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該当件数 : 14件
Shorinji kenpo is a Japanese martial art developed and established by SO based on various Chinese martial arts which he learned when he stayed in China to work for the secret military agency before and during the war, adding Japanese Jujutsu, which he had learned when he was a child.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After his house arrest, he worked as a temple elementary school teacher among other occupations and continued his political activities such as secret contact with his comrades and offering his opinion to domain lord Naomasa on the issue of dispatching troops on the shogunate's Choshu Conquest (Baku-cho War (war between the bakufu and Choshu)).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
我々は、IMF 専務理事による同機関の戦略的再検討を歓迎し、グローバル化の課題を抑制しつつその便益を最大化することが、IMFの活動の明確な原則であるべきことに合意。例文帳に追加
We welcome the Managing Director's strategic review of the IMF and agree that maximizing the benefits while limiting the challenges of globalization should be a defining principle for the activities of the IMF.発音を聞く - 財務省
Under the economic revitalization strategy, in order to achieve a vibrant society, we will actively implement deregulation while outsourcing the operations of public corporations to the private sector and promoting privatization wherever possible, thereby widening the scope of the private sector's activities.発音を聞く - 財務省
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the strong leadership shown by the Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato,who has emphasized the importance of quota and voice reform in the MTS and made strenuous efforts to reach agreement on this issue at the Board before the Annual Meetings.発音を聞く - 財務省
(3) The reality of SME business activities will be quantitatively ascertained using the credit risk database (CRD) for SMEs, and "Financial Indicators for SMEs" will be prepared to be used in developing SME business strategies, examinations, advice, etc. (continuation) - 経済産業省
Process-level risks are usually managed through control activities incorporated in the business operations, while company-level risks should be managed by designing and operating internal controls covering the entire organization, including development of clear management policies and strategies, strengthening of board of director, corporate auditor or audit committee functions, enhancement of monitoring undertaken by the internal audit function, and the like.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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該当件数 : 14件
They not only participated in the battle, but also in patrols, defense construction, fire extinguishment, rescuing of casualties, and conducted secret communication with the outside (allied forces), and even Goro SHIBA reflected, 'if there were no Christians to rescue us, we could not have maintained the government of Prince Su with our small number of soldiers' and 'the mission succeeded due to the trust of many Chinese'.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
業務プロセスのリスクについては、通常、業務の中に組み込まれた統制活動等で対応することとなるが、全社的なリスクについては、明確な経営方針及び経営戦略の策定、取締役会及び監査役又は監査委員会の機能の強化、内部監査部門などのモリスクの識別 リスクの分類 リスクの分析 リスクの評価 リスクへの対応ニタリングの強化等、組織全体を対象とする内部統制を整備し、運用して対応することが必要となる。例文帳に追加
Process-level risks are usually managed through control activities incorporated in the business operations, while company-level risks should be managed by designing and operating internal controls covering the entire organization, including the development of clear management policies and strategies, strengthening of board of director, corporate auditor or audit committee functions, and enhancement of monitoring undertaken by the internal audit function.発音を聞く - 金融庁
3. With reference to clauses (iii) and (iv) of subparagraph (a) of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Agreement, it is understood that the term “a primary place of management and control” means a place where executive officers and senior management employees of a company or any other person make day-to-day key decisions for the strategic, financial and operational policies for the company or the person, and the staff of such company or person conduct the day-to-day activities necessary for making those decisions.発音を聞く - 財務省
モンテレイ・サミットにおいて打ち出され、先般のマラケシュ会合で再確認された、開発効果向上という政策課題の実施は、IDBにおいては、まだようやく緒についたばかりであり、国別支援戦略はもとより、デザイン、実施、評価という融資業務のすべての段階において、IDBの受益国における活動がいかなる開発効果をもたらすのかという 「結果連鎖」を明確にしつつ、数量的に測定できるモニタリング指標を考案する等、結果重視志向を徹底していくことが肝要です。例文帳に追加
At the IDB, implementation of the Development Effectiveness Agenda, first announced at the Monterrey Summit and reaffirmed at a recent meeting in Marrakesh, has only just begun. At this stage, it is essential for the IDB to pursue result-oriented policies by devising measurable monitoring indicators, while identifying the result-chain between IDB activity in each recipient country and its development effectiveness at every stage of the lending operation―from design to implementation and evaluation―not to mention Country Assistance Strategies.発音を聞く - 財務省
30. 我々は,高級実務者が提出した成長戦略案を議論し,成長戦略の達成目的,すなわち,(ⅰ)APECの各エコノミー内の及びエコノミーをまたぐ「均衡ある成長」,(ⅱ)すべての市民が経済成長に参加し,貢献し,利益を得る機会を確保する「あまねく広がる成長」,(ⅲ)環境を保護し,低炭素でグリーンな経済に移行するための世界的な取組と調和する「持続可能な成長」,(ⅳ)イノベーション,ICT製品・サービスの使用及び新興経済分野を促進する経済環境を創出する「革新的成長」,並びに(ⅴ)人々の経済的・身体的福祉を保護し,経済活動に必要な安全な環境をもたらす「安全な成長」を歓迎した。例文帳に追加
30. We discussed the draft Growth Strategy submitted by Senior Officials and welcomed its aims to achieve (i) balanced growth across and within our economies, (ii) inclusive growth to ensure the opportunity for all our citizens to participate, contribute to and benefit from economic growth, (iii) sustainable growth compatible with global efforts to protect the environment and transition to low-carbon and green economies, (iv) innovative growth to create an economic environment that promotes innovation, use of ICT products and services, and emerging economic sectors, (v) and secure growth to protect peoples’ economic and physical well-being and to provide the secure environment necessary for economic activity. - 経済産業省
11. With reference to subparagraph c) of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Convention, the “primary place of management and control” of a company will be in the Contracting State of which it is a resident only if executive officers and senior management employees exercise day-to-day responsibility for the strategic, financial and operational policy decision making for the company (including its direct and indirect subsidiaries) more in that Contracting State than in any other state and the staff of such persons conduct the day-to-day activities necessary for preparing and making those decisions more in that Contracting State than in any other state. - 財務省
To prevent corrupt officials from accessing the global financial system and from laundering their proceeds of corruption, we call upon the G20 to further strengthen its effort to prevent and combat money laundering, and invite the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to continue to emphasize the anti-corruption agenda as we urged in Pittsburgh and report back to us in France on its work to: continue to identify and engage those jurisdictions with strategic Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) deficiencies;and update and implement the FATF standards calling for transparency of cross-border wires, beneficial ownership, customer due diligence, and due diligence for “politically exposed persons”.発音を聞く - 財務省
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