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(Initiatives for East Asian EPA and East Asian OECD) - 経済産業省


This is the company's first edition in Asia. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia  - 日本語WordNet





We plan to expand Japan's "Good Design Awards" to the "Asia Good Design Awards" so as to increase the added value of Asian goods and services. To achieve this, we will promote improved design capability in all Asian countries by recognizing excellent Asian designs t We aim to contribute to the vitalization of Asian consumer markets through the expansion of Japan's high-quality service industry in Asia. - 経済産業省



The damage to Japanese companies resulting from counterfeits and pirated goods in East Asia in recent years has become severe. - 経済産業省


Moreover, counterfeit injury in the case of game software,videos, CDs and other goods with Japanese copyrights is reported primarily from Asia. - 経済産業省

ERIAの沿革は、2006 年8 月の日ASEAN経済大臣会合等において、「東アジア版OECD」構想を提案したことに始まる。例文帳に追加

On the history of ERIA in August, 2006, in the ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting an "East Asian version of OECD" plan proposal began. - 経済産業省

ERIA の沿革は、2006 年8 月の日ASEAN 経済大臣会合等において、「東アジア版OECD」構想を提案したことに始まる。例文帳に追加

ERIA started its history in August 2006 at the ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting when the ministers discussed and proposed the framework of anEast Asian edition of the OECD”. - 経済産業省


ERIA は、我が国が 2006 年 8 月の日 ASEAN 経済大臣会合等において、「東アジア版 OECD」構想を提案したことに始まる。例文帳に追加

ERIA started when Japan proposed an OECD-like framework in East Asia at the ASEAN-Japan Economic MinistersMeeting, etc. in August 2006. - 経済産業省


本戦略において我が国は、東アジア経済統合を積極的に推進すべく、ASEAN10か国に日本、中国、韓国、インド、豪州、ニュージーランドを加えた計16か国(ASEAN+6)での経済連携協定たる「東アジア包括的経済連携(東アジアEPA・CEPEA(Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia))」構想、そして東アジア版OECDのような国際的体制の構築に向けた第一歩として、地域共通の課題に研究・政策提言を通じて知的貢献を行う「東アジア・ASEAN経済研究センター(ERIA:Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia)」構想を提唱した。例文帳に追加

The strategy advocates the following initiatives to actively promote economic integration in East Asia: the "Comprehensive Economic Partnership in East Asia (CEPEA)," which is an economic partnership agreement among a total of 16 countries comprising 10 ASEAN nations plus Japan, China, Republic of Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand; and the "Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)," which is designed to make intellectual contributions through researches and policy recommendations on common issues in the region, as an initial step to establishing an international body, like the East Asian version of the OECD. - 経済産業省


In addition, from a publishing industry standpoint, while in Japan there is increasing demand for publications in other Asian languages, including Mandarin, Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Korean and language learning materials for these languages, overseas there is tremendous growth in the demand for Japanese comic books. - 経済産業省

ここでは、東アジア経済統合を積極的に推進するための、ASEAN10か国に日本、中国、韓国、インド、豪州、ニュージーランドを加えた計16 か国(ASEAN+6)での経済連携協定たる東アジア包括的経済連携(東アジアEPA・CEPEA)を中心とする東アジアの経済連携、東アジア版OECDのような国際的体制の構築に向けた第一歩として、地域共通の課題に研究・政策提言を通じて知的貢献を行う東アジア・ASEAN経済研究センター(ERIA)、米国や中国を含むアジア太平洋の21 の国・地域から構成され地域枠組みであるアジア太平洋経済協力(APEC)について紹介する。例文帳に追加

This section introduces specific efforts, represented by the East Asian Economic Partnership led by the Comprehensive Economic Partnership of East Asia (East Asia EPA/CEPEA), which is based on an economic partnership agreement among16 countries (ASEAN pus 6), namely the 10 ASEAN member states, and Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand. The East Asian Economic Partnership aims for the active promotion of East Asian economic integration. This section also introduces the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), which provides intellectual contribution through research and policy proposals on the common challenges in the region as a first step toward the creation of an international organization serving as an East Asian version of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which is a regional framework comprising 21 countries/regions in the Asia Pacific region, including the United States and China. - 経済産業省


Taking transportation condition at that time in consideration, however, arrival of the seventh version in Asia was very late compared to the year of publication, it is understood that the reference to the seventh version was difficult.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The White Paper on International Economy and Trade 2003 noted the delay in responding locally as one of the reasons why the rate of return on investment of Japanese corporations operating in East Asia remains lower than that of U.S. and European corporations. - 経済産業省


In addition, there are increasing intellectual property right infringements on Japanese products (in particular, in the Asian countries), due to the production and distribution of pirated goods (such as imitation goods and pirated editions), and this presents a significant barrier for Japanese companies in developing their businesses in these regions. - 経済産業省


However, at present, numerous pirated products are being distributed in the contents industry throughout Asia’s countries and regions. This is becoming a great problem for Japanese contents businesses trying to develop their business (Fig.3.4.8). - 経済産業省

世界経済フォーラムが発表した2011 年旅行・観光競争力レポートで、我が国は総合評価で第22 位(139か国中)、アジア地域で第5 位の評価を受け、2009 年の第25 位(133 か国中)から3 つ順位を上げた。例文帳に追加

In theTravel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011” published by the World Economic Forum, Japan was ranked 22nd (among 139 countries) in general assessment, 5th in the Asian region, moved up three places from 25th (among 133 countries) in 2009. - 経済産業省


According to the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009 published by the World Economic Forum, Japan ranked 25th out of 133 countries in terms of overall assessment, and 5th out of Asian and Pacific regions, which is lower than its ranks from the previous year (23rd out of 133 countries). - 経済産業省


However, the actual proliferation of counterfeit, pirated and other infringing products in Asian countries and territories, including the manufacture and distribution of infringing products, still poses great concern. - 経済産業省


The Japan Project-Industry Council has developed the JADEX international competitiveness index for enhancing economic relations between Japan and the rest of Asia and has been studying how to improve the index. - 経済産業省


This institute is expected to respond to a broad range of subjects common in the region, such as trade and investment, and energy and the environment, and to gradually develop into the "East Asian version of the OECD" (which facilitates policy coordination, etc.) in the future. - 経済産業省

ERIAの沿革は、2006 年8 月の日ASEAN経済大臣会合等において、二階経済産業大臣(当時)が「東アジア版OECD」構想を提案したことに始まる。例文帳に追加

Originally proposed by then-METI Minister Toshihiro Nikai as an "East Asian OECD" at the ASEAN economic ministers' meeting in August 2006, the organization came into being based on the consensus reached by leaders at the Third EAS in November 2007, following the discussions at the Summit and ministerial meetings. - 経済産業省


The photosensitive lithographic printing plate material has a photosensitive layer containing a binder polymer, a photopolymerization initiator, a compound which sensitizes the initiator, and a polyfunctional monomer represented by general formula I and having two or more 1,3,4-thiadiazole groups to which a polymerizable double bond group bonds within the molecule. - 特許庁

社団法人日本プロジェクト産業協議会(JAPIC)が作成している「産業界からみた東アジアにおける国際競争力指標」(JAPIC 国際競争力指標「JADEX2009」)における日本の位置づけを確認すると、我が国は総合順位で第3 位となっており、東アジアにおける我が国の競争優位性は、依然、高水準にあることが分かる。例文帳に追加

The position of Japan in "International Competitiveness Index in East Asia from the Viewpoint of Industrial Sector" (JAPIC edition, International Competitiveness Index "JADEX2009") made by Japan Project-Industry Council (JAPIC) is the third. We can see that the level of our competitive edge in East Asia is still high. - 経済産業省


However, Kirishitan-ban for which at least 50 publications were printed and published by the western printing art for the first time in East Asia, was an important paper publication in the history of books and printing, and was valuable material also in the linguistic history because Japanese colloquial expressions at that time were described in Roman characters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, pirated products are not only a great impediment to the development of contents-related industries in countries and regions where they are distributed. It is also feared that piracy will result in inhibiting development of the contents industry in Asia as a whole and authorscultural creative activity. - 経済産業省


The East Asian OECD initiative was also advocated in the Global Economic Strategies. It aims at the development of an organization that studies and analyzes regional political issues and makes recommendations, based on the examples of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which serves as an important policy forum of advanced countries. - 経済産業省


While price competitiveness within Japan has intensified in all product categories, the 2006 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan indicated that the "group of enterprises belonging to the consumer electronics industry" had a greater sense of competition with East Asian products than the "group of enterprises belonging to the automobile industry." - 経済産業省

同社の店村圭祐社長は、7 年ほど前から、急速な経済成長が続くアジア市場に関心を持ち、中国語製品カタログや龍の彫刻を施した製品サンプルを製作し、地元自治体が主催する海外商談会に参加するなど、市場開拓に取り組んできた。例文帳に追加

President Keisuke Tanamura gained interest in Asian markets with their continuous fast economic growth about seven years ago, prepared Chinese-language product catalogs and product samples engraved with dragons, participated in overseas trade fairs sponsored by local government bodies, and made other efforts toward market development.  - 経済産業省


Handling of Counterfeit, Pirated and Other Infringing Products While the need is growing for the protection of intellectual property rights in Asian countries and territories, much remains to be improved in terms of legal systems and their administration and it is absolutely essential to strengthen the protection of the holders of intellectual property rights. - 経済産業省


Japan conquered principle of excluding foreigners that emerged at the end of Edo period, and the Meiji Government had tackled the following issues since the Bushing War: the construction of a modern state through the introduction of western civilization; the revision of the unequal treaties that the bakufu signed, with western countries; the definition of the border with Russia that had been promoting southward expansion; and the restructing of diplomatic relations and definition of the territory with East Asian countries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is said to be an edification policy for the Japanese race as well as a mandatory assimilationism and edification policy for peoples within the territories as shown in the figure (residents in foreign parts such as Koreans, Taiwanese, and the South Sea Islands residents as well as aboriginal people in South East Asia who lived in territories during the Greater East Asian War, and in rare cases, the Ainu tribe and Ryukyu [currently known as Okinawa], who lived within Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The fact that SMEs that have expanded into East Asia face the operational risk of technology outflow has already been described in the 2006 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan. However, in the inter-enterprise relationship between upstream and downstream enterprises in Japan there are times when an upstream enterprise, many of which are SMEs, cannot refuse when asked by downstream enterprises to provide drawings, know-how, and other intellectual property. - 経済産業省



When providing support via a bilateral dialog between the governments, especially it is the case where content business is to be developed within Asia, there are so many problems that have to be worked out to the foreign government and companies, with private and public cooperation, such as overcoming barrier to enter the market of the counterparty country, gathering information on the market of the counterpart market, measure against pirates. - 経済産業省


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