
「繋ぎとめる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 42



to tie  - EDR日英対訳辞書


the act of tying a horse to something so that it will not stray  - EDR日英対訳辞書


something with which to tie a horse to something so that it will not stray - EDR日英対訳辞書


Love you tie down with violence - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



To provide a pouch requiring installing a connecting member on the specified position and freely connecting to an optional place. - 特許庁



an act of anchoring a ship with only one anchor  - EDR日英対訳辞書

その父親の愛情を 繋ぎ止めるために あなたは例文帳に追加

In order to hold on to your father's love - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

ワープマトリックスを繋ぎなおす 放射能を止めるんだ例文帳に追加

I'm reconnecting the warp matrix! shut off the radiation! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

全ては若くて金のかかる女房を 繋ぎとめるため。 情けないね...。例文帳に追加

And all to hang on to a young high maintenance wife. pathetic... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


それが 永遠に交わることのない 空と大地を 繋ぎ留めるように例文帳に追加

That binds together the earth and the sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle... - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



The word "fundoshi" is commonly believed to have come from "fumitoshi" (meaning "to outthrust both legs"), or from "fumodashi" (meaning "a rope to tie down a horse or a dog"), or from "hodasu" (meaning "to tie down something by a rope so that it will not move freely").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Both of the pen (A in Fig.) which is the main body of a writing instrument and a belonging cap (B in Fig.) are connected with the seal (C in Fig.) made of a rubber. - 特許庁


Yoritomo granted the territories confiscated from Yoshitsune to his potential lower-ranking vassals (gokenin), in order to keep them, because they were the support base of his administration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The square tube-shaped support 1 includes the base plate 10, the support 40, and a reinforcing plate 6 for fastening the base plate 10 and the support 40 together. - 特許庁


The cover binds and stops a pair of chopsticks by bending and stopping the hollow cylindrical object made of the flexible elastic materials. - 特許庁


A third rope 114 is extended from a second anchor 113 for mooring the second reef body 111 and the second rope 112. - 特許庁


An arithmetic processing unit 19 obtains one profile by linking the plurality of obtained height profiles. - 特許庁


The protective layer 7 is composed of numberless nylon powders 8 and the matrix 9 integrated with the heat-insulating part 4 and allowing the numberless nylon powders 8 to protrude them from the surface of the protective layer 7 while covering and connecting them. - 特許庁


To provide an advertisement providing system that provides high advertisement effective information, which increases entertainment to continuously tie interests of participants to sports sponsored by organizations. - 特許庁


This rotating apparatus for mooring the pet is obtained by increasing the height of a position for mooring with an L-shaped steel pipe pole, covering a support with the steel pipe, thereby rotating the apparatus through 360° and providing a demountable function. - 特許庁


The protecting layer 9 comprises numberless solid particulates 18 and a matrix 9a covering and tieing each of the particulates 18 on the surface. - 特許庁


Parking spaces 2A to 2D, 3A, 3B are provided with pipes 5 and 6 to which vehicles can be connected, and a fee adjusting device 10 is set in an entrance/exit 8 of a parking lot 1. - 特許庁


To provide a favorable container connecting tool capable of anchoring a container using a cable such as a rope, a belt or a wire, and preventing disengagement from the container even when the cable is used at any angle. - 特許庁


To provide a tubular support which enables a support and a base plate to be fastened together, even once a crack is formed in a welded zone between the support and the base plate. - 特許庁


Then, the shape of approximately the whole region in the measuring region on the surface to be inspected 27a is determined by connecting each shape classified by the region by a synthetic aperture method. - 特許庁


On the motorcycle, the air bag device is mounted which has an air bag 122 and a long webbing 130 for linking the air bag 122 to the body side. - 特許庁


This air bag device 120 installed on the motorcycle 100 is constituted to provide a bent part 124 having a smooth surface on a portion where a webbing 140 to connect the air bag 121 to the side of the car body makes contact with a retainer 123. - 特許庁


To provide an attachment for fastening the prosthetic teeth and maintaining teeth which can prevent a latch from coming off during chewing and which can be mass produced and. - 特許庁


To prevent a tether from being caught between a fuel lid and a car body when the fuel lid is closed by suppressing twisting and free movement of the tether linking the fuel cap. - 特許庁


This target molecule recognition polymer is constituted so as to include a water-absorbing polymer linking a solvent by ionic bond or hydrogen bond, to be expanded by absorbing the solvent, and to be contracted by discharging the solvent. - 特許庁


To provide a pole joint capable of surely joining poles to be used to support planted ivy, capable of connecting each pole in various posture, and easy to spread a net and to fix a film to protect young plants from damages by birds and frost. - 特許庁


Each wavefront shape information in other domains excluding the improper domains A_1, A_2 is linked mutually by a synthetic aperture method to determine wavefront shape information of the whole transmission wavefront area, and an aberration of the transmission wavefront is determined based on the wavefront shape information of the whole transmission wavefront area. - 特許庁


An animal is housed in a washing and drying chamber and a pipe nozzle for washing and a blower for drying are installed in upper and lower parts of the chamber and a hanging means such as a harness for spatially fastening the animal in the washing and drying chamber is installed and washing water and drying air are blown from the upper and lower directions to the animal. - 特許庁


In an airbag device 120 fitted to a motorcycle 100, deployment and inflation of an airbag to the direction of a rider head by using a webbing for connecting the airbag to the motorcycle in the initial state of deployment and inflation of the airbag in a head-on collision of the motorcycle. - 特許庁


The breakwater for Tsunami has a bag formed with one air chamber or a plurality of air chambers made from a flexible film having water resistance and the property of allowing no or little gas to pass through. - 特許庁


A connection search unit 55 uses an action model wherein the manner of obtaining, from input information, related information that relates to the input information is modeled, and finds connection information to connect the two pieces of information, thereby searching connections between the two pieces of information. - 特許庁


Thus the back pillow is prevented from separating and stabilized to regulate the turning over by holding the lying-on-side posture to avoid a snore and apnea as a result. - 特許庁


By laminating a flexible film to the surface of a carton so as to cover bending lines 1 each constituted of slits 1b connected by nicks 1a, the flexible film 2 joins both surfaces through each of the bending lines 1 and functions as the hinge of both surfaces and the force preventing the bending of the bending lines in a tangential direction does not act at a time of bending. - 特許庁


For interlocking and connecting each enclosure for constituting a building block structure, a slit provided on the inner side surface of an enclosure is fitted to a hook being provided at a connection plate, and each enclosure for composing the building block structure is interlocked and connected, by connecting the inner side surface of each enclosure using the connection plate. - 特許庁


To provide connection structure which can easily connect an external wall to a lower store roof, prevent the weight and cost of a frame body receiving the force acting on an exterior material (mainly due to wind pressure) and an interior material from increasing and does not produce a gap between the external panel and the roof by firmly connecting the external wall and the roof. - 特許庁


A long side of an opening connects the case and the lid of the case and is made freely openable and closable, and a fastener for fastening the lid of the case is provided on the outer side of the opposite side. - 特許庁



This disaster-preventing hat having a crown part 12 formed by covering the surface of the felt layer constituted as an almost semi-spherically by joining 6 pieces of felt with a surface cloth 12b and the reverse surface of the same with a reverse surface cloth is provided by constituting the pieces of the felt and surface cloth 12b and reverse surface cloth with flame retardant fibers. - 特許庁


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