
「データ変換ライン」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(5ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > データ変換ラインに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 312



The driving waveform obtained by performing D/A conversion of driving waveform data is input into the driving waveform amplifying circuit 202 from an input signal line 204, and is amplified, and a piezoelectric element 203 of the inkjet recording head is oscillated. - 特許庁


When a user plays the music of instrument, digital performance data are output to the mixer 24 via an effector 26 after A/D conversion from a microphone or line input terminal. - 特許庁


To provide a semiconductor integrated circuit or the like, in which no image data conversion is required even though scanning electrodes are disposed at opposite positions from side to side for increasing the number of pixels per unit area and successive line scanning is conducted. - 特許庁


The memory 22 is a memory that stores pixel data converted from analog data into digital data, and the averaging circuit 21 is a circuit that applies averaging processing to two adjacent pixels for each line stored in the memory 22. - 特許庁



The copy line performs four types of combination conversion of data from a certain format into another format, for instance, one RGB and YUV color format into another RGB and YUV color format. - 特許庁



The offset voltage outputted from the digital-to-analog converter is scattered to many data lines and it becomes difficult to sense an undesirable point which has an abnormally deep or light color due to the output offset voltage. - 特許庁


The light entering into the head casing is advanced to the CCD line sensors through the optical part comprising a plurality of lenses and having an auto-focus mechanism capable of changing the focal distance, and transformed to image data. - 特許庁


To provide a data converting circuit which performs row-address pipe-line operation in accessing different row addresses so as to achieve high speed access. - 特許庁


To achieve bit alignment in the case that digital processing is performed on quantized data of a plurality of bits outputted from an A/D converter, without using a high-grade timing control technique or a reset circuit of a demultiplexer element. - 特許庁



On the basis of digital signals for one line shading-corrected by the data processing part 103, a counter 105 counts the number of pixels, which have an image signal level higher than the reference voltage of the A/D converting part 102. - 特許庁



When illuminating light from the illumination light source 15 changes, sensor data 18a from a CCD line sensor 18 is subjected to density conversion for comparing it with a reference pattern. - 特許庁


To further reduce a chip area in accordance with a plurality of lines of data bus lines in a piece of a D/A converter circuit and to realize the cost reduction attendant on it. - 特許庁


The RGB data outputted from the buffer circuit 10A concerning the 1st line are inputted to a D-A converter 10G via switches 10D, 10E and outputted externally. - 特許庁


Based on the converted color difference and input intensity of the original image data at the region of interest, a colorant error may be determined for the region of interest, and/or a scan line and a row line including the region of interest. - 特許庁


Radiation image information depending upon radiation intensity is stored as 9-bit processing data B with a flag bit D8 added thereto in an image memory 72 through a CCD line sensor 40, an A/D converter 70 and a bit addition circuit 71. - 特許庁


At the time, the process can be executed speedily without delay in the display in the image conversion circuit 19 by using line memory with such a number of pixels that the writing of data does not outpace the reading. - 特許庁


A CCD line sensor 6 converts an image of a bar code label, which is formed on the CCD line sensor 6, to an electric signal according to light and darkness of the image and stores the electric signal as imaging data. - 特許庁


An interlace image signal by four fields stored in an image memory 10 is read one by one line and stored to an IP conversion data buffer 38. - 特許庁


Based on the chromaticity of the white color point, that of a predetermined gray, and that of the black color point, a gray line of conversion data in each of the highlight portion, the intermediate brightness portion, and the shadow portion is set (S1001-S1003). - 特許庁


Besides, incoming data received by interface receivers 5 from the terminal interface input/output points 2 are constituted as the frame on the line by an incoming frame converting part and outputted from al ine driver 3. - 特許庁


A control section 31 controls a rearrangement processing section 33 to store image data in a precinct unit subjected to line base wavelet transform to a rearrangement buffer 34 so as to arrange storage areas by each frequency component of the image data. - 特許庁


The image reader uses a plurality of sensors arranged in parallel in a scanning direction to scan an original and outputs line data subjected to photoelectric conversion by a plurality of the sensors as the read image of the original. - 特許庁


Input image data D1-D4 corresponding to four lines are added by an adder circuit 4 and the obtained voltage is integrated by an integration circuit 5 to be converted to an integral value S1. - 特許庁


Class synthesis circuits 30, 31 respectively generate a 1st class value denoting a class detected concerning data y1, y2 in class classification adaptive processing and give it to class value conversion circuits 32, 33, respectively. - 特許庁


When an ECU 8 decides that the voltage of the power source line A3 is below a predetermined voltage from voltage data generated by an A/D converter 5, the ECU judges that the electric power supply is stopped and resets a removal flag into zero. - 特許庁


Image data subjected to predetermined processing in a horizontal camera shake correction circuit 241 and a horizontal resolution conversion circuit 242, are written into a line memory 51 by a main controller 243. - 特許庁


To allow the data transfer mechanism to have only one line memory used for transferring data to a resolution conversion part and to reduce the quantity of power consumption and manufacture cost. - 特許庁


To convert the format of image data of an asynchronous video signal without requiring a PLL, and to prevent an image from being disordered even if respective lines of input video signals have a difference in cycle. - 特許庁


In such a case, the P/S converting part 40 adds additional data after each line to generate the serial signal S3 of 3. 7125Gb/s or 4. 25Gb/s if needed. - 特許庁


An image signal generated by scanning and reading a document by a CCD 1 is processed by A/D conversion 4 and then a black shading correction circuit 5 corrects image data of respective lines with a black offset value Db. - 特許庁


At least color conversion and dithering are performed on that color image data with the print resolution thus creating dot data indicative of the recording state of ink dots in a print pixel on the print object line and storing the dot data in a buffer BF 14. - 特許庁


The data processing pipeline converts a first representation of a requested dose pattern to a sequence of control data suitable for controlling the array of individually controllable elements in order substantially to form the requested dose pattern on a substrate. - 特許庁


A smoothing circuit 5 executes smoothing by using a plurality of filters so as to determine binary data of pixels which are suspended from conversion into the binary data and of which the density is unknown, out of pixels contained in the novel lines added by the circuit 3. - 特許庁


A pixel transfer part 520 supplies the binary data that the latch part 510 latches to a level shift part 530 all together and the level shift part 530 converts the respective pixels into driving voltages according to an AC-converted driving signal FR and supplies them to the pixels of one line. - 特許庁


The image forming apparatus includes four systems, each system including: a DMA processing part for obtaining image data; a smoothing processing part for resolution-converting the image data using a line buffer; and a PWM processing part outputting pulse signals to a printing engine. - 特許庁


A CPU 10 calculates the concentration value of each printing position by using line image data DL stored in an RAM 11, and stores it in the RAM 11, and controls an SIMD processing part 14 to perform concentration conversion processing to pixel data as the calculated concentration value of each print position. - 特許庁


When displaying image data from a camera module (1) on a display device (3) such as a view finder, image data in a size suitable for display from an image size conversion circuit (10) are displayed via line memories (LM1-LMn) built in a display signal generation circuit (12). - 特許庁


the image data stored in the frame memory 2 are outputted to the DAC 3 without being parallel-serial converted, and each total number of the DACs 3 and the buffer circuits 4 in the driving circuit to be used at the time of driving the liquid crystal display device 6 is less than the number of data bus lines 13, respectively. - 特許庁


A quaternarizing part 12 converts image data outputted from an image reading part 11 into quaternarizing pixel data for extracting a high density character pixel,, a low density character pixel, a high density ground pixel and a low density ground pixel and they are stored in an image line buffer memory 13. - 特許庁


Linear dimensional data converted to the unit of length can be used without setup replacement in the robot and transport line where many kinds of works are let flow by plural arbitrary dimensional data which can be stored by creating the storage area in the CPU. - 特許庁


When acquiring sensitivity information of the X-ray detector 5, a control section 61 performs Fourier transformation on X-ray detection data (p15) extracted from lines diagonal to grid stripes and having an amount of one column, among X-ray detection data acquired by air photography, and converts the data into frequency space. - 特許庁


A line sensor respectively reads the shading correction plate at plural displacement positions other than a home position on the shading correction plate (S1, S5), and shading correction data are calculated at each displacement position and for each photoelectric conversion element on the basis of read data (S2, S6). - 特許庁


To provide a method of converting a reflected light amount signal from a light receiving element fitted to a printing machine, to data such as a color value used for print quality management, and making an instantaneous comparison of the data with image quality data such as a reference color value prepared beforehand and a momentary confirmation of the comparison results online, and a device using this method. - 特許庁


The imaging apparatus is provided with a digital image processing section (10) for converting an image signal from a CCD (1a), wherein a plurality of color filters are arranged according to the arrangement of providing RGB 3-color signals by two lines, into image data and applies image processing to the digital image data. - 特許庁


An input module 30 informs a module manager 21 of the output data form of the module, and the manager 21 generates the first data conversion module 31 based on this information to connect it to the end of a pipeline. - 特許庁


Frequency band signal data that are mapped discretely to the memory 110 is converted into data of the raster order in each line by an input-output interface part 111, is subjected to a burst transfer to the memory 100 and is indiscretely mapped onto the memory. - 特許庁


Image data outputted from the recording controlling part 101 for a one-beam laser printer synchronously with the horizontal synchronous signal inputted from the image processing part 102 are converted to a plurality of serial image data by a line buffer 104 in the image processing part 102 so as to be outputted to the multi-laser printer 103. - 特許庁


To provide a method for allowing to instantaneously compare on-line a reflected light quantity signal sent from a light-sensitive element mounted on a printing machine after being converted to data such as color values or the like used for the quality control of printing with image quality data such as color values or the like prepared in advance as reference and confirm and its device. - 特許庁


That is, in this device, a binarizing means 3 and an edge plotting means 4 receive the supply of edge data produced by an edge data generating means 2, successively executes binarization processing by means of the means 3 in every area regulated by the edge data and plots binarized data in the output buffer by the means of the means 4. - 特許庁



The transmission line (3) is interconnected with a personal computer (2) through an extension board (4) fixed to the extension slot (2a) of the personal computer (2) and transferring data by converting the communication system of the transmission line (3) and the communication system of the personal computer (2). - 特許庁


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