





該当件数 : 183



Has the Board of Directors, in accordance with the financial institution’s corporate management plans, its strategic objectives, the strategic objectives of various divisions and the Capital Management Policy, developed capital plans, etc. designed to achieve an appropriate level of capital targeted by the institution?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In July 1917, the capital of the bank was increased to thirty million yen and listed a part of it's stocks.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

四 会員商品取引所が出資の額の全又は一資本剰余の額とするものと定めた場合 当該資本剰余の額とするものと定めた額に相当する額例文帳に追加

(iv) in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange determined to deem the whole or part of a contribution as the amount of the capital surplus: the amount equivalent to the amount determined to be deemed as said capital surplus;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 会員商品取引所が出資の額の全又は一資本剰余の額とするものと定めた場合 当該資本剰余の額とするものと定めた額例文帳に追加

(iii) in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange determined to deem the whole or part of a contribution as the amount of the capital surplus: the amount determined to be deemed to be said capital surplus;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 減少する資本の額の全又は一を準備とするときは、その旨及び準備とする額例文帳に追加

(ii) If all or part of the amount by which the stated capital is reduced is to be appropriated to Reserves, a statement to such effect and the amount to be appropriated to Reserves;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The overall quota for capital injection is 12 trillion yen, and we will welcome an application from banks that wish to enhance their capital bases. I hope that more banks will modify their articles of incorporation in preparation for that.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Fig. 3-2-16 shows the percentage of borrowings that SMEs believe is pseudocapital and indicates that overall, 50% of SMEs believe that a portion of borrowings is pseudo-capital. - 経済産業省


In the case where the Capital Management Division is in charge of risk assessment, does the division assess risks appropriately in internal capital adequacy assessment with a risk assessment method befitting the scales and natures of the financial institution's business and its risk profile?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To deal with this, the Minimum Capitalization Exemption System (implemented as part of the Law for Facilitating the Creation of New Business) was launched in February 2003. - 経済産業省


As for the level of capital held by banks, we have had worries, and some regional banks are indeed trying to increase their capital by receiving public funds. We should be glad that major banks are planning to raise capital on their own.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


(ii) Does the Capital Management Division apply capital management to the credit concentration risk and the interest rate risk in the banking book in the internal capital adequacy assessment and is it considering whether to apply capital management to the risks not included in the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Does the Capital Management Division, in accordance with the Capital Management Policy and the Capital Management Rules, conduct monitoring with regard to the status of capital adequacy with an appropriate frequency in light of the financial institution's internal environment (risk profile, the status of the use of risk limits, etc.) and external environment (economic cycle, markets, etc.)?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In a capital enhancement plan as of January 2012, prepared by a bank that was indicated as having a capital shortage by the European Banking Authority in December 2011, 77% of its capital enhancement will be implemented through capital increase measures such as financing from the market by issuing new stocks and accumulation of retained earnings. - 経済産業省


In relation to the capital adequacy ratio, could you tell us about your view on the trend of enhancing the capital requirement in terms of quality and quantity for internationally operating financial institutions?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


One characteristic of Japanese SMEs is that, because of refinancing, a portion of borrowings from financial institutions effectively does not require procurement of repayment funds. For SMEs, these funds are regarded as capital in nature and are said to supplement the equity capital of SMEs. - 経済産業省

第四百四十九条 株式会社が資本又は準備(以下この条において「資本等」という。)の額を減少する場合(減少する準備の額の全資本とする場合を除く。)には、当該株式会社の債権者は、当該株式会社に対し、資本等の額の減少について異議を述べることができる。ただし、準備の額のみを減少する場合であって、次のいずれにも該当するときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 449 (1) In cases where a Stock Company reduces the amount of its stated capital or Reserves (hereinafter in this article referred to as "Stated Capitals, Etc.")(excluding cases where the whole of the amount by which the Reserves are reduced is appropriated to the stated capital), creditors of such Stock Company may state their objections to the reduction in the amount of the Capitals, Etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where only the amount of the Reserves is reduced and all of the following apply:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To restore soundness in the financial sector, it is imperative to strengthen the capital base of financial institutions, while disposing of their non-performing loans in bold manner. The government and the public sector in each Asian country have already taken the initiative in recapitalizing financial institutions and in acquiring of their on-performing loans.発音を聞く  - 財務省


The basic flow of capital from emerging countries and resource-rich countries has seen their public sectors (monetary authorities) export capital through huge foreign investment preparations. - 経済産業省


Based in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture and with a workforce of 80 and capital of \\99million, Kohara Gear Industry Co., Ltd., (KHK) is a machine parts manufacturer, founded in 1935. - 経済産業省


Subcontracting additionally allowed investment capital to be reduced, wage and labor management to be farmed out, and use to be made of specialized technologies.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第十六条 株式会社は、資本又は準備(以下この節において「資本等」という。)の額の減少(減少する準備の額の全資本とする場合を除く。)の決議に係る株主総会(会社法第四百四十七条第三項(資本の額の減少)又は第四百四十八条第三項(準備の額の減少)に規定する場合にあっては、取締役会)の会日の二週間前から資本等の額の減少の効力を生じた日後六月を経過する日まで、資本等の額の減少に関する議案その他の内閣府令で定める事項を記載し、又は記録した書類又は電磁的記録を各営業所に備え置かなければならない。ただし、準備の額のみを減少する場合であって、次のいずれにも該当するときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 16 (1) A Stock Company shall keep at each of its business offices a document or electromagnetic record that describes or records any proposal regarding the reduction (excluding the cases where the whole of the amount by which the Reserves are reduced is appropriated to the capital) of the capital or Reserves (hereinafter referred to as "capital, etc." in this Section) as well as any other matter specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, for a period ranging from two weeks before the date of the shareholders meeting pertaining to the resolution on the reduction (or, the date of the board of directors meeting where Article 447, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Capital) or Article 448, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Reserves) of the Companies Act Applies) to six months from the Effective Date of the reduction of the capital, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where only the amount of the Reserves is reduced and all of the following are met:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項に規定する「新設合併設立会員商品取引所の出資、加入資本剰余、法定準備及び利益剰余につき全の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所における新設合併の直前の出資、加入資本剰余、法定準備及び利益剰余を引き継ぐものとして計算することが適切である場合」とは、次のいずれにも該当する場合をいう。例文帳に追加

(2) The phrase "cases where it is appropriate to calculate the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger as those succeeding to the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of all Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Consolidation-Type Merger" as used in the preceding paragraph means cases that fall under all of the following items:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Does the Capital Management Division grasp the limitations and weaknesses of the internal capital adequacy assessment method as well as changes in the internal and external environments, and regularly review whether the method suits the financial institution's strategic objectives, the scales and natures of its business, and its risk profile and revise the method, or provide information necessary for the Board of Directors to make appropriate assessment and judgments?発音を聞く  - 金融庁

4 第十六条第一項(ただし書を除く。)及び第二項、第十七条(第一項ただし書を除く。)、第十七条の二第四項並びに第十七条の四の規定は、第一項の基償却積立の取崩しについて準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「資本等の額の減少」とあるのは「基償却積立の取崩し」と、第十六条第一項中「株式会社は、資本又は準備(以下この節において「資本等」という。)の額の減少(減少する準備の額の全資本とする場合を除く。)の決議に係る株主総会(会社法第四百四十七条第三項(資本の額の減少)又は第四百四十八条第三項(準備の額の減少)に規定する場合にあっては、取締役会)の会日の二週間前から資本等の額の減少の効力を生じた日後六月を経過する日まで」とあるのは「第五十七条第一項の場合には、相互会社は、同項の決議に係る社員総会(総代会を設けているときは、総代会)の会日の二週間前から基償却積立の取崩しをした日後六月を経過する日まで」と、第十七条第一項中「株式会社が資本等の額を減少する場合(減少する準備の額の全資本とする場合を除く。)」とあるのは「第五十七条第一項の場合」と、同条第六項中「会社法第四百四十七条第一項(資本の額の減少)又は第四百四十八条第一項(準備の額の減少)」とあるのは「第五十七条第一項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(4) The provisions of Article 16, paragraph (1) (excluding the proviso thereto) and (2), Article 17 (excluding the proviso to paragraph (1)), Article 17-2, paragraph (4), and Article 17-4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a reduction of the reserve for redemption of funds under paragraph (1). In this case, the term "reduction of the capital, etc." in those provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "reduction of the reserve for redemption of funds"; the terms "A Stock Company" and "ranging from two weeks before the date of the shareholders meeting pertaining to the resolution on the reduction of the capital, etc. (or, the date of the board of directors meeting where Article 447, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Capital) or Article 448, paragraph (3) (Reductions in Amount of Reserves) of the Companies Act Applies) to six months from the Effective Date of the reduction of the capital, etc." in Article 16, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "In the case of Article 57, paragraph (1), a Mutual Company" and "ranging from two weeks before the date of the General Meeting of members (or General Meeting, where the company has such meeting) pertaining to the resolution under that paragraph to six months from the date of the reduction of the reserve for redemption of funds" respectively; the term "Where a Stock Company reduces the amount of its capital, etc. (excluding the cases where the whole of the amount by which the Reserves are reduced is appropriated to the capital)" in Article 17, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "In the case of Article 57, paragraph (1)"; and the term "Article 447, paragraph (1) (Reductions in amount of the Capital) or Article 448, paragraph (1) (Reductions in amount of Reserves) of the Companies Act" in Article 17, paragraph (6) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 57, paragraph (1)"; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Next, the major capital flows between sectors, namely the corporate and financial sectors in each economy, will be illustrated in a chart wherein data is based on the capital flow statistics of each country in order to assess the financial and capital markets in each country. - 経済産業省


One of the characteristics of equity finance is that it allows companies to strengthen their financial base through the introduction of capital-like funds which carry no repayment obligation. On the other hand, when capital is introduced from outside players, the composition of shareholders changes and demands for disclosure of detailed financial information can be received from shareholders who are investors. - 経済産業省


First, the bill to partially amend the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in order to strengthen the foundation of the capital market is intended to implement measures included in the Action Plan for the New Growth Strategy based on the financial strategy that is one of the pillars of the New Growth Strategy that was adopted upon a cabinet decision last year (June 18, 2010).発音を聞く  - 金融庁

四 会員商品取引所が資本剰余の額の全又は一を出資の額とするものと定めた場合 当該出資の額とするものと定めた額に相当する額例文帳に追加

(iv) in the case where a Member Commodity Exchange determined to deem the whole or part of the capital surplus as the amount of the contribution: the amount equivalent to the amount determined to be deemed to be said contribution;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Today, we made a cabinet decision to submit a bill to partially amend the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act in order to strengthen the foundation of the capital market and the financial industry, and a bill to partially amend the Deposit Insurance Act.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Before I talk about the merger, I would like to tell you about my view about news that umbrella organizations for “shinkin” banks and credit associations are considering applying for governmental capital injection発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The partial introduction of flexibility into the capital adequacy ratio regulation, regarding which the Prime Minister gave an instruction to us today, reflects concern that because valuation losses on securities holdings must be deducted from bankscapital in the calculation of their capital adequacy ratio, as you know, an expansion of valuation losses due to the current market condition would be a significant variable factor for their capital adequacy ratio, thereby prompting them to curb loans excessively.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The profitability of financial institutions (banking sector) in the United States and Japan reveals, for instance, that the recent return on assets (ROA) of Japanese financial institutions, which has at times fallen below zero, have been lower than those of US counterparts (see Figure 2-4-74). - 経済産業省


Thus the proportion of equity capital rises as the number of employees rises, and the proportion of borrowing falls. The smaller an enterprise is, therefore, the more dependent it is on borrowing for the majority of its financing. - 経済産業省


In the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Corporate Finance Committee of the Industrial Structure Council has been holding discussions and making suggestions for the strengthening of Japan’s financial and capital markets from the perspective offinance for industry.” - 経済産業省

第十七条 株式会社が資本等の額を減少する場合(減少する準備の額の全資本とする場合を除く。)には、当該株式会社の保険契約者その他の債権者は、当該株式会社に対し、資本等の額の減少について異議を述べることができる。ただし、準備の額のみを減少する場合であって、前条第一項各号のいずれにも該当するときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 17 (1) Where a Stock Company reduces the amount of its capital, etc. (excluding the cases where the whole of the amount by which the Reserves are reduced is appropriated to the capital), Policyholders or other creditors of such Stock Company may raise their objections to the reduction in the amount of the capital, etc. to the Stock Company; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the cases where only the amount of the Reserves is reduced and all items of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article are met.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Below, we analyze financing through equity on the balance sheet and market-oriented indirect financing, which has emerged owing to advances in financial technology. - 経済産業省


The financial environments of Korea, Thailand, and China centering on the corporate sector are analyzed based on their capital flow statistics, which indicate that the financial and capital markets in Korea and Thailand were heavily hit by the Asian crisis. - 経済産業省


The crisis not only spread across borders via globalized financial and capital markets but also produced a widespread impact on individual investors and fund-raisers, including companies, as well as on the financial sector.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In particular, I expect the IMF to enhance its analysis of the vulnerabilities of domestic financial sectors, the flow of international capital to these economies through markets, and the implications of domestic liquidity on real economies.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Sound pro-growth policies in our countries have contributed to this recovery through such measures as tax reform, more flexible labor, product, and capital markets, reduced regulatory burdens, pension reforms, and strengthened financial sectors and macroeconomic policy frameworks.発音を聞く  - 財務省


The second pillar comprises the partial introduction of flexibility into the capital adequacy ratio regulation and support for efforts to ensure appropriate accounting of financial instruments as ways to strengthen the financial functions.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


*The FSA implemented measures to maintain the financial intermediary function (e.g. change in the treatment of restructured loans, partial relaxation of the capital adequacy requirement and amendment of the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions).発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Yamaoka Seisakusho Co. Ltd., based in Joyo City, Kyoto Prefecture, with a workforce of 160 and capital of ¥62.4 million, is a manufacturer that specializes in precision metal mold processing, precision component processing, producing equipment used in electronic component manufacturing, and press working. - 経済産業省


このため、我が国融・資本市場において早急に対応すべき諸課題について検討し、本年一月二十一日に、「融・資本市場に係る制度整備について」を公表しました。 引き続き検討を進め、このうち、法改正が必要な事項について、本日、「融商品取引法等の一を改正する法律案」を国会に提出させていただくこととしております。例文帳に追加

Therefore, we examined issues that should be urgently addressed regarding the Japanese financial and capital markets and published the “Development of Institutional Frameworks Pertaining to Financial and Capital Marketson January 21 this year. We will conduct a further examination, and regarding matters that require legislation, we plan to submit a bill for partial amendment of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, etc. to the current session of the Diet today.発音を聞く  - 金融庁






Part of the capital








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