
「11回の裏」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 11回の裏に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 252



The control circuit board 3 has its reverse surface bonded and fixed to a pedestal 11 projecting from the bottom of the resin case. - 特許庁


Also, the sealing resin 14 covers the peripheral portion of the backside of the circuit substrate 11. - 特許庁


Thereby, in a state of exposing the back of the circuit substrate 11, the resistance to the pressure of the circuit substrate 11 can be secured. - 特許庁


Sealing resin 14 covers the surface and side faces of the circuit board 11, and also covers the periphery of the rear face of the board 11 to have the rear face of the metallic substrate 16 exposed. - 特許庁



Then, the underground water remaining in the circuit is flowed from the back side of the solid material attaching surface of the filter 11 to help discharging the solid material. - 特許庁



An electric circuit is formed on the surface of the semiconductor element 11, and the external electrodes 14 are formed on the rear surface of the element 11. - 特許庁


A circuit purpose grounding electrode 16 is formed to the rear part of the dielectric board opposed to the circuit pattern 11 of the high frequency circuits 4, 5. - 特許庁


A terminating part 12a in the joining direction of the end face 12 of the rotor 11 is located on or in the vicinity of the normal N of an abutted part 21a of the backing roller 20 of the outer circumferential surface 21 on the back side to be joined. - 特許庁


The thickness in the rotating shaft direction of a disc rotor 14 of a torque receiving part 11a of a back plate 11 is made thicker than that of a main body pat 11b except the torque receiving part 11a of the back plate 11. - 特許庁



First and second semiconductor integrated circuits 12 and 14 are formed on front and rear faces of an integrated circuit board 11. - 特許庁



Therefore, the resin liquid is sucked in through the wafer stage 1, before the resin liquid penetrates into the gap between the rear surface of the semiconductor wafer 11 and the wafer stage 1, so that the resin liquid is restrained from entering to the rear surface of the semiconductor wafer 11. - 特許庁


After the end 12 of the rubber 10 is sandwiched between the arm 4 and the roller 6, the drum 1 is rotated, the arm 4 is oscillated, the end 12 of the rubber 10 is approached to the end 11 and adhered to the end 11. - 特許庁


The insulating circuit board 10 comprises: a wiring layer 11 mounting a power device 7; an insulating substrate 12 bonded to the rear surface of the wiring layer 11; and a heat dissipation layer 12 bonded to the rear surface of the insulating substrate 12. - 特許庁


A chip capacitor 1 is equipped with electrodes 5 and 6, which are each formed on its rear and front, and the capacitor 1 is arranged on the first circuit board 11 so as to electrically connect the electrode 6 formed on its rear to the first circuit pattern 15. - 特許庁


The respective housings 21A, 21B are respectively allocated to the front and rear faces of a mounting position 11 of the circuit board 10, and fixed by fastening front and rear mounting boards 26 pinching the circuit board 10 by a bolt 16 and a nut 17. - 特許庁


A coating member 50 having insulation and adhesive properties is formed over the entire back surface 24 of the circuit board 20 and the wall surface of the recessed part 11 at the back surface 24 of the circuit board 20. - 特許庁


The image display device 10 is provided with a back surface constituting member 20 on the back surface side of a game board and an image turning device 30 attached to the back surface constituting member 20 and constituted so as to change the vertical and horizontal relations of an image display surface 11 corresponding to a turning operation. - 特許庁


A first insulation layer 12A is formed on the surface of a circuit board 11, and a second insulation layer 12B is formed on its rear. - 特許庁


In the rear face of the hybrid integrated circuit board 11, scarring-proof property is improved by a second insulating resin film 13. - 特許庁


A roughly T-shaped projected part 15 is formed on the back metal of the friction pad 11 at an outlet side for a disk D in the rotating direction. - 特許庁


When the circuit board 11 is positioned upside down, it is immediately found out and thereby an incorrect insertion can be prevented. - 特許庁


A plurality of round bars 11 to be rotated perpendicular to the conveying direction are laid on the back sides of respective wheel placing plates 12. - 特許庁


In order to propagate the acoustic waves through the end face of the substrate 11 while turning around the front and rear sides, a chamfered part 16 is formed on the end face or corner part of the substrate 11 and the acoustic wave propagated through this chamfered part is received by the transducer 13a arranged on the rear side of the substrate 11. - 特許庁


The pressing member 70 consisting of the rubbery elastic material is installed at the backside in which the contact pattern 11 of the one flexible circuit board 10 is installed. - 特許庁


The other face B of the flexible circuit board 21 is opposed to the back side of the liquid crystal panel 11, and a light guiding plate 31 is stuck between the counter-faces. - 特許庁


The image plane part 12 is installed at the surface side of a substrate 11, and the driving circuit part 13 is respectively installed at the rear face side. - 特許庁


The light of the light source 11 for illuminating the rotary reels 5 passes through the flange 12 to illuminate the backside of the second front panel 7. - 特許庁


The lock plates 12 and 13 are fitted into the engagement groove 11 of the back frame 2 on the rear surface of the support seat 3 while they are rotated once. - 特許庁


Because the display can be viewed from both of the front and rear sides on one display 11, the turning panel part 4 can be made to be thin and light in weight. - 特許庁


Support legs 4, 5 comprising double-foldable flat bar shape elements are linked and rotatably equipped on the backside of the top plate 2 commonly used as a storage case 11. - 特許庁


The circuit device 10A comprises the conductor pattern 11 including a trench 18 formed in the surface thereof, a circuit element 12 electrically connected with the conductor pattern 11, and a sealing resin 13 that coats the circuit element 12 and the conductor pattern 11 by exposing the rear surface of the conductor pattern 11. - 特許庁


When a CPU 11 detects the back broken tooth of the first time crank signal at the engine starting time, it sets the follow-up counter value at a value corresponding to the back broken tooth. - 特許庁


In the bottom of the 11th with two outs and runners on first and third, Swallows outfielder Yuhei hit a game-winning RBI single to right field. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


So, the entering balls entering the back of the game board 11 can be collected more easily than before. - 特許庁


The cherry tree was also burnt down during a fire which occurred in the inner court in September 959; the Yoshino cherry tree at the residence of Imperial Prince Shigeakira was replanted when the inner court was rebuilt, and it was replanted twice in November 964 and New Years in 965. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even if hands or fingers of an operator fit into the back side of the bracket 11, the hands or fingers of the operator do not contact the tips 5a-8a of the snap fits 5-8 projecting from the back face 11a of the bracket 11a. - 特許庁


In a portable telephone in which a PDC antenna 14 is fed with power from a circuit board 16 stored in a cabinet 11, the cabinet 11 is separated into front and rear units and an antenna auxiliary conductor 13 is provided on the inner face of a front cabinet 11a, and the circuit board 16 is assembled in a rear cabinet 11b. - 特許庁


In this transmission type display 11, a front substrate 12, a rear substrate 13 and both of electrodes 14 and 15 are transparent, and the display contents can be viewed from both of front and rear sides of the turning plane part 4. - 特許庁


The semiconductor IC comprises the main body 11 formed with a predetermined circuit on the principal plane 11a, and a metal layer 13 selectively formed on nearly all of the rear face 11b of the IC main body 11 except for the periphery 11c of the rear face 11b of the main body 11. - 特許庁


The center rear seat 7b has a seat cushion 8 divided into a cushion front part 11 and a cushion rear part 12. - 特許庁


The pet paw washer washes four paws of the pet at a time with water stream from a water feeding means for washing upper surfaces and soles of paws of the pet by rotating an upper turbine 6 and a sole turbine 11 respectively connected to an upper washing brush 5 and a sole washing brush 10. - 特許庁


A circulating recess 11 is provided on the side of a reverse face 8a on the outer periphery 8e of the seal ring R to form a space Sb communicating with underwater between the reverse face 8a and itself. - 特許庁


The surface cover 11 and a back cover 12 are released/ regulated by setting the bias area of the string 15 between the holes 13, 14 on the outer surface side of the back cover 12. - 特許庁


Next, a part with the graphite particles adhered of the photosensitive drum 13 is made rotated up to a position where it faces a sample 11, and a transfer mechanism 17 transfers the graphite particles to the sample 11 by giving reverse charge on the rear surface of the sample 11. - 特許庁


The lighting device 11 has a circuit board 12, a plurality of first circuit components 13 mounted on the surface of the board, an a plurality of chip-type second circuit components 14 mounted on the reverse of the circuit board 12. - 特許庁


Each blade 21 of this wind force power generation device 11 is arranged so that its rotating direction side is referred to as front, and the apposite side, as back its surface receiving the wind is as obverse, and the opposite surface is as rear. - 特許庁


The dicing sheet 10 is stuck to the back surface of the semiconductor wafer 11 for which a circuit 13 is formed on the surface and the annular projection 17 is formed at the back surface outer peripheral part, and the spacer 40 provided with an adhesive layer 42 is stuck through the dicing sheet 10 to the back surface inner peripheral part of the semiconductor wafer. - 特許庁

ベースプレート(11)は装置本体(8) の垂直軸(8a)を中心として旋可能に取り付けられたアーム(9) の先端部に、表反転手段(20)、旋手段(30)及び上下傾斜手段(40)を介して装着されている。例文帳に追加

The base plate (11) is mounted on the top end of an arm (9) mounted turnably with center at a vertical shaft 8a of the apparatus body (8) through a front-back reversing means (20), a revolving means (30) and up-down tilting means (40). - 特許庁


Even if a mold resin and wiring are arranged to adjoin the rear surface 11b of the semiconductor element 11, and even if the α line is emitted from the metal material contained in them, it does not reach so far as the main surface 11a of the semiconductor element 11, avoiding the effect on the circuit element 18. - 特許庁



As a result, the sealing resin 14 is distributed preferentially up to the underside of the circuit board 11, whereby the entire rear surface of the circuit board 11 is covered with the sealing resin 14. - 特許庁


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