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え 何で持ってんの?の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 10



Then again Benkei used his wits; he repeatedly beat his master Yoshitsune with his stick, cussing 'We all are suspected out of nothing just because you look like Yoshitsune.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Dattan no gyoho, eight Rengyoshu under Dotsukasa wear Dattanbo like a kabuto (helmet) and look bizarre, and after they purify the dojo, "Katen, Agni" with a big flaming Taimatsu torch and "Suiten, Varuna" with a barrel of Shasui go around shumidan and jump up and down, sticking out the torch to the rai-do hall many times.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the subject of Basel, you have just mentioned that Japan's argument was accepted to a considerable extent, but this relates only to details of the ongoing decision yet to be finalized. If there is any specific issue about which you still have concern regarding the requirements being shaped, or any point that you pay particularly close attention to in the prospect of those requirements, can you please tell us about it?  - 金融庁


I did not hear about any such specific matters yesterday. In any case, as I have said over and over again, Japan Post will pursue new businesses from the perspective of how it can contribute to the people, to local communities, to the Japanese economy and to the global economy, so I do not have an exclusionism approach in mind at all.  - 金融庁



To provide a means for reliably receiving data when error correction frequently occurs in communication, by automatically changing setting of absence of error correction function when the same data are iteratively received over and over again within a predetermined time period but are not printed in equipment including a communication means capable of switching setting of an error correction function, and to make a transfer rate preferential when error correction does not occur. - 特許庁



We have explained about corporate moves to expand international business networks. But a company which has superiority in certain fields does not have to build international business networks. Such a company can take advantage of its superiority without direct investment, but in the form of product exports, provision of business licenses and outsourcing of production to overseas companies. - 経済産業省


Another example is cooperation provided by the Life Insurance Association of Japan. Basically, the Ministry of Justice has jurisdiction over death certification in the case of missing persons, so the relevant director-generals of the Ministry of Justice and the FSA held many rounds of negotiations. As a result, it has been arranged that death notices concerning missing persons may be accepted through simplified procedures after the passage of three months.  - 金融庁

ただし、今の問題意識は私も持っておりまして、やはりフォローアップチームを作っておりまして、そこら辺も非常に金融業の基本にかかわるところでございまして、やっぱりどういうふうな、私は率直に言ば改正貸金業法をやらせていただいたのですが、そういったことは非常に、やっぱり金融は、まさにバーゼル III で世界的な視野でも銀行の健全性、そしてなおかつ、私は度も申しますように、持続可能な企業、あるいは持続可能な経済の発展のために、健全で強力な銀行が必要だと、こういうことを私は回も申し上げましたように、同時にやっぱり政治ですから、私は鳥の目と虫の目が必要だということを私は基本的に思っておりまして、そういった世界的な、世界のグローバルな銀行の健全性も大事だけれども、一人ひとりの虫の目、生活に関する、やはりどうしても、私なんかは中小零細企業の町の北九州出身ですから、小さい零細企業は倒産して、年末のボーナスのお金が入ってこなくなったから、もう本当にぜひつなぎ資金が必要だというニーズがあるということをよく知っていますし、よく経験させていただいていますから、そういった虫の目も考て、しっかりそこら辺を補完的にきちっと、非常に私は金融政策のそれが大事なことだと思います。例文帳に追加

However, I am aware of the current problems, which is why I created the Follow-up Team. It is because the problems affect the very core of financial businesses. I have repeatedly stated that in the financial sector, the soundness of banks is - that is, sound and robust banks are - required for the progress of sustainable companies and a sustainable economy from a global perspective as reflected in Basel III. At the same time, we are talking about politics here, so I believe it is necessary to have both a bird's-eye view as well as a bug's-eye view. While the soundness of global banks is important, a bug's-eye view of everyday life at the individual level is equally important. As I am from a town in Kitakyushu, which is home to many SMEs and microenterprises, I am well aware of and know first-hand how desperately emergency funds are needed when there is no income to pay for year-end bonuses due to the bankruptcy of a microenterprise. I believe it is extremely important for monetary policy to adopt such a bug's-eye view and fill the gap.  - 金融庁


In that sense, banks would indeed be more stable if they have more capital, but on the other hand, too much capital and hasty capital enhancements would lead to a credit crunch. This has been discussed repeatedly in the past at meetings of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision. I stated at a press conference that FSA Commissioner Katsunori Mikuniya and the Governor of the Bank of Japan had participated in the meetings of the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision in July and September 2010, where they served as a consensus builder. Japan’s position is relatively close to France and Germany. The US and the UK were interested in Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs), so an agreement was reached on SIFIs separately. As Japan played a leading role in some areas based on its bitter experience of financial crisis, we believe the targets under the Basel Accord can be fulfilled within the scope of management efforts in the real economy.  - 金融庁



The presence of outside collaborators has been pointed out. From my 27 years of experience as a lawmaker, we are reminded of legal deficiencies when an inappropriate incident occurs. I have often witnessed cases in which loopholes of existing laws, if I may say so, have been exploited. In this case, too, from an objective standpoint, some professionals, who were probably operating outside Japan, who live or whose addresses are registered in a tax haven like the Cayman Islands, appear to have acted as outside collaborators, from what I know from reading newspapers. Therefore, we will consider the possibility of imposing fines. International investigation is in progress regarding LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) and TIBOR (Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate).  - 金融庁


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