





該当件数 : 22


2.4カーネルを使っている場合は、2.4.xカーネルの設定オプションへ進んでください。 注意:この文書の例では、例えばUSBマスストレージデバイス(ほとんどのカメラやUSBメモリ)といった、一般に必要になるような基本的なUSBサポート用の設定オプションを紹介していきます。例文帳に追加

Note: Examples in this document will show configuration options for basic USB support as well as those needed commonly, for example a USB mass storage device (most cameras and USB pen drives). - Gentoo Linux


If you need to configure your network connection either because you need specific DHCP options or because you do not use DHCP at all, open/etc/conf.d/net with your favorite editor (nano is used in this example): - Gentoo Linux

カーネルに VESA サポートを追加すれば 1024x768までのより大きいビットマップを使用できます。 VESAサポートを有効化するにはまず、 カーネルが VM86カーネルオプションとともにコンパイルされている必要があることに注意してください。例文帳に追加

If you compile VESA support into your kernel, then you can use larger bitmaps up to 1024x768.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


Not every application will save its complete state, but at a minimum, the session manager is guaranteed that it will receive the command required to restart the application(along with all command line options). - XFree86

配布物の名前は name オプションで個々に指定し、配布されるモジュールの一つと配布物を同じ名前にする必要はないことに注意してください (とはいえ、この命名方法はよいならわしでしょう)。例文帳に追加

Note that the name of the distribution is specified independently with the name option, and there's no rule that says it has to be the same as the name of the sole module in the distribution (although that'sprobably a good convention to follow). - Python

シェルオプションのcmdhistを有効にすると、シェルは複数行に別れているコマンドの各行を同じ履歴エントリに保存しようとします。 この際には、文法的な正しさを保つためにセミコロンが必要に応じて追加されます。例文帳に追加

The cmdhist shell option, if enabled, causes the shell to attempt to save each line of a multi-line command in the same history entry, adding semicolons where necessary to preserve syntactic correctness.発音を聞く  - JM


If you think your disk needs to be thoroughly checked for consistency (bad sectors and such), you can use the -c option while placing the ext2 or ext3 filesystem on it (using mke2fs). - Gentoo Linux

複数部のコピーの印字によってプリンタが 必要以上に消耗してしまうと感じるならば、 /etc/printcap ファイルに sc項目を加えてください。 これにより、 lpr(1) の -#オプションの使用が禁止されます。例文帳に追加

If you feel multiple copies cause unnecessary wear and tear on your printers, you can disable the -# option to lpr(1) by adding the sc capability to the /etc/printcap file.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


Warning: While testing, it's a good idea to tell fetchmail to keep (-k) the mail on the remote server in case something goes wrong and you need to fetch it again. - Gentoo Linux

より高度なオプションの指定も可能ですので、put 関数のドキュメントを参照してください。 次いで、(キューに追加した)メッセージを送信する必要があります。例文帳に追加

there are more advanced options, please checkdocs of the put-function for these.Now we need to send the messages.発音を聞く  - PEAR

オプションの bufsize 引数は、ファイルのために必要とするバッファのサイズを指定します: 0 は非バッファリング、 1 は行単位バッファリング、その他の正の値は指定した値 (の近似値) のサイズをもつバッファを使用することを意味します。例文帳に追加

The optional bufsize argument specifies thefile's desired buffer size: 0 means unbuffered, 1 means line buffered, any other positive value means use a buffer of(approximately) that size. - Python


Too many changes between the official releases, and the method described below does not display enough context to the user, oftenresulting in the user running into problems because they disabled options that they really didn't want to. - Gentoo Linux


To provide an elevator maintenance system which provides information necessary to recommend appropriate control parameters and option devices of an elevator according to utilization and maintenance conditions of a building and the elevator and also to decide the addition and change of the recommended control parameters and option devices. - 特許庁

Note: リモートのプリンタで印字している場合、 LPDは、結局のところ、 ローカルホストからリモートホストにファイルをコピーする必要があります。 したがって、-sオプションはローカルのスプーリングディレクトリの空き容量を節約するだけで、リモート側では節約されません。例文帳に追加

Note: If you are printing to a remote printer, LPD will eventually have to copy files from the local host to the remote host, so the -s option will save space only on the local spooling directory, not the remote.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


To provide an automatic setting method of parameter which facilitates the management of parameters to be transferred by eliminating necessity to distinguish parameter setting values by every option unit to be mounted by defining only one representative parameter setting value to be transferred from a parameter setting device to a server driver. - 特許庁


To easily add an optional apparatus, such as a sheet inserting apparatus in between a post processing apparatus and an image forming apparatus according to need and to add it at low cost, without requiring changes on the image forming apparatus side in the post processing apparatus added to the image forming apparatus and carrying out post processes, such as binding process, folding process and perforating process to a sheet body. - 特許庁

13 第二条第二十一項第二号に掲げる取引が現実数値に基づき金銭の授受により決済された場合、同項第三号に掲げる取引に係るオプションが行使されずに消滅した場合その他これらに類するものとして政令で定める場合における第一項の課徴金の計算に関し必要な事項は、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(13) With regard to the cases where a transaction listed in Article 2(21)(ii) has been settled by payment and receipt of money based on an Actual Figure, the cases where the Options pertaining to a transaction listed in Article 2(21)(iii) have been extinguished without being exercised and other cases specified by a Cabinet Order as being similar to these cases, the matters necessary for calculation of an administrative monetary penalty set forth in paragraph (1) shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a connecting chair enabling the installation of an optional member as occasion demands in a space formed between each unit chair and a support body adjacent thereto or the replacement of each unit chair by a one differed in lateral width by facilitating the change in the space between each unit chair and the support body. - 特許庁


A module selecting means 104 selects a necessary module from a module map table consisting of hardware information detected by a hardware detecting means 101, service information of a service information management table 102, the hardware kind of a client 100 supplied from a module map table 201, and correspondence information wherein hardware options, individual services, and modules are made to correspond, and requests downloading of the server 200. - 特許庁



Options for allocating dedicated signatures comprises: allocating the dedicated signature, when there is unused space of a random signature root index, from the unused space; allocating more dedicated signatures from the same root index using the same time/frequency resources if additional signatures are needed; and reserving some preambles from contention-based random access preambles from both two sets of preambles. - 特許庁






The option seems to be necessary, too






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