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該当件数 : 138



I found a rat gnawing at an apple.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


She is dealing out two apples to each child. - Tatoeba例文


She is dealing out two apples to each child.  - Tanaka Corpus


The child who was caught stealing apples bravely faced the music in accepting his punishment. - Tatoeba例文



The child who was caught stealing apples bravely faced the music in accepting his punishment.  - Tanaka Corpus



Count the apples in the basket. - Tatoeba例文


Count the apples in the basket.  - Tanaka Corpus


Europe has an old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." - Tatoeba例文


There's an old saying in Europe, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." - Tatoeba例文



Examples of such exports are apples, pears, salmon, as well as sawn cedar logs as a production material to China; koshi-hikari rice with reduced agricultural chemicals and apples to Taiwan; and apples, pears, and mozuku seaweed to Hong Kong. - 経済産業省



There were few apples that had no bruises. - Eゲイト英和辞典


He was very good at selling apples.  - Weblio Email例文集


Either one of the organic acids is citric acid or malic acid. - 特許庁

そう でも 本当に汚れてるのは まずいリンゴでしょ 彼らは どこに?例文帳に追加

Yes, but it's the bad apples that have the real dirt. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


When the apple disappears, points are added, while the player misses the timing to play, the arrow does not hit the apple, which does not disappear and is scrolled up to the end of the display screen. - 特許庁


The ejection nozzle 2 is attached to the rotary shaft 4 of the wheel 5. - 特許庁

(金を一枚ずつ数えながら)(チャリン… チャリン… チャリン…)… 五十両… かたじけない。例文帳に追加

(while counting money piece by piece) (charincharincharin)50 ryomuch appreciated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

そして赤毛の女の子は赤ずきんちゃん子と 同級生の赤井林檎さん例文帳に追加

And this redhaired girl is our little red riding hood, akai ringosan, in the same grade. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The organic acid may be succinic, malic, tartaric or citric acid. - 特許庁


Sweet potato sorted into Tamayutaka-kind (agricultural and forestry No. 22) and Izumi-kind are frequently used as a raw material.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At Watson's farm, you can pick strawberries, raspberries, apples, peas and pumpkins.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


An input wheel and the first wheel 5a are interlockingly connected through the power accumulating spiral spring. - 特許庁


Bacteriostatic action against molds and bacteria is imparted by including in beverages an effective amount in bacteriostatic action of malic polyphenols purified from apples. - 特許庁


I was in the apple barrel the night we sighted land, and I heard you, John, and you, Dick Johnson, and Hands,  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』


To provide a primer which can specifically detect kiwi fruit, walnut, apple, yam, banana or soybean from a food. - 特許庁


Provided is a PCR primer comprising a DNA maximally having 30 bases originated from kiwi fruit, walnut, apple, yam, banana or soybean on the 3'-terminal side. - 特許庁


family of fungi whose ascocarps resemble tubers and vary in size from that of an acorn to that of a large apple  - 日本語WordNet


A noise receiver for receiving noise from a noise generation source is provided on the transmitter 2 and it is detected at control part to which of front wheels 5a, 5b and rear wheels 5c, 5d of the four wheels 5a-5d the transmitter is mounted in response to a level of the noise received by the noise receiver. - 特許庁


This method for producing the malic acid monoamide by deacetylating an acetylmalic acid monoamide, characterized by adding water, an organic solvent and an alkali agent to the acetylmalic acid monoamide and then subjecting the mixture to the deacetylation reaction. - 特許庁


Since the level of the noise received by the noise receiver is varied in response to a distance from the noise generation source to the transmitter 2, it is determined to which of the front wheels 5a, 5b and the rear wheels 5c, 5d of the four wheels 5a-5d the transmitter 2 is mounted based on the level of the noise. - 特許庁

47隻のクリンゴン艦が ロミュランに沈められ ロミュランは1台の 巨大艦との報告が例文帳に追加

Fortyseven klingon warbirds destroyed by romulans, sir, and it was reported that the romulans were in one ship, one massive ship. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


This method comprises preparing a malic monoamide in a state of being dissolved in a mixture of an organic solvent with water, separating the solution into an organic layer and an aqueous layer and removing the aqueous layer to produce the objective refined malic monoamide. - 特許庁


Japan was an island country and with its stable state system with the emperor, betrayal or defection to neighboring countries, as well as overthrowing the government without an emperor, was unlikely.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Both wheels 5 to be attached to an axle 6 when the wheelchair travels are detachably formed and, when the wheelchair is lifted by a lifter in a cabin, the both wheels 5 are detached and then attached to one side of a frame 7. - 特許庁


Some of the new vocabulary settled down were also transmitted to neighboring countries, that is, China and Joseon Dynasty, through later Japanese boom in the East Asia.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The derailment of the iron wheels 5, 6 due to the lateral deviation of the road/track vehicle 4 in a downward inclining direction when lowered can thereby be surely prevented. - 特許庁


The contact of the guide ring 17 with each of the wheels 5 prevents the axis of rotation in the rotary plate 1 from deviating from the position O where the axis is set. - 特許庁


The display 19 can display not only an image 41 around the side of the vehicle but also a guide line 42 of a rear wheel 5 of the vehicle 1 in a synthesized manner. - 特許庁


To suppress the deviation of a differential pressure caused by the manufacturing variation of differential pressure control valves or the like without measuring W/C pressure per each wheel with a pressure sensor. - 特許庁


When the round number suggesting presentation pattern is selected, the increase in the number of rounds of unit games is indicated with the increase in the number of apples at prescribed timing of progress while ornament symbols are falsely varied, and the number of rounds of unit games is indicated with the number of apples at the final timing of progress. - 特許庁


The rind of an apple 9 is placed on a horizontal shelf 4 received in a dry warehouse 1, and uniformly heated at about 60°C by a heat pipe 5 heated by hot water from a boiler 6. - 特許庁


The yacon-containing gelidium jelly comprises mixed ingredients which are obtained by mixing a yacon aqueous solution made by diluting yacon juice with water, an agar aqueous solution made by diluting agar powder with water, 100% apple juice, and an oligosaccharide solution, with a gelatin aqueous solution made by diluting gelatin powder with water. - 特許庁


This aqueous solution is produced by mixing water having reducing power (liquid A) with one or more liquids selected from a mixed vinegar (liquid B) composed mainly of vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, citric acid and malic acid, a plum vinegar (liquid C), a seaweed extract (liquid D) and a wood vinegar or bamboo vinegar (liquid E). - 特許庁


To provide a primer which can specifically detect kiwi fruit, walnut, apple, yam, banana, or soybeans added to or mixed with a food and having possibility causing food allergy from the specific animal or plant-containing food. - 特許庁


The water base ink comprises at least a colorant such as a dye, a pigment, and a fluorescent pigment, a water-soluble organic solvent, one or more substances selected from tartaric acid and/or its salt, malic acid and/or its salt, and water. - 特許庁


The body 4 has respectively the wheels 5 by two pieces on four orthogonal side surfaces, and rolling balls 7 respectively juxtaposed at equal intervals by three pieces along the respective side surfaces are provided on the under surface side of the body 4. - 特許庁


A polymalic acid having a weight average molecular weight of at least 7,000 is synthesized by dehydrating polycondensation reaction of malic acid or its oligomer, or the both, in the presence of a tin compound catalyst. - 特許庁


Provided are sense- and antisense-PCR primers comprising a DNA maximally having 30 bases and containing an extracted specific base sequence characteristic to kiwi fruit, walnut, apple, yam, banana or soybean on the 3'-terminal side. - 特許庁


An O-ring 60 (elastic body as a pressurization means) is arranged between the outer wheel 50 and the gear 16 so that the pressing strength can be given to make the outer wheel 50 and the gear 16 radially separate from each other. - 特許庁



The health food comprises perilla seed, green perilla leaf, parsley, lettuce, harshness-removed mulukhiya and apple which are cut into tiny pieces and/or processed into paste and prepared to have the taste easy to eat in spite of adding no seasoning at all. - 特許庁


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