
「食品規格」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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institutional food  - 日本語WordNet

三 食品、添加物等の規格基準例文帳に追加

3. Standards and criteria for food and food additives, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


3 The Notification on Partial Revision of Specification and Standards for Food, Food Additives, etc. - 厚生労働省


(1) Radioactive substances have been added to substances that should not be contained in foods, specified in Paragraph 1 in Section A General Compositional Standards for Food in Part I Food. - 厚生労働省



This item specifies MRLs mainly for processed foods.These limits are shown for individual foods by agricultural chemical.It is implemented the same as Items 6 and 7. - 厚生労働省



However, if food compositional standards are specified based on Paragraph 1, Article 11 of the Law, these standards shall supersede the above-mentioned amount. - 厚生労働省

三 第十一条第一項の規定により定められた規格に合わない食品又は添加物例文帳に追加

(iii) Food or additives which do not conform to the standards established pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 第十一条第一項の規定により定められた規格に合わない食品又は添加物例文帳に追加

(ii) Food or additives which do not conform to standards established pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 法第十一条第一項の規定により定められた規格に合わない食品又は添加物例文帳に追加

(iv) Food or additives which do not conform to the standards established pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



The general compositional standards for food (hereinafter referred to asGeneral Requirements”)—specified in Section A, Part 1 Food in Specifications and Standards for Food, Food Additives, Etc, (Ministry of Health and Welfare Notification, No.370, 1959, hereinafter referred to asNotification No. 370”)—have been revised to add food standards established based on Paragraph 1, Article 11 of the Law. - 厚生労働省





The processed foods appearing in Item 9 have already been reviewed, and MRLs are given.The MHLW is going to add standards in Item 9, as necessary. - 厚生労働省


Based on of Paragraph 3, Article 11 of the Law, the uniform limit targets all foods.As a rule, this standard also applies to processed foods without MRLs based on Paragraph 1, Article 11 of the Law.However, processed foods will be deemed to comply with the existing MRLs, regardless of levels of agricultural chemicals remaining in these foods, if the food ingredients used in the production of the processed foods have met the corresponding MRLs, and these processed foods are exempted from the application of the uniform limit. - 厚生労働省


There is no internationally unified Halal standard. Since each country sets up its own standard, there are many cases that one product certified as a Halal product in one country gets rejected as a non-Halal product in another country. - 経済産業省


To obtain a polymer composition in which a distillation residue satisfies a standard prescribed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare notification No.370 in conformity to the food hygiene law, a material for food packaging and a container for food. - 特許庁


If a food is found to contain a prohibited ingredient, for which ND is set, the food will be treated as a violation of food standards stipulated in Paragraph 1, Article 11 of the Law. - 厚生労働省


This item specifies MRLs for individual foods, mainly on non-processed primary foods.The MRLs are shown by agricultural chemical.The item follows Item 6 of the current General Requirements. - 厚生労働省


Under these circumstances, many international food product companies including McDonald’s Corporation and Nestle SA acquired the Malaysian Halal certificate. - 経済産業省


B. For some of agricultural chemicals, revisions have been made to ensure consistency with MRLs that were newly established based on Notification No. 499. - 厚生労働省


(3) Table 2 has been deleted since currently residue standards for milk, etc are established only for the veterinary drugs appearing in the table but Paragraph 3, Article 11 of the Law applies to all veterinary drugs. - 厚生労働省


However, for food listed in the first column in Item 5 (2) “Samplesof Section A “General Compositional Standards for Foodof Part I “FoodofSpecifications and Standards for Food, Food Additives, etc.” (Ministry of Health and Welfare Notification No. 370, 1959), the samples shall be prepared according to the descriptions provided in the corresponding second column. For manufactured or processed food, intact samples are used in principle for the test (except for food that is tested in ready-to-drink states, such as tea leaves for drinking). - 厚生労働省


To provide an excellent food and medicine-packaging material of a thermoplastic resin, clearing MIL standard as an antistatic film and attaining FDA standard as a food packaging material, having antistatic effect and not containing any controlled substance and to provide a method for producing the packaging material. - 特許庁

検疫所は、法第 27 条の規定に基づく輸入届出等により、法第 11 条又は法第 18 条の規定に基づく食品等の規格又は基準(以下「規格基準」という。)をはじめとする法への適合について確認する。例文帳に追加

Through the import-notification documents submitted under Article 27 of the Act, the quarantine stations shall check as to their compliance with the specifications and standards for foods (hereinafter referred as “the standards”) under Article 11 and Article 18 of the Act. - 厚生労働省


(5)Through the import-notification documents submitted under Article 27 of the Act, the quarantine stations shall check as to their compliance with the specifications and standards for foods (hereinafter referred as “the standards”) under Article 11 and Article 18 of the Act. - 厚生労働省


Specifically, MRLs have been newly established for thedichlorvos and naledgroup and the “deltamethrin and tralomethringroup, and unnecessary MRLs have been deleted. - 厚生労働省

なお、1978年にFAO/WHO合同食品規格委員会で採択されたイワシ製品に関する規格(以下「Codex 規格」という。)では、缶詰イワシは、ヨーロッパマイワシとペルー産マイワシ(Sardinop ssagax)を含む21種類の鮮魚もしくは冷凍魚から製造されたものをいうとされている。例文帳に追加

The international standard for sardine-type products adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission of FAO/WHO in 1978 ("Codex standard") defines canned sardines as those manufactured from fresh or frozen fish on a list of 21 fish species, including the European sardine and the Peruvian sardine (Sardinops sagax). - 経済産業省


The first time a food is imported, the quarantine stations shall instruct importers to conduct voluntary checks on required items to confirm that the food complies with the Act, based on specifications and standards for the imported food and/or the use of additives. - 厚生労働省


The first time a food is imported, the quarantine stations shall instruct importers to conduct voluntary checks on required items to confirm that the food complies with the Act, based on standards for constituents of the food, and/or the use of additives. - 厚生労働省


This item has been newly established to contain MRLs that were specified in Notification No. 499.The item mainly targets individual non-processed primary foods.The standards are shown by agricultural chemical.Basically, it has the same significance as Item 6 and applies accordingly. - 厚生労働省


Also, the ministry will systematically ask the commission to conduct safety assessments of substances for which MRLs have been established. - 厚生労働省

6 前3項に定める成分規格に適合するもの以外の食品を原材料として食品の製造、又は加工に使用してはならない。例文帳に追加

7. The provisions specified in sections 3 through 6 above shall not apply in the case that agricultural chemicals remaining in foods are food additives specified in Article 3 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Food Sanitation Law or food additives appearing in the List of the Existing Food Additives and that concentrations in the foods are within the levels specified in the Standards for the Use of Food Additives under the La. - 厚生労働省


The Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare consulted the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council regarding the establishment of new standards and criteria (October 28, 2011) ? The Committee on Countermeasures against Radioactive Materials, Food Safety Commission, Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, compiled proposed standard limits. (December 22, 2011) - 厚生労働省


To provide a method of preparing slightly-acid electrolytic water conforming to the component standards of food additives specified by the food sanitation law under conditions conforming to the food sanitation law even when soft water whose hardness of raw water is extremely low is used as raw water in the preparation of slightly-acid electrolytic water. - 特許庁

4 前項において成分規格が定められていない場合であって農薬等が自然に食品に含まれる物質と同一である場合、当該食品において当該物質が含まれる程度は、当該食品に一般に含まれる量を超えてはならない。例文帳に追加

4. For substances that are not listed in the table given in the previous section and that may remain in foods as environmental contaminants, concentrations in the foods shall not exceed levels that are normally included in the food. - 厚生労働省

2 前項の規定により基準又は規格が定められたときは、その基準に合わない方法により食品若しくは添加物を製造し、加工し、使用し、調理し、若しくは保存し、その基準に合わない方法による食品若しくは添加物を販売し、若しくは輸入し、又はその規格に合わない食品若しくは添加物を製造し、輸入し、加工し、使用し、調理し、保存し、若しくは販売してはならない。例文帳に追加

(2) When the criteria or standards have been established pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, food or additives shall not be produced, processed, used, cooked, or preserved using methods that do not conform to such criteria; food or additives that do not conform to such criteria shall not be sold or imported; and food or additives that do not conform to such standards shall not be produced, imported, processed, used, cooked, preserved, or sold.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


- Unprocessed primary foods: The transitional measure is not applicable to unprocessed primary foods, which basically do not require additional manufacturing or processing processes for sale.The uniform limit and residue standards apply to all unprocessed primary foods which are on the market on and after May 29, 2006. - 厚生労働省

第二十一条 厚生労働大臣は、食品添加物公定書を作成し、第十一条第一項の規定により基準又は規格が定められた添加物及び第十九条第一項の規定により基準が定められた添加物につき当該基準及び規格を収載するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 21 Regarding additives for which the criteria and standards have been established pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) and additives for which the criteria have been established pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1), the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall compile the Japanese Standards of Food Additives to contain said criteria and standards.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

法第 27 条の規定に基づく輸入届出等により、法第 11 条又は第 18 条の規定に基づく食品等の規格又は基準(以下「規格基準」という。)をはじめとする法への適合についての基本的な情報を確認すること。例文帳に追加

Collection of basic data on imported foods through the import-notification documents submitted under Article 27 of the Act, and checking of the above data as to their compliance with the specifications and standards for foods (hereinafter referred as “the standards”) under Article 11 and Article 18 of the Act - 厚生労働省

法第 27 条の規定に基づく輸入届出等により、法第 11 条第 1 項又は第 18 条第 1 項の規定に基づく食品等の規格又は基準(以下「規格基準」という。)をはじめとする法への適合性についての審査を行うとともに、輸入時において必要な検査を実施した。例文帳に追加

Using import declarations and other documents submitted under Article 27 of the Law, examinations were conducted to check their compliance with the Law, including their compliance with the specifications and standards for foods based on the provisions contained within Article 11, paragraph 1 and Article 18, paragraph 1 of the Law (hereinafter referred to as the “standards”). Inspections required at the time of importation were also conducted. - 厚生労働省


(1) Collection of basic data on imported foods through the import-notification documents submitted under Article 27 of the Act, and checking of the above data as to their compliance with the specifications and standards for foods (hereinafter referred as “the standards”) under Article 11 and Article 18 of the Act - 厚生労働省

微生物規格に係る国別の違反事例(表 8-②)を国別にみると、中国が 115件(38.7%:微生物規格に係る延べ違反件数(297 件)に対する割合)、次いでタイ 62 件(20.9%)、ベトナム 42 件(14.1%)と続いている。これらの品目別、違反内容別の主な違反事例をみると、いずれの国も冷凍食品の微生物規格(一般生菌数、大腸菌群、大腸菌)違反が上位を占めている。例文帳に追加

he breakdown, by country, of violations related to microbiological criteria (Table 8-2) shows that China had 115 violations (38.7%: ratio to the gross number of violations related to microbiological criteria (297)), followed by Thailand with 62 violations (20.9%), and Vietnam with 42 violations (14.1%). The further breakdown, by item and violation type, shows that the most dominant violation for every country was violations of microbiological criteria for frozen food (viable cell count, coliform bacteria, colon bacilli). - 厚生労働省


The Ministerial Ordinance Partially Revising the Ministerial Ordinance on Milk and Milk Products Concerning Compositional Standards, etc.; the Notification on Designating the Radioactive Substances Designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare under the Provisions of Item (I) (1) of the Attached Table 2 of the Ministerial Ordinance on Milk and Milk Products Concerning Compositional Standards, etc.; and the Notification on Partial Revision of Specification and Standards for Food, Food Additives, etc. - 厚生労働省


If the importer plans to import the food on a regular basis, the relevant quarantine station shall instruct the importer to conduct voluntary checks, combined with the regular confirmation of specifications and standards for the imported food and additives in that food and with reference to violation information of similar foods, in consideration of the frequency of the planned importation, as well as in accordance with the guidance principle for importers mentioned in (1). - 厚生労働省


Further if the importer plans to import the food on a regular basis, the relevant quarantine station shall instruct the importer to conduct voluntary checks, combined with the regular confirmation of specifications and standards for the imported food and additives in that food and with reference to violation information of similar foods, in accordance with the guidance principle for importers mentioned in (1). - 厚生労働省


- For spices and herbs, new food categories have been created for “other spices” and “other herbs,” to harmonize with the international standards (Codex standards) since Codex standards have been newly set for these food categories. - 厚生労働省

第十一条 厚生労働大臣は、公衆衛生の見地から、薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴いて、販売の用に供する食品若しくは添加物の製造、加工、使用、調理若しくは保存の方法につき基準を定め、又は販売の用に供する食品若しくは添加物の成分につき規格を定めることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 11 (1) From the viewpoint of public health, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may establish the criteria for the methods of producing, processing, using, cooking, or preserving food or additives to be served for the purpose of marketing, or may establish standards for the ingredients of food or additives to be served for the purpose of marketing, by hearing the opinions of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 貨物が食品であつて、当該食品が着香の目的以外の目的で使用される添加物(一般に食品として飲食に供されている物であつて添加物として使用されるものにあつては、法第十一条第一項の規定により基準又は規格が定められているものに限る。)を含むときは、当該添加物の品名例文帳に追加

(iii) When the cargoes are food containing additives which are used for purposes other than for flavoring (for food which is generally served for human consumption and is used as an additive, limited to food for which standards or criteria have been established pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) of the Act), the name of said additives;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


For the purpose of promoting voluntary activities by the importers with the aim of improving safety control, the quarantine stations shall provide guidance to importers through seminars, or upon the submission of import notification, along with providing to importers, when it is deemed appropriate, information on violating imported foods, newly established specifications and standards, food-safety regulatory systems in the exporting countries and other information obtained from the producers, thereby supporting the importers in achieving a greater level of safety for imported foods. - 厚生労働省


For the purpose of promoting voluntary activities by the importers with the aim of improving sanitation control, the quarantine stations shall give guidance to importers through seminars, or upon the submission of import notification, along with providing to importers, when it is deemed appropriate, information on violating imported foods, newly established specifications or standards, food-sanitation regulatory systems in the exporting countries, and other information obtained from the producers, thereby supporting the importers in achieving a greater level of safety for imported foods. - 厚生労働省



The new standard limits for radioactive substances in foods were approved at the meeting of the Food Sanitation Subcommittee of the Council on February 24, 2012. In line with Item 1 of Article 11 of the Act, the Ministerial Ordinance on Milk, etc., and the Notification on Specification and Standards have been partially revised to establish specifications and standards for radioactive substances in foods. - 厚生労働省


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