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該当件数 : 59



This product has durability and is way cheaper than that of other companies'.  - Weblio Email例文集


This product has durability and is cheaper than that of other companies'.  - Weblio Email例文集


Dummy variables displaying degree of differentiation with products of competing enterprises - 経済産業省

競合他社が弊社製品と同等の機能を持つ製品を発売しました。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

A competitor has launched a product which has the same functions as ours.  - Weblio Email例文集



Can you go sell news of the product to the competing company?  - Weblio Email例文集





(2) Differentiation with other enterprises' products dummy 1 (not very differentiated = 1;other = 0) - 経済産業省


(3) Differentiation with other enterprises' products dummy 2 (cannot say =1; other = 0) - 経済産業省


(4) Differentiation with other enterprises' products dummy 3 (somewhat differentiated =1;other = 0) - 経済産業省



(5) Differentiation with other enterprises' products dummy 4 (very differentiated = 1;other = 0) - 経済産業省



an advertising technique in which one compares one's own company's products with those of a rival company to display the merits of one's own company's products  - EDR日英対訳辞書


One's own products can be differentiated from competitor's products by increasing their originality and brand strength - 経済産業省


To make it possible to adequately grasp product composition information not only on own company's products but also on other companies' products, these products being included in customer product groups. - 特許庁


Positioning analysis helps firms understand how their products are regarded compared to other competitive products. - Weblio英語基本例文集


As reference, I would like to introduce a case of the introduction of one of our company’s products to another company.  - Weblioビジネス英語例文

お客様がお持ちの商品は弊社商品を真似た他社製品でございます。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

The product you own looks like our product, but it was made by another company  - Weblio Email例文集


Circulating environment friendly products are attached with different category of business and other company advertisements and specific marks. - 特許庁

GHG 排出が比較的高水準の製品に対する需要の低下、すなわち、競合他社のGHG 排出が低水準の製品に対する需要の増加例文帳に追加

Decreased demand for products with relatively high GHG emissions; increased demand for competitors' products with lower emissions  - 経済産業省


When a user inputs the name of another company and product information of another company into a user terminal 15, a maker server 11 retrieves own company product information corresponding thereto, and the user terminal 15 displays the retrieval result. - 特許庁


New products thus emerge as a result of differentiation from existing products. Even if new products are successfully differentiated when first introduced, however, this differentiation can be lost as competitors enter the market and trends among customers change. - 経済産業省


More specifically, product differentiation for increasing price bargaining power has two shades of meaning: (1)"differentiation of products themselves," in which highly original technologies and products that cannot be copied by competitors (or which cannot be hit upon by competitors) are developed; and (2) "differentiation of product image," in which customers' level of recognition and image of one's own products is increased by aggressively appealing based on the strong points of one's own products. - 経済産業省

低価格なのはノーブランド商品のためで、他社のブランド製品にもひけを取らない性能があります。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

The price is lower because the product is generic. However, it performs as good as brand-name products.  - Weblio Email例文集


Consequently, it became a red-hot product; other companies released similar products, which drove the katsuobushi kezuriki (a cutter box for katsuobushi) from the Japanese household.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Consequently, it is possible to obtain the same driving sense as a product of the other company by merely exchanging the operation levers 31, 32, 33 from a standard product and attaching them to this hydraulic valve operation device. - 特許庁


Each maker 10 takes used copying machines as trade-in from each employed 30, and then the maker brings products fabricated by other companies to a copying machine exchanging center 20. - 特許庁


In a conscious effort to differentiate its product from other companies’ and based on market research, the company developed unique-tasting products (light beer). - 経済産業省


In addition, Chugai Toen Co., Ltd. thoroughly analyzed the strength of its technical development know-how and examined how it could differentiate its products from the products of other enterprises. - 経済産業省


To provide an electronic commerce system capable of simply retrieving a product of own company equivalent to a product of another company, and quickly distributing the product. - 特許庁


To provide a pressure sensor that can identify whether a product is manufactured by other companies or own companies, and can also identify production management information, such as lots and dates of manufacturing. - 特許庁


This questionnaire does not only ask about the sales price range and volume of an enterprise's products and services, but also asks about the condition of differentiation with the products of other enterprises and about the utilization of community resources. - 経済産業省


Since the labor in Vietnam is so low in price, there is a tendency for companies to manufacture labor-intensive products there. However, Kyoshin Kogyo dared to be different, and specialized in products requiring high-level technology, which other companies found to be a difficult match. - 経済産業省


All of the products will be supplied to Samsung Group who, in turn, will secure a stable supply of highly functional touch panels intending to differentiate itself from other companiesproducts such as smartphones. - 経済産業省

Web アプリケーションからレポート、グラフ、または PDF ファイルを生成する必要がある場合、オープンソースの JasperReports フレームワークなど、作業を行うのに役立つ他社製品が数多くあります。例文帳に追加

When you need to generate a report, a chart, or a PDF file from a web application, you have many third-party products to help you accomplish your task, including the open source JasperReports framework.  - NetBeans


To provide a wireless LAN system in which security setting can be performed in safety through a simple operation and mutual availability can be enhanced including products of other companies. - 特許庁


If the result of the measurement is deviated from a specified value, it can be identified that the brake disk 1 is not manufactured by the self company, and identification from a product by other manufacturer can be performed. - 特許庁


To provide an information processor and a program relocation processing method, capable of automatically restoring relocation processing from being disabled by changing a patch or the like of an other company's product such as an OS or middleware. - 特許庁


To provide a printer driver and a printing system capable of being made different from products of other companies and increasing the developer's profits while keeping the price of printer low. - 特許庁


To securely and speedily analyze part-level nonconformity generated in actual usage environments, or nonconformity related to connection to products of other manufacturers. - 特許庁


To enable a user to use a sample of the same kinds, to obtain accurate information on the user about the sample, and to enables the sample provider, etc., to gather the result of a comparison with other-companies articles as information. - 特許庁


Ever since the company was founded, they have conducted precision machining, actively accepted orders for the processing of difficult products that other companies refuse, introduced high performance machine tools to meet those demands, and improved their technological capabilities.  - 経済産業省


To be more specific, the minister in charge is required to have “dialogs” with the Japan Fair Trade Commission in terms of reorganization plans.  - 経済産業省


The rice cracker manufacturing facilities at Sanshu Seika are also internally designed. Sanshu Seika thinks that designing internally allows knowhow to accumulate within the company, which in turn helps it succeed in creating products that cannot be imitated by other enterprises. - 経済産業省


Given that major competitors are mostly domestic companies at the moment, products related to the enhancement of resource productivity may become an area of strength for Japan. - 経済産業省


Under these circumstances, it is necessary for companies to enhance the uniqueness of products and services they provide and differentiate them from those of its peers in order to regain pricing power and earn profits. - 経済産業省


A summarization server (105) counts the number of times for each of the characteristic values of the semiconductor product inputted as search conditions and if the counted number of times of a characteristic value is a predetermined value or more, the semiconductor product of another company is searched using the characteristic value as a search condition. - 特許庁


By using the die casting process to make parts that were conventionally thought impossible to manufacture with die casting and by manufacturing high-quality castings using a unique die casting method, the company differentiates itself from competitors in Japan and foreign products. - 経済産業省


However, when an unreproducible reproduced article and the other company product are included in a recovery article, a database is updated by subtracting a predetermined value from the imparting incentive or an incentive stored to be imparted according to its kind and quantity (S313). - 特許庁


To provide a component information management system for allowing a company that needs a substitute to easily use component management information held by another company, allowing the companies to easily mutually exchange component information, and allowing the companies to have a close information link on a product or a component. - 特許庁

第2-1-16 図で、自社製品等の代替可能性とBCP の取組状況を見てみると、「他社が代替供給することは難しい」、「代替供給できるところは限られており、すぐには代替できない」と回答した企業において、「BCP を策定済みである」、「BCP を策定中である」と回答した割合は約1割にとどまっている。例文帳に追加

Looking at the alternativity of enterprisesown products and state of development of BCPs shown in Fig. 2-1-16, only around 10% of enterprises that respondalternative suppliers unavailableorlimited alternative suppliers and not immediately availablerespond that they have “BCP already developedorBCP under development.”  - 経済産業省



With the increasingly knowledge-driven global economy and the increasingly short life-cycle of products, interest in open innovation, which entails the utilization of other companiestechnologies and cooperative development of technology with other companies, is increasing worldwide. - 経済産業省


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