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To provide a health study support system in which in accordance with user's health conditions and willingness for health study, content and information for self-learning can be provided, and consultation and support concerning health can be provided. - 特許庁


The information providing system for selling health-related merchandise and/or for providing a health-related service includes: a constitution analyzing means for analyzing the constitution of the customer based on Eastern medicine by receiving the constitution information of the customer; and a database for storing the health-related information related to health-related merchandise and/or health-related service related with the constitution information obtained by the constitution analyzing means. - 特許庁


Faculties: First- and second-year students of the Faculty of Theology, Letters, Social Studies, Commerce, and all students of the Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Life and Medical Sciences, Health and Sports Science, Engineering  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The health clinical information on the individuals that the medical institution where the individuals have clinical consultations, and the school, company, and health examination center where the individuals have medical examinations is gathered and managed by a health care data sharing system on a network. - 特許庁



the science of using computers, databases, and math to organize and analyze large amounts of biological, medical, and health information.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版



Case 1 Case in which information on the result of thorough examination and the situation of consultation, etc. about the public health service including health examination and cancer checkup implemented by an insurer, etc. like a health insurance society, etc. is provided, in concealing individual names, to researchers, etc. for the epidemiology study or the statistical survey aimed at the making of health enhancement policies and the improvement of the effectiveness of health enhancement programs  - 経済産業省


a Maternal and Child Health Handbook will be issued to you and you will receive health checkup tickets that you can use for health checkups for pregnant women at public expense. You also have access to counseling services with public health nurses, mothers’/parents’ classes and various information services. - 厚生労働省


a set of guidelines developed by u.s. and canadian scientists to give information about the role of nutrients in human health.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


The use of equipment attached to a frame part or a cloth enables to learn science and culture, enjoy entertainment, obtain, collect and summarize information, check the health of a sleeping person and communicate it with the outside. - 特許庁



Further, a storage means stores the differences between the predicted resident's final ages and the actual resident's final ages as learning information for the coefficients for finding the health indexes and mean resident's final age. - 特許庁



Information on, such as, the Q&A for the general public and that prepared by other ministries, relevant organizations, and academic conferences was provided, to be used during health counseling. (March 23, 2011) - 厚生労働省


Ways will therefore be devised to ensure that this provision of information in relation to lifestyle habits is based on scientific findings, is easy to understand, is easy to link to health promotion initiatives by the people, and is attractive, effective, and efficient. - 厚生労働省


A smoking abstainer approving institution is provided to issue smoking abstaining cards and respective business bodies use their information by computers to perform the health management of business-body employees, make the health insurance union operation sound, improve operation efficiency, reduce facilities and cleaning costs, strictly make minors abstain from smoking, takes measures against student's smoking, and provide services for special exhibition visitors. - 特許庁


Also, in order to effectively promote public health promotion initiatives, in establishing specific targets, the national government shall have a shared awareness ofthe current status and issues, with information provided by the many people involved in health promotion, and shall select issues and shall establish specific targets that are based on scientific evidence and for which actual assessment is possible. - 厚生労働省


With the provision of information relating to health promotion, utilization of a variety of channels such as mass media including ICT, volunteer groups relating to health promotion, industry, school education, medical insurers, and health project health consultations, and giving effective encouragement that meets the characteristics of the target group by combining several methods are important. - 厚生労働省


The main details of the FINPAW include: (1) the endeavor to promote the health and maintain the capability to work of the elderly in their workplaces through provision of training programs and information to the personnel in charge of health and safety at the workplaces, the local occupational safety committee, personnel in charge of labor management, and the workplace and individual, as well as to raise awareness on aging; (2) implementation of detailed health promotion activities for older workers, study on the employment issues and development of a public employment service; (3) development of a support system for lifelong learning by the aged population; and (4) reform of disability and unemployment insurances, among others. - 経済産業省

○ 国は、上記届出を受けて、詳細な安全性評価の対象となる化物質を、優先度を付けて絞り込む。これらについては、製造・輸入事業者に有害性情報の提出を求め、人の健康等に与える影響を段階的に評価。例文帳に追加

Upon reception of the above report, the government will narrow down and prioritize the chemical substances for detailed safety assessment The manufacturers and/or importers will be requested to submit information on the level/ type of hazard. Influences of such chemicals on human health, etc. will be evaluated and classified.  - 経済産業省


To produce an optical information recording medium capable of enhancing convenience by reediting and reproducing an exercise video program fitting the health condition of each user to improve usefulness due to exercise video program contents recorded for everybody and information related to biological information obtained from a biological sensor and also distributing the recorded exercise video program in a technology using a partial ROM. - 特許庁



The home health management system comprises a human interface 2 capable of visually inputting the ambiguous concept representing the degree of the symptom and findings related to the disease, an personal database 3, a medical knowledge database 6, a personal data processing means 4, a human inference engine 5 and an advice information processing means 8. - 特許庁


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