
「"業務停止命令"」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > "業務停止命令"に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 55



Crime of Violation of an Order to Suspend Business  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Reasons for a business suspension order  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Orders, etc. to Suspend Business Issued to Deposit, etc. Servicers  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

警察が調べたら きっと 業務停止命令が出ますよ。例文帳に追加

Were to come under police investigation, you'll surely receive an order to suspend business. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



The broker was told to suspend operations because of the security-related accident. - Weblio英語基本例文集



Regarding AIJ Investment Advisors, the business suspension order will expire the day after tomorrow.  - 金融庁


We have issued a business suspension order in anticipation of that move.  - 金融庁

金商法第 51 条から第 52 条の2第1項までの規定に基づく行政処分 (業務改善命令業務停止命令等)例文帳に追加

Administrative Dispositions Based on Articles 51 to 52-2 (1) (Business Improvement Orders, Business Suspension Orders, etc.)  - 金融庁

Ⅱ-5-2 金商法第51条から第52条の2第1項までの規定に基づく行政処分(業務改善命令業務停止命令等)例文帳に追加

II-5-2 Administrative Dispositions Based on Articles 51 to 52-2 (1) (Business Improvement Orders, Business Suspension Orders, etc.)  - 金融庁



I would like to ask you about the case of AIJ Investment Advisors. Various problems have come to light over the two weeks since the company was ordered to suspend business operation.  - 金融庁



Last week, the FSA took stringent administrative actions against Japan Digital Contents Trust, or JDC Trust, including ordering the company to partially suspend business operations  - 金融庁


As for what we will do upon the expiry of the business suspension order against AIJ Investment Advisors on March 23, it is true that the order will expire on Friday, March 23.  - 金融庁


In Japan, the FSA has issued business improvement and business suspension orders. Could you tell me what measures the authorities of other countries have taken?  - 金融庁


It should be kept in mind that in cases where supervisors intend to take adverse dispositions, including issuing orders for business improvement and business suspension and rescinding registration and licenses, they must hold legal hearings based on Article 57(2) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁


When the business operator is deemed to have committed a serious and malicious illegal act, the supervisor shall consider necessary actions, including issuing an order for business suspension based on Article 52(1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁

更に、重大・悪質な法令等違反行為が認められる等の場合には、金商法第 52条第1項の規定に基づく業務停止命令等の発出も含め、必要な対応を検討するものとする。例文帳に追加

When the Financial Instruments Business Operator is deemed to have committed a serious and malicious violation of law, the supervisors shall consider necessary actions, including the issuance of an order for business suspension based on Article 52 (1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁


When the business operator is deemed to have committed a serious and malicious violation of law, the authorities shall consider necessary actions, including the issuance of an order for business suspension based on Article 52 (1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁


When the securities company, etc. is deemed to have committed a serious and malicious violation of law, the supervisors shall consider necessary actions, including the issuance of an order for business suspension based on Article 52 (1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁


When the registered financial institution is deemed to have committed a serious and malicious violation of law, the supervisors shall consider necessary actions, including the issuance of an order for business suspension based on Article 52-2(1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁

なお、重大・悪質な法令等違反行為が認められる等の場合には、金商法第 60条の8第1項の規定に基づく業務改善命令業務停止命令等の発出も含め、必要な対応を検討するものとする。例文帳に追加

When the authorized transaction-at-exchange operator is deemed to have committed a serious and malicious violation of law, the supervisors shall consider necessary actions, including issuing an order for business improvement or an order for business suspension based on Article 60-8(1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁

また、重大・悪質な法令等違反行為があると認められる等の場合には、金商法第 60条の8第1項に基づく許可の取消しや業務停止命令等の発出も含め、必要な対応を検討するものとする。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, when the authorized transaction-at-exchange operator is deemed to have committed a serious and malicious violation of law, the supervisors shall consider necessary actions, including rescinding permission or issuing an order for business suspension based on Article 60-8(1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁


Accordingly, the bank hereafter engages in appropriate operation under the management of the financial administrator.  - 金融庁


The FSA has ordered Citibank to partially suspend business operations. This was the third administrative action taken against that bank. Do you have any comment on the FSA's responsibility as the supervisor?  - 金融庁


We have taken the administrative actions (business suspension and improvement orders) from the perspective of protecting investors because some of the customers' assets have presumably been lost.  - 金融庁


Concerning the idea of rescinding the license of AIJ Investment Advisors, which was mentioned at a previous press conference, is it possible that the FSA will rescind the license before the business suspension order expires on March 23?  - 金融庁


In relation to the financial results of insurance companies, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance, which has received an order for business suspension twice in the past, announced that it will pay retirement allowances to executives who resigned to take responsibility.  - 金融庁

こうした事実は、金融商品取引法第52条第1項8号に基づく「投資運用業の運営に関して、投資者の利益を害する事実がある。」との処分事由に該当すると認められるため、投資者保護の観点から、当社に1か月間の業務停止命令及び業務改善命令を発出したところであります。 この業務停止命令業務改善命令は、今日、朝8時15分というふうに私は聞いておりますけれども、発出をしたというふうに聞いております。例文帳に追加

This situation is deemed to constitute the reason for the FSA to take an administrative action as specified in item 8, Paragraph 1, Article 52 of the FIEA, which reads, “Regarding the operation of the investment management business, there is a fact that undermines the interests of investors,” so the FSA issued orders for the suspension of business operation for one month and for business improvement. I have been told that these orders were issued at 8:15 this morning.  - 金融庁


In cases where supervisors intend to take adverse dispositions, including issuing orders for business improvement and business suspension and rescinding registration and licenses, they shall, as necessary, notify other relevant authorities, including overseas supervisory authorities  - 金融庁


Furthermore, when the Financial Instruments Business Operator is deemed to not be adequately staffed to properly conduct financial instruments business, as a result of the examination of the submitted report, supervisors shall consider taking necessary measures, including issuing an order for business suspension based on Article 52(1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁


In addition, they shall conduct appropriate supervision based on Article 56-4(1) of the FIEA with due consideration of the rules set by associations, etc., by, for example, issuing an order for business improvement based on Article 51 of the FIEA and an order for business suspension based on Article 52(1) of the FIEA as necessary.  - 金融庁


In addition, they shall conduct appropriate supervision based on Article 56-4(1) of the FIEA with due consideration of the rules set by associations, etc., by, for example, issuing an order for business improvement based on Article 51-2of the FIEA and an order for business suspension based on Article 52-2(1) as necessary.  - 金融庁


Focusing on the protection of customers, we issued an order for securing assets at 3 p.m. and a business suspension order at 9:30 p.m. Thus, I believe, at least for now, that we have quickly taken all measures that we can.  - 金融庁


AIJ Investment Advisors is an investment management company which caters mainly to pension funds. While the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission's (SESC's) inspection is ongoing, the FSA ordered the company today to suspend business operation for one month and make business improvement from the perspective of protecting investors.  - 金融庁


Upon the SESC's recommendation, the FSA early this morning cancelled the registration of AIJ Investment Advisors and issued an order for ITM Securities to suspend business operation for six months, and it also issued orders for both companies to improve business operation so as to facilitate the protection of customers' assets.  - 金融庁


It should be kept in mind that in cases where supervisors intend to require the submission of reports, issue business improvement or business suspension orders, and rescind registration or licenses, the relevant Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., must be advised in writing that they are entitled to file suits to seek the rescission of the said administrative dispositions based on Article 8 of the Administrative Case Litigation Act.  - 金融庁

また、報告徴求の結果、証券会社等の利益相反管理体制に重大な問題があると認められる場合であって、公益又は投資者保護のために必要かつ適当と認められる場合には、金商法第 51条の規定に基づく業務改善命令及び金商法第 52条第1項の規定に基づく業務停止命令等の発出も含め、必要な対応を検討するものとする。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, supervisors shall consider taking actions such as issuing an order for business improvement under Article 51 of the FIEA or an order for business suspension under Article 51 of the FIEA in cases where the conflict of interest management system of the securities company, etc. is deemed to have a serious problem as a result of the examination of the submitted report, and where the action is deemed to be necessary and appropriate from the viewpoint of protecting public interests and investors.  - 金融庁


As a result, Lehman Brothers' U.S. holding company filed for bankruptcy proceedings yesterday afternoon Japan time. The holding company has a Japanese subsidiary called Lehman Brothers Japan. At 3 p.m. yesterday, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) issued an administrative order necessary for the protection of Lehman Brothers' customers, and issued a business suspension order at 9:30 p.m.  - 金融庁


The administrative actions taken at this time are the cancellation of the registration of AIJ Investment Advisors, the issuance of an order for the company to improve business operation so as to facilitate the protection of customers' assets, the issuance of an order for ITM Securities to suspend business operation for six months and a business improvement order for the company so as to facilitate the protection of customers' assets.  - 金融庁


Today, the Incubator Bank of Japan, Ltd. filed a statement that it is "unable to make the full payment of its debts with its assets." As the Bank embarked on its business improvement after becoming subject to a partial business suspension order and a business improvement order dated May 27, it is truly regrettable that things have turned out this way.  - 金融庁


My name is Suda and I am a freelancer. It seems to me that the FSA adhered to the so-called Friday-to-Monday preparation approach in dealing with failed institutions in the past, particularly with respect to the payoff program, but today's event apparently came one business day earlier than otherwise expected. Why was it early this morning that you issued a business suspension order?  - 金融庁


I have not been informed of how the Supervisory Bureau and the Inspection Bureau view this issue. I have been informed of the fact that a business suspension order was issued and I would like to make any further decision in accordance with law, bearing in mind that fundamental fairness and impartiality, as well as common sense, are important in public administration.  - 金融庁


On March 23, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) cancelled the registration of AIJ Investment Advisors and ordered ITM Securities to suspend business operation for six months. Following the arrest of the relevant persons, the FSA will take strict action after further clarification of facts.  - 金融庁


As you know, the FSA issued orders for keeping the assets (of Lehman Brothers' Japanese subsidiary) in Japan and for protecting investors' assets on September 15. In addition, the FSA issued a business suspension order after it was notified by Lehman Brothers' Japanese subsidiary that the company could become insolvent in the long term.  - 金融庁


It should be kept in mind that in cases where supervisors intend to issue orders for business improvement and business suspension or rescind registration and licenses, the relevant Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., must be advised in writing that they are entitled to lodge complaints, based on Article 5 of the Administrative Appeals Act if they are under the jurisdiction of Local Finance Bureaus and based on Article 6 of the same act if they are under the jurisdiction of the FSA.  - 金融庁

③ 協会等未加入業者の社内規則の策定・改正・遵守状況等に関して問題が認められる場合には、深度あるヒアリングや金商法第56条の2第1項の規定に基づく報告を通じて実態把握に努め、必要に応じ、金商法第51条の規定に基づく業務改善命令や金商法第52条第1項の規定に基づく業務停止命令を発出するなど、金商法第56条の4第1項の規定に基づき、協会等規則を考慮した適切な監督を行うこととする。例文帳に追加

(iii) When supervisors have recognized an issue of supervisory concern regarding the status of a non-affiliated business operator’s establishment and revision of internal rules and compliance therewith, they shall strive to identify and keep track of the actual situation, by holding in-depth hearings and requiring the submission of a report based on Article 56-2(1) of the FIEA.  - 金融庁


In response to this information, on the same day, February 17, the FSA took the extraordinary step of immediately ordering the company to submit a report. After receiving the company's report on February 23, the FSA issued a business suspension order at 8:15 a.m. on February 24, as I told you at a press conference. On the same day, we announced a plan to conduct a survey targeting all of the 263 companies managing customers' assets based on discretionary investment contracts and on Wednesday, February 29, we issued an order (for 265 companies) to submit reports.  - 金融庁


According to the information that we have been able to confirm thus far, the size of insolvency is 187 billion yen. We had taken a number of steps in response to the series of occurrences and, today, we took to issuing a business suspension order and the bank, now under the control of a financial receiver, is poised to file for proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act, etc. and resume its operations on Monday under new management. In all likelihood, the FSA will initially just wait and see how this process of reorganization under the control of the financial receiver will turn out.  - 金融庁


The bank was subjected to a partial business suspension order in May and it is now September when we see this series of actions being taken, which means that there were several months in between. Can I take it that it is the FSA which is to check any changes in the deposit status to ensure trust in the payoff program, including whether or not there have been any account closures, for example, closures of any large accounts? Or is that going to be the job of the Deposit Insurance Corporation?  - 金融庁


A company called Gaitame.com was ordered to suspend its operations for one month in October as a result of distributing falsified exchange rates in September. The Chief Research Director of Gaitame.com Research Institute is Heizo Takenaka, who is supposed to be serving as a role model even after migrating to the private sector. Despite this incident, instead of resigning from the post, his “Heizo Takenaka Report” was released and posted on the top page of its website this Monday. What are your views on this situation?  - 金融庁



Next, the Japanese subsidiary, Lehman Brothers Japan Inc., notified us on September 15 that it may become insolvent in the long term, so the FSA (Financial Services Agency) issued a business suspension order to the company on the same day. In addition, the company filed for civil rehabilitation procedures on September 16, and the start of the procedures was approved on September 19. I understand that the company will be managed in the future based on advice from its agents for the application of the bankruptcy procedures and its attorneys, as well as supervisors and lawyers appointed by the court to monitor its financial and business operations.  - 金融庁


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