
「貿易依存度」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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(3) Change in dependency on trade - 経済産業省

第3-1-1-9図  世界の貿易依存度と直接投資依存例文帳に追加

Figure 3-1-1-9 World's dependency to foreign trade and direct investment - 経済産業省


the degree of dependence upon foreign trade  - EDR日英対訳辞書


This will increase the dependency on trade with outside the country. - 経済産業省


第2-3-1-4図 我が国の貿易額の対GDP 比(貿易依存度、円、名目値の比率)例文帳に追加

Figure 2-3-1-4 Ratio of trade value contrasted with GDP of Japan (degree of dependence on Trade, Yen, ratio of current value) - 経済産業省



Japan's dependence on foreign trade is not necessarily very high as a percentage of GNP. - Tatoeba例文


Japan's dependence on foreign trade is not necessarily very high as a percentage of GNP.  - Tanaka Corpus

第2-3-1-5図 「財貿易依存(対GDP 比)の四か国比較(左:輸出、右:輸入)例文帳に追加

Figure 2-3-1-5 Comparison of "Goods Trade" value contrasted with GDP among 4 countries(Left: Export, Right: Import) - 経済産業省


As for trade balance, trade surplus has reduced, or the trade account has gone into the red, in the Philippines and Thailand which are highly dependent on other countries for oil - 経済産業省



The foreign dependency rate, which is the trade value as a share of GDP, will rise from 15.5% in 2001 to 17.0% in 2030. - 経済産業省


ベネズエラを除いて他国はメルコスール域内貿易に3 割から5 割程依存している(2-2-1-10 図)。例文帳に追加

The trade of countries other than Venezuela depends on countries within the region by approximate 30% to 50% (Figure 2-2-1-10). - 経済産業省

これを踏まえ、我が国、米国、ドイツの三国にEU27 を加え、貿易依存度を比較する。例文帳に追加

Based on these situations, we compare the dependency on trade for Japan, the U.S., Germany and EU27. - 経済産業省


Its trade dependency of less than 15% in 1994 rose to 24.6% in 2003. - 経済産業省


This shows the explanation that “Japan is less dependent, considering it depends on other countries for resources and agricultural productsis out of date. - 経済産業省


One index expressing the degree of closeness of bilateral trade is the degree of trade linkage. Figure 1.1.16 looks at changes in the degree of regional trade linkage in the 1990s, revealing increased linkage between many countries as regional trade interdependence has deepened. - 経済産業省


Looking at foreign trade dependency ratios of emerging and developing countries, dependency on trade with emerging and developing countries exceed that with developed countries, thus emerging and developing countries are strengthening their interconnections with one another through the international trade of goods and services against a backdrop of their rapid growth with increased production capacity and the associated expansion of domestic demand (see Figure 1-1-9)13. - 経済産業省


Reflecting the differences in growth rates between Japan and the rest of the world, Japan’s foreign dependency rate (proportion of trade amount in GDP) will increase. - 経済産業省


The trade dependence ratio of developing countries already surpassed 50% in 2001, has exceeded 70% in 2005, then reached 71.1% in 2007(see Figure 1-1-3). - 経済産業省

ただし、2010 年においてメルコスール各国と中国の貿易依存度が高いことにも留意が必要である(第2-2-1-4 図~第2-2-1-8 図)。例文帳に追加

However, it should be noted that there was high trading dependency between China and each country in the MERCOSUR region in 2010 (Figures 2-2-1-4 through 2-2-1-8). - 経済産業省

アジア諸国は貿易依存度(輸出と輸入の対GDP 比)の高い国が多いが、ばらつきも大きく、また、輸出品の構成も多様である(第1-5-1-2 図)。例文帳に追加

Many Asian economies have high dependence on foreign trade (export-to- and import-to- GDP ratio), but there is great variability among such degree and the composition of exports is also diversified (see Figure 1-5-1-2). - 経済産業省


Since many APEC member countries and regions are highly dependent on export, it is considered that the effect of trade and investment liberalization is substantial. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, over the ten years between 1991 and 2001, the degree of trade integration between most regions improved, and the mutually interdependent trade relations between those regions deepened. - 経済産業省


It is because Japan has long been less dependent on trade and has maintained a trade surplus under a situation where supplying resources and agricultural products are difficult. - 経済産業省


In addition, the South Korean economy, being highly dependent on trade, was hit hard as the volume of global trade significantly reduced in 2008 due to the world economic crisis, and South Korea was urged to further promote domestic structural reform. - 経済産業省


In addition, the interdependency on south-south trade between developing countries has increased rapidly this century, and the trade partners have diversified even more. - 経済産業省


Examining share of each trade partner country, two patterns can be found, i.e. Brazil and Argentina with high mutual dependency, and Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela with high dependency on Brazil and Argentina. - 経済産業省

ブラジルの輸出入相手国はアルゼンチン以外にも中国、米国等に広がっており、貿易が多角的になっている構造であり(第2-2-1-9 図)、ブラジルのメルコスール域内輸出依存は13%、輸入依存は10%程と他国に比べてそれほど高くない。例文帳に追加

Brazil's export and import partner countries are distributed worldwide including China and the United States, and the trade has multidirectional structure (Figure 2-2-1-9). Brazil's export dependency on countries within the MERCOSUR region is 13% and the import dependency on those countries is approximately 10%. The percentages are not so high compared with other countries in MERCOSUR. - 経済産業省


As confirmed in Chapter 1, the flow of goodsi.e., the trade of goods and serviceshas been expanding worldwide in recent years. The world's degree of dependence upon foreign trade93 has risen rapidly in particular from 2002, reaching 62.1% in 2007 in comparison to 48.3% in 2001. - 経済産業省


To be specific, after verifying that geographic characteristics such as country size, distance from other countries, degree of sharing of borders and differences between inland and coastal countries are determinants to trade (including both international trade and domestic trade), the geographic characteristics were estimated as the explanatory variable of income per worker (logarithm) in 1985 in 150 countries using the foreign dependency rate, population (logarithm) and land area (logarithm). - 経済産業省


The trade structure described above is susceptible to a demand shock from outside the region because it has relied on the markets in Europe and the U.S. for final demands such as consumption goods. In fact, countries highly dependent on exports in particular were greatly affected by the failure of Lehman Brothers. - 経済産業省


However, since ASEAN and the U.S. and European countries have been deepening their mutual dependence in the real economy that includes export and production through the expansion of trade and investment, ASEAN member countries were also significantly affected by the crisis due to the declined demand from the U.S. and European countries. Consequently, the economy of ASEAN member countries, particularly the ones with high export-dependency, largely declined. - 経済産業省


Therefore, generating further trade by strengthening external relations will become increasingly important for economic growth in Japan, whose foreign dependency rate will rise as it becomes an aging society with a falling birthrate and shrinking population. - 経済産業省


If Japan’s trade with East Asia grows in closeness in terms of the quality of trade in the future, there is a possibility that Japan’s degree of dependency on East Asia will be even higher than the estimation results. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, even some countries with relatively low dependence on foreign trade and with a relatively small percentage of export of products, such as China and India, continued relatively stable and high growth, but there are also signs of gradual economic slowdown (see Figure 1-5-1-3 (b)). - 経済産業省


On the other hand, Mexico can now reduce excessive dependence on the United States, as well as expect further expansion of trade and investment, serving as a trade hub, by entering into FTAs with two large markets (the United States and the EU). - 経済産業省


The Asian region is highly interdependent on trade and investment. Under such circumstances, strengthening financial cooperation within the region is essential to prevent the re-emergence of currency crises, while ensuring monetary and financial stability in the region.  - 財務省


According to this analysis, if the foreign dependency rate increased by 1.0%, then the real income per capita rose by at least 0.5%, and if the population and area, which are proxy variables of the domestic trade volume, grew by 1.0%, then the real income per capita increased by 0.1%. - 経済産業省

各国の実質 GDP 成長率の推移を見ると、韓国等の貿易依存度が高く、製品輸出が大きな割合を占める国では、リーマン・ショック後に急速な落ち込みと回復を経験したが、その後は安定的な成長が続いていた(第1-5-1-3(a)図)。例文帳に追加

According to the transition of real GDP growth rate of each country, though some countries with high dependence on foreign trade and with a great percentage of export of products, such as South Korea, experienced rapid decline and recovery in real GDP growth rate following the failure of Lehman Brothers, such economies continued stable growth afterwards (see Figure 1-5-1-3 (a)). - 経済産業省


An analysis of intra-regional trade in East Asia in which trade was divided into the ratio of intra-regional exports and the ratio of intra-regional imports reveals that the latter has consistently been higher than the former, which means that one of the characteristics of trade in the region is the higher degree of dependency on the region for imports rather than exports. - 経済産業省

また、エネルギーの域外依存が高まる中、域内貿易に占める石油・石炭製品及び関連の鉱業品の割合が1980 年の28% から2005 年には9%にまで低下しているほか、労働集約産業である繊維製品が引き続き6% 程の割合を有している(第2-1-17 図)。例文帳に追加

In addition, with dependency on sources outside the region for energy increasing, the proportion of intra-regional trade accounted for by oil and coal products and related mining products dropped from 28% in 1980 to 9% in 2005. Furthermore, the proportion of intra-regional trade accounted for by textile goods?a labor intensive industry-remains at around 6% (Figure 2-1-17). - 経済産業省


First is the risk of excessive investment that is not accompanied by actual demand causing excess production, the problem of bad debt and so forth; the second is the risk of excess reliance on external demand, increasing vulnerability to changes in the foreign economic situation in addition to causing the problem of external imbalances and the problem of trade friction. - 経済産業省


US trade policy during this period demonstrated even greater protectionism, evident from its (1) high tariffs, (2) conditional most-favored-nation treatment, (3) strong emphasis on "fairness", and (4)Over this period, industrialization and a high tariff policy in Germany and the United States caused UK exports to decline even as its imports gradually climbed. - 経済産業省


As seen above, comparing only the amounts of exports in 2011, there were great divergences between the four countries in the degree of centralization towards high technology/capital-intensive exports, the dependence on the EU, the form of advancement into emerging markets, and other attributes. And, by looking at the secular change in trade balances broken down by major region/item, the four countries' characteristics and transitions from the perspective of international competitiveness are clearer. - 経済産業省


According to an analysis of Asia’s interdependency using the extended Asian International Input-Output Table (JETRO), since 2000, the rising final demand in Asia has increased its inducement effect on many Asian countriesdomestic production including China against the background of increasing trade in intermediate goods through production networks (see Figure 1-1-12)18. - 経済産業省



It might be generally appropriate that emerging or developing countries peg their rates to a currency or to a basket of currencies of the developed countries with which they have the closest trade and investment interdependence, while adjusting the peg periodically so as to reflect developments in relative real effective exchange rates, unit prices, and current and capital account balances. - 財務省


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