
「相互主義」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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reciprocity  - 斎藤和英大辞典

規則201 国際条約及び相互主義例文帳に追加

Rule 201 International Conventions and Reciprocity - 特許庁


an individualist who withdraws from social interaction  - 日本語WordNet


Such a provision may be made subject to reciprocity.  - 特許庁



in sociology, a theory called {symbolic mutualism}  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Such a provision may be made subject to reciprocity.  - 特許庁


Such a provision may be made subject to reciprocity.  - 特許庁


There must be reciprocity in the country of the first application.  - 特許庁


Confirmation of the importance of taking into account the needs of developing countries and reducing reciprocity. - 経済産業省



a law whose purpose is to strengthen the armament of democratic countries known as the Security of America Law  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Subject to reciprocity, the design right shall have no effect in respect of the equipment of ships and aircraft registered abroad when these temporarily enter the territory of the country, the importation of spare parts and accessories for the purpose of repairing such crafts, and the execution of repairs on such craft.  - 特許庁


The President of the Hungarian Patent Office shall be competent to give a ruling on matters of reciprocity.  - 特許庁


The President of the Hungarian Patent Office shall be competent to give a ruling on matters of reciprocity.  - 特許庁


The President of the Hungarian Patent Office shall be competent to give a ruling on matters of reciprocity.  - 特許庁


"Reciprocity Application" means an application in India under Section 44 of the Act.  - 特許庁

(b) 相互主義的な約束に関する原則を含む、関税率削減または撤廃に関する細部のルール例文帳に追加

(b) detailed rules governing the tariff reduction or elimination commitments; - 経済産業省


Where the accepted design is one in respect of which a reciprocity date has been allowed, the registration, the extension or the expiration of the copyright in the said design shall be reckoned from such reciprocity date.  - 特許庁


an international organization organized with the efforts for creating economic cooperation between each of the socialist countries, called the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance; (SEV)  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a diplomatic declaration made by the United States that proposes mutual nonintervention between the European Continent and the American Continent, called Monroe Doctrine  - EDR日英対訳辞書


With regard to foreign natural persons and legal entities from other countries, this Law shall apply on the basis of reciprocity at the discretion of the Patent Office.  - 特許庁


Subject to reciprocity the Minister of Economic and Business Affairs may direct that subsection (1) shall not apply.  - 特許庁


This Law shall apply to foreign natural and legal persons of other States subject to reciprocity to be determined by the Patent Office.  - 特許庁


With regard to the foreign natural and legal persons from other countries, this Law shall apply on the basis of reciprocity at the discretion of the Patent Office.  - 特許庁


Design right shall not entitle the holder of the design right to prohibit a third person from the use of the design of a component part exploited for the purpose of the repair of a complex product to the extent necessary to restore its original appearance, provided that such use is in accordance with the requirements of fair trade practice.  - 特許庁


Foreigners shall be entitled to the protection of a geographical indication only on the basis of an international agreement or subject to reciprocity. - 特許庁


Subject to the principle of reciprocity or, where applicable, in accordance with any treaty that Ethiopia may be party to, foreign nationals shall have the same rights and obligations as Ethiopians.  - 特許庁

この伝統でいちばん重要なものとしては、Unix と商業主義以前のインターネットの、相互にからみあった技術文化が含まれる。例文帳に追加

These traditions included, most importantly, the intertwined technical cultures of Unix and the pre-commercial Internet.  - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』


Subject to reciprocity the Minister of Economic and Business Affairs may direct that trade marks which would not otherwise be registrable in this country, but which are registered in a foreign state, may be registered in this country such as they are registered in the foreign state.  - 特許庁

(4) (3)に定める場合に加えて,他の国際条約に基づいても又は相互主義に基づいても,植物品種保護を受けることができる。相互主義の事項に関しては,ハンガリー特許庁長官の見解が決定的効力を有する。例文帳に追加

(4) In addition to the cases laid down in paragraph (3), plant variety protection may also be obtained on the basis of other international treaties or subject to reciprocity. In the matter of reciprocity, the standpoint of the President of the Hungarian Patent Office shall be decisive. - 特許庁

第3条 国際条約及び相互主義 フィリピンが同盟国である知的所有権若しくは不正競争の防止に関する協定,条約若しくは取決めの同盟国である国若しくは法によりフィリピン国民に相互主義的権利を与える国の国民又はそれらの国に居住するか若しくは現実かつ真正の産業上の営業所を有する者は,本法によって知的所有権の所有者に与えられる権利に加えて,それらの協定,条約又は相互主義法の規定に効力を与えるために必要な範囲において恩恵を受ける権利を有する。例文帳に追加

Sec.3 International Conventions and Reciprocity Any person who is a national or who is domiciled or has a real and effective industrial establishment in a country which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines by law, shall be entitled to benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any provision of such convention, treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the rights to which any owner of an intellectual property right is otherwise entitled by this Act. - 特許庁

(5) 相互主義に従うことを条件として,特許保護の効力は,ハンガリー領域内を通過中の交通及び輸送手段又はハンガリー市場に出すことが意図されていない外国商品には及ばない。ハンガリー特許庁長官は,相互主義に関する事項について決定を下すことができる。例文帳に追加

(5) Subject to reciprocity, patent protection shall have no effect with respect to means of communication and transport which are in transit in the territory of the country or to foreign goods which are not intended to be put on the market in the country. The President of the Hungarian Patent Office shall be competent to give a ruling on matters of reciprocity. - 特許庁

(9) 条約による優先権は,当該外国出願が世界貿易機関の加盟国であってパリ条約の締約国でないもの,又は相互主義を条件として,その他の国において提出された場合にも,パリ条約に定める条件に基づいて主張することができる。相互主義に関する事項においては,ハンガリー特許庁長官の見解が決定的効力を有する。例文帳に追加

(9) Convention priority may also be claimed, under the conditions defined by the Paris Convention, if the foreign application has been filed in a Member of the World Trade Organization which is not party to the Paris Convention or, subject to reciprocity, in any other State. In the matter of reciprocity, the standpoint of the President of the Hungarian Patent Office shall be decisive. - 特許庁

(3) 他の国際条約に基づき又は相互主義を条件として,かつ,UPOV条約及び(2)に定める条件の下で,優先権は,UPOV条約の非締約国において,又は非締約政府間組織に対して出願が行われた場合にも主張することができる。相互主義に関する事項においては,ハンガリー特許庁長官の見解が決定的効力を有する。例文帳に追加

(3) On the basis of other international treaties or subject to reciprocity and on conditions laid down in the UPOV Convention and in paragraph (2), priority may also be claimed if the application has been filed in a State or with an intergovernmental organization not party to the UPOV Convention. In the matter of reciprocity, the standpoint of the President of the Hungarian Patent Office shall be decisive. - 特許庁


Every reciprocity application for the registration of a design shall contain a statement that an application in United Kingdom or convention country or group of countries or inter-governmental organization has been made for the protection of the design to which such reciprocity application relates and shall specify convention country or group of countries or inter-governmental organization in which any such application has been made and the official date or dates thereof respectively.  - 特許庁

(a) 日・ASEAN 包括的経済連携は日本及び ASEAN 全加盟国を含み、相互主義、透明性及び日・ASEAN双方の相互利益原則に留意しつつ、自由化、円滑化及び協力活動に焦点を当てた幅広い範囲の分野を包摂すべきである。例文帳に追加

(a) The Japan-ASEAN CEP should involve Japan and all ASEAN Member States and include a broad range of sectors focusing on liberalisation, facilitation and co-operation activities, noting the principle of reciprocity, transparency and mutual benefits to both Japan and ASEAN; - 経済産業省


To further strengthen Asia and Europe partnership, Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to enhance inter-regional investment and trade flows through the market economy, open multilateral trading systems, non-discriminatory liberalisation and open regionalism.  - 財務省


Given the interconnectedness of the global financial system, international cooperation is important to maximize the effectiveness of these measures and reject financial protectionism.  - 財務省


Subject to reciprocity subsection (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to trade marks applied for the first time in a country which is not party to the Paris Convention or member of the World Trade Organisation.  - 特許庁


Subject to reciprocity, the Government may decree that, for the purposes of subsection (1) of this Section, the working of an invention in a foreign State shall be deemed equivalent to working in this country.  - 特許庁


The Minister of Economic and Business Affairs may provide that for the purposes of the provision of subsection 1 working of the invention in another country shall be equivalent to working in this country. Such a provision may be made subject to reciprocity.  - 特許庁


Persons exempted as a result of an international convention or of a dispensation granted by the King on grounds of reciprocity shall not be required to satisfy the conditions of residence and nationality.  - 特許庁


If the power of attorney is in a language other than Bulgarian, it shall be legalized at the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, except for cases where no legalization is required on the basis of reciprocity.  - 特許庁


If the state, where the first filing of the invention application is made, is neither a party of the Paris Convention, nor a member of the World Trade Organization, the priority right can only be granted under condition of the reciprocity.  - 特許庁


Save as aforesaid and as provided by Rule 30 all proceedings in connection with a reciprocity application shall be taken within the time and in the manner required by the Act or prescribed by these rules for ordinary application.  - 特許庁


To foreign national emblems and official test and guarantee signs par 1 shall apply only if an intergovernmental agreement or reciprocity exists and if that foreign sign has been promulgated in the Federal Law Gazette.  - 特許庁


nationals of or persons domiciled in a country that assures Brazilians or persons domiciled in Brazil reciprocity of equal or equivalent rights.  - 特許庁

(3) (1)及び(2)の規定は,本国で登録されている外国団体標章にも適用するものとする。ただし,その国においてイタリアに相互主義による待遇を認めている場合に限る。例文帳に追加

3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall also apply to foreign collective marks registered in their countries of origin, provided that such country affords reciprocal treatment to Italy. - 特許庁

(4) 委任状がブルガリア語以外の言語で作成されている場合は,ブルガリア共和国外務省領事部において公証されなければならない。ただし,相互主義に基づいて公証を要さない場合はこの限りでない。例文帳に追加

(4) If the power of attorney is drawn up in a language other than Bulgarian, it must be legalized at the Consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, except for cases where no legalization is required on the basis of reciprocity.  - 特許庁


Not withstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraph, minor changes may be made on the basis of reciprocity when a foreign trademark is registered, provided that they do not alter the general impression of the trademark.  - 特許庁


WTO の加盟国でない ASEAN 諸国に対し、日本は引き続き GATT 第 1 条に規定された一般的最恵国待遇を供与する。日本は、相互主義に基づき、WTO に基づく最恵国待遇を供与するよう努力する。例文帳に追加

For ASEAN Member States which are not yet WTO members, Japan will continue to apply the general Most-Favoured-Nation ("MFN") treatment as stipulated in Article I of GATT. Japan will endeavour to provide MFN treatment under the WTO on a reciprocal basis. - 経済産業省


Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright(C) 財務省
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2024 License. All rights reserved.
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved.
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原題:”Homesteading the Noosphere”

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