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persons at workとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 就業者

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「persons at work」の意味

persons at work

「persons at work」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 58


Next we look at the reasons why key persons chose their current place of work when they joined their companies.例文帳に追加

キーパーソン本人が入社時に現在の勤務先を選択した理由について見てみる。 - 経済産業省

To provide a workbench for fitting a member, which has no wide working space but on which a plurality of persons can work at the same time.例文帳に追加

広い作業スペースを設けることなく、複数人が同時に作業可能な部材取付け作業台を提供することである。 - 特許庁

The persons who became too poor to continue working as tenant farmers flew into urban areas and were forced to work at low wages in the factories operated by the Zaibatsu (financial cliques or groups, or company syndicates), which were developed from former government-owned companies transferred to private ownership, increasing the number of persons in the poor class in urban areas.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また、小作を続けられないほど困窮した者は都市に流入し、官営企業の払い下げで発生した財閥が経営する工場で低賃金労働をさせられ、都市部の貧困層が拡大した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

171.2. A “collective workis a work which has been created by two or more natural persons at the initiative and under the direction of another with the understanding that it will be disclosed by the latter under his own name and that contributing natural persons will not be identified;例文帳に追加

171.2「共同著作物」とは,他人の発案によりその指示に従って2以上の自然人により創作された著作物であって,当該他人の名称のもとに当該他人により公表されること及び創作に寄与する自然人の名称が表示されないことの合意の上で創作されたものをいう。 - 特許庁

Looking at the reasons for choice of place of work by employed persons, however, one finds that level of wages and fringe benefits are not necessarily determinants of choice of place of work.例文帳に追加

だが、就業者が勤務先を決める理由を見てみると、このような賃金の多寡や福利厚生の水準は、必ずしも就業先を決める決定的な要因にはなっていない。 - 経済産業省

When I was a student, I was involved in volunteer work related to handicapped children. At that time, I felt that there were few workplaces for handicapped persons. Generally speaking, under Japan’s welfare programs in those days, handicapped persons, and elderly persons as well, were gathered deep in the mountains not to cause trouble. Officials of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare may get angry, but I had such an impression at that time.例文帳に追加

学生時代に障害児と関わるようなボランティア活動をしていて、その時に、障害を持った方々の働く場所が世の中になかなかない、どちらかというと日本の福祉というのは高齢者の方もそうなのですが、おおざっぱにいうと山奥で、ひとくくりにさせてあまり害がないようにという感じですね。 - 厚生労働省


To realize communication equipment which allows an old person and a sick person to communicate with a friend and a family living at a distance light-heartedly even without special work and also allows a welfare administrative body to easily obtain the good health and abnormal information of the old persons and sick persons.例文帳に追加

高齢者や病人が特別な用事がなくとも離れたところにいる友人や家族に気軽に連絡でき、また、福祉行政機関が高齢者や病人の健在、異常情報を簡単に得ることが出来るコミュニケーション装置を実現する。 - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「persons at work」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 58


This device comprises a transmitter 2 attached to a signal mechanism at a pedestrian crossing and a receiver 3 carried by a vision-impaired person, with the transmitter 2 connected to the signal mechanism to transmit signals matching the colors of the signal mechanism to thereby cause a recognition means for vision-impaired persons to work only for vision-impaired persons.例文帳に追加

横断歩道の信号機に付設する発信機2と、視覚障害者が携帯する受信機3とにより構成され、発信機2を、信号機の色に応じた信号を発信する様に信号機に接続することによって、視覚障害者用の認識手段を視覚障害者だけに作用させる。 - 特許庁

At the same time as the 32nd Abilympics, “Work Fair for Persons with Disabilities 2010”?a multipurpose event consisting of exhibitions, demonstrations, and trial experience sessions related to employment of disabled persons?was held. More than 34,600 visitors, including those to satellite venues, attended the event., became a big event.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

会場では、第32回アビリンピックの開催に併せて、障害者の雇用にかかわる展示、実演、体験など複合的なイベントである「障害者ワークフェア2010」が同時開催され、大会期間中は、約34,600人(サテライト会場来場者を含む)を超える方々が来場し、盛大な大会となった。 - 経済産業省

While there is a debate about the definition of the core human resources at SMEs, here we shall define key persons as "persons who, regardless of whether they hold a managerial position within the enterprise, are responsible for core work that is essential to the enterprise's competitiveness and to achieving differentiation from competitors, and who cannot be substituted by other employees and staff members, and, as general rule, are persons other than the company representative."例文帳に追加

中小企業における中核人材の定義については議論があるが、今回はキーパーソンを「企業において役職などに関わらず、企業競争上、他社との差別化を図る上でも不可欠となるコアとなる業務を担う、他の社員・職員では代替の効かない人物で、原則、代表者以外の者」と定義する。 - 経済産業省

As part of this program, a welfare office which execute the mother and child supporting their self-sufficient living program choose object persons and request employment support to the Hello Work, and “The selected team of employment support plans” which consist of the employment support navigator and the person in charge of welfare office, and has interview with object persons individually, and select the appropriate employment support menu based on the acknowledgement of situation, needs, abilities of object persons. As employment support menu, the supporting navigator at Hello Work provide employment supports such as writing style of resume and the way of having interview, development of individual job offers, accompanying to corporate nterview in individual, and also give menus cope with individual conditions of object persons including probation, appointment of seminars of public job training and promotion of educational training of private companies.例文帳に追加

そして、この一環として、母子自立支援プログラムを実施する福祉事務所が支援対象者を選定し、ハローワークに対して就労支援を要請すると、ハローワークに設置された就労支援ナビゲーターと18福祉事務所の担当者からなる「就労支援メニュー選定チーム」が設置され、対象者と個別に面接を行い、対象者の状況・ニーズ・経験・能力等を的確に把握して、適切な就労支援メニューの選定を行っている。 - 厚生労働省

Furthermore, a breakdown by size of enterprises reveals the proportions of persons remaining in work after giving birth to be 39.4% at enterprises with 1~9 workers, 27.5% at enterprises with 10~29, 24.7% at enterprises with 30~99, 24.6% at enterprises with 100~299, 20.0% at enterprises with 300~999, and 13.7% at enterprises with 1,000 or more. The proportion of workers remaining in employment is thus higher at smaller enterprises (Fig. 3-2-30).例文帳に追加

さらに、出産後も仕事を継続した者の割合を企業規模別に見ると、1~9人で39.4%、10~29人で27.5%、30~99人で24.7%、100~299人で24.6%、300~999人で20.0%、1,000人以上で13.7%となっており、規模が小さい企業ほど継続して働く割合が高くなっている(第3-2-30図)。 - 経済産業省

This is thought to be related to the fact that this work was intended to document events, and at the end of the volume is written 'Since there are many errors, it is necessary for persons who know the facts to correct them.'発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これは巻末に「定メテ紪謬多カラム、実ヲ知レル者之ヲ正サムノミ」<とても誤りが多いので、事実を知っているひとによってこれを正すのみである>とあって、この作品が記録文を目指したことと関連していると思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aside from clerical work, all accounting jobs at Todo-za were carried about by persons with visual and hearing disabilities, and it was revealed that their memory and calculation skills were so precise that not even the slightest inaccuracy could be found.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

当道の会計も書記以外はすべて視覚障害者によって行なわれたが、彼らの記憶と計算は確実で、一文の誤りもなかったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The personal computers of the persons at home execute primary input work and transmit the data for which primary input is completed through the network to the data management server for each input item.例文帳に追加

在宅者パソコンは一次入力作業を実施し、一次入力済みデータをネットワークを介して入力項目毎にデータ管理サーバに送信する。 - 特許庁


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