
「第一逃げ面」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 第一逃げ面の意味・解説 > 第一逃げ面に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 29



A recess 32 is formed on the intersection line of first and second flanks 20a and 20b of an outer peripheral blade 16 with first and second flanks 22a and 22b of a bottom blade 18, and in a position separated away by a given size t from a corner 24. - 特許庁


An auxiliary cutting edge first flank has a clearance angle varied and gradually increased throughout a portion extending from the corner blade first flank 21 to the connection point (a) and forming a positive clearance angle. - 特許庁


Each outer peripheral edge 16 has a first flank 22 at an outer side and a second flank 24 continued to the first flank 22, and a wavy unevenness is formed on a lip 22a of the first flank 22. - 特許庁


A first flank 13 adjacent to a cutting blade 11 is formed substantially in a projected circular arc 16 in a sectional view vertical to the rotation axis, and a second flank 14 adjacent to the first flank 13 is formed linear in a sectional view vertical to the rotation axis. - 特許庁



A first recess 14 including a concavity is provided at one end 9a of a cylindrical base 9. - 特許庁



The first opening 31A between two openings 31, 31 is opened at the crossed ridge portion of the second relief surface 12A of the tip end relief surface 12 and the second thinning surface 23 in a thinning portion 20. - 特許庁


The corner blade 15 is parallel to a tip under surface, the clearance angle of a corner blade first flank 21 is varied and gradually changed such that a central part is negative and the angles at two ends are brought into 15°. - 特許庁


To provide a face-milling insert which comprises a chip-removing main cutting edge adjacent to a first clearance surface and a surface-wiping secondary cutting edge adjacent to a second clearance surface, the main cutting edge forming an angle of 45° with an imaginary straight line in the extension direction of the secondary cutting edge. - 特許庁


A serration 16 alternately disposed with a plurality of grooves 14 and crests 15 is formed at the first flank 13A continueing a cutting edge 17. - 特許庁



The first coating has been removed so that the outermost PVD-layer is the only layer on the clearance face at least close to the cutting edge. - 特許庁



The above main body specifies the relief face 110 that is formed through the inner setting face and penetrates and extends a part of the above inner annular face 104 and the relief face specifies the oil transfer path 34 to send the fluid to the pinion bearing assembly arranged to the above third opening. - 特許庁


In a single twin barrel type throttle body, a second intake air passage is provided with boring through a first intake air passage, an intake air passage and a spray relief hole open at an engine side end surface of each intake air passage, and each engine side mounting base surrounding each intake air passage and each spray relief hole is formed. - 特許庁


Each milling insert includes an upper surface (13), a lower face (14), and one or more flanks (15, 16) defining two or more replaceable cutting edges (18, 19) uniformly extending between a first endpoint and a second endpoint with the upper surface. - 特許庁


The flank 20 is convex, and includes a first region positioned at the center part of the flank 20, a second region which connects with the first region, and is positioned on one side of a pair of corners 11a, 11b, and a third region which connects with the first region, and is positioned on the other side of the pair of corners 11a, 11b. - 特許庁


On one face 28 of the end cutting edge 25, the cutting face 28A and the flank 28B are continuously formed extending from one outer peripheral edge 26a toward the other outer peripheral edge 26b so that the angle α of thickness and width are simply decreased gradually. - 特許庁


The outermost layer in the central part 4a of the chamfer honing part is an aluminum oxide layer, and the outermost layer in a first region 7a including a rake face side boundary region 7 and a second section 8a including a flank side boundary region 8 is a titanium compound layer. - 特許庁


A coolant blast-off port 26 is formed to one side groove side surface 22, and a chip 32 is fixed to the tip angle part of the other side side surface 28, and an edge part 70 furnished with the first and the second main cutting edges, an auxiliary cutting edge 42, a rake face 34, and the first auxiliary flank 40, is formed. - 特許庁


The serration 16 is configured so that the grooves 14 and crests 15 extend in the same direction as the direction orthogonal to a top face 12 when the serration 16 is viewed opposing to the first flank 13A. - 特許庁


On the other face 30, the cutting face 30A and the flank 30B are continuously formed extending from the other outer peripheral edge 26b to one outer peripheral edge 26a, so that the angle β of thickness and width are simply decreased gradually. - 特許庁


Chamfer honing is applied to the shoulder part 28 being the crossing ridgeline part between the outer peripheral margin part 27A and a first flank 21A in the tip surface 21 of a tip body 20 for turning to the outer peripheral side by crossing with a rake surface 24A. - 特許庁


Secondly, the back sheet 4 is provided with a reflection function to the electromagnetic waves, thereby again radiating (See reference numeral 12) upward the electromagnetic waves which have once escaped downward to prevent dissipation of electromagnetic waves. - 特許庁


If steps or projections, etc., on the floor face come into contact with some of the brush bristles 143 having flexibility, only those brush bristles are flexibly deformed to escape from the steps, etc., thus preventing the control element from moving to the first control position. - 特許庁


A normal line of the extension plane forms an acute clearance angle with an edge side portion conforming to at least the first cutting blade so that the cutting insert obtains a positive cutting blade geometric shape. - 特許庁


A recession part 46 is formed on a second support hole 33 and has a pair of inner wall surfaces 47a, 47b opposed to each other in a circumferential direction; a bottom part 48; and a pair of escaping parts 49a, 49b chamferingly formed on a pair of inner wall surfaces 47a, 47b corresponding to an entrance of the recession part 46 respectively. - 特許庁


The outermost layer in the central part 4a of the chamfer honing part is a titanium compound layer or a zirconium compound layer, and the outermost layer in a first region 7a including a rake face side boundary region 7 and a second region 8a including a flank side boundary region 8 is an aluminum oxide layer. - 特許庁


The cover body 35 is provided in a swingable manner and swings to switch a first state of covering the escape part 34 serving as the passing area of the cutter carriage 31, to form a part of the roll paper support surface, and a second state of retreating to form the passing area of the cutter carriage 31. - 特許庁


The second spiral conductor 19 has nearly the same planar shape as that of the first spiral conductor 17, but the size of the second spiral conductor 19 is slightly smaller than the size of the first spiral conductor 17, and the second spiral conductor 19 covers a planar region except an edge part of the first spiral conductor 17, and a connection part between the first spiral conductor 17 and contact holes 14, 15. - 特許庁


The multilayer printed wiring board is configured in such a way that a first rigid substrate having a surface-mounted component, a second rigid substrate having an escape portion corresponding to the position and profile of this component, and a flexible substrate formed to be longer than the first and second rigid substrates, are each integrally stacked via an insulating layer; and the component is buried in the rigid insulating layer. - 特許庁



Although he is often described as a hopelessly violent villain in novels and TV dramas he also had open-hearted aspects which can be seen in such cases as: when Shinsen-gumi members had to borrow Montsuki kimonos from YAGI family upon visiting Katamori MATSUDAIRA, the Head of Aizu Clan, for a petition Gennnojo YAGI worried that they would all be bearing the same family crest (an extremely ridiculous situation at a public occasion), but SERIZAWA laughed, not minding at all; or when SERIZAWA came secretly to return a hibachi he borrowed from YAGI family, YAGI questioned him about cuts made by swords on the hibachi (when the members got drunk, they tested out their swords on randomly selected furniture that belonged to the YAGI family), but SERIZAWA said "it's me, it's me" and scratched his head and escaped.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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