
「拠点長」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(4ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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Of the above 3 pillars, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) aims to enhance competitiveness for economic growth and development through closer economic integration, and proposes (1) accelerating integration processes for a single market and production base, (2) designating 11 priority fields for integration 70 , and (3) promoting the ASEAN investment area (AIA) through the liberalization, acceleration, and promotion of investment. It also includes schedules, etc. in order to eliminate tariffs in the ASEAN region in preparation for the AFTA. - 経済産業省

10 前項において準用する前条第二項に規定する原子力災害現地対策本部の設置の場所は、当該原子力緊急事態に係る原子力事業所について第十二条第一項の規定により指定された緊急事態応急対策拠点施設(事業所外運搬に係る原子力緊急事態が発生した場合その他特別の事情がある場合にあっては、当該原子力緊急事態が発生した場所を勘案して原子力災害対策本部が定める施設。第二十三条第四項において同じ。)とする。例文帳に追加

(10) The local nuclear emergency response headquarters prescribed in paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph, shall be established at an off-site center designated pursuant to the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 1 with regard to a nuclear site pertaining to the relevant nuclear emergency situation (in the case where a nuclear emergency situation pertaining to transport outside the nuclear site has occurred or where there are any other special circumstances, a facility specified by the director-general of the relevant nuclear emergency response headquarters by taking into consideration the place where said nuclear emergency situation has occurred; the same shall apply in Article 23, paragraph 4).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


For Sakihisa, who had a poor relationship with Hideyoshi due to the false accusation that Sakihisa had been involved in the Honno-ji Incident in which Mitsuhide AKECHI was rumored to occupy the Hideyoshi's former residence confiscated and given to Sakihisa by Nobunaga and, based in the residence, to attack Nijo Gosho (Nijo Imperial Palace), it was humiliating to let anybody outside the Fujiwara clan assume the position of Kanpaku; from the viewpoint of the Konoe family, however,  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

スイスのGATS における約束状況は、分野横断的約束において2つのカテゴリーを設け、第一のカテゴリー「特定の事業所もしくは会社内においてスイスに移動する重要人物(企業内転勤者)」については3年間(最大4年まで延可)、第二のカテゴリー「スイスに移動する他の重要人物」(サービス販売者、商業拠点設置のための責任者)については1年間のうち3ヵ月までの滞在を認めるとともに、これらの人物に関しては、一定の例外措置を除き内国民待遇が保障されていることが明記されている。例文帳に追加

Switzerland uses the following two categories in fulfilling its commitments under GATS. The first category ofimportant persons who enter Switzerland with a specific office or company (intracorporate transferees)” will be granted a three-year stay (extension possible for maximum of four years). The second category of “other important persons who enter Switzerland (service suppliers and persons in charge of commercial center establishment)” will be granted a three-month stay per year. bIn addition, it is specifically provided that these two categories of persons shall be guaranteed national treatment except in certain cases. - 経済産業省


野市においては、行政とTMOの主導により、公共施設や食品スーパー等が併設された拠点施設を整備したところ、新たな来街者の創出と周囲のマンション建設を誘発した。 そこで更に、その来街者・居住者という新たな客層と、従来の善光寺への観光客とを見込んだ複合商業施設をまちづくり会社が整備したところ、そこで生まれた新たな人の流れを見込んで、更に地域のブランド店が幾つも進出するなど民間投資が誘発される、という好循環が生まれている。例文帳に追加

In Nagano City, the establishment of a hub facility adjoining public facilities and a food supermarket at the initiative of the local government and a TMO generated new visitors and encouraged the construction of condominiums in the surrounding area, setting in motion a virtuous cycle that brought in more and more privatesector investment: attracted by the creation of a new market i.e., the new visitors to the hub and condominium residents and also existing tourists visiting the Zenko-ji temple, a town development company established a shopping complex in the town center, and this in turn led to the opening of several local brand-name retailers in anticipation of the expected extra influx of shoppers to the area. - 経済産業省



These moves in the long run, together with investment liberalization, would prompt the division of labor processes in the region and allow each country to specialize in its mainstay areas through the concentration of product basis and optimum allocations. As a result, the region would be able to optimally combine the comparative advantages of each country and benefit from the economies of scale, which would raise the overall economic efficiency and thus strengthen East Asia’s industrial competitiveness in the global market. - 経済産業省


With the advancement of economic integration in East Asia, intra-industry division of labor has further progressed and it has been possible to increase specialization in sectors that a country shows strength in. As a result, the efficiency of the economy as a whole will improve through the optimization of a combination of comparative advantages and the realization of an economy of scale and we can expect industrial international competitiveness in East Asia to be strengthened. This is crucial for East Asia to overcome the economic crisis and build momentum for growth. - 経済産業省

第1章でも紹介したMori and Sasaki(2007)では、2005年まで延推計したアジア国際産業連関表を用いてアジア各国の所得がどの地域の最終需要に依存しているかを見ているが、NIEs・ASEAN等は中国等の域内経済への依存度を幾分高めている一方で、製品の加工組立拠点として機能することが多い中国は、近年、米国を含めた域外経済への依存度を高めているとの結果が得られている(第1-1-12図参照)。例文帳に追加

Mori and Sasaki (2007), introduced in Chapter 1, examined final demand of which region that income of Asian countries is depending on, using Asia's international input-output table until2005. On the other hand, in recent years, in China—whichoften processes the assembly base of many products—the degree of dependence on economies of areas outside the region, including the United States, has increased (see Figure 1-1-12). - 経済産業省


The division of labor by processes in East Asia will also be promoted in the long run in combination with the liberalization of investment, enabling companies to specialize in their core businesses through integration and the optimal allocation of their production bases. As a result, the efficiency of the regional economy as a whole and the international industrial competitiveness in the East Asian region are expected to increase through an optimal combination of the relative superiorities of each East Asian country, and through the merit of scale. - 経済産業省



Next, the Japanese subsidiary, Lehman Brothers Japan Inc., notified us on September 15 that it may become insolvent in the long term, so the FSA (Financial Services Agency) issued a business suspension order to the company on the same day. In addition, the company filed for civil rehabilitation procedures on September 16, and the start of the procedures was approved on September 19. I understand that the company will be managed in the future based on advice from its agents for the application of the bankruptcy procedures and its attorneys, as well as supervisors and lawyers appointed by the court to monitor its financial and business operations.  - 金融庁


54 「タイにおける今後の開発と水管理計画」について講演を行ったタイ国家経済社会開発庁(NESDB)のアーコム官は、今年3 月8 日に名古屋で開催されたタイ投資委員会(BOI)・JETRO 他主催の「タイ投資セミナー~洪水後のタイ経済と日本企業を取り巻く投資環境~」において、①製造業の生産チェーンと物流システム、②インフレによる家計支出の縮小、農家の収入減少、投資家の信頼低下、③建設・機械及び機械装置分野の投資縮小、④生産拠点の被災によるタイの輸出額の縮小、貿易相手国の景気減退、⑤外国人旅行客数の5点をあげている。例文帳に追加

54 Mr. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Secretary General of NESDE in his speech titled "Thailand's Future Development and Water Management Plans," given at the "Seminar on Investment in Thailand: Post-Flood Investment Environment Related to Thai Economy and Japanese Companies" co-hosted by the Board of Investment (BOI) of Thailand and JETRO held in Nagoya on March 8, 2012, mentioned five significant damages caused by the 2011 flood:(A) production chains of manufacturing sector and logistics systems, (B) contraction of household expenditure due to high inflation, slowdown in revenues of agriculturalists, decline in investors' confidence, (C) contraction of investments in construction and machinery and equipment sector, (D) contracted value of Thailand's exports due to the damage of production bases and the economic slowdown of trading partners, and (E) decline in the number of foreign tourists - 経済産業省



On the other hand, experts have pointed out various issues pertaining to the EU-ETS, including the following. ① Regarding the reduction targets of Phase I, there are problems in cap setting, such as moderate emissions allowances that lead to a price fall when the moderate allocation is realized. ② There are problems related to fairness and equity with respect to the cap. For example, during Phase I, in the process of creating national allocation plans that determine each country’s emissions cap, there were about 800 cases26 in all the EU countries wherein the companies sued their national governments over allocation methods and allocation amounts. Further, during Phase II, the former East European countries, such as Czech Republic, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, and Estonia, sued the European Commission over its strict demand on the allocation amount27. ③ There are concerns about “carbon leakageand a loss of international competitiveness among the EU companies. For example, Jean-Louis Borloo, the French Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development, expressed his concern about “carbon leakage,” which occurs when economic activities and plant locations move from the EU countries to countries with lesser or no environmental regulations. Secretary General Mr. Richmann of German Federation of Industry and Energy stated that in a situation wherein the competitors do not need to bear carbon costs, domestic industries cannot pass on the carbon costs to the international market. This would lead to not only loss of the labor market but also migration of the manufacturing bases, resulting in increased emissions outside of Europe. - 経済産業省


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