
「どうかお願いします」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 35



Thank you in advance for your help.  - Weblio Email例文集


Thank you very much in advance. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


Please analyze that.  - Weblio Email例文集


I entreat your help. - Eゲイト英和辞典



We kindly ask for your consideration.  - Weblio Email例文集



I would appreciate your understanding on this matter.  - Weblio Email例文集


I would like to ask you to somehow check one more time.  - Weblio Email例文集


Please give your response about that.  - Weblio Email例文集


I adjure you to spare him.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典



I beg of you not to run any risks.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典



We would appreciate it if you give us some feedback. - Weblio Email例文集


To be continued next time, and thus I most humbly request your attendance then. - Tatoeba例文


To be continued next time, and thus I most humbly request your attendance then.  - Tanaka Corpus


Do you think that it is necessary to increase the amount so much?  - 金融庁


I have two questions.  - 金融庁

その現状を踏まえて、金融庁としてこの問題についてどう考えておられるかということを伺えればと思っております。 よろしくお願います例文帳に追加

In light of that, how does the FSA view this case?  - 金融庁

4月12日に購入申請のあったソフトウェアについては、業務に必要なものかどうか再度検討をお願いいたしますメールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

Please review the purchase request made on April 12 to see if the software is necessary for business.  - Weblio Email例文集


Also, do you think it is possible that, although it is up to them to make a decision, the megabanks and other major banks will apply for the injection of public funds? Do you think they may do so in order to cover a capital shortage or increase their lending capacity?  - 金融庁


The idea of strengthening punishments and increasing administrative monetary penalties is expected to be discussed. What are your thoughts on that?  - 金融庁


In relation to the bankruptcy of SFCG, I understand that some financial institutions had very close business relations with the company. Do you think that, for example, the business conditions of other financial institutions could be affected?  - 金融庁


Additional economic policies are due to be announced this month at the earliest. Does the FSA have any policies in mind, such as measures to provide financial assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?  - 金融庁


In relation to G-SIFIs, I presume that the focus of interest for Japanese financial institutions is whether they are recognized as G-SIFIs. Do you think that the three megabanks and major securities groups will be recognized as such?  - 金融庁


Second, do you know of any cases of similar embezzlement of entrusted assets at other trust companies that have entered the trust business after the revision of the Trust Business Act?  - 金融庁


One option would be to use an alternative account at another bank for settlements in case the freeze of the account at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ is prolonged. Is such an option under consideration?  - 金融庁


Also, could you tell me about how you regard the relationship between various countriesmoves toward tighter regulation and Japan’s stance on supervision, including the effects of such global moves on theBetter Regulationinitiative promoted by the FSA?  - 金融庁


Consumer finance company Takefuji will file an application with Tokyo District Court today to have the Corporate Reorganization Act applied. Are you aware of the facts? What are your thoughts on this situation that Takefuji has fallen into?  - 金融庁


First, has the FSA grasped any facts regarding this matter? Secondly, while some banks prohibit their employees from engaging in stock transactions in principle under their internal rules, what is the FSA’s view on the involvement of employees of financial institutions in stock transactions?  - 金融庁


FRB Chairman Bernanke pointed out that the results are very reassuring for investors, and many market participants apparently gave the results a positive assessment, regarding them as better than expected. How do you view the results of the stress tests, and do you expect that concerns over the U.S. financial system will be dispelled?  - 金融庁


My second question concerns the integrated reform of the tax and social security systems. Negotiations over the modification of the bill for the integrated reform are close to a conclusion while there are complaints that the social security reform will be partially shelved. How do you feel about the negotiations?  - 金融庁


At a joint meeting yesterday of the plenary and the Planning and Coordination Committee of the Business Accounting Council, discussion was held on the postponement of the mandatory application of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). Could you comment on that? Also, what do you think of the concerns that the postponement may lead to a weakening of Japan's case or a decline in Japan's say?  - 金融庁


Could you tell me how you evaluate the impact of the subprime mortgage problem on Japan’s financial markets and on the management of Japanese financial institutions, including indirect effects such as decline of prices in the market? Also, does the Financial Services Agency (FSA) have in mind any measures to revitalize the market?  - 金融庁


Yesterday, the Headquarters for the Promotion of Special Zones for Structural Reform of the Japanese government reached the conclusion that the financial special zone in Osaka is not feasible, and the reason given was that it may be inappropriate to exempt only one area from criminal punishment, as you have previously stated. Please share your thoughts on this matter with us once again.  - 金融庁


My second question relates to secondary losses of jusen companies. I previously asked about this issue as well, about which Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa presented his view during a press conference last week, specifically on December 21, that they should be disposed of under a fifty-fifty public-private sharing structure. While this fifty-fifty public-private sharing was the favored course of action in the days of the LDP administration, I cannot see clearly how the new administration is intending to deal with this issue. Is there going to be a change to the previous position? Please give us your view with regard to this point.  - 金融庁


Late last week, the U.S. prosecution authorities indicted two fund managers of a hedge fund under the umbrella of Bear Stearns, representing the first criminal case stemming from the subprime mortgage problem. Could you tell me whether there are Japanese investors such as financial institutions that have become victims in this case, and to what extent the Japanese authorities have grasped the facts related to this case? Also, what do you think of the fact that the subprime mortgage problem has led to a criminal case, in the form of the arrest of senior officials of a major securities company?  - 金融庁



As for responsibility, protection of deposits (fixed-amount protection) and assignment of responsibility are basically unrelated. Nevertheless, as I stated last week, Mr. Kimura became a consultant to FSA when Mr. Takenaka served as Minister for Financial Services and filed an application form for the Incubator Bank of Japan after he resigned from the post and established the Bank while Mr. Takenaka was in office. Given that banking businesses are licensed businesses, and financial businesses are highly public in nature, this is an extremely serious matter as a nation. Sound and robust financial businesses are necessary for sound companies as well as for sound management and economy. As financial businesses are licensed businesses that are not to be taken lightly, it is extremely regrettable that it failed in about six and a half years. As I stated before, now that the DICJ has full control of the Bank, we intend to pursue its criminal and/or civil liability in an appropriate manner according to law.  - 金融庁


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