
英訳・英語 press、urge on、exhort、urge、persuade、advocate、recommend、urge
日本語WordNet(英和)での「とき勧める」の英訳 |
The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day 旅行代理店は感謝祭期間中に旅行しないように提言した |
該当件数 : 9件
To friends or on the occasion where a host wants the guests to feel free to eat a lot, the host sometimes suggest them 'Jikabashi' purposely.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When Ohime who was at the age of 17 became a temporary lull, Yoritomo and Masako recommended her to get married with Takayoshi.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To recommend an appropriate work by a simple trouble and when an order for refueling is received just after a customer comes to a service station. - 特許庁
ドライブが論理アドレスをサポートしているときは、このオプションをセットすることを強く勧める。 このモードではファイルマークもカウントするからである。例文帳に追加
It is highly advisable to set this option if the drive supports the logical addresses because they count also file marks. - JM
The bank lobbied for improving the regional tourism infrastructure, including airport expansion to accommodate jets and drawing large hotels. It advised customers to build hotels and Japanese inns.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
Around 1108, she was ordered by the Chiten (person in power) at that time, Emperor Shirakawa to make bridal entry in to the Imperial Palace to the young Emperor Toba, who was eight years younger than her, although her father, Tadazane kept rejecting the order from the In, he accepted it positively after Emperor Toba himself recommended Taishi enter into the Imperial Palace after 1113.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
Weblio例文辞書での「とき勧める」に類似した例文 |
to recommend something to someone
to encourage someone to have another helping of food
to persuade one―prevail upon one―(to do something)
to recommend something as being worthy of trial or acceptance
the act of encouraging good conduct
I recommend this piece.
on your recommendation
It is no use trying to persuade that man.
Please let me know if you have any recommendations.
該当件数 : 9件
While such a stance would hardly (one would think) encourage the scientist to a religious frame of mind, it might well make him more tolerant of religious belief and less inclined to the sort of frustrated irritation and ridicule which hard-core Darwinists sometimes manifest in the face of Creationism.発音を聞く - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』
A controller 17 refers to a detergent detecting signal from a detergent detecting sensor 23 and when detergents is contained in washing water, washing using detergents is controlled for performing rinsing later but when no detergent is contained in the washing water, washing without detergents is controlled for omitting following rinsing and when washing without detergents is excessively continuously repeated, a caution recommending washing using detergents is raised. - 特許庁
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