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private rulingの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 21


Originally, the concept of daikan represented a deputy post which administered political affairs and ruling in koryo (government's territory) or shoryo (private territory). 例文帳に追加

そもそも、代官という概念は、公領及び所領の政務・支配を代行する職をいった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The local ruling family started to become aware of the guilt owing private property and sought a new personal emotional prop. 例文帳に追加

私的所有に伴う罪を自覚するようになった豪族個人の新たな精神的支柱が求められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also possible to think that it was a mere excuse that farmers were idle and it was influence peddling for large temples and local ruling families to enlarge their private properties. 例文帳に追加

農民が怠けたというのは単なる言い訳であり、大寺院や豪族が私有地を拡大するための利益誘導であるとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadokoro was one of the systems that were established during the Kofun period (tumulus period) to control people and land, which also referred to the private property controlled by Gozoku (local ruling family). 例文帳に追加

田荘(たどころ)とは古墳時代に設けられた土地や人民の支配制度の一つで、豪族たちが支配した私有地のことを指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This article has been considered to have eliminated such private ownership and ruling of lands and people and have converted the old system into a system which the emperor comprehensively ruled the nation, in other words, conversion of private ownership of lands and people into a Kochi Komin system of state ownership of lands and people. 例文帳に追加

本条は、このような土地・人民に対する私的な所有・支配を排除し、天皇による統一的な支配体制への転換、すなわち私地私民制から公地公民制への転換を示すものと解釈されてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Samurai and landlord in the medieval Japan took charge of the territorial management and ruling by assuming various posts and powers such as Gunji shiki (local headships), Goshi shiki (sub district headships) and Hoshi shiki (executive officer of an Imperial demesne) granted by Kokuga (provincial government office), and Shokan shiki (officer entrusted with local management of the private estate) granted by the lord of a private estate (family head or guarantor of manor), as well as Jito shiki (manager and lord of a private estate) granted by the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). 例文帳に追加

中世期の武士・在地領主は、ある者は国衙から郡司職・郷司職・保司職としての地位・権利を認められ、ある者は荘園領主(本家・本所)から荘官職に任じられ、またある者は幕府から地頭職を付与された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shitaji chubun is a term which was used in medieval Japan and it means the division of the land implemented, under the situation where the ruling system of or rights to the land were entangled in a multi-layered way under shoen koryo sei (the system of public lands and private estates), with the aim of achieving the unified land ruling system (Ichien chigyo). 例文帳に追加

下地中分(したじちゅうぶん)とは、日本の中世日本に使用された用語で、荘園公領制下の重層的に入り組んだ支配・権利関係の中で、それぞれの主体が一元的に土地を支配すること(一円知行)を目的にして行われた、土地の分割を指し示す用語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Shirakawa dono (Taira no) Seishi died, Goshirakawa took Private land belonged to the Sekkan Family (family who was a regent to the emperor) and was under Seishi's control, and after Shigemori died, Goshirakawa took Echizen Province which Shigemori was in charge of ruling. 例文帳に追加

白河殿盛子が死去すると、盛子の管理していた摂関家領を没収、重盛が死去するとその知行国・越前を没収した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During this period, the fighting between Masakado and his adversaries was viewed as merely private warfare (personal skirmishes among the gozoku [regional ruling families]) and it is thought that the Imperial Court did not see them as rebellious acts against the country. 例文帳に追加

この時期には将門と敵対者の戦いはあくまでも私戦(豪族間の個人的ないざこざ)とみなされ、国家に対する反乱であるという認識は朝廷側にはなかったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Danzaemon had jurisdiction not only over the subordinates within the ruling area but the hisabetsumin living in the tenryo (shogunal demesnes) in the provinces around the Kanto region, and those who committed crimes were tried by a private court called 'shirasu' (literally the white sandbar) set up in the premise, and locked up in a prison also constructed within the premise. 例文帳に追加

弾左衛門は支配地内の配下は勿論のこと、関東近国の天領の被差別民についても裁判権を持っており、罪を犯したものは屋敷内の白州で裁きを受け、屋敷内に設けられた牢屋に入れられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Gradually, economical and political contradiction became serious between zuryo, who had big authority for ruling provinces, and gunji/tato fumyo class, who had economic power gained through the management of myoden or private estates. 例文帳に追加

国内支配に大幅な権限を有した受領と、名経営や私領経営などを通じて経済力をつけてきた郡司・田堵負名層との間には、次第に経済的・政治的矛盾が生じるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Honke is a nominal owner of the highest-graded patches of land under the stratified land ruling structure of Japanese Shoen (refer to the Shiki system in the shoen koryo sei (The System of Public Lands and Private Estates) section). 例文帳に追加

本家(ほんけ)は、日本の荘園における重層的土地支配構造(荘園公領制、職の体系を参照)上、最上位に位置づけられる土地の名義上の所有権者である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some members of the ruling party are opposing the abolishment of the medals for merit, but with the issues including removal of the disparity between public and private and the establishment of honor law, it is still undecided as to what kind of institution of honor will replace the medals for merit. 例文帳に追加

勲等の廃止においては与党の一部から反対も出たが、今後どの様な栄典制度となるか、官民格差是正や栄典法制定問題などがある中で、現在のところは不透明な情勢にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The wars are commonly referred to as "The Johei and Tengyo Wars" since they occurred during the Johei (Japan) and Tengyo (Japan) eras, but, at the time, the actions of Masakado and Sumitomo were seen by the Imperial Court as mere private warfare, private conflicts between local ruling families. 例文帳に追加

なお、この反乱は一般に承平(日本)・天慶(日本)の両元号の期間に発生した事から「承平天慶の乱」と呼称されているが、承平年間における朝廷側の認識ではこの当時の将門・純友の行動は私戦(豪族同士の対立による私的な武力衝突)とその延長としか見られていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the social structure changed by introducing the system of the ritsuryo legal codes, local ruling families, who were simply the head of a community, became like feudal-lords with private property, and the conventional Jingi belief supported the religious service by a community was in a deadlock. 例文帳に追加

律令制の導入により社会構造が変化し、豪族らが単なる共同体の首長から私的所有地を持つ領主的な性格を持つようになるに伴い、共同体による祭祀に支えられた従来の神祇信仰は行き詰まりを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the following day, Masamura HOJO, Sanetoki HOJO, and Yoshikage ADACHI came to Tokiyori's private residence, and discussed how to deal with the gokenin of Yoritsune's group, but they could not take prompt actions, because the movement of Yasumura MIURA, Daigozoku (a big local ruling family) who had not clarified his attitude was unknown. 例文帳に追加

翌日、時頼の私邸に北条政村・北条実時・安達義景が集まり、頼経派御家人たちへの対応を協議したが、去就を曖昧にしていた大豪族三浦泰村の動きがまだ不明であったため、速やかな処断を行うことはできなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Through ongoing debate regarding this issue, a number of lawmakers, both in the ruling and opposition parties, have expressed their support for the idea of appointing persons knowledgeable about both public-and private-sector affairs to the positions headquarters chief and other posts by inviting candidates from both inside and outside the public sector. 例文帳に追加

これは国会の議論でも再三やっていただいたように、与野党を問わず、推進本部事務局長以下の人事については公務の内外から、まさに公務のみならず民間の人事制度もわかった人材を登用すべきであるというご意見がたくさん出ております。 - 金融庁

No, that is not what I meant. As I was a Diet member of the ruling party back then, I know how the things developed and unfolded then. I still find the fifty-fifty public-private sharing structure to be important. 例文帳に追加

そうでなくて、やっぱり法律ですから、官民折半でというのはあのときの経緯・経過も、私は当時与党の国会議員でしたから、あらかた知っていますけれども、やっぱりその辺はきちっと目途としてやっていくことがまず大事だというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

The management of pension funds is a very important operation. In particular, Japan faces an aging of society, and even corporate pensions and private pensions include portions entrusted by the government to employee pension fund operators, so those pensions are a source of reassurance for the people. However, as the inspection on the cause is still ongoing, we must identify the cause through careful examination and conduct an appropriate review without being constrained by conventional fixed ideas and without ruling out any option. 例文帳に追加

特に、高齢化社会を迎えまして、企業年金、私的年金といえども、厚生年金は(国から預かった)代行部分というのもございますので、非常にやはり国民の安心の源の一つでもございますが、今さっき言いましたように、今、原因は調査中でございまして、調査をしっかりして、そして一体、何に原因があるのかということをきちんと明らかにし、そしてまさに、今さっきも言いましたように、従来の固定概念(にとらわれる)ことなく、あらゆる選択肢を排除することなく、襟を正して、この機会に見直す必要があると思っております。 - 金融庁

However, in other cases, we will require the exercise of the consulting function, such as diagnosis of the condition of companies and advice on and support for optimal solutions. There are also institutional frameworks and schemes for various other activities, such as enhancing relationship banking and strengthening cooperation with prefectural consultation forums on support for business rehabilitation of SMEs, as well as strengthening cooperation with prefectural industrial reconstruction organizations in the three disaster-stricken prefectures of the Tohoku region. The Rehabilitation Support Organization for Companies Damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake was established on the basis of a bill jointly drawn up by lawmakers of the three ruling parties at that time, and support for business rehabilitation has been promoted. The Development Bank of Japan plays the central role in setting up funds in cooperation with private financial institutions. 例文帳に追加

しかし、私が今さっき申しましたように、コンサルタント機能を十分出しなさいとか、あるいは、これは主に経産省が関係する色々な企業診断、最適な解決策の提示・(支援を図るための)コンサルタント機能の発揮等、地域密着型金融の深化を徹底、あと法律によって各県に作っている組織である中小企業再生支援協議会との連携強化、また、東北の被災3県にとりましては、産業復興機構、あるいは議員立法で3党が一緒に作っていただいた東日本大震災事業者再生支援機構等との連携強化、それから事業再生等の支援を図るための、様々な制度・仕組みを作っておりまして、これは日本政策投資銀行が中心になって、この民間金融機関と一緒にファンドを各地で作っております。 - 金融庁


As I have repeatedly said, the SESC is an independent organization, so it is not under the chain of command under me. All the same, the FSA and the SESC will work together to further clarify facts related to this very regrettable case. The FSA and the SESC face the grave task of making every possible effort to prevent a recurrence without ruling out any option while maintaining close communications with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, as this case relates to the private portion of employee pension plans, which have numerous members. 例文帳に追加

私は何回も言っていますように、この証券取引等監視委員会は独立性がございますから、私の指示・命令系統にはございませんけれども、やはり一緒になってさらなる事態の解明を進めて、極めて遺憾なことでございますが、あらゆる選択肢を排除することなく、関係官庁とも緊密に連絡しながら、これは厚生年金、いわゆる私的年金の部門でございますが、たくさんの方が私的年金に入っておられますので、そういった意味で、金融庁・証券取引等監視委員会、厚労省ともしっかり連絡をとりながら、総力を挙げて再発防止に努めていかねばならないという大変重たい課題でございます。 - 金融庁


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