
「言語に依存しない」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 言語に依存しないの意味・解説 > 言語に依存しないに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 39



The method for conversion of descriptive language by the present invention uses this feature of the descriptive language, distinguishes between a part dependent on the descriptive language and a part not dependent on the descriptive language of the descriptive contents and converts the part dependent on the descriptive language to those of the other language. - 特許庁


a platform-independent object-oriented programming language  - 日本語WordNet


most languages are computer-independent  - コンピューター用語辞典


Besides, this mechanism does not depend on the specification of a script language to be used for forming a Web page. - 特許庁



To dispense with the re-formation of a macro for multiple computer languages by recording computer macros in a computer language independent syntax. - 特許庁


UML (Unified Modeling Language: 統一モデリング言語) の目的は、言語およびプラットフォームに依存ないモデリング表記法を提供することです。例文帳に追加

The purpose of the Unified Modeling Language (hereinafter referred to as UML) is to provide a language-independent and platform independent modeling notation.  - NetBeans


To provide an apparatus for calculating inter-module dependent strength and a method and a program for measuring inter-module dependent strength which quantitatively evaluate dependent strength between modules even in software prepared by a language whose class is not supported and which have high versatility. - 特許庁


To automatically convert contents edited by a user to a platform- independent description language. - 特許庁


The method is based on the recognition in which mapping and animation are practically independent of language after matching is generated. - 特許庁



To provide a knowledge base system capable of indicating meaning contents of objects and attributes without depending on languages. - 特許庁



To provide a knowledge base system that can express a semantic content of an object or an attribute without depending on a language. - 特許庁


Further, a language conversion part 15 converts the distributed information to a general description language which is incorporated in a mobile information terminal of a user requesting the distributed information and does not depend upon a browser and delivers the information. - 特許庁


A renderer 8 receives image data, described by a page description language which does not depend on the type of the printer, from the computer 2, and generates printing data by interpreting the page description language of the received image data. - 特許庁


To obtain all solutions from the calculation quantity of an cube order of the number of words by using only a connecting dependence structure as a partial analytical result at the time of performing a natural language analysis which analyzes a dependence grammar. - 特許庁

統一モデリング言語 (UML) の目的は、アプリケーションの開発を支援するための、言語およびプラットフォームに依存ないモデリング表記法を提供することです。例文帳に追加

The purpose of the Unified Modeling Language is to provide a language-independent and platform-independent modeling notation to assist you in developing your applications.  - NetBeans


Words in a f-structure are expressed by illustrations which persons using any language can understand, whereby the f-structure can be expressed completely independent of languages. - 特許庁


Based on the obtained call dependency relation, FU conversion from the old language into a new language and a test of an internal level (a source code level) as to whether the FU is correctly converted or not are performed. - 特許庁


To provide a test support system capable of conducting a test with test specifications independent of a program language and a mounted source code and efficiently conducting the test by using the test specifications corresponding to a plurality of program languages. - 特許庁


To provide information using system and the like capable of making information such as a software correspond to an intrinsic language in a client side, and capable of updating easily a portion independent of an intrinsic language in the information of the software or the like, in a server/client system connected via a network system. - 特許庁


To provide an information duplication method between information expressed in language with a tag capable of expressing the both information in language with a tag and duplicating the information by using identity and a time slump attribute added to the minimum unit information, as a method independent of the function of a data base system. - 特許庁

このパッケージを使用すると、RDBMS に依存ない XML形式でスキーマファイルを管理できるようになり、このファイルを用いてデータベースエンティティの作成、変更そして削除(DDL: データ定義言語) を行ったりデータベースへのデータの投入(DML: データ操作言語) を行ったりできるようになります。例文帳に追加

It enables users to maintain RDBMS independent schema files in XML that can be used to create, alter and drop database entities (also called as DDL: Data Definition Language) and insert data (also called as DML: Data Manipulation Language) into a database.  - PEAR


Although most of the content and thought has not been dependent on any language, when focusing on Japanese, differences in syntactic structures or the fact that individual words are not written separately and distinctly then requires several points of consideration. - Tatoeba例文


To detect paralanguage information which does not depend upon utterance contents from information regarding a rhythm included in a speech of a human being and information regarding voice quality. - 特許庁


To detect paralanguage information (a speech intention) independent of speech content from information about rhythm and information about voice quality included in human speech voice. - 特許庁


In response to a user's instruction, the portable terminal 10 creates a control statement for controlling controlled equipment 20 in language independent of the controlled equipment 20, and writes the control statement into the removable recording medium 123. - 特許庁


To provide a voice recognition device, a voice recognition method and a voice recognition program for calculating a reliability score in a short processing time without performing voice recognition processing and outputting the reliability score independent of a language model. - 特許庁


A source program described in a higher level language not dependent on the CPU 9 and the hardware of the printer body is stored in an optional memory 15 such as the emulation card or the like detachable to the printer body. - 特許庁


To make a distributed debugger system being able to be linked between debuggers independent of a development language for a protocol and an application to many networks. - 特許庁


To improve the operating efficiency of a person in charge of censorship by providing a censored result which is independent of programming language when using the censoring tool of a source code. - 特許庁


PDF was developed by Adobe Systems and is a descriptive programming language, devoid of software and hardware dependence, used to render documents.  - コンピューター用語辞典


To provide an automatic sentence correspondence generation apparatus, a translation word dictionary generation apparatus, and a method for generating automatically sentence correspondence, for realizing a high correct answer rate and regeneration rate, in spite of a method independent of language. - 特許庁


To reduce inconsistency of nonverbal modality object domains which may occur when a content and a direction of the text information to be presented are personalized in a direction dependent display table. - 特許庁


As it was impossible to clearly unify the theories of Shrine Shinto, there exists 'Difficulty of grasping' in Shinto, and it is the appearance of behaviors focusing on the physical senses, continued for a long time and still succeeded in Japan's modern society, because Shrine Shinto cannot be completely absorbed into foreign religions that heavily depend on language.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a memory saving data structure, which is independent of a specified XML language, while leaving perceptivity, flexibility or expandability of a data structure that is an advantage of a data structured document and further enabling use of a plurality of XML languages or handling mixture data thereof, and to provide an information processing apparatus that can accelerate scanning processing such as analysis processing, drawing, or the like. - 特許庁


The accuracy of color processing can be improved by carrying out rendering in a color space depending on a computing equation for color composition included in a page description language and selecting which of before the rendering and after the rendering monochromatic conversion is to be carried out depending on whether or not the computing equation for color composition is included. - 特許庁


Management of the terminal kind information is conducted using a data type depending on a program language in the business integrating server, a file format described with pausers such as a CSV, a file format described with meta-data such as an XML, or a data base. - 特許庁


By this control method, an application program 300 which is generated in a specific language having no dependency on the machine words of a microprocessor of a control part 21 is loaded to a specific storage area of a memory of a portable radio telephone set 100 from an auxiliary storage device 200, and the loaded application program 300 is interpreted by a virtual machine 400 and executed by the control part 21. - 特許庁


To provide a voice recognition method for interactive system and a computer readable recording medium with an interactive system and an interactive program recorded, which facilitate extraction of contents of a preceding speech of a speaker as the other party when using language models dependent upon contents of the preceding speech of the speaker as the other party to perform voice recognition. - 特許庁



The GUI screen editing means provides a means creating a GUI screen to a user by use of a GUI component expressed by GUI component general-purpose structure data generated by the GUI component general-purpose structure data generation means, and generates the GUI screen created by the user as general-purpose GUI screen structure data of a format not depending on a program language. - 特許庁


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