
「貿易収支黒字」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 123



Japan's trade balance with the U.S. is in the black. - Eゲイト英和辞典

貿易収支黒字も大きく減少した(前掲第1-1-2-12 図)。例文帳に追加

The trade budget surplus in China also dropped substantially (Previous figure 1-1-2-12). - 経済産業省


(a) Economic slowdown cuts back current account and trade surpluses - 経済産業省


Despite a large surplus in merchandise trade, the current account surplus is not so big due to a deficit in invisible trade. - Tatoeba例文



Despite a large surplus in merchandise trade, the current account surplus is not so big due to a deficit in invisible trade.  - Tanaka Corpus



Until relatively recently, Japan stressed the importance of expanding the trade balance surplus through industrial and trade activities. - 経済産業省

(外需)2011 年の貿易は、輸出入とも拡大し貿易収支黒字が続いている(第1-4-1-9 図)。例文帳に追加

(External demand)In 2011, both exports and imports expanded and the trade balance remained in surplus (see Figure1-4-1-9). - 経済産業省

2011 年の経常収支貿易黒字を反映して黒字基調で推移した(第1-5-2-6 図)。例文帳に追加

In 2011, the current account was maintained positively reflecting the trade surplus (see Figure 1-5-2-6). - 経済産業省


Goods and services record a substantial surplus, while income and capital run into deficit. - 経済産業省


a 2001年の経常収支動向(貿易収支黒字の縮小、所得収支黒字の拡大、サービス収支赤字の継続)例文帳に追加

(1) Current account trends in 2001 (Smaller trade surplus, larger income surplus, ongoing service deficit) - 経済産業省



Because consumption lifts above the income surplus, this surplus is outweighed by thegoods and services deficit. - 経済産業省


As for trade balance, trade surplus has reduced, or the trade account has gone into the red, in the Philippines and Thailand which are highly dependent on other countries for oil - 経済産業省


With the effect of the trade surplus decline due to the surges in the price of oil, in 2005 Japan’s income balance surpassed that of the trade surplus for the first time. - 経済産業省


Exports expand and the goods and services surplus begins to outweigh interest payments,bringing the current account balance into surplus. - 経済産業省

特に2008、2009 年は輸出の落ち込みが大きかったことから、所得収支黒字額が、貿易収支黒字額の3~4 倍と大きくなっている(第3-1-1-20図)。例文帳に追加

Especially, in 2008 and 2009, the amount of positive income balance marked 3~4 times more than the amount of trade balance since export declined significantly (see Figure 3-1-1-21). - 経済産業省


As a result, the current account surplus fell 17.3 percent on the previous year to 10.6523 trillion yen. - 経済産業省


The income surplus has strengthened its expansionary trend since the 1990s, almost reaching the level of the trade surplus. - 経済産業省

また、スイスはこの間に貿易赤字から貿易黒字に完全に転換し、所得収支やサービス収支黒字を維持したため、経常収支黒字 GDP 比は拡大基調で推移しているし、シンガポールもかつて貿易サービスの赤字国であったが、その後貿易サービス収支黒字に転換し、所得収支赤字を埋め合わせている。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, Switzerland completely shifted from trade deficit to trade surplus and maintained surpluses in income balance and service balance, leading to a rising trend in the current account surplus-GDP ratio. Singapore was also a country with trade and service deficits but thereafter turned into trade and service balance surpluses, making up for income balance deficits. - 経済産業省

全プロットのうち、「貿易収支赤字かつ経常収支赤字」(米国、英国等)が全体の 39%、「貿易収支黒字かつ経常収支黒字」(日本、ドイツ、中国等)が同 37%、と主流派である。例文帳に追加

In all of plotting, "trade deficit and current account deficit" (the U.S., the UK, etc.) accounts for 39% of the total and "trade surplus and current account surplus" (Japan, Germany, China, etc.) accounts for 37% of the total. Those two relations represent the majority of answers. - 経済産業省

一方、「貿易収支赤字かつ経常収支黒字」(ルクセンブルク、オーストリア等)は同 16%に過ぎず、「貿易収支黒字かつ経常収支赤字」(カナダ等)は同 8%しかなかった。例文帳に追加

On the other hand, "trade deficit and current account surplus" (Luxembourg, Austria, etc.) accounts for only 16% of the total and "trade surplus and current account deficit" (Canada, etc.) remains at only 8% of the total. - 経済産業省

部品・素材産業の貿易収支を見てみると、2000 年の 93億ドルの黒字から、2006 年には 347 億ドルの黒字、2010 年の 779億ドルの黒字と、全体の貿易収支黒字額(2006 年は 161億ドル、2010 年は 412 億ドル)を大きく上回る黒字を生み出している。例文帳に追加

The trade balance of the parts/primary materials industry has turned a profit far exceeding the amount of the entire trade balance ($16.1 billion in 2006, $41.2 billion in 2010): $9.3 billion surplus in 2000, $34.7 billion surplus in 2006, and $77.9 billion surplus in 2010. - 経済産業省


Invisiblebalance generally consists ofservice balance,” “income balance” and “current-account transfer,” of which onlyincome balanceis a surplus. - 経済産業省


During this period, the balance on services and the balance on income were consistently the surplus, but the balance on goods and the net unilateral current transfers had deficits. - 経済産業省


The trade balance registered a surplus of $76 billion, with exports reaching $314 billion and imports $238 billion. - Tatoeba例文


The trade balance registered a surplus of $76 billion, with exports reaching $314 billion and imports $238 billion.  - Tanaka Corpus


Economic development is accompanied by export industry growth, with goods and servicesbeginning to run a surplus. - 経済産業省


Further, while the goods and servicesbalance is decreasing, it is still sustaining a surplus. - 経済産業省

その結果、2000 年以降は、大幅な貿易収支黒字を計上するようになった(第1-1-2-11 図)。例文帳に追加

As a result, China recorded a substantial current account surplus since 2000 (Figure 1-1-2-11). - 経済産業省


Moreover foreign investment is also active in Germany against a background of a balance of trade surplus. - 経済産業省

中国の貿易収支の国別の内訳を見ると、対日本では240 億ドルの貿易収支赤字を計上している一方、対米国、対EUでそれぞれ1,443 億ドル、916 億ドルの貿易収支黒字を計上している(第1-3-3図)。例文帳に追加

Looking at the breakdown of China’s balance of trade by country, while it has a trade deficit of US$24 billion with Japan, it has a trade surplus of US$144.3 billion with the United States and US$91.6 billion with the European Union (EU) (Figure 1-3-3). - 経済産業省


The current balance has been positive constantly, but the structure of weight is shifting from trade balance to income balance. - 経済産業省

貿易収支の赤字が続く中、サービス収支黒字を保っており、経常収支の赤字幅の拡大を抑制している(第1-2-4-21 図)。例文帳に追加

While its trade deficit continues, services balance is maintaining its surplus and containing the increase of current account deficit (see Figure 1-2-4-21) - 経済産業省


Watching the details of current balance, it shows that after middle of the 1990s, the service balance had deficits throughout, but the trade balance registered a great surplus. - 経済産業省


The surplus on income has strengthened its expansionary trend since the 1990s, backed by external assets accumulation, and is now on the same scale as the trade balance. - 経済産業省


Switzerland has a goods and services surplus of five percent of GDP, and a substantialincome surplus of 10 percent of GDP, while the current account surplus is even greater still atmore than 10 percent of GDP. - 経済産業省


The 2001 reduction in the current account surplus despite the significant growth of the income surplus was due to a worldwide economic slowdown which reduced exports2 and cut heavily into the trade surplus. - 経済産業省


The income surplus has therefore grown to a scale rivaling the trade surplus, becoming a major component of the current account surplus (Fig.2.1.3).2. - 経済産業省


First of all, when considering only "Current Account", we are prone to raise expectations for "Currents without Trade" such as the "Income", because it seems that trade surplus decreases while "Currents without Trade" increases. - 経済産業省


With respect to the current account balances per se, as the trade balance turned to a deficit last year for the first time in the past 31 years, current account surpluses are being maintained by income account surpluses exceeding trade deficits.  - 財務省


However, that surplus is not enough to coverinterest payments ondebt, and the current account and income balances remain in deficit against the capital accountsurplus. - 経済産業省


Of this “Invisiblebalance, balance other thanincome balanceis still in deficit, and the surplus was due to an increase in the credit ofincome balance.” - 経済産業省


The international trade balance of Japan began to post a trade surplus on a constant basis since the late 1980s, and Japanese foreign direct investment gradually increased. - 経済産業省


The factor behind this is that trade deficits increased in a faster pace even though surpluses were kept in income balance and service balance. - 経済産業省


However, in 2001, the trade and current account surpluses shrank while the domestic economy was slowing down (Fig.2.1.2). - 経済産業省

我が国の貿易収支の対名目GDP 比は、90 年代後半以降 2%前後の黒字で安定的に推移しており、我が国は輸出と輸入をバランスさせつつ貿易規模を拡大させ、安定的に貿易収支黒字を計上している(第4-1-6図)。例文帳に追加

Japan’s trade balance as a share of nominal GDP has been in a stable surplus of about 2% since the late 1990s, so while balancing exports and imports, Japan has increased trade and recorded a stable trade surplus (Figure 4-1-6). Japan’s future trade balance trend may change from this stable surplus amid - 経済産業省

貿易収支では赤字が継続している一方、サービス収支黒字幅は拡大しており、サービス産業は貿易収支の赤字を補う貴重な外貨獲得手段としてもインド経済に寄与している(第1-4-4 図)。例文帳に追加

While the trade balance remains in deficit, surpluses continue to grow in the current balance of services. This means that the service industry contributes to India’s economy as a valuable method of acquiring foreign exchange, which compensates for the trade balance deficit (Figure 1-4-4). - 経済産業省

所得収支及びサービス貿易収支黒字が過去最大となった一方で、財貿易収支の赤字が拡大した。名目 GDP 比では 3.1%と、前年から0.1%ポイント縮小した。例文帳に追加

While the surpluses of income balance and service trade balance recorded the highest ever, the deficit of goods trade balance increased. On a nominal GDP basis, however, it recorded 3.1%, shrinking by 0.1% points year on year - 経済産業省


So, we will examine whether there was a country in the past where the current account surplus was kept by a surplus in income balance, etc., even if the trade balance continued showing a deficit. - 経済産業省


However, a breakdown of the surplus reveals that compared to 1996, the trade surplus had declined, as had the service deficit, where the income surplus had soared by around 2.6 trillion yen. - 経済産業省



Also, the income account surplus from the trade surplus, direct investment and securities investment leads to the growing current account. The current account increases the net foreign asset balance, which further increases the income account surplus. This mechanism is working continuously. - 経済産業省


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