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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 共同に作用するに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 22



The channels of the mold parts 32 work together to form a channel of 360° continuing around the tire mold. - 特許庁


A mold for a pneumatic tire is provided with a plurality of mold parts 32 working together so as to form an annular mold. - 特許庁


A coupling means 26 acts in cooperation with the corresponding coupling means 28 of the member 30 while the toner bottle is used. - 特許庁


By this invention, substantially U-shaped bearing shells 31 are integrally formed to the cover 13 and cooperate with shaft pins 30 of the contact carrier 11. - 特許庁


ドセタキセルまたはrhuMAb HER2の単独投与した場合に比べて共同作用的治療効果を有する癌の治療方法の提供。例文帳に追加

To provide a method for treating cancer having a synergistic therapeutic effect when compared to the administration of docetaxel or rhuMAb HER2 alone. - 特許庁



In a particular embodiment, the composition comprises β-glucan in combination with panthenol, a grape seed extract, vitamin C, and superoxide dismutase which exhibit a synergistic effect in protecting the skin from the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation. - 特許庁


The protein exhibits a joint activity with a protein having arabinofuranosidase activity, and enhances the production efficiency of the arabinose by decomposition of polysaccharides containing arabinose. - 特許庁


An elastic band 36 engaged with the cover 24 and cooperating with a resilient material which forms the cover closes the slit to automatically close the valve when the force applied to the cover 24 by the inner valve element 6 is removed. - 特許庁


In a method for compensating a thermoptical action in the radiating path of an optical component including a device, optical elements (30a to 30d and 41a to 41c) which cooperate with each other for the optical compensation in the radiating path and show at least two different material characteristics are used. - 特許庁



The discharging method enables to processes rapidly the nonconductive work piece through discharge operations triggered under a strong voltage at gaseous insulating layer which is provided jointly by a mainly activated added gas and a chemical reaction generated between the positive electrode and the negative electrode, particularly to perform precise processing operation. - 特許庁



This spring force connecting device 1 has a bus bar piece 2 having mutually unrelated two fastening places 5a and 5b, and is provided so that these fastening places respectively cooperatively act with one spring end part. - 特許庁


In this vibration flow device, a treatment means for a particulate 3 comprises a pair of different kinds of vibration bodies 2 and 4 formed by being connected to a vibration means 1, and the particulate 3 is subjected to a flow treatment by a cooperative vibration action generated between the different kinds of vibration bodies. - 特許庁


Cooled air primarily cooled and humidified by the subterranean heat exchanging device 1 and cooled air secondarily cooled by the cooling device 32 are delivered to a milling roll 44 by the cooperative action of the turbo fan 31 for forced cooling and the bran suction fan 50 to cool the inside of the milling chamber 42. - 特許庁


To provide a treatment of diabetes mellitus, depending on effecting to differentiation of precursor cells of islet to matured insulin producing cells by stimulation of cooperativity of gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor ligand, especially gastrin, and epidermal growth factor (EGF), especially transfer growth factor α (TGFα). - 特許庁


To reduce the volume of surplus sludge by the collaborated actions of gas in waste zone and a small amount of residual ozone in an aeration tank and to suppress the adhesion of the org. matter such as sludge on the surface of a membrane. - 特許庁


The sealing member 32 provided on the surface side of the opening of the device comprises foam and is compressed by a supporting plate 34 to prevent the toner from passing through, and it achieves sealing action in cooperation with a back surface seal 37 at both side parts of the blade at the side part of the opening. - 特許庁


An easy and smooth reading is realized by adding space information such as the colors, angles, distances or the like of the color plates positioned arbitrarily onto a documental space, which is difficult to establish a spatial location in a moment, at which a letter is read and then looked aside and back together with an instant short term memory in cooperation with the psychological process of a human being. - 特許庁


These synergetic compositions can be used either alone or in combination with products commonly used to reduce weight, with specific diets or with apparatuses for physical exercise or muscular electrostimulation which are commonly employed to increase energy loss. - 特許庁


To provide a document management device and a program capable of satisfying an enviromental request for the proofreading operation of each person while maintaining the security level of each person when performing a joint proofreading operation by a plurality of persons in an open network environment such as the Internet. - 特許庁


It is also found that this gene CYP90D1 controls, together with the gene ROT3 (=CYP90C1), the final step of the synthesis of brassinosteroid. - 特許庁

(1) 1つの商標に関係している2名以上の関係が,次の場合を除きそれらの者のいずれも当該商標を使用する権利が無いような関係である場合,それらの者は当該商標の共同所有者として登録することができ,本法は,当該商標の利用に関するそれらの者の権利についてそれらの権利が単独の者の権利であるかのように作用する。 (a) 両者若しくはそれらの者のすべて代理として,又は (b) 両者若しくはそれらの者のすべてが取引の過程において関連する商品について例文帳に追加

(1) Where the relations between two or more persons interested in a trade mark are such that no one of them is entitled as between himself and the other or others to use the trade mark except - (a) on behalf of both or all of them; or (b) in relation to goods with which both or all of them are connected in the course of trade, those persons may be registered as joint proprietors of the trade mark, and this Act has effect in relation to any rights of those persons to the use of the trade mark as if those rights were rights of a single person. - 特許庁


(1) 特許が付与される前に,特許が付与されたならば譲渡若しくは契約に基づき,又は法の作用により, (a) 当該特許若しくは当該特許についての利益,又は (b) 当該特許若しくは前記の利益に関する不可分の持分, についての権原を有することになる者がいる場合は, 局長は,その者が規則に従って請求したときは,出願の手続を,その者の名義で,又は事情に応じてその者と出願人若しくは他の共同出願人の名義で行うよう指示することができる。例文帳に追加

(1) Where, before a patent is granted, a person would, if the patent were then granted, be entitled under an assignment or agreement, or by operation of law, to: (a) the patent or an interest in it; or (b) an undivided share in the patent or in such an interest; the Commissioner may, on a request made by the person in accordance with the regulations, direct that the application proceed in the name of the person, or in the name of the person and the applicant or the other joint applicant or applicants, as the case requires.  - 特許庁

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