
「色 一覧」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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色 一覧の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 78



a list of colours, if the representation of the trade mark is in colour  - 特許庁


a list of colours, if the representation of the trade mark is in colour  - 特許庁


The list of colors shall correspond to the colors used in the representation.  - 特許庁

UEI に準拠していないプラットフォームは赤一覧に表示されます。例文帳に追加

Platforms that are not UEI-compliant are listed in red.  - NetBeans


(g) 彩を使用する商標の国際登録出願の場合,使用する彩の一覧例文帳に追加

(g) the list of the used colors, if the trademark is applied in the colored performance; - 特許庁



The information on the new registered color is displayed as a new line in the color list displaying area 110. - 特許庁

次の課題とサブプロジェクトの一覧は、々な TODOリストとユーザからの要求を合わせたものです。例文帳に追加

The following list of tasks and sub-projects represents something of an amalgam of various TODO lists and user requests.  - FreeBSD


The display apparatus displays the identified color space information together with the image data as a list 41 of thumbnail pictures. - 特許庁


Finally, the system sorts the table (103B) to color and display it (103C). - 特許庁



In a color list displaying area 110, the color samples of already registered colors and the component values of CMYK are displayed one line by one line for every color. - 特許庁


(c) 標識を白黒で登録するか又は彩を使用して登録するか。彩標識として登録する場合は,使用する彩の一覧例文帳に追加

(c) whether the sign is registered in black and white or in colored performance; if it is colored performance, the used colors shall be listed; - 特許庁


Tone colors are displayed as a list in order of main categories and sub-categories, and tone colors in a category are searched and displayed when operation to designate the category is performed. - 特許庁


A list display part 410 is arranged in the center of a terminal designation screen 400, and in the list display part 410, small terminal images 411 displaying the situations of situation communication terminals connected to an intermediary server by colors are displayed together with their nicknames 412 as a list. - 特許庁


Kasane no irome is a list of the color combinations in wearing kimono in layers, and was used when women decided the colors of uchigi (itsutsuginu, or in five layers) for court costumes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If legal protection for a trademark is applied for in a certain color combination, the list of colors shall be included.  - 特許庁


The user is allowed to mark and register tone colors for frequent use and his or favorite tone colors out of tone colors displayed as a list as favorites. - 特許庁


In the display color setting table 170, the color used when the electronic mail is list-displayed on the display part 110 is set. - 特許庁


At this time, a different color is assigned to each shrinkage cavity contained in the table and these shrinkage cavities on the screen are shown with each assigned color. - 特許庁


File names 32 reproducible and removable by the user and file names 33 only reproducible by the user are distinctly list displayed on the file list screen 31. - 特許庁


To provide an image processor that outputs an image list in which colors of images included in the image list are visually standardized. - 特許庁


Data, stored in an internal memory 15 unit and the external memory unit 30, are displayed in a list with separate colors according to its storage location by a list display means 22. - 特許庁


Besides, the user's IDs are displayed by division into colors corresponding to the utilization even when a user information list is displayed. - 特許庁


Setting lists 63, 64, and 65, in which the setting values colored in this way are listed, are displayed on a comparison display screen 43. - 特許庁


Furthermore, the calculated results on the profit and loss shown in the table are displayed by using different colors between the balance of accounts in the red and that in the black. - 特許庁


A reference value calculating part 30 calculates a reference value based on feature values such as the brightness or hue of a plurality of kinds of animation data to be displayed by a list. - 特許庁


In the list of chips, a deviation of the characteristic amount in the shape of cross-section of resist pattern of the FEM wafer for the adequate value is shown with color-display images. - 特許庁


By opening/closing the door, a screen for setting color of the consumables is displayed, and input is done, and information of the list is updated. - 特許庁


To provide a color sample book which stores color sample of the adequate number of colors and enables a user to simultaneously see the all color samples with easy operation and enables the user to specify a selected color and is superior in portability. - 特許庁


When a list of sent and received e-mail is displayed on a screen, a controller detects fonts, colors and sizes of characters, which are configured and registered for each user, and then forms a list of the sent and received e-mail using the detected fonts, colors and sizes of characters to display it on the screen. - 特許庁


A color pallet for designating a color out of the color list composed of both the identification numbers and the colors, is displayed on a display device 102 by the CPU part 104. - 特許庁


When the object position to be painted is selected, a designated object position to be painted is colored with a selected painting color and it is indicated on an indication monitor. - 特許庁


To provide a display device, a control method, and a control program for displaying a chromaticity difference and a color difference value between patches in list form and displaying in what hue direction the chromaticity difference between the patches is on a chromaticity diagram in an easy-to-understand manner. - 特許庁


A pink card 1, a card 2 with blue characters, a card 3 with green characters, a card 4 playing the role of a joker, a pink card 5 and a card 6 with blue characters, on which Kanji, the number of strokes, the radicals selected from a Kanji list are written, are combined to play the Kanji learning game. - 特許庁


Index images 21a, 21b, 21c, 22 included in an image list 20 are output in a manner such that left-side areas in Fig. are in a state before color correction (hatching pattern sides, dotted pattern sides) and right-side areas in Fig. are in a state after the color correction. - 特許庁


After then, in order to record a dot code image in a layout having this picture, a list of print-recordable code colors considering the spectroscopic characteristics of the illumination light displayed on a monitor is displayed to allow an operator to select and a list of the background colors considering the illumination light is displayed to allow the user to select and to prepare layout data. - 特許庁


The menu display device is provided with a display means for listing and displaying the plurality of items including the image quality adjustment and the setting values, an input means 5 for selecting the item in the list display and instructing the change of the setting value of the item, and an illuminance / chromaticity detection means 37 for detecting the illuminance and chromaticity of a device when the respective items are set to the present setting values. - 特許庁


The mobile terminal 100 includes: a display color control part 140 determining the display color of the transmitted or received electronic mail based on the display color setting table 170; and a display part 110 displaying the electronic mail by the determined display color when list-displaying the transmitted or received electronic mail. - 特許庁


When a control section 4a of the automatic accompaniment apparatus 1 transmits to a control section 105a of the external electronic musical instrument 100 a transmission request message for transmission of list information on timbre data and accompaniment data prestored in the external electronic musical instrument 100 to the side of the automatic accompaniment apparatus 1, the control section 105a transmits the list information to the automatic accompaniment apparatus 1. - 特許庁

2 つ目のスタイルクラスは、日付ヘッダーテキストのを赤に設定します。 カレンダコンポーネントの CSS スタイルの全一覧は、NetBeans オンラインヘルプに記載されています。例文帳に追加

The second style class sets the color of the day header text to red.A complete list of CSS styles for the Calendar component is available in the NetBeans online help.  - NetBeans


In the following list, each headword represents the time for wearing, the words in bold letters represent the names, and the sequence of the following words shows the sequence of the colors from the outer cloth to the inner cloth, in the order of the color of outer material and (the color of lining), and the last single word means the color of hitoe (no lining).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The public notice shall furthermore contain a list of the colours in the mark and, at the registering authority’s discretion, other description of the mark, as well as a mention of a disclaimer and a right of priority referred to in Article 2, paragraph 2.  - 特許庁


When an inserted DVD is a recordable DVD, a cursor area indicating recording-reserved contents of television programs recordable in the same DVD is displayed in the same color in the recording reservation list screen. - 特許庁


When the safety level is low, the thumbnail images of the image data are listed with red or yellow frames to the circumference thereof according to the value of safety level. - 特許庁


In the regeneration of an image, a list of thumbnail images is displayed on the basis of the thumbnail data, and the section of the object color component data is performed by selecting a thumbnail image. - 特許庁


The method displays stock prices in an intersecting grid of a diagram in which corporation names and dates are combined in horizontal and vertical grids, takes time series in an arbitrary direction, applies colors in accordance with stock prices and easily provides a look at transitions of the stock prices. - 特許庁


To provide an e-mail display program and an e-mail display method capable of improving the understandability at a glance by coloring for every transmitter of a quotation with regard to a display of e-mail including the receiver quotation. - 特許庁


In addition, the parts to be inspected are colored on the prepared layout drawing, and a file 5 of visually-inspected parts specifying drawings for each testing machine is prepared. - 特許庁


To enable a user as a client to take the initiative in information extraction by referring to list information which is colored by extraction times. - 特許庁


Then, when the single facility display is not selected, but sight display is selected, the system advances from the step S908 to a step S909, the system sets display order, display forms and display colors based on priority order data. - 特許庁



A usability classification part 101 retrieves a document about genes and proteins stored in a document DB 11 by use of a keyword, and the appearance frequency of the keyword obtained as the result of retrieval is listed in homologizing to a color. - 特許庁


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