates in the emerging economies were increasing (Figure 1-2-1-10). - 経済産業省


The percentage increase in the prices was below the ECB target of 2%, and it seems that the risk of inflation was relatively low (Figure 1-1-26). - 経済産業省


物価上昇は2006年夏以降 ECBのインフレ抑制目標である2%を下回って推移している(第1-1-29図)。例文帳に追加

The percentage increase in prices since the summer of 2006 has remained below the ECB’s inflation target of 2% (Figure 1-1-29). - 経済産業省



The Bank of England raised the policy rate in 0.25% increments for four consecutive times from January 2006 through May 2007 in response to such inflation risk as the rising consumer price index, however, the percentage increase in the consumer prices remained a high level, and as of April 2007, it has been above the inflation target of 2% for 12 consecutive months. - 経済産業省


However, the governments started seeking exist strategies and some countries raised policy interest rates due to the concern for asset inflation such as rising inflation expectations and increasing property prices and the recent upward trend of consumer prices (see Figure 2-1-2-12). - 経済産業省


On the inflation rate, the growth rate of consumer price index (compared with same month of the previous year) exceeded the government target (3%) in late 2010; particularly, climb rate offoodexceeded 10%. - 経済産業省

8 ベトナムでは、消費者物価指数の上昇が中央銀行の目標値である7%を大きく上回る状況が続いており、中央銀行は利上げによるインフレ抑制を目指している。例文帳に追加

8 In Vietnam, the percentage of rise in the consumer prices index continued to largely exceed the government's target of 7%, and the central Bank aimed at the inflation control by raising the interest-rate. - 経済産業省



In each country, inflationary pressure has also been controlled as a whole, but the increasing rate in consumer price indexes in the UK, Italy, and Portugal is about 3.5%, a high level compared to other major countries. 30 According to the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FRB), the debt balance of U.S. households as of the end of 2011 were at 118.7% to GDP. - 経済産業省



With weaker domestic economic environment represented by lower levels of the employment and income, the price increase rate remained low with a tendency of deflation or disinflation ever present. - 経済産業省


Since summer of 2010, the consumer price index increase rates have been accelerated in many of the emerging economies, and also, the inflationary forces became stronger in some of the advanced economies. - 経済産業省

消費者物価(HICP)上昇の推移をみると、2010年12月に前年比2.2%と ECB のインフレターゲットである2%を超え、その後も加速して2011年3月には同2.6%となった。例文帳に追加

Observing changes in the climbing rate of Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), in December, 2010, it became 2.2% compared with the previous year, and this was over 2.0% which was an inflation target of ECB, and the climbing rate was still accelerated and it was 2.6% in March, 2011. - 経済産業省


The rate of increase in the consumer price indexgradually settled to 16% by 1996, because the Real Plan (1994) for economic stabilization waseffective, and the infrastructure was designed for financial equilibration. - 経済産業省


However, the reduction of the size of increase in the number of private sector employees, continued declining tendency of the core consumer prices index and decline in expected inflation rate were seen after May 2010 due to slowdown of the economic recovery by the exfoliation of the policy effect after spring of 2010, and decline of the market sentiment beginning with Greek financial crisis. - 経済産業省


Ogiwara tentatively resolved the financial crisis by reminting an old coin into "Genroku koban" (the oval gold coin minted in the Genroku era) - he reduced the percentage of gold in the old coin, and increased the number of coins in circulation as a whole - but as a result, his policy caused inflation and a surge of commodity prices in the Genroku era.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As we have observed up to the previous section, the progress of globalization and IT over the past several decades has brought about macroeconomic stability (“Great Moderation”), including trends toward declining short-term volatility in GDP growth rates and low-level price stability (disinflation). - 経済産業省


Brazil aimed at a solution to the hyperinflation that had seen the rate of increase in the consumerprice index reach 2947% in 1990, and at economic stability. The Brazilian government has liberalizedtrade since the 1990‟s through structural reform, the privatization of national enterprise, reduction oftariffs and the abolition of non-tariff barriers. - 経済産業省


The world economy involves structural factors such as disinflationary (a situation where the rate of price increase falls) / deflationary (a situation where prices continuously fall) trend and increases in financial deficit in the advanced economies and economic overheating in some of emerging economies, which act to raise the prices of resources, further widening the global imbalance, and implying that the economic recovery is still unstable. - 経済産業省


こうした経済不安定化のリスクを回避するため、各国が単一通貨ユーロを導入するためには、マーストリヒト条約に基づき以下の4項目からなる基準を満たすことが条件となっている。ア 物価の安定:当該国のインフレが、加盟国で最も低い3か国の平均値から1.5%ポイント以上乖離しないこと。イ 適切な金利水準:当該国の長期国債利回りが、加盟国で最もインフレの低い3か国の平均値から2%ポイント以内の範囲にあること。ウ 為替相場の安定:当該国が、欧州通貨制度(EMS)の中で直近2年間、正常な変動幅を保ち、かつ平価の切下げを行っていないこと。エ 健全財政:年間財政赤字額の名目 GDP 比が3%を超えず、かつ政府債務残高の名目 GDP 比が60%以内であること。例文帳に追加

To avoid such risk destabilizing economy, when countries introduce common currency, based on the Maastricht Treaty, it becomes the condition to satisfy the standard consisting of the following 4 items:(i) Price stability: The inflation rate of the country concerned is not far from the mean of 3 countries having the lowest inflation rate among the member countries which is more than 1.5% point;(ii) Adequate interest rate level: The long-term national bond yield rate of the country concerned is in the range of within 2% point from the mean of 3 countries having the lowest inflation rate among the member countries;(iii) Stability of the exchange rate: The country concerned maintains the exchange rate in a normal range in European Monetary System (EMS) and did not devaluate the currency for most of the time during the recent period of 2 years; and, (iv) Balanced budget: The ratio for the nominal GDP of the financial minus balance is not higher than 3% a year, and the ratio for the nominal GDP of the government debt balance is less than 60%. - 経済産業省


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