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Minamoto no Yorimasaの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 120


Therefore, the large force of Taira clan troops led by TAIRA no Tomomori and TAIRA no Shigehira destroyed MINAMOTO no Yorimasa's family at Byodo-in Temple in Uji in May of that year, and this became the start of an internal rebellion that lasted for 6 years. 例文帳に追加

そして、平知盛・平重衡率いる平氏の大軍によって、同年5月に宇治の平等院で源頼政一族は敗死することになるが、この挙兵が後6年間にわたる内乱の契機となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the twenty-second (twenty-first in lunar calendar), TAIRA no Yorimori, TAIRA no Norimori, and TAIRA no Tsunemori (all three of whom were Kiyomori's younger brothers) as well as TAIRA no Tomomori and TAIRA no Shigehira (both sons of Kiyomori) and TAIRA no Koremori, TAIRA no Sukemori, and TAIRA no Kiyotsune (all three of whom were sons of Shigemori) as well as MINAMOTO no Yorimasa were appointed generals over the force preparing to attack Onjo-ji temple. 例文帳に追加

21日、平頼盛、平教盛、平経盛(以上、清盛の弟)、平知盛、平重衡(以上、清盛の子)、平維盛、平資盛、平清経(以上、重盛の子)、そして源頼政を大将とする園城寺攻撃の編成が定められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Okochi clan is part of the Seiwa-Genji (Minamoto clan) and Settsu-Genji (Minamoto clan), and is said to have been established when Akitsuna, the grandson of MINAMOTO no Yorimasa, moved to Okochi-go, Nukata County in Mikawa Province (which some have asserted to be the present-day Aza-Okochi, Ohira-cho, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture) and called himself Okochi. 例文帳に追加

大河内氏(おおこうちし)は、清和源氏、摂津源氏の一族で、源頼政の孫、顕綱(あきつな)が三河国額田郡大河内郷(愛知県岡崎市大平町字大河内・注、異説あり。洞町等)に移り住み、大河内氏を称したことを始まりとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Generals were: the Evil Uemon no kami (Captain of the Right Division of the Headquarters of the Outer Palace) Nobuyori; his child, the new Chamberlain FUJIWARA no Nobuchika; Nobuyori's own elder brother FUJIWARA no Ieyori the Hyobu no Gon no Taifu (provisional senior assistant minister of Hyobusho Ministry of Military), Minbugonshofu (Junior Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Popular Affairs) FUJIWARA no Motonari; younger brother FUJIWARA no Motonari the Owari Shosho (Minor captain of Owari Province); in addition, Middle counselor of Fushimi-Genji (Minamoto clan) MINAMOTO no Moronaka; Middle captain of Echigo FUJIWARA no Narichika; jibukyo (Minister of the Ministry of Civil Administration) Kanemichi; the former official of Iyo Province Nobutaka; Sadatomo the Governor of Iki Province; Arifusa the Governor of Tanba Province; MINAMOTO no Yorimasa the Head of Hyogo; MINAMOTO no Mitsuyasu the former official of Izuo Province (Mitsuyasu); Mitsumoto the Governor of Iga Province; MINAMOTO no Suezane the Governor of Kawachi; their children Suemori the saemon-no-jo (Secretary of the Left Division of the Headquarters of the Outer Palace Guard) for the first time in the Minamoto clan Yoshitomo was first on the list for Sama no kami (Chief of the Bureau of Horses); his eldest son Kamakura aku (evil) Genta MINAMOTO no Yoshihira; his second son MINAMOTO no Asanaga was chugudaifu (Master of the Empress' Palace); third son MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was Hyoe no suke (Assistant at Headquarters of the Middle Palace Guard); Yoshitomo's uncle Rokuro MUTSU Yoshitaka; Yoshitomo's younger brothers Juro SHINGU and MINAMOTO no Yukiie; cousin MINAMOTO no Shigenari who was Sado shikibu taiyu (the assistant minister of the Ceremonial Ministry, and also in charge of Sado Province) (Grand Master); and also Shirohei Hiraga and Yoshinori Hiraga. 例文帳に追加

大将に悪右衛門督信頼、その子 新侍従藤原信親、信頼の実兄にあたる兵部権大輔藤原家頼、民部権少輔藤原基成、弟の尾張少将藤原信説、そのほかに伏見源中納言源師仲、越後中将藤原成親、治部卿兼通、伊予前司信員、壱岐守貞知、但馬守有房、兵庫頭源頼政、出雲前司源光保(光保)、伊賀守光基、河内守源季実、その子息左衛門尉季盛、義朝はじめ源氏一門ではまず左馬頭義朝を筆頭に、長子鎌倉悪源太源義平、次男中宮大夫進源朝長、三男兵衛佐源頼朝、義朝の叔父陸奥六郎義隆、義朝の弟新宮十郎源行家、従兄弟の佐渡式部大輔(大夫)源重成、平賀四郎平賀義宣とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


TAIRA no Masamori and TAIRA no Tadamori of the Ise-Heishi (Taira clan), who had a connection with Insei, or the administration of the Retired Emperor, in the days of Yorimasa's father Nakamasa, gradually increased their power; the Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan) (the family line of MINAMOTO no Yorinobu, brother of Yorimitsu), who had begun to increase power through their connection with the Sekkan regent families, repeated internal strife among themselves and eventually decreased their power. 例文帳に追加

父仲政の頃から院政と結びついた伊勢平氏の平正盛、平忠盛が次第に台頭し、一方、摂関家と結びつき台頭していた河内源氏(頼光の弟源頼信の系統)は同族の内紛を繰り返して勢力を後退させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One night, Yorimasa, together with his retainer I no Hayata (written as or ), ventured out to kill the mysterious creature with the bow that was inherited from his ancestor MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu. 例文帳に追加

頼政はある夜、家来の猪早太(井早太との表記もある)を連れ、先祖の源頼光より受け継いだ弓を手にして怪物退治に出向いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He is described as a close blood relative of MINAMOTO no Yorimasa in "Heiji monogatari" (the tale of the Heiji), and it is said that he guided MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune (Rushanao) for direction together with Kichiji KANEURI from Oshu (Northern Honshu, the region encompassing Mutsu and Dewa provinces) when Yoshitsune escaped from Mt. Kurama to Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region), and that he invited Yoshitsune to his own domain in Shimofusa Province to shelter him for about a year. 例文帳に追加

『平治物語』に源頼政の近親者として登場し、源義経(遮那王)が鞍馬山を抜け出し東国へと向かう際、奥州の金売吉次と共に同伴しその道案内を務め、さらに義経を下総の自領に迎え入れ一年ほど匿ったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa's third Prince, Prince Mochihito was frustrated with the enthronement of Emperor Antoku, he raised an army with MINAMOTO no Yorimasa to overthrow the TAIRA clan in May of the same year. 例文帳に追加

安徳天皇の即位に不満を持ったのが後白河法皇の第三皇子以仁王で源頼政と結んで、同年5月に平家打倒の挙兵をした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yorimasa was a member of the Settsu-Genji family in the line of MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu with his feuds in provinces around Kinai (the area near Kyoto); he was a Kyo-samurai who had a position in the central government and did political activities in the Imperial Court and around the Sekkan regent families. 例文帳に追加

頼政は源頼光の系統の摂津源氏で、畿内近国に地盤を持ち中央に進出し、朝廷や摂関家近くで活動する京武士だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He had a fief at Watanabe, Settsu Province (today's Chuo Ward, Osaka City); Yorimasa took the role of Ouchi Shugo, which is equivalent to the guardsman of the Imperial Court, and used as retainers the samurai of the Watanabe clan of the Saga-Genji (Minamoto clan), who served as Takiguchi no musha, or samurai guards of the Imperial Residence. 例文帳に追加

摂津国渡辺(大阪市中央区(大阪市))を基盤とし、当地の滝口武者の一族である嵯峨源氏の渡辺氏を郎党にして大内守護(皇室警護の近衛兵のようなもの)の任に就いていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the scheme of Prince Mochihito and his foster father, MINAMOTO no Yorimasa, to mobilize the army and suppress the Taira clan was found out in May 1180, he hid in the Ninna-ji Temple but was ordered to report with his legal son, Nakamitsu (Kujo-in hogandai). 例文帳に追加

治承4年(1180年)5月、以仁王と養父源頼政の平家打倒の挙兵計画が露見して、仁和寺にこもった際に、嫡男の仲光(九条院判官代)とともに馳せ参じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Yorimasa and Nakatsuna took up arms with Prince Mochihito and died in the battle of Rising of Prince Mochihito, he was in Izu Province with Nakatsuna's second son, MINAMOTO no Aritsuna, and they joined the army to search out and destroy the Heishi (Taira clan). 例文帳に追加

頼政・仲綱らが以仁王と共に挙兵し討ち死にした時、仲綱の次子源有綱と共に知行国の伊豆国におり、伊豆で挙兵した鎌倉市の源頼朝の傘下で平氏追討軍に加わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later he served Prince Mochihito, and in 1180 when the plan to search and kill the Taira clan, which was schemed by the prince together with MINAMOTO no Yorimasa (Rising of Prince Mochihito), was revealed, Nobutsura helped the price escape to Enjo-ji Temple and confronted the pursuing kebiishi (officials with judicial and police powers) alone. 例文帳に追加

のちに以仁王に仕えたが、治承4年(1180年)に王が源頼政と謀った平氏追討の計画(以仁王の挙兵)が発覚したとき、王を園城寺に逃がし、検非違使の討手に単身で立ち向かう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In April 1180, with the anti-Kiyomori movement, Prince Mochihito (Goshirakawa's second son) issued a call for attacking the Taira clan and collaborated with MINAMOTO no Yorimasa to raise forces. 例文帳に追加

反清盛の気運が高まる中、治承4年(1180年)4月には以仁王(後白河の第2皇子)が平氏追討の令旨を発し、源頼政と結んで挙兵した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At this point Yorimasa was an old man, well into his mid-seventies, and having received his heart's desire, investiture into the third rank, he took the tonsure and became a priest the following year, bequeathing his inheritance to his eldest son and heir, MINAMOTO no Nakatsuna. 例文帳に追加

頼政はこの時70代半ばを超えた老齢で、念願の三位叙位が叶った翌年には出家して、家督を嫡男の源仲綱に譲った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Prince Mochihito, who was not entitled to hold the name of Imperial prince, named himself the Imperial Prince Saisho in 1180 and raised an army with MINAMOTO no Yorimasa under the slogan of eliminating the Emperor Antoku and the Taira clan government but was killed in a battle (army raised by Prince Mochihito). 例文帳に追加

以仁王は親王宣下がなされず、ついに治承4年(1180年)、最勝親王を名乗り安徳天皇と平氏政権の排除を唱えて源頼政とともに挙兵するが、敗死した(以仁王の挙兵)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Prince Mochihito's uprising was an incident that occurred in 1180 (Jisho 4), when Prince Mochihito (also Prince Takakura and Prince Sanjo), with MINAMOTO no Yorimasa, planned to raise an army and overthrow the Taira clan (who were then in power); Mochihito issued a command urging the Minamoto clan warriors in all provinces together with the forces of the great temples and shrines to rise up against the Taira clan. 例文帳に追加

以仁王の挙兵(もちひとおうのきょへい)は治承4年(1180年)に以仁王(高倉宮・三条宮)と源頼政が打倒平氏のための挙兵を計画し、諸国の源氏や大寺社に蜂起を促す令旨を発した事件。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The provision on May 26, 1180 in "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East) shows that Suekuni (Yoshifusa) fought with the army of the Taira family, led by TAIRA no Tomomori, as a busho of MINAMOTO no Yorimasa and finally died in the Battle of Uji-gawa River during the War of Prince Mochihito on June 27, 1180. 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』治承四年五月二十六日の条によると、季邦(義房)は治承4年閏5月26日に以仁王の乱による宇治川の戦いに源頼政の武将として、平知盛率いる平家の軍勢と戦って、戦死したと記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In an anecdote from the "Heike monogatari" (The Tale of the Heiki) (chapter four, Kio), Kio enraged Munemori by returning the horse after shaving its mane and tail and branding "formerly Nanryo, now TAIRA no Munemori Nyudo" on its rear; this was in retaliation for Munemori having insulted MINAMOTO no Nakatsuna, the legitimate son of Yorimasa, over his horse. 例文帳に追加

その際、先立って頼政の嫡男源仲綱が愛馬のことで宗盛に辱めを受けていたことの報復として、馬のたてがみと尾の毛をそり、尻に「昔は何両、今は平宗盛入道」の焼印をして突き返し、宗盛を激怒せしめたという逸話が知られる(『平家物語』四・競)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Mikawa Province, he extended his power by inviting the Okochi clan, the grandchildren of MINAMOTO no Yorimasa, as his generals before the Okochi clan was adopted by the Nagasawamatsudaira family, and he let Osauji KIRA, his eldest child born out of wedlock, settle at the Kira-sou in Hazu District (presently located between Hazu District and Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture) and formed the Kira clan, a branch family of the Ashikaga clan (later, the Imagawa clan became a branch family of the Kira clan). 例文帳に追加

三河国では源頼政の孫大河内氏長沢松平家に養子になる前などを家臣に入れ勢力を拡大し、庶長子の吉良長氏を幡豆郡吉良荘(現在の愛知県幡豆郡から西尾市)に住ませて足利氏の分家吉良氏(後に今川氏が分家)を誕生させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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