意味 | 例文 (12件) |

英訳・英語 create a customer
該当件数 : 12件
(i) Customers (Points for value creation) - 経済産業省
Our company maintains good relations with our customers, and is focusing on marketing that creates customers that will give us the maximum products from a single person. - Weblio英語基本例文集
Also, a market creation sum calculating part 16 predicts the number of customers who are supposed to purchase its own company products in the future based on the questionnaire results and the countermeasure results to the unsatisfied customers, and predicts the market creation sum from those customers. - 特許庁
To provide map display equipment and a marketing support program which analyze a commercial area and a customer based on information sources such as business information and customer information, utilizes the analyzed commercial area and customer in a business activity plan and target management, further creates and maintains the customers by using a drawing on the map. - 特許庁
To provide a device and method for selling and editing creature data which can give opportunities to a creator to easily send his own work (the creature data) to the world, and provide the work of the creator with a cost and a period of time being reasonable for the client. - 特許庁
If value is created through intellectual assets and shared through disclosure by the company, not only shareholders, customers, and employees but also suppliers and the local community will be able to participate in that company's value creation through evaluation of its value creation capacity, which in turn could itself become a corporate intellectual asset. - 経済産業省
However, if a company creates value through intellectual assets in the sense described earlier and that value is shared through the company's adequate disclosure, not only shareholders, customers and employees but also suppliers and local communities will be able to participate in that company's value creation through evaluation of its value creation capacity, which in turn could itself become a corporate intellectual asset. - 経済産業省
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Weblio例文辞書での「顧客の創造」に類似した例文 |
該当件数 : 12件
コロプラスト社は、年次報告書の中で、自社にとっての主要なステークホルダー(利害関係者)を顧客、従業員、社会及び株主とした上で、ステークホルダーごとに価値創造のための経営戦略を説明した「ステークホルダー報告書(Stakeholder report)」を発表している。例文帳に追加
Coloplast, in an annual report, identifies customers, employees, society and shareholders as its major stakeholders, and announces a "Stakeholder Report" explaining its management strategy for value creation for each stakeholder group. - 経済産業省
On the other hand, there is a low fill rate for "human resources who can create new businesses and bring them to reality" and "human resources who can develop new customers and expand the market." We can say that there is a strong sense of insufficiency of human resources who can create innovation. - 経済産業省
(iii) Companies are presently called upon by society as a whole to have dialogue with the environment surrounding them and to harmonize it. Thus, they are required to achieve well-balanced value creation in the short term as well as over the medium and long-term for major stakeholders (customers, employees, society and shareholders). - 経済産業省
Specifically, the concept calls for members of the board of directors to have not only short-term but also long-term views as well as the perspectives to cover a broader range of factors from relations with stakeholders such as employees, business partners and customers to environmental considerations, with a clear awareness of the shift from the image of the company as an entity surely pursuing short-term and narrowly-defined profits to the new corporate image committed to longer-term value creation. - 経済産業省
The graph shows that a high proportion of SMEs place emphasis on knowledge such as “extensive knowledge of multiple technologies and skills” and “specialized knowledge of a certain technology or skill.” The graph also shows that more SMEs considered that skills such as “the ability to grasp the needs of customers and design products accordingly” and “the ability to develop innovative technologies” are more important now than they were five years ago, and that these skills will be more important in five years than they are now. - 経済産業省
意味 | 例文 (12件) |
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