英訳・英語 pick、tear off、tear away
該当件数 : 17件
Cut the quartered Chinese cabbage into wide strips. - Tatoeba例文
Cut the quartered pak-choi into, slightly wide, strips.発音を聞く - Tanaka Corpus
Tadaoki blamed Chiyo and ordered Tadataka to divorce her and to sever all connections with Toshiie MAEDA and the Maeda clan.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Thousands of them have been seen passing over the track for hours in compact ranks.発音を聞く - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』
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該当件数 : 17件
This double-stick tape can be substituted by the use of the thin double-stick tape easily cut off or torn off when using the toilet. - 特許庁
The present device is a technique for interposing grass between a V-shaped part of a disc saw blade in a place of a cutting blade body and beating and tearing the grass as shown in the figure. - 特許庁
The external insulation material 4 peeled off by the length corresponding to the extraction dimension of the earth wire 3 is separated by tearing it off or cutting it at a part corresponding to the branch side end of the earth wire 3. - 特許庁
To provide a sealing device for limiting the number of openings by which the prescribed number of times of sealing can surely be performed, the occurrence of dust due to tearing-off of a sealing part or the like is eliminated and components can be recycled. - 特許庁
To prevent the clogging of a vent hole by tearing the rubber burr of a green tire by a flap vent piece for opening and closing the vent hole formed to a mold for molding a tire. - 特許庁
As the slit 8 looks up, even when the TE band 3 is got on the lower stage flange A2 of the pilfer-proof cap A, it is possible to lift up the end part 3a of the TE band 3 by a finger top and to simply tear off it. - 特許庁
A plurality of terminals for potential difference measurement are arranged, at a predetermined interval, preferably in a zigzag shape, on a surface of a measuring object region having a plane shape on a steel bridge so that a terminal pair for potential difference measurement diagonally crossing the measuring object region can be formed at an end of the measuring object region. - 特許庁
A bridge portion 16 is torn, the finger hooking portion 14 is erected, and a finger is hooked to the finger hooking portion 14 and the finger hooking portion is pulled, and then, the cap 5 can be easily detached from a bottle mouth 2, and the pre-treatment including the recycling and the sorting can be easily achieved. - 特許庁
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