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mainland chineseの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 23


the Chinese mainland 例文帳に追加

中国本土. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

Consumers don't trust food from the Chinese mainland as being safe. 例文帳に追加

中国大陸産の食材の安全性に対して不信感あり。 - 経済産業省

GB 2312 is a mainland Chinese national standard character set used to express simplified Chinese. 例文帳に追加

GB 2312 は、簡体文字を表現するための中国の国定標準文字セットである。 - JM

The new year's day is called in Chinese 'chun-jie' (spring festival', 'guo-nian' (passing of a year), and 'nong-li-xin-nian' (the new year's day of the agricultural calendar) in mainland China, and is called 'teto' in Vietnamese in Vietnam. 例文帳に追加

中国では「春節」、「過年」、「農暦新年」といい、ベトナムでは「テト」といわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In mainland China and Taiwan, it is called "梅雨" (pronounced as "mei-yu") and, in Korea, "장마" (pronounced as "chan-ma" and written as "" in Chinese characters). 例文帳に追加

中国大陸部や台湾では「梅雨」(メイユー)、韓国では「장마」(チャンマ・長霖)という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is apparently music identical to Uzagaku still performed on mainland China although, at the moment, academics are researching which Uzagaku correspond to which pieces from the Chinese mainland. 例文帳に追加

中国本土には、御座楽で演奏されたのと同じ楽曲が現存しているはずであるが、御座楽のどの曲が中国本土のどの曲にあたるかについては、目下、学者たちが研究中である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some native-born Taiwanese made a mockery of the people from mainland China and affirmed partially and relatively the Japanese ruling, saying, "dogs (annoying but useful = Japanese) left and pigs (which did nothing but eat = mainland Chinese) came" (). 例文帳に追加

このため一部の本省人は「犬(煩いかわりに役には立つ)の代わりに豚(食べるばかりで役たたず)が来た」(狗走豬擱來)と大陸からやってきた人間を揶揄し、日本の統治時代を部分的・相対的に肯定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the Chinese New Year is important in mainland China, Taiwan, and Korea, January 1st is also their legal holiday and January 1st used to be called 'yuan-dan' in Chinese (which corresponds to the above gantan) in mainland China and Taiwan (in and before 1912), and is a holiday for one whole day and is called 'shinsho' in Korean in Korea and is a holiday for one whole day. 例文帳に追加

中国大陸・台湾・大韓民国において重要なのは旧正月であるが、元日も法定休日になっており、中国・台湾では「元旦」(1912年以前)と呼ばれ、1日の休日、韓国においては「新正」と呼ばれ、1日の休日となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because he frequently traveled to the Chinese mainland with his elder brother and had an in-depth knowledge of the country, in 1938 he was installed as the first director-general of a national policy concern, Kita Shina Kaihatsu Kabushikigaisha (a company established to develop the Chinese economy during the era of the Great Japanese Empire). 例文帳に追加

兄と共に度々大陸へ渡り、当地の事情に精通していたこともあって、同年に国策の北支那開発会社初代総裁に就任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the Sino-Japanese War, Chinese intellectuals at the end of the Ching period began to pay attention to Meiji-period Japan, and especially focused on Yomeigaku, which had declined on the Chinese mainland. 例文帳に追加

日清戦争以後、明治日本に清末の知識人が注目するようになると、すでに中国本土では衰微していた陽明学にも俄然注意が向けられるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Originally, patterns of Ryukyuan native plants and Chinese patterns were mainly used, but bingata taking in the yuzen patterns increased as the export to the mainland increased, and yuzen also took in the vivid colors used in bingata. 例文帳に追加

元々は琉球固有の植物や中国風の模様が主流だったが、本土向けの輸出が進むにつれて友禅染の文様を取り入れた紅型が増えていき、友禅も紅型に使われる鮮やかな色彩を取り入れていく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although some say that this is the original form of shamisen (another theory holds that the Chinese sanxian was introduced to Japan by way of Ryukyu), the sanshin was later perfected through the influence, in reverse, of shamisen in the mainland. 例文帳に追加

これが三味線の原型という説もある(中国の三弦そのものが琉球経由で日本に入ったとする説もある)が、その後三線は本土の三味線から逆影響を受けて完成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Individuals included as part of the Thirty Six Families of Kume took orders from the Ryukyu monarchy, studied Chinese culture,including language and music, in mainland China, principally Fujian Province. 例文帳に追加

久米三十六姓の人々は、琉球国王の命令を受けて、中国本土(主に福建)に渡って留学し、中国語や、音楽などの中国文化を学習した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With regard to wreckage, many kinds of waste materials which have been illegally disposed of mainly by Korean and Chinese freight ships and fishing boats sailing the Sea of Japan as well as from the Korean Peninsula and Japanese mainland moves with the sea current and drifts ashore along the coast of Tsushima and the Sea of Japan. 例文帳に追加

漂着物として、主に韓国、中国など日本海を航行する貨物船や漁船、また朝鮮半島や日本本土から不法投棄されるゴミが海流にのって、対馬や日本海沿岸に漂着する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japanese Tojo were characterized by the lack of the alter of imperial ancestors and the altar of soil and grain, which were the features of Chinese Tojo, and by the absence of Rajo to surround the city, which was seen in the mainland China, or if any, it stretched only several dozen meters horizontally from Rajo-mon Gate. 例文帳に追加

日本の都城の特徴としては、中国に見られるような宗廟と社稷が見られず、大陸にあるような京師を囲う羅城が存在しないか、あっても羅城門の東西数十メートルに過ぎなかったことである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Upon approval was obtained, they are planning to enter into Chinese mainland, with Hong Kong as a business office.例文帳に追加

中国に関しては、現在、人工関節の承認を申請中であり、承認が取得でき次第、香港を窓口とした中国本土への参入を予定している。 - 経済産業省

It is pointed out that a situation of a so-calledmoney glut” (excess liquidity) and a low-interest rate policy have caused a rapid rise in the recent Chinese stock market. With low deposit interest rates and real estate investments starting to be regulated, the fund operation destinations of Chinese investors are starting to concentrate on stock markets. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index, which is the representative stock price index of the Chinese mainland market, increased approximately 2.5-fold over the past year (as of May 2007), and there are concerns about a stock bubble (Figure 1-3-33).例文帳に追加

預金金利が低く、不動産投資も規制されつつある中、中国の投資家の資金運用先が株式市場に集中しつつあり、中国本土市場の代表的な株価指数である上海総合株価指数は、この1年で約2.5倍(2007年5月末時点)にまで上昇し、株式バブルが懸念されている(第1-3-33図)。 - 経済産業省

The Chosen Sotoku-fu Police possessed heavy arms including machine guns and field guns, which the police in the mainland in Japan didn't, even after they were shifted to the regular police, and they had a character as a police army, which fought against pro-independent armed groups crossing the border of the Chinese territory which was out of Japan's control. 例文帳に追加

朝鮮総督府警察は普通警察に移行した後も、日本内地の警察には無い機関銃、野砲等の重装備を保有しており、日本の支配が及ばない中国領から越境してくる独立派武装勢力との戦闘を行うなど警察軍的性格を有していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Port of Kyoto-Maizuru functioned as a military base for the Imperial Navy, and after the war the port was designated as one of the ports of entry for repatriated soldiers and people from mainland China as well as the departure point for Chinese and Koreans who had been expatriates in Japan. 例文帳に追加

舞鶴港は、戦中は旧海軍の軍事的拠点として使用されていたが、戦後は大陸に進駐していた軍人軍属や一般人の日本本土への引揚、および日本に在留していた中国・朝鮮人の送還のための指定港のひとつとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Links appear to be deepening between main Japanese ports and Dalian and Qingdao, which are physically close from a Japanese perspective. Trade is also expanding between mainland China and the Kita-Kyushu and Hakata ports, spatially proximal from a Chinese perspective.例文帳に追加

この表からは、日本から見て空間的に近接する大連、青島と日本の主要港との結びつきの深まりがうかがえる一方、大陸側から見ても空間的に近接する北九州港及び博多港を中心として取引が拡大している様子がわかる。 - 経済産業省

Since hogi was responsible for the arts being brought over from the continent, toraijin (foreigners that came to Japan) were well versed in the various learnings with good reading skills in the Chinese classics, who were generally from Eastern Han, Western Han, or Sui that gained supremacy in place of the Hans in Mainland China, as well as Goguryeo/Baekje that had power in western Korean Peninsula, and, in rare cases, scholar monks from Silla that were powerful in eastern Korean Peninsula at that time were appointed as various hakase or onmyoji. 例文帳に追加

大陸伝来の技術を担当する方技だけに、各博士や陰陽師には、諸学に通じ漢文の読解に長けた渡来人、おしなべて中国本土の前漢・後漢・代わって大陸覇権を握った隋、朝鮮半島西岸に勢力を有した高句麗・百済、まれに当初朝鮮半島東岸勢力であった新羅から帰来した学僧が任命されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In postwar Taiwan, the Kuomintang Party, which was defeated by communist forces in the Chinese civil war and moved to Taiwan, suppressed the native-born Taiwanese who had been living in Taiwan before the Kuomintang related immigration wave (the White Terror and the 228 incident in 1947 was the largest scale suppression) and developed the military-first policy with the national credo of "counterattack the mainland," and as a result, the development of the infrastructure in Taiwan was put on the back-burner. 例文帳に追加

台湾では戦後、国共内戦に破れ遷台した中国国民党が、それまで台湾に住む本省人を弾圧(白色テロ、1947年に発生した二・二八事件はその最大規模のものである。)、大陸反攻を国是とし軍事を優先とした政策を実施したため、台湾のインフラ整備は後回しにされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


* (Note) In immigration-related statistics, mainland China and Taiwan are described asChina” and “China (Taiwan)” respectively. With respect to Hong Kong, persons of Chinese nationality having a SAR (Special Administrative Region) passport (including persons of Chinese nationality having a certificate of identity within the period of validity issued by the former Hong Kong Government) are described asChina (Hong Kong)”, and persons having the right of residence in Hong Kong and having a BNO (British National Overseas) passport (British passport issued only to residents in Hong Kong) (including persons who have a British (Hong Kong) passport issued by the former Hong Kong Government and entered within its period of validity(prior to June 30, 1997), are described asUK (Hong Kong)”. Further, BNO passports are restricted in respect of renewal,and gradually transition to SAR passports. 例文帳に追加

(注) 出入国関係の統計においては,中国本土を「中国」,台湾を「中国(台湾)」と記載している。また,香港については,中国国籍を有する者で中国香港特別行政区旅券(SAR(Special Administrative Region)旅券)を所持する者(有効期間内の旧香港政庁発給の身分証明書を所持する中国籍者を含む。)を「中国(香港)」,香港の居住権を有する者で英国政府の発給した香港英国海外国民旅券(BNO(British National Overseas)旅券:香港居住者のみを対象とする英国旅券)を所持する者(有効期間内(1997年6月 30日以前)に旧香港政庁発給の英国(香港)旅券を所持し入国した者を含む。)を「英国(香港)」と記載している。なお,BNO旅券は更新発給が制限されており,順次SAR旅券に移行している。 - 特許庁


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