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該当件数 : 188



For the other artificial mounds, see Earthworks and Banks.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Refer to the Battle of Imoriyama Castle for the details.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


the scorching sun in a midsummer sky  - EDR日英対訳辞書





Gessho died but Takamori miraculously survived.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



His father was Yoshimori WADA but his mother (see later for reference), wife and children are not known.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(See the sections on; Seikanron, Meiji roku-nen no Seihen (Coups of 1873), and Takamori SAIGO for more details.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A lighting means 4 for lighting the scale of the scale part 5 is integrally provided. - 特許庁


The graduation pattern is so provided that a reading at a position across the graduation pattern of the reticle main body is x when the irradiation light emitted from a point light source corresponding to σ=x passes through the pin hole. - 特許庁



This allows the light from the illumination source transmitting through the light transmission part to transmit internally to the cutout scale 2, causing the cutout scale 2 to stand out and emit light as an extension of the dial scale 3. - 特許庁



The high temperature side scale and the pointer and further the low temperature side scale and the pointer can be illuminated by a common light source. - 特許庁


To provide a method of illuminating measuring instrument which uniformly illuminates a scale plate and which can variably change the color of the illumination of the plate at need. - 特許庁


A user measures the distance or the size of the subject in the predetermined position by referring to the scales. - 特許庁


Moreover, the supporting legs can be surely moved with reference to scales set at the rail members. - 特許庁


To provide a meter for a vehicle which has high visibility by evenly illuminating scales and characters at a low cost. - 特許庁


The reflected light transilluminates a scale part 15 and a figure part 17 of the dial 3. - 特許庁


The light irradiated part moves on the surface of the scale plate 10a in accordance with the rotation of the light emitting pointer P. - 特許庁


The reflected light is transmitted through scale portions 15 and digit portions 17 of the dial 3 to be lit. - 特許庁


The post treatment is similarly performed by irradiating the build-up layer 8 formed by the build-up with the laser beam Lb to remelt the build-up layer 8, then resolidifiying the same. - 特許庁


The metal wire 30a for build-up welding is the one, at the time of forming a build-up welded layer 40 on a base material 20, irradiated with a laser beam so as to be melted, and in which ruggedness is formed on the surface. - 特許庁


The ring-shaped light guiding member 20 is provided in the front of a scale panel 10 along a scale indicating section 10a, emits a light when it irradiated with a light from a light source 91, and irradiates the scale indicating section 10a with the light from the light source 91 in the front of the scale panel 10. - 特許庁


A ring-like light guide member 20 provided on the surface side of a scale plate 10 along a scale displaying section 10a emits light, when the light from a light source 91 is made incident to the member 20, and at the same time, projects the light from the light source 91 upon the scale displaying section 10a from the surface side of the plate 10. - 特許庁


For example, a grid scale plate 5 is inserted, then, the original can be copied as it is. - 特許庁


In the instrument with illumination including the physical quantity measuring means measuring a physical quantity of a measuring object and including the scale for displaying the physical quantity, and an illumination means arranged near the physical quantity measuring means and irradiating the scale, a threshold plate for blocking direct light from the illumination means is provided between the scale of the physical quantity measuring means and the illumination means. - 特許庁


Keigetsu KIKUCHI, "Akadoji" (童子) (A Child with a Red Face) 1926, "Keisei" () 1926, "Atsumori" (敦盛) 1927, "Paipatiroma" () 1928, "Shojo" (少女) (A Girl) 1932, "Yuzen no Shojo" (友禅少女) (A Girl in Yuzen Kimono) 1933, "Sansaku" (散策) (A Walk) 1934, "Kokan" (交歓) 1938, "Shonanko Ototoe" (弟兄) 1943, "Kuto" ()  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The light emitted from the light-emitting diodes 21 is radiated to the reverse face of the scale display area in the display board 11 from the irradiation surfaces 22a, 22b as scale lines. - 特許庁


The aluminum pieces F are thereby mixed only in the scale part 21a projected from a surface of a dial plate 2 to provide the dial plate 2 capable of obtaining the novel appearance and capable of using effectively light from a light emitting diode 4 for transmission illumination for the dial plate 2, and the such dial plate 2 is manufactured easily. - 特許庁


The illumination light of a ring 3 and that of a scale plate 2 differ, a blue colored layer 4 that is the illumination color of the ring 3 is provided at a part corresponding to the ring 3 of the scale plate 2, and light emitting diodes 5, 6 are turned on and off with a time difference. - 特許庁


To provide a measuring meter for producing uniform and decorative lighting of a dial plate from its outer-periphery part, while carefully devising a configuration so that the dial plate can be lighted decoratively from its outer- periphery part and reducing the number of light sources required for lighting, as much as possible. - 特許庁


In this marker pillar 1, for marking by this marker pillar, which is provided with a scale part, a scale-part formation place such as at least a target line 2 or the like is constituted of a semitransparent body, and a lamp bulb 7 which irradiates the scale part is provided at the inside. - 特許庁


To provide a measuring instrument for a vehicle, in which a physical- quantity display part in a scale plate ranges from the surface to the rear of the scale plate, in which an illumination constitution on the surface and the rear of the scale plate is contrived and in which a novel and interesting look is ensured. - 特許庁

また勤皇活動に熱心で水戸藩家老 安島帯刀や薩摩藩藩士 西郷隆、勤王僧 月、梅田雲浜などの勤王家とんに交流した。例文帳に追加

In addition, being also enthusiastic about activities for supporting Emperor, she had intimate relationships with persons royal to Emperor, such as Tatewaki AJIMA, Karo (chief retainer) of the Mito Domain, Takamori SAIGO, a retainer of the Satsuma Domain, Gessho, a priest royal to Emperor and Unpin UMEDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, since the light from the light source 91 is projected upon the scale displaying section 10a by means of the member 20, the section 10a can be displayed more conspicuously. - 特許庁


To provide a measuring instrument in which a ring formed in the outer circumferential part of a dial so as to rise toward its surface side is illuminated in a decorative manner from a direction along the surface of the dial. - 特許庁


Only one display zone instead of the whole of the scale plate 21 is illuminated by the same color, and thereby, plural arrangement of the light sources having the same luminescent color in the whole of the scale plate 21 can be made unnecessary. - 特許庁


As a light source for illuminating a high temperature side scale 16, a low temperature side scale 18 and a pointer 24 of a dial knob of the temperature control dial 10, a unit constituted by combining a blue light emission diode with a cap covering this is used. - 特許庁


The light transmission part of the dial 4 through which the rays of light from a light source for illumination arranged at the back side of the dial 4 are transmitted is formed as a dial scale 3 in the periphery of the convex scale 2. - 特許庁


Since the scale indicating section 10a is irradiated with the light from the light source 91 by the light guiding member 20, the scale indicating section 10a can be prominently displayed. - 特許庁


To make a pointer and a scale visible with sharp feeling by arranging a dial plate comprising a transparent material on the outer circumferential side of a dial and by irradiating the dial along its upper side with a laser beam, in a speed meter 1 of an instrument for a vehicle. - 特許庁


The reference face 13 is arranged in a position separated from the conjugated position, when the scale 54a selects a scale 54c by turning the change-over ring 52, and the bright field image is acquired therein. - 特許庁


The substrate 3 is inclined and the sight is aligned to the object by the cylindrical body 7, and by reading the angle of the angle scale of a mirror image of the scale board 5 reflected on the mirror body 8, the perpendicular angle is measured. - 特許庁


To provide a dial for a measuring instrument capable of obtaining a scale of novel appearance by a fine reflecting member, and capable of enhancing an illuminance of display design other than the scale of the dial, and a manufacturing method for the dial for the measuring instrument. - 特許庁


The method includes, when the laser beam hv is emitted to the metal powder ring 2 sequentially in a circumferential direction from an emission start point and reaches an emission termination point, performing further padding by supplying metal powder 4 to the padding end 2A at the emission termination point and melting the metal powder 4 with the laser beam hv. - 特許庁


Blue gradation illumination is formed thereby in the periphery of the main scale 3a light-emission-displayed with a white color, to get most bright in an outer circumferential part of the main scale 3a and to get dark along with separation from the main scale 3a, ensuring more stereoscopic appearance of the main scale 3a as a combination meter 1. - 特許庁


These butsudan around the country were greatly influenced by such blooming technologies of construction of temples and shrines in the Genroku era as were seen in Nikko Tosho-gu Shrines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These days the Soto sect is known for its Mokusho Zen (a method of zazen, a state of thinking nothing) teachings, however Donei Eio practiced Kanwa Zen (meditation supplemented with Koan [small presentations of the nature of ultimate reality, usually presented as a paradox]) and is recognized as its originator.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Specific example of the above (as written in Japanese order): Terunomiya Sigeko Imperial Princess=>(Higashikuni no miya) Morihiro Prince queen consort Shigeko Imperial Princess=>secession from the Imperial Family=>Shigeko HIGASHIKUNI  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His real name was long said to be Nagauji but today, Moritoki is the commonly accepted name (see section on Origins).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moat settlements of this period were built in lowlands, and usually had an earthen wall on the outer side of the moat (whereas in the Medieval period earthen walls were built on the inner side).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To prevent the degradation in quality by the flocculation and build-up of toners which occur in the case of fixation by flash irradiation and the back transfer during preservation. - 特許庁


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