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1-chome (three locations), Imadegawa-cho, Ebisu-cho, Ogi-cho, Oinokuma-cho, Omiya-cho, Kashira-cho, Kameya-cho (four locations), Kikuya-cho, Kita-machi, Kojin-cho, Kodo-cho, Konoe-cho, Komeya-cho, Sakae-cho, 3-chome, Shinmei-cho, Daikobu-cho, Takatsukasa-cho, Tamaya-cho, Tsukinuke-cho (three locations), Nakano-cho, Nakano-cho (four locations), Nishioji-cho, Nishikitakoji-cho, Nishi-cho (three locations), 2-chome, Higashihashizume-cho, Higashi-cho (three locations), Hishiya-cho, Bishamon-cho (three locations), Masuya-cho (three locations), 4-chome (three locations)発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The first letter was directed to 'Torei Kinran,' the third letter to 'Shikan Zasu' (the head priest of the Tendai Sect), both of which show that Kukai replied to a letter by Saicho.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When Urusan-jo Castle, at the east most edge of Korea, was under construction, the Japanese forces were attacked by the Ming-Korean forces from the end of 1597 to the beginning of 1598; the Japanese fought the enemy off (the first Battle of Ulsan).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Nagamasu ODA, the younger brother of Nobunaga ODA and a famous master of tea ceremony, received domain worth 30,000 koku (an unit of assessed crop yields of the land [1 koku: about 180 liter], which was also used to express the size of the land) in Yamato Province and Kawachi Province, after military success contributing to the victory of the East camp in the Battle of Sekigahara of 1600.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ASEAN10 か 国 に 日・ 中・ 韓 の 3 か 国 を 加 え た「ASEAN+3」による東アジア自由貿易圏(EAFTA)構 想 と、ASEAN+3 に 豪・NZ・インドを加えた「ASEAN+6」による東アジア包括的経済連携(CEPEA)構想については、2009 年から政府間で具体的分野を定めて議論が進められており、これらの構想を踏まえた概念としての東アジア地域包括的経済連携(RCEP:アールセップ)について、2012年4月のASEAN 首脳会議において、年末までの交渉開始を目指す旨の議長声明が発出された。例文帳に追加
ASEAN10 か 国 に 日・ 中・ 韓 の 3 か 国 を 加 え た「ASEAN+3」による東アジア自由貿易圏(EAFTA)構 想 と、ASEAN+3 に 豪・NZ・インドを加えた「ASEAN+6」による東アジア包括的経済連携(CEPEA)構想については、2009 年から政府間で具体的分野を定めて議論が進められており、これらの構想を踏まえた概念としての東アジア地域包括的経済連携(RCEP:アールセップ)について、2012年4月のASEAN 首脳会議において、年末までの交渉開始を目指す旨の議長声明が発出された。 - 経済産業省
併せて、1999年第3回ASEAN+3首脳会議における初の共同声明「東アジアにおける協力に関する共同声明」、2001年第5回ASEAN+3首脳会議におけるEAVGの報告、2002年第6回ASEAN+3首脳会議における「東アジア・スタディ・グループ」(EastAsia Study Group:EASG)89の報告、2004年6月のASEAN+3高級事務レベル会合における我が国からの「論点ペーパー」発出等を経て、東アジア共同体に向けた長期的なビジョンと政治的モメンタムが形成されていった。例文帳に追加
In addition, through the Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation of the Third Informal Summit in 1999, the first-ever joint statement issued by an ASEAN+3 summit, and the EAVG Report in the 5th ASEAN+3 Summit in 2001, the Final Report of the East Asia Study Group (EASG)89 in the 6th ASEAN+3 Summit in 2002, and the Discussion Paper presented by Japan in the June 2004 ASEAN+3 Senior Officials Meeting, the long-term vision and political momentum for creating an East Asian Community began to take form. - 経済産業省
ERIA の主要な取組である政策研究事業は、「東アジア経済統合の推進」、「域内経済発展格差の是正」、「持続的な成長の実現」を3つの柱とし、2010年度は、インフラ整備と成長戦略を総合的にとらえる「アジア総合開発計画」など、東アジア地域が持続可能な発展を実現するために必要な数々の処方箋を提示した。例文帳に追加
ERIA set the three pillars as its main tasks of policy research projects, i.e. “promotion of East Asia economic unification”, “correction of disparities of economic development within the region” and “accomplishing of sustainable growth”. In 2010, ERIA proposed an “Overall Asian Development Plan” to comprehensively integrate the infrastructure development and growth strategy and other several formulas to accomplish the sustainable development in the East Asia region. - 経済産業省
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The three Tojin (Chinese) dances handed down, each in Higashi Tamagaki-cho, Suzuka City, in Wakebe-cho, Tsu City, or in Ushimado, Setouchi City, Okayama Prefecture, are famous for imitating Chosen Tsushinshi.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
これらの2012年2 月時点での実績は、大震災によって被災した中小企業の事業立て直しのための東日本大震災復興特別貸付が累計約16 万6 千件、3 兆6 千億円あまり、被災した中小企業の資金繰り支援のための東日本大震災復興緊急保証が同約7 万2 千件、1 兆7 千億円あまり、セーフティネット保証(5 号)が同約15 万件、2兆2 千億円あまりとなっている(第1-1-16図、第1-1-17 図、第1-1-18 図)。例文帳に追加
As of February 2012, around 166,000 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loans worth a total of more than 3.6 trillion yen had been disbursed to assist the recovery of SMEs affected by the great earthquake, and around 72,000 Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantees worth over 1.7 trillion yen and around 150,000 Safety-net Guarantees (No.5) worth over 2.2 trillion yen had been provided to ease the financial position of similarly affected SMEs (Figs. 1-1-16, 1-1-17, and 1-1-18).発音を聞く - 経済産業省
第10図により、消費者心理(消費者マインド)を示す消費者態度指数(一般世帯・季節調整値)をみると、東日本大震災の発生により2011 年3 月に前月差で月次調査となった2004年4 月以降に最大の幅で低下した後、緩やかに回復しながらも震災前の水準に戻ることのないまま40前後で推移していた。例文帳に追加
According to Figure 10, the consumer confidence index (general households; seasonally adjusted) whichrepresents consumer mind showed the lowest decline on a month-to-month basis (since April 2004 when the surveywas started to be conducted on a monthly basis) in March 2011, and then gradually recovered to the level around40; however, the index did not return to the level before the earthquake. - 厚生労働省
However, on July 8, 1156, the Emperor Goshirakawa and his military force who followed the dead Cloistered Emperor Toba's last instruction confiscated the Higashi Sanjo-dono Residence (when Yorinaga stayed in Uji), and three days later, lots of government officers and the military force on the emperor's side barricaded themselves there together with FUJIWARA no Tadamichi.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
第十五条 気象庁は、第十三条第一項、第十四条第一項又は前条第一項から第三項までの規定により、気象、地象、津波、高潮、波浪及び洪水の警報をしたときは、政令の定めるところにより、直ちにその警報事項を警察庁、国土交通省、海上保安庁、都道府県、東日本電信電話株式会社、西日本電信電話株式会社又は日本放送協会の機関に通知しなければならない。地震動の警報以外の警報をした場合において、警戒の必要がなくなつたときも同様とする。例文帳に追加
Article 15 (1) Upon giving warnings of meteorological phenomena, terrestrial phenomena, tsunamis, storm surges, high waves, and floods pursuant to the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (1), Article 14, paragraph (1), or the preceding Article, paragraph (1) to paragraph (3) inclusive, the Japan Meteorological Agency shall, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order, immediately notify the warning matters to the applicable organs of the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Japan Coast Guard, prefectures, the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation, the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation, or the Japan Broadcasting Corporation. This shall also apply when any warning other than those of earthquake ground motions has become unnecessary since given.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
After Yoritomo died, Nagakiyo was implicated in the Rebellion of Yoshikazu HIKI and accordingly he was punished because his son had been an attendant of the second Shogun MINAMOTO no Yoriie, and owing to this incident, the Ogasawara clan fell at one time, but he became the 'deputy of the seven provinces' as one of the Daishogun (commander in chief) of Tosando and made a great contribution to the Jokyu War, and thanks to this achievement he became the Awa no kuni shugo (provincial constable of Awa Province) in 1221.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
1997年に行われた初回のASEAN+3首脳会議では、徐々に深刻な被害が明らかになる通貨・金融危機に対して必ずしも成果が得られなかったが、2回目の会合では、我が国の小渕首相が、ASEAN側に経済危機克服のため円借款等を柱とする総額300億ドルに上る「新宮澤構想」を実現具体化すること等を明らかにしたほか、韓国の金大中大統領からは東アジアの中長期ビジョンを考える有識者から成る「東アジア・ビジョン・グループ」(East Asia Vision Group:EAVG)の設置の提案がなされた。例文帳に追加
The first ASEAN+3Summit held in 1997 did not necessarily manage to deal with the currency and financial crisis as the serious damage caused by it gradually came to light, but at the second meeting Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi of Japan announced concrete steps to implement the New Miyazawa Initiative worth $30 billion total. The major policy of this initiative was to provide yen loans to ASEAN to overcome the economic crisis. In addition, at the summit President Kim Dee Jung of Korea proposed the establishment of the East Asia Vision Group (EAVG)composed of experts who would consider a medium and long-term vision for East Asia. - 経済産業省
Based on this analysis, we can make the following overall assessment regarding the East Asian region: (1) Japan, the NIEs, China, and ASEAN each have industrial competitiveness according to the characteristics of their individual economic infrastructure, 2) a complementary economic zone for production has been established, and 3) this complementarity is not static, but rather a dynamic complementarity which changes according to stages of economic growth and production technology. - 経済産業省
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