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該当件数 : 67


第XI 周知標章例文帳に追加

Title XI Well-Known Marks - 特許庁


Well-known markmeans a mark within the meaning of Article 6bis of the Paris Convention;  - 特許庁


the mark that has been altered, reproduced or imitated is famous, well known, or is a certification or collective mark.  - 特許庁


The Trade Registry Department shall, ex officio, reject any application to register any mark which is identical with a well-known mark and is intended for products which are identical with those of the well-known mark, unless the application is submitted by the owner of the well-known mark.  - 特許庁



(k) the outcome of litigations dealing with the issue of whether the mark is a well-known mark; and, - 特許庁


規則102 周知であるか否かを決定するための基準例文帳に追加

Rule 102 Criteria for Determining whether a Mark is Well-known - 特許庁


Designs which are identical, similar or closely resemble a registered trade mark or a well-known mark  - 特許庁


An infringement of an unregistered well-known mark shall consist of the use of a sign identical with or confusingly similar to the well-known mark without the agreement of the owner of the well-known mark provided that the sign is used in relation to goods or services identical with or similar to the goods or services for which the mark is well-known.  - 特許庁


This Law recognizes the right of the owner of a well-known mark to special protection for the purpose of avoiding improper exploitation of the notoriety of the mark by third parties having no rights therein, or the weakening of its distinguishing power or market or advertising value. - 特許庁



The INPI may ex officio deny a request for registration of a mark that wholly or partially reproduces or imitates a well-know mark.  - 特許庁


(e) 登録出願の対象とする商品又はサービスの類如何に関わりなく,周知標章と混同を生じさせるほど類似した識。ただし,周知標章の正当な権利者による登録出願についてはこの限りでない。例文帳に追加

(e) they are confusingly similar to a well-known mark, regardless of the class of goods and services for which registration is sought; this provision shall not apply where the complainant is the legitimate owner of the well-known mark; - 特許庁

登録周知標章に対する侵害は,周知標章所有者の同意なしに,当該周知標章と同一か又は混同を生じる程に類似する識を使用することで構成される。ただし,当該識が次に関して使用されることを条件とする: 周知標章の登録に係る商品及びサービスと同一であるか又は類似する商品及びサービス,又は (b) 周知標章の登録に係る商品及びサービスと同一でなく又は類似しない商品及びサービスであって,これらの商品又はサービスに関する識の使用がそれら商品及びサービスと周知標章の所有者との関連を暗示すると考えられ,周知標章所有者の利益が当該使用により害される虞があるもの例文帳に追加

An infringement of a registered well-known mark shall consist of the use of a sign identical with or confusingly similar to the well-known mark without the agreement of the owner of the well-known mark provided that the sign is used: a. in relation to goods and services identical with or similar to the goods and services for which the well-known mark has been registered, or b. in relation to goods and services which are not identical with or similar to those in respect of which the well-known mark has been registered and the use of the sign in relation to these goods or services would indicate a connection between those goods and services and the owner of the well-known mark and that the interests of the owner of the well known mark are likely to be damaged by such use.  - 特許庁


(6) The proprietor shall not be entitled to the right referred to in subsection (2), (3) or (4) if the use of the trade mark or business identifier, as the case may be, began before the proprietor’s trade mark became well known in Singapore, unless the trade mark or business identifier has been used in bad faith. - 特許庁


A mark shall be determined as a well-known mark or mark with a reputation by: the Sofia City Court under the ordinary claim procedure; the Patent Office in accordance with Article 50b.  - 特許庁


A mark shall be determined as a well-known mark or a mark with a reputation at the request of the proprietor against payment of the prescribed fee and furnishing of written evidence.  - 特許庁


A mark, which is determined as a well-known mark or mark with a reputation according to paragraph (2), shall be published in the Official Bulletin of the Patent Office and shall be recorded in the Register referred to in Article 5a.  - 特許庁


A mark, which is determined as a well-known mark or mark with a reputation according to Article 50a(2)(i) shall not be published in the Official Bulletin of the Patent Office and shall not be recorded in the Register referred to in Article 5a, and it may not be opposed to third parties.  - 特許庁


Any third party may appeal against the decision on determining a mark as a well-known mark or mark with a reputation before the Sofia City Court in accordance with the Code of Administrative Procedure within one month following the publication.  - 特許庁


The refusal to determine a mark as a well-known mark or mark with a reputation may be appealed before the Sofia City Court in accordance with the Code of Administrative Procedure.  - 特許庁


(l) the presence or absence of identical or similar marks validly registered for or used on identical or similar goods or services and owned by persons other than the person claiming that his mark is a well-known mark. - 特許庁


The preceding provision shall apply to applications intended for products which are not identical with those of the well-known mark, where the well-known mark is registered in a country member of the World Trade Organization and in Egypt, and where the use of the mark in relation to those non-identical products is meant to lead people to believe that a connection exists between the owner of the well-known mark and those products, and that such a use may be prejudicial to the interests of the owner of the well-known mark.  - 特許庁


(7) A well-known mark which is registered is infringed or is deemed to be infringed by a person who, not being the registered proprietor of the well-known mark or a registered user thereof using by way of permitted use, (a) uses the mark in relation to goods or services identical with or similar to the goods or services for which the well-known mark has been registered; or (b) uses such a mark in relation to goods or services which not being identical with or similar to those in respect of which the well-known mark has been registered, by using of the mark in relation to those goods or services, would indicate a connection between those goods or services and the owner of the registered well-known mark and that the interests of the owner of the registered well-known mark are likely to be damaged by such use.  - 特許庁


The Patent Office shall effect publication in its Official Bulletin of all registrations of marks, well-known marks and marks enjoying a reputation, as well as all subsequent entries pertaining thereto within three months at the latest following their recording in the State Register of Marks.  - 特許庁


The competent office shall likewise cancel the registration of a mark, at the request of the lawful owner, where the mark is identical or similar to another that was well known, within the meaning of the legislation in force, at the time of the application for registration. - 特許庁

当該異議申立が第11条 (2)の趣旨における周知であると主張される先のを基礎としている場合は,その旨の表示及び当該先の周知であると認識されている1又は複数の国名の表示例文帳に追加

where the opposition is based on an earlier mark which is alleged to be a well-known trade mark within the meaning of sub-section (2) of section 11, an indication to that effect and an indication of the country or countries in which the earlier mark is recognized to be well known - 特許庁


The procedure of determining at the Patent Office of a mark as a well-known mark or mark with a reputation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be specified in a regulation issued by the Council of Ministers.  - 特許庁

前段落は,前記の工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約第6条 の 2の意味において周知であるの使用に適用される。例文帳に追加

The foregoing paragraph shall apply to the use of a mark that is well known within the meaning of Article 6bis of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property referred to above.  - 特許庁


In determining whether a mark is well-known, the following criteria or any combination thereof may be taken into accoount: - 特許庁


In order to determine whether a mark is well-known, due regard shall be had to the following criteria among others: - 特許庁

(d) ペルーにおける又は,互恵主義を前提として,地域又は国際的商域における関連分野に周知でかつ第三者に属している識別性ある識の全体若しくは一部分の複製,模倣,翻訳若しくは転写から成る識。この禁止は,類に関係なく,識の使用が周知標章の対象と同一の商品又はサービスについて意図されている場合と,その使用が周知標章の対象と異なる商品又はサービスについて意図されている場合の両者に適用される。ただし,周知標章の正当な権利者による登録出願は除く。例文帳に追加

(d) they constitute a reproduction, imitation, translation or transcription of all or part of a distinctive sign that is well known to the sectors concerned in the country in which registration is applied for, or in subregional or international trade subject to reciprocity, and which belongs to a third party; the said prohibition shall be applicable, regardless of class, both where use of the sign is intended for the same goods or services as are covered by the well-known mark and where the use is intended for different goods or services; this provision shall not apply where the complainant is the legitimate owner of the well-known mark; - 特許庁

(1)の規定の適用上,「先の」とは,次のものをいう: 登録であって,先の出願日又は該当する場合は先の優先日を有するもの, 登録出願されているであって,登録される場合は,先の出願日又は該当する場合は先の優先日を有することになるもの , そのの出願日又は該当する場合は優先日において,ブルガリア共和国の領域内で周知である例文帳に追加

For the purposes of paragraph (1), “earlier markmeans: a registered mark with an earlier filing date or an earlier priority date, as appropriate; a mark applied for registration with an earlier filing date or an earlier priority date, as appropriate, if it is registered; a mark which is well known in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria on the filing date or priority date, as appropriate, of the mark.  - 特許庁

登録出願に関し,第L712条 3にいう期間中は,それより前に既に登録若しくは出願された若しくはそれより先の優先日を有するの所有者,又はそれより前の周知標章の所有者は,工業所有権庁長官に異議を申し立てることができる。例文帳に追加

During the period of time referred to in Article L712-3, opposition to an application for registration may be entered with the Director of the National Institute of Industrial Property by the owner of a mark that has been registered or applied for at an earlier date or which enjoys an earlier priority date or by the owner of an earlier well-known mark.  - 特許庁


(6) In determining whether a mark stating in sub-sections (4) and (5) is well known the knowledge of the mark in the relevant sector of the public, including knowledge which has been obtained in Bangladesh as a result of the promotions of the mark, shall be taken into account.  - 特許庁


Without prejudice to the relevant provisions on the causes of ineligibility of signs for registration, the special protection specified in the foregoing Article shall enable the owner of the well-known mark to prevent third parties from using as their own a sign that constitutes a reproduction, imitation, translation, transliteration or transcription, whether complete or partial, of the mark recognized as well known, independently of the goods or services to which the sign is applied, where such use: - 特許庁


"well known trade mark", in relation to any goods or services, means a mark which has become so to the substantial segment of the public which uses such goods or receives such services that the use of such mark in relation to other goods or services would be likely to be taken as indicating a connection in the course of trade or rendering of services between those goods or services and a person using the mark in relation to the first-mentioned goods or services.  - 特許庁


The owner of a well-known trademark, worldwide and in Egypt, shall have the right to enjoy the protection conferred by this Law even if such a mark is not registered in Egypt.  - 特許庁


A mark shall not be registered if it is identical with or similar to an earlier mark and is intended for goods or services that are not identical with or similar to those for which the earlier mark is registered, where that earlier mark is well known in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and where use without due cause of the mark applied for registration would take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the earlier mark.  - 特許庁


(c) "Competent authority" for purposes of determining whether a mark is well-known, means the Court, the Director General, the Director of the Bureau of Legal Affairs, or any administrative agency or office vested with quasi-judicial or judicial jurisdiction to hear and adjudicate any action to enforce the rights to a mark; - 特許庁


(8) In deciding whether the trade mark or business identifier, as the case may be, has been used in bad faith, it shall be relevant to consider whether the person who used the trade mark or business identifier had, at the time he began to use the trade mark or business identifier, knowledge of, or reason to know of, the proprietor’s trade mark. - 特許庁

周知標章又は高評であるか否かを決定するに際しては,次の事項を考慮する:そのが,社会の構成部分であって,それに係る商品又はサービスについての実際の若しくは将来の消費者,又はそれらの販売網に従事している者,又はその商品若しくはサービスを取り扱う業界を含むものの間において知られているか又は容認されている程度, そのの使用に係る期間,範囲及び地域, そのの公然の表示に係る期間,範囲及び地域, 公然の表示には,そのが使用されている商品及び/又はサービスについての広告,公表及び見本市及び/又は博覧会における展示が含まれる, そのが登録された場合における,その権の有効な行使についての情報, そのの価値, その他の事情例文帳に追加

The following shall be taken into account when determining whether the mark is a well-known mark or a mark with a reputation: the extent to which the mark is known or recognized among the part of the community which covers the real or would-be users of the goods or services or the persons engaged in the respective distribution network or the business circles dealing with the goods or services in question; duration, extent and geographical area of use of the mark; duration, extent and geographical area of public representation of the mark, including advertising, making public and displaying at fairs and/or exhibitions of the goods and/or services in relation to which the mark is used; information about the successful enforcement of the rights in the mark, if registered; value of the mark; other circumstances.  - 特許庁


Search under Articles 12 and 31(3) of the Law on Marks and Geographical Indications shall be carried out in the files of: marks and geographical indications applied for or registered via the national route; international mark registrations under the Madrid Agreement and the Protocol in which the Republic of Bulgaria is a designated country; appellations of origin registered under the Lisbon Agreement; geographical indications and designations of origin applied for or registered under Council Regulation (EC) No. 510/2006; Community mark applications and registrations; well-known marks and marks with a reputation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria that are recorded in the Register.  - 特許庁


(7) The proprietor shall cease to be entitled to the right referred to in subsection (2), (3) or (4) if the proprietor has acquiesced for a continuous period of 5 years in the use of the trade mark or business identifier, as the case may be, in Singapore, being aware of that use, unless the trade mark or business identifier has been used in bad faith. - 特許庁


(b) The exclusive right of the owner of a well-known mark which is registered in the Philippines, shall extend to goods and services which are not similar to those in respect of which the mark is registered: Provided, That use of the mark in relation to those goods or services would indicate a connection between those goods or services and the owner of the registered mark: Provided further, That the interests of the owner of the registered mark are likely to be damaged by such use. - 特許庁


The Patent Office shall keep a Register where entries shall be made of all marks determined as well-known or having a reputation in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.  - 特許庁


Invalidity proceedings against the owner of a well-known mark within the meaning of Article 6bis of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property shall be barred after five years as from the date of registration, unless registration had been applied for in bad faith.  - 特許庁

(a) 商品又はサービスの出所に関する誤認又は当該周知標章が使用されている商品又はサービスとの関連性の誤解を生じさせる可能性の高い使用例文帳に追加

(a) is liable to cause a risk of confusion as to the origin of the product or service, or to cause a risk of association with the goods or services identified by the well-known mark; - 特許庁


The well-known mark within its branch of activity pursuant to Article 6bis(I) of the Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property enjoys special protection, regardless of whether it has already been filed or registered in Brazil.  - 特許庁


After publication of the collective mark and of the regulations governing use thereof, the owner of an earlier trademark, of a well-known trademark or of an earlier right of personal portrayal or right to a name, a protected geographical indication, a protected design or a copyright or any other concerned person may form with OSIM opposition to the registration of the collective mark, within the time limit laid down in Article 19 paragraph (1). - 特許庁


(e) Is identical with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes a translation of a mark which is considered by the competent authority of the Philippines to be well-known internationally and in the Philippines, whether or not it is registered here, as being already the mark of a person other than the applicant for registration, and used for identical or similar goods or services; Provided, That in determining whether a mark is well-known, account shall be taken of the knowledge of the relevant sector of the public, rather than of the public at large, including knowledge in the Philippines which has been obtained as a result of the promotion of the mark; - 特許庁


商務省は,次の場合は登録の取消を命じる権限を有する: (a) 出願人が第12条(b)及び(d)に基づく所定の期間内に登録の更新を申請しない場合, (b) 登録所有者が削除を請求した場合, (c) 登録所有者が第8条に基づく所定の条件又は制限を90日以内に遵守しなかった場合 ,(d) 登録所有者がカンボジア王国における送達宛先を有さなくなった場合, (e) 登録所有者が正当な所有者でないことが証拠に基づいて確信された場合, (f) 登録が第三者の所有する周知標章と類似するか又は同一であることが確信された場合例文帳に追加

The Ministry of Commerce has the right to order the cancellation to the registered mark where: (a) The applicant does not apply for renewal of the registered mark within the period prescribed under Article 12(b) and (d): (b) The owner of the registered mark requests the removal: © The owner of the registered mark has not complied, within 90 days, with the conditions or restrictions prescribed under Article 8: (d) The owner of the registered mark ceases to have an address for service in the Kingdom of Cambodia: (e) It is convinced upon evidence that the owner of the registered mark is not the legitimate owner: (f) It is convinced that the registered mark is similar or identical to a well known mark owned by third party.  - 特許庁


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