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there were no problems.の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 22


There were no problems with the content. 例文帳に追加

内容は問題ありませんでした - Weblio Email例文集

There were no problems with the heating test conducted once. 例文帳に追加

一回の加熱テストにおいては問題はありませんでした。 - Weblio Email例文集

There were no problems with these certificates. 例文帳に追加

これらの証明書に問題はありませんでした。 - Weblio Email例文集

There were no problems when I confirmed it. 例文帳に追加

私がそれを確認したところ問題はありませんでした。 - Weblio Email例文集


I confirmed that there were no problems in his schedule. 例文帳に追加

私は彼の予定が問題ないことを確認しました。 - Weblio Email例文集


There were no problems when it was measured by the first machine. 例文帳に追加

1台目の機械で測定した時は問題がありませんでした。 - Weblio Email例文集

I repeated the test run, but there were no problems in particular. 例文帳に追加

彼はテストランを繰り返したが、特に問題は発生しなかった。 - Weblio Email例文集

He confirmed that there were no problems with the quality of those products. 例文帳に追加

彼はその製品の品質が問題ないことを確認しました。 - Weblio Email例文集

There were no particular problems found as a result of the abovementioned procedures. 例文帳に追加

上記手続の結果、特に問題点は発見されなかった。 - Weblio Email例文集


As far as I am aware, there were no problems during the first semester.例文帳に追加

私の知る限り、一学期の間は何も問題がなかった。 - Tatoeba例文


As far as I know, there were no problems during the first semester.例文帳に追加

私の知る限り、一学期の間は何も問題がなかった。 - Tatoeba例文

As far as I am aware, there were no problems during the first semester. 例文帳に追加

私の知る限り、一学期の間は何も問題がなかった。 - Tanaka Corpus

As for improvements to theperformance of audit engagements” and “joint audits,” both of which were highlighted during the previous inspection, there were no problems worthy of mention in respect to these at any of the firms. 例文帳に追加

なお、前回の検査での指摘事項である「監査業務の遂行」及び「共同監査」に関する改善状況については、各法人ともに特に指摘すべき問題点は認められなかった。 - 金融庁

Before the World War II, it was a simple matter to change one's family name or adopt a child, and there were no problems involved in the process, but after the World War II, the civil law was revised and the permission of a family court became necessary in order to change one's family name. 例文帳に追加

戦前は改姓や養子縁組が容易に行えたため、改姓に際する問題はなかったが、戦後の民法改正によって改姓の際に家庭裁判所の許可が必要となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was no remarkable objection except that Hisamitsu SHIMAZU in Satsuma Domain complained about the system (the reasons why there were so few objections are that it was difficult for each domain to oppose the already organized central military system; governors were not able to deal with the serious financial problems in their domains; and former governors of feudal domains were assured their position and properties as nobles). 例文帳に追加

薩摩藩の島津久光が不満を述べた以外は目立った反撥はなかった(すでに中央軍制が整い、個別の藩が対抗しにくくなっていたこと、藩財政が危機的状況に陥り、知藩事の手に負えなくなったこと、旧藩主が華族として身分・財産が保証されること、などが理由とされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

We ordered item#7250 and received it today. Although there were no problems at first, the machine began to emit strange noises and bad smells after only two hours of operation. We opened the motor box and found several electrical wires were scorched. We believe the item we received is defective. This defect is causing great damage to our productivity.例文帳に追加

品番#7250を注文し、本日受け取りました。初めは何も問題なかったのですが、たった2時間の使用の後に、異音と異臭を発し始めました。モーターの箱を開けてみるといくつかの配線が焦げていました。当方が受け取った品は欠陥品であったと思います。この欠陥は当方の生産性に多大なる損害を起こしております。 - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集

To the criticism that says Yoshitsune won the battle by employing mean tactics, there are those who oppose to this criticism advocating that in the first place there were no established battle rules at that time (strictly speaking, "Konjaku Monogatari" (The Tale of Times Now Past) and other documents confirm that some rules including the place of battle for one-on-one fight and collective battle was established in several cases, such as when warriors (samurai) had a private reason or a problem concerning their territories or honor and both parties whished to solve the problems by themselves by way of a duel. 例文帳に追加

そもそも当時の合戦にルールは存在せず(厳密に言うならば、武士が私的な理由、所領問題や名誉に関わる問題で、自力・当事者間で解決しようとして合戦に及ぶ場合には一騎打ちや合戦を行う場所の指定などがあったことが『今昔物語集』などで確認できる)、義経の勝因を当時としては卑怯な戦法にある、と非難することに対する反論もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Previously, there were problems in that Onjo-ji Temple and Shirahige-jinja Shrine demanded compensation for passing the precincts of the shrine (although it was a tunnel); the local people opposed the construction; and the determination of tracks took time due to the relationship with Kojak (Kojaku) railway (鉄道) (described later); however, the minimum curve radius is basically set at 1,400 meters and the alignment (track) slope is set at no more than 19 per mill, which are high standards compared with existing railways. 例文帳に追加

園城寺や白鬚神社などでは境内通過(トンネルだが)を巡って補償騒動が起きたほか、地元からの反対、江若鉄道(後述)との関係で路線決定に難航した部分もあるが、最小曲線半径は1,400mを基本とし、線形(路線)勾配も19パーミル以下と在来線としては高規格で建設されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after World War II, based on the criticisms by people like Naoshige TSUCHIDA, the theory is no longer held as true for the following reasons: Until the early Insei period (the period ruled by the retired Emperor), even if there were differences in strength of authority between the Sessho/Kanpaku and the Emperor, political decisions were made through a consultation of both sides, and there was never a time in which the Sessho and/or Kanpaku arbitrarily took the initiative in political affairs; and orders that related to state politics were issued based on the chain of command through senshi and daijokanpu (official documents issued by the Daijokan and the Grand Council of State) even during the golden days of the regency, and it was revealed that kudashibumi and migosho documents issued by the Mandokoro were only effective for private or internal problems of the sessho and kanpaku themselves. 例文帳に追加

だが、戦後に入ると土田直鎮らによる批判などがあり、現在では院政初期までは摂政・関白と天皇との間に力関係の差はあっても、両者の協議によって政治判断が行われており、摂政・関白が専断的に政務を取った時期は存在しなかったこと、国政に関する命令は摂関政治全盛期でも宣旨・太政官符による命令系統が機能しており、政所下文及び御教書はあくまで摂政・関白個人の私的あるいは宣旨・太政官符内部の問題に対してのみ有効な命令文書であったことが明らかとされており、この説は成り立たないと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, they do not mention that the Retired Emperor Goshirakawa used the Taira clan to maintain his government by giving them high positions and increasing the number of provinces that they were custodians of, and the inability of the aristocracy at that time to deal with the social problems that they faced, but instead emphasize the arrogant behavior of Kiyomori and the Taira clan members (whereas in reality, at least up to 1179, the authority of the Taira clan was mostly due to the strong relationship with Goshirakawa and there is no specific evidence that Kiyomori or the Taira clan members had any dictatorial powers). 例文帳に追加

従って、後白河法皇が自己の政権維持のために平氏を利用して、高い官職を与え知行国を増やさせてきたという経緯や当時の社会問題に対する貴族社会の対応能力の無さという点には触れず、清盛と平氏一門がいかに専横を振るい、「驕れる者」であったかを強調している(だが、実際には少なくても治承3年以前における平氏の権力は後白河との強い関係の下で行使されたものが大半であり、その段階において清盛及び平氏一門が独裁的権力を有していたという具体的な事実は存在していない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, experts have pointed out various issues pertaining to the EU-ETS, including the following. ① Regarding the reduction targets of Phase I, there are problems in cap setting, such as moderate emissions allowances that lead to a price fall when the moderate allocation is realized. ② There are problems related to fairness and equity with respect to the cap. For example, during Phase I, in the process of creating national allocation plans that determine each country’s emissions cap, there were about 800 cases26 in all the EU countries wherein the companies sued their national governments over allocation methods and allocation amounts. Further, during Phase II, the former East European countries, such as Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, and Estonia, sued the European Commission over its strict demand on the allocation amount27. ③ There are concerns about “carbon leakageand a loss of international competitiveness among the EU companies. For example, Jean-Louis Borloo, the French Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development, expressed his concern about “carbon leakage,” which occurs when economic activities and plant locations move from the EU countries to countries with lesser or no environmental regulations. Secretary General Mr. Richmann of German Federation of Industry and Energy stated that in a situation wherein the competitors do not need to bear carbon costs, domestic industries cannot pass on the carbon costs to the international market. This would lead to not only loss of the labor market but also migration of the manufacturing bases, resulting in increased emissions outside of Europe.例文帳に追加

一方、EU-ETSに対しては、①第一約束期間の削減目標については、排出枠の設定が緩く、割当の緩さが判明した時点で価格が暴落するなど、キャップの設定に課題があったこと、②各国の排出上限量となる国別割当計画の策定過程において、割当方法及び割当量をめぐって、第一約束期間においては、企業が各国政府を提訴した事例がEU全体で800件程度あり、第二約束期間については、チェコ、ラトビア、ポーランド、ハンガリー、エストニア等旧東欧諸国が欧州委員会の要求する厳しい割当量を巡り、欧州委員会を相手に訴訟を起こしているなど、キャップの衡平性に課題があること、③フランスのボルローエコロジー・持続可能な開発整備相が、「EU域内から環境規制が緩いまたは無い他の地域に工場など移転する、いわゆる『炭素リーケージ』について懸念がある。」と表明し、ドイツの産業エネルギー連盟リヒマン事務総長が、「競争相手に炭素コストが生じなければ、産業界はこのコストを世界市場で転嫁できないので、労働市場が失われるだけではなく、生産拠点の移転もあり得るが、これは、欧州外での排出増加になる。」と発言しているなど、炭素リーケージ及び域内企業の国際競争力低下の懸念があること、等、様々な課題が指摘されている。 - 経済産業省


According to what I have heard from the administrative staff, the Incubator Bank of Japan was inspected twice before the latest inspection for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009, as I just mentioned: the previous inspection was for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007 and the one before that was for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005. My understanding is that as at the end of the fiscal year subject to each of the previous two inspections, the Bank’s financial position was assets in excess of liabilities according to the results of these inspections. Also, my understanding is that there were no material violations of laws and regulations, inadequacies in systems or other such problems in its business operations that would lead to administrative actions as found in the latest inspection. As I have repeatedly stated, at the time of the first inspection, the Bank engaged in operations allegedly based on a new business model targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Lehman Brothers shockwave that struck at the time may have been one of the factors. That said, then-Chairman Takeshi Kimura is an extremely capable person, who, according to what I have been told, had an authoritarian management style, so I suspect overambitious business expansions gave rise to the present outcome. 例文帳に追加

私は、事務方から聞いているところによりますと、日本振興銀行に対して、直近の21年3月期を基準日とする検査のほかに、過去、今さっき(申し上げた)ように19年3月期及び17年3月期を基準日とする前回及び前々回検査を実施しておりますが、上記検査の結果、同行は、前回及び前々回検査の検査基準日において、財務状況に関しては資産超過の状況にあったものと認識しておりますが、また業務運営に関しても、直近検査に認められたような行政処分につながる重大な法令違反や体制の不備等はなかったものと認識をしておりますが、私が何回も申しましたように、途中から無理な業容の拡大や経営陣による、率直に言えば無理な経営拡大を急ぎ過ぎたといいますか、最初は私も先週言いましたように、最初の1回目の検査のときには、非常に中小企業を対象とした新しいビジネスモデルだというようなことでやっておられたけれども、それからリーマン・ショックも重なったということもあるのかもしれませんけれども、非常に無理な業容の拡大を行い、当時の木村剛会長のもとで、非常にこの方は能力のある方で、しかし、悪く言えばワンマン経営だったというふうなことを漏れ聞いておりますけれども、業容拡大に非常に走ったということが、今日の結果を招いたのではないかなというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


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