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Seasoned fishの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 82


Seasoned dried fish 例文帳に追加

調味干し - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

grilled ayu fish seasoned with salt 例文帳に追加

鮎の塩焼き - Weblio Email例文集

mashed and seasoned fish or powdered fish 例文帳に追加

でんぶやそぼろ - EDR日英対訳辞書

Unohana namasu (a dish of raw fish and okara seasoned in vinegar) 例文帳に追加

卯の花膾 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One of the dishes categorized in oboro is, for example, denbu (mashed and seasoned fish, flesh of whitefish and shrimp that has been boiled, shredded, parched, seasoned, and colored red). 例文帳に追加

おぼろの例として田麩(でんぶ)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I seasoned the fish with salt and pepper.例文帳に追加

魚に塩とこしょうで味をつけた。 - Tatoeba例文

dried fish seasoned with Mirin seasoning, called mirin-boshi例文帳に追加

味醂干しという食品 - EDR日英対訳辞書

I seasoned the fish with salt and pepper. 例文帳に追加

魚に塩とこしょうで味をつけた。 - Tanaka Corpus

Denbu (mashed and seasoned fish with white flesh or the mixture of fish with white flesh and shrimp that has been boiled, parched, seasoned and colored with red food coloring) is a processed food made from fish or livestock meat. 例文帳に追加

田麩(でんぶ)は、魚肉または畜肉加工品のひとつ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a dish of boiled fish seasoned with salt 例文帳に追加

魚を塩で味つけして煮こんだ料理 - EDR日英対訳辞書


dried white-meat fish seasoned with {'mirin'} 例文帳に追加

白身魚をみりんじょうゆにつけて干した食品 - EDR日英対訳辞書

(in Japan) cooked small fish seasoned with soy sauce and sweet sake 例文帳に追加

小魚をしょうゆとみりんで煮た料理 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a food called fish seasoned with vinegar 例文帳に追加

酢煎りという,魚に酢を加えて煮た料理 - EDR日英対訳辞書

sushi seasoned with vinegared fish, called 'nare-zushi' 例文帳に追加

熟れ鮨という,魚介類を発酵させた鮨 - EDR日英対訳辞書


魚肉の調味食品とその製造方法 - 特許庁

To produce a seasoned food product raw material and a seasoned food product free from ammonia odor from fish meat of fish containing urea such as shark, or ray.例文帳に追加

尿素を含有するサメ、エイ等の魚類の魚肉からアンモニア臭の無い調味食品原材料及び調味食品を製造する。 - 特許庁


味付け焼き魚の製造方法、味付け焼き魚素材、液状焙焼調味料及びその製造方法 - 特許庁

an Indian dish made with highly seasoned rice and meat or fish or vegetables 例文帳に追加

とても味の付いた米、肉または魚または野菜でできたインド料理 - 日本語WordNet

It is served in a soup broth made from boiled dried fish and dried bonito and is seasoned with miso or soy sauce. 例文帳に追加

煮干や鰹節を出汁とした味噌あるいは醤油味の汁で食べる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

well-seasoned balls of ground fish and eggs and crushed crumbs simmered in fish stock 例文帳に追加

すりつぶした魚、卵、および粉にしたパン粉を味付けして丸めたものを、魚のだしでグツグツ煮たもの - 日本語WordNet

Mukozuke is the first dish of the meal with one soup and three side dishes which may contain namasu (a dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar) or a selection of fish. 例文帳に追加

向付は一汁三菜の一菜目にあたるもので、なます、魚の造りなどを盛る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Fillings normally used are omelet, koyadofu (freeze-dried bean curd), gourd strip, Shiitake Mushroom, Judar's ear, denbu (mashed and seasoned fish, flesh of whitefish and shrimp that has been boiled, shredded, parched, seasoned and colored red), oboro, broiled conger eel, cucumber, Japanese honewort, and so on. 例文帳に追加

標準的な具は、玉子焼き・高野豆腐・かんぴょう・椎茸・きくらげ・でんぶ・おぼろ・焼穴子・キュウリ・三つ葉など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As ingredients to provide sweetness, koyadofu (freeze-dried bean curd) and Shiitake Mushroom which are boiled down are used, but denbu (mashed and seasoned fish, flesh of whitefish and shrimp that has been boiled, shredded, parched, seasoned and colored red) and oboro are seldom used. 例文帳に追加

甘みをもたらす具として高野豆腐やシイタケの煮しめを用い、田麩やおぼろはあまり使われない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a wide range of other additional ingredients, like chikuwa fish paste, kamaboko (steamed fish paste), dried shredded fish seasoning (denbu), cooked deep-fried tofu, seasoned koyadofu (freeze-dried tofu), boiled octopus and shrimps, grilled conger eel and cooked squid. 例文帳に追加

さらに竹輪や蒲鉾、田麩、油揚げの煮つけ、味を付けた高野豆腐、茹でた蛸・海老、焼マアナゴ、烏賊の煮付けなどさまざま。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The ingredients have a wide variety including sliced salmon, kanroni (a dish boiled in a syrup) of freshwater fish, maitake mushroom, bracken, kyarabuki (stalks of butterbur boiled in soy sauce), red pickled ginger, denbu (mashed and seasoned fish, flesh of whitefish and shrimp that has been boiled, shredded, parched, seasoned, and colored red), shimesaba (salted and vinegared mackerel), cucumber, minced pickles, and so on; they are mainly Yama-no-sachi (edible wild plants and freshwater fish) since the regions are surrounded by high mountains. 例文帳に追加

具は切り身の鮭、川魚の甘露煮、舞茸、ワラビ、きゃらぶき、紅ショウガ、田麩、しめさば、キュウリ、漬け物のみじん切りなどバラエティに富んでいるが、地方がら山の幸が中心となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The method for making grilled fish or boiled fish comprises seasoning fish as raw material using seasoning, grilling the seasoned fish with heated air followed by cooling the grilled fish, vacuum-packaging the cooled grilled fish followed by pressurizing and heating the fish, and cooling the pressurized and heated fish followed by refrigerating the fish.例文帳に追加

原料としての魚に調味料を用いて味付けし、前記味付けした魚を熱風焙焼した後に、冷却し、前記焙焼した魚を真空包装した後に、加圧加熱をし、前記加圧加熱した魚を冷却した後に、冷蔵することを含んでなる製造方法により達成される。 - 特許庁

In western Japan, soup broth is mainly made from broth prepared by using Konbu (a kind of kelp used for broth) and boiled-dried fish, which is seasoned with light-colored soy sauce. 例文帳に追加

うどんつゆは、西日本では昆布と煮干で取った出汁を淡口醤油で調味したもの、 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Namasu is a dish consisting of fresh raw fish or meat that is thinly sliced and seasoned. 例文帳に追加

「なます」は新鮮な魚肉や獣肉を細切りにして調味料を合わせた料理です。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Itatsuki kamaboko (processed fish paste placed on a wood piece) is cut into rectangles and eaten with soy sauce seasoned with wasabi. 例文帳に追加

板付きの蒲鉾などをそのまま、短冊切りにしてわさび醤油などで食す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furikake consists of powdered, particulate or soboro-like (crumbled and seasoned meat, fish, egg) condiments sprinkled mainly on rice for seasoning. 例文帳に追加

ふりかけとは、主にご飯用の粉末状、粒子状、あるいはそぼろ状の調味料的おかずのこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Put small fish, boiled and seasoned carrot, burdock root, shiitake mushroom, salmon and so on in the rice, and mix them well. 例文帳に追加

そこに、雑魚、煮付けたニンジン、ゴボウ、シイタケ、鮭などを入れよく混ぜる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rice balls are usually topped with rolled eggs, abalone, fatty tuna, seasoned shrimp powder, small sea bream, spotted shad, ice fish and octopus. 例文帳に追加

握り飯の上に卵焼き、アワビ、マグロの刺身、エビのそぼろ、小鯛、こはだ、白魚、タコなどが普通。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide dried-fish slices edible as it is as a daily food, and seasoned with a seasoning liquid.例文帳に追加

そうざいとしてそのまま食べられる調味液で味付けされた削り節を提供する。 - 特許庁

There are provided: the seasoned fish prepared by subjecting a raw fish or a preliminarily seasoned raw fish to a microwave range thermal treatment in a sliced state, scorching the surface of the fish with flames, and then vacuum-packing the obtained grilled fish together with a liquid seasoning; and the method for producing the same.例文帳に追加

生の魚又は下味をつけた生の魚の切身の状態で電子レンジ加熱処理され、炎で表面に焦げ目をつけた焼魚を液状調味料と一緒に真空パックした調味焼魚及びその製造方法に関する。 - 特許庁

The roe-containing molded food comprises heated and seasoned roe, preferably red pepper-seasoned roe, and other roe, and a seasoning, more concretely fish paste, a seasoning, preferably a salted cod roe seasoning liquid, starch, salt, a seasoning, heated seasoned fish roe, and other roe.例文帳に追加

加熱した味付け魚卵、好ましくは辛子味付け魚卵、およびその他の魚卵、調味料、より具体的には、魚肉すり身、調味液、好ましくは明太子調味液、澱粉、食塩、調味料、加熱した味付け魚卵、その他の魚卵を配合してなることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

To provide seasoned dried bonito shavings retaining an initial flake shape obtained by cutting fish flake, usable in many purposes, helpful to speed up cooking and excellent in mass production, and to provide a method for producing the seasoned dried fish shavings.例文帳に追加

魚節から切削して得られた当初の薄片形状を維持し、多目的に使用可能であって、且、調理の迅速化に役立つとともに、量産性に優れている味付き削り節、及び、その製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

Yakimono dishes (roasted, broiled or grilled fishes or animal meat): yaki-zakana (broiled fish), teri-yaki (meat or fish grilled with soy sauce and sugar), yaki-tori (roasted chicken meat), kaba-yaki (broiled eel or similar long slender fish), shio-yaki (broiled fish sprinkled with salt), yuan-yaki (sliced fish or chicken meat that is soaked in a specially seasoned soup for several days and is broiled or roasted), yahata-yaki, dengaku-miso (a type of miso made of miso, sugar, sake and mirin), tofu-dengaku (tofu with sweet miso sauce), hosho-yaki (fish broiled in washi), hoiru-yaki (broiled or roasted in a foil wrapper), shiogama (fish or meat that is coated wit lots of salt and is roasted in a pot), tamago-yaki (Japanese style omelets), dashimaki-tamago (rolled omelets made with soup stock), usuyaki-tamago (paper-thin omelettes) 例文帳に追加

焼き物-焼き魚、照り焼き、焼き鳥、蒲焼、塩焼き、幽庵焼き、八幡焼き、田楽みそ、豆腐田楽、奉書焼き・ホイル焼き、塩釜、卵焼き(だし巻き卵、薄焼き卵) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

highly seasoned Mediterranean soup or stew made of several kinds of fish and shellfish with tomatoes and onions or leeks and seasoned with saffron and garlic and herbs 例文帳に追加

非常に濃い味付けをされた地中海のスープ、またはシチューで、何種類かの魚介類とトマト、たまねぎ、セイヨウネギで作られ、サフラン、にんにく、ハーブで味付けされる - 日本語WordNet

The custom reflects people's wish for prosperous trade and state of perfect health; ehomaki contains seven kinds of ingredients, such as gourd strip, cucumber, shiitake mushroom, rolled omelet made with soup stock, eel, and denbu (mashed and seasoned fish, flesh of whitefish and shrimp that has been boiled, shredded, parched, seasoned, and colored red) inside, to be associated with the Seven Deities of Good Luck. 例文帳に追加

商売繁盛や無病息災を願ってのもので、七福神に因み、かんぴょう、キュウリ、シイタケ、だし巻、うなぎ、でんぶ等七種類の具を入れて食べる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sushi comprises seasoned fishes that are prepared by heating and cooking the fishes, for example, sardine, horse mackerel, mackerel, Pacific saury in a stock solution containing soy sauce, are again heated and cooked with a seasoning solution containing Nukamiso (a fermented mixture of rice bran and brine used as a pickling medium) and Sushi rice is wound around on the outer side of the seasoned fish.例文帳に追加

醤油を含んだ煮汁で加熱調理されたイワシ,サバ,アジ,サンマ等の煮魚が糠味噌を含んだ調味液で加熱調理された調味魚2と、調味魚2の外側に巻き付けられた寿司飯6と、を備える。 - 特許庁

The sorbitol concentration of the soup is preferably 60-80 mass%, in a case for producing seasoned konjak, or 1-10 mass% in a case for produced seasoned steamed fish paste.例文帳に追加

煮汁のソルビット濃度は、味付コンニャクを製造する場合、60乃至80質量%が、味付かまぼこを製造する場合、1乃至10質量%が好ましい。 - 特許庁

This method for producing the seasoned dried fish shavings comprises obtaining dried fish shavings 10 obtained by cutting fish flake to a flake shape, floating in air, spraying a seasoning liquid 20 to the dried fish shavings 10 in a floating condition to penetrate into the surface and inside of the dried fish shavings 10, and drying the whole.例文帳に追加

味付き削り節は、魚節を薄片状に切削して得られた削り節10を、気中で浮遊させ、浮遊状態の削り節10に調味液20を噴霧して、削り節10の表面及び内部に浸透させ、その後、全体を乾燥させて得られる。 - 特許庁

meat or fish stir-fried with vegetables (e.g., celery, onions, peppers or bean sprouts) seasoned with ginger and garlic and soy sauce 例文帳に追加

(アメリカ式中華料理)肉や魚と野菜(セロリー、タマネギ、ピーマン、豆もやし)を強火で手早く炒め、ショウガ、ニンニク、醤油で味つけしたもの - 日本語WordNet

There are many products that use not only guts but also fish meat, or seasoned with Yuzu citron or red peppers, and many makers are competing to sell various products. 例文帳に追加

内臓だけではなく、身も漬け込んだもの、柚子や唐辛子で風味をつけたものなども有り、数多くのメーカーが様々な商品で競い合っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Dressed foods/boiled greens seasoned with soy sauce: namasu (thinly sliced fish meat or vegetables dressed with vinegar), sumiso-ae (or nuta) (seafood and vegetables dressed with vinegared miso), karashi-ae (dishes with mustard dressing), goma-ae (vegetables dressed a sesame sauce), ume-ae (dishes dressed with sliced umeboshi (with the hard core part removed), shiro-ae (vegetables dressed with ground tofu and sesame), su-dako (vinegared octopus) 例文帳に追加

和える・おひたし-、膾(なます)、酢みそ和え(ぬた)、芥子和え、ごま和え、梅和え、白和え、酢だこ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Soup broth is made from Konbu, dried bonito, Urume (round herring), dried mackerel, dried sardine, Ajiko (dried Japanese horse mackerel), Ago (dried flying fish), etc. and seasoned with light-colored soy sauce. 例文帳に追加

汁は昆布・鰹節・うるめ・鯖節・いりこ・あじこ・あご(トビウオ)等を使用し薄口醤油で仕上げる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Zosui is made by simmering cooked rice again with meat, fish and shellfish, mushroom and vegetable, seasoned with soy sauce, miso, etc. 例文帳に追加

雑炊(ぞうすい)は、米飯に肉、魚介類、キノコや野菜を加えて、醤油や味噌などの調味料とともに再度炊く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Eggs are added to fish meat and the mixture is seasoned with garlic and black pepper to create the right taste and texture of sausage. 例文帳に追加

魚肉にたまごが加えられ,それらを混ぜた物がニンニクと黒コショウで味付けされており,ソーセージの絶妙な味と食感を作り出している。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The seasoned dried fish shaves are packed into small water-permeable tea bags to form the seasoning for the soups of noodles.例文帳に追加

味付魚節削りを透水性の小袋であるティーバッグに充填し、だしの素であるうどん用つゆの素を形成する。 - 特許庁


The fish and shellfish are seasoned through soaking in a seasoning liquid in which fermented soybean paste is dissolved, and the seasoning liquid is made by dissolving fermented soybean paste with sweet sake.例文帳に追加

上記魚介類の調味は味噌を溶解させた調味液に浸漬させて行い、さらに調味液は味噌を味醂で溶解させたものである。 - 特許庁


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