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該当件数 : 23



South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and other East Asian nations initially depended on importsof the goods and capital necessary for economic development, sustaining goods and servicesand current account deficits and a capital and financial surplus. - 経済産業省


Crowther uses two main criteria in classifying countriesbalance of payments structures,namely whether they are creditor nations (positive income balance) or debtor nations (negative income balance), and whether they are capital importers (positive capital balance) or capital exporters (negative capital account balance). He then divides balance of payments development into six stages2 (Fig. 2.3.1). - 経済産業省


The current account deficits had been financed by capital inflows from other euro-zone countries, but once a sense of crisis mounted, the capital flow reversed and importers had difficulties in financing their settlements.  - 財務省


Imports outweigh exports and interest payments are met by further borrowing, resulting in goods and services and balance on income (or investment income) deficits, while the capital and financial balance runs a surplus,positioning the country as a capital importer. - 経済産業省


輸入する最終財につき、資本財と消費財の内訳をみると、1990年、2009 年ともに、消費財に比べて資本財の占める割合が大きいことがわかる(第2-1-2-12 図)。例文帳に追加

Examining details of the capital goods and consumption goods in the final quantity of goods imported by China, the percentage of capital goods was larger than that of consumption goods both in 1990 and 2009 (Figure 2-1-2-12). - 経済産業省


経済の特徴とその主なリスク要因を見てきた。 韓内市場が限られていることから、輸出への依存が高く、また外資本や中間財の輸入への依存も高い。例文帳に追加

We have examined the characteristics of the South Korean economy and its main risks. South Korea has high dependence not only on export but also on foreign capital and import of intermediary goods, because the domestic market is limited. - 経済産業省


Various regional characteristics for trade goods by production stage can be observed from this data, including that (1) capital good imports from Japan, China, and the NIEs are increasing, (2) interactive trade between China and the NIEs is increasing for processed goods, and (3) imports of processed goods from ASEAN are increasing. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, Latin America promoted imports, to replace intermediate and capital goods. Due to consideration for domestic prices, the governments tended to set the exchange rate high; exports increased very little and, instead, imports increased. Accordingly, the current account deficit increased10. - 経済産業省


The U.S trade balance has been in the red because of the excess of imports. The current balance is in chronic deficit, but the capital outflow to abroad is financed by capital influx, and the balance of international payments is maintained (see Figure 3-1-3-7). - 経済産業省



Subsequently, observation of the composition of the goods imported and exported by air reveals that capital goods comprise 80% of exports and 60% of imports. This implies that air transportation represents a particularly important means of distribution for Japanese companies that are competitive in highly value-added parts and capital goods in the East Asian production network (see Figure 2-4-66). - 経済産業省



This characteristic of Japan indicates that Japan imports materials, raw materials, and intermediate goods and exports domestically produced intermediate goods and final goods, including parts and components and capital goods. - 経済産業省


As for external demand, reflecting the distinctive nature of China’s processing trade, the contribution of net exports to GDP has been shrinking through the 1990s34 (Fig. 1.4.16), because the expansion of exports brings about increased imports of capital goods and intermediary goods. - 経済産業省


As for exports and imports, the contribution of net exports on GDP is limited throughout the 1990s because of the fact that increased exports bring about an increase of imports of capital goods and intermediate goods (Fig. 1.2.4). This reflects the trend that exports of manufactured goods are characteristic of China’s economy. - 経済産業省


Although imports of capital goods mean the buildup of the domestic production base, excessive expansion of productivity involves risks of low operating rate, overproduction and intensifying competition. - 経済産業省


In addition to the construction of a distribution network, movements of knowledge and skills from developed countries to Asia through the "import of intermediate goods and capital goods," "the granting of licenses," and "direct investments" have supported the Asian inter-process division oflabor127. - 経済産業省


According to the World Bank (2006), the importation of capital goods from foreign countries, including Japan, has been a key factor in technology transfer, as part of the industrial development of Asian countries (see Table 2-1-47). - 経済産業省


In fact, triggered by the so-calledtofu riotin the 1970s, in cooperation with the Brazilian Government, Japan made an agricultural investment in the form of Official Development Assistance (ODA) for the establishment of a stable supply system of soybeans in the Brazilian Cerrado (bushy savanna) region, which was considered to be unsuitable for agricultural production to make it a suitable for agriculture; moreover, it successfully increased the production and secured the imports of soybeans. Thus, the expansion of investments in foreign-owned agriculture and food entities is expected to be effective. - 経済産業省

第二十四条 経済産業大臣は、居住者による特定資本取引(第二十条第二号に掲げる資本取引(同条第十二号の規定により同条第二号に準ずる取引として政令で定めるものを含む。)のうち、貨物を輸出し、又は輸入する者が貨物の輸出又は輸入に直接伴つてする取引又は行為として政令で定めるもの及び鉱業権、工業所有権その他これらに類する権利の移転又はこれらの権利の使用権の設定に係る取引又は行為として政令で定めるもの(短期の際商業取引の決済のための資本取引として政令で定めるものを除く。)をいう。以下同じ。)が何らの制限なしに行われた場合には、我がが締結した条約その他の際約束を誠実に履行することを妨げ、若しくは際平和のための際的な努力に我がとして寄与することを妨げることとなる事態を生じ、この法律の目的を達成することが困難になると認めるとき又は第十条第一項の閣議決定が行われたときは、政令で定めるところにより、当該特定資本取引を行おうとする居住者に対し、当該特定資本取引を行うことについて、許可を受ける義務を課することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 24 (1) When the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry finds that if specified capital transactions by a resident (meaning capital transactions listed in Article 20, item 2 (including those specified by Cabinet Order as transactions equivalent to item 2 of the said article pursuant to the provision of item 12 of the said article), which are specified by Cabinet Order as transactions or acts committed by a person who imports or exports goods directly accompanying the import or export of the goods, or which are specified by Cabinet Order as transactions or acts pertaining to the transfer of the mining right, industrial property right or other right equivalent thereto or establishment of the right to use these rights (excluding those specified by Cabinet Order as capital transactions to settle short-term international commercial transactions)), are conducted without any restrictions, it will cause a situation that prevents Japan from sincerely fulfilling obligations under the treaties and other international agreements it has signed or from making its contribution to international efforts for achieving international peace, which will make it difficult to achieve the purpose of this Act, or when a cabinet decision set forth in Article 10, paragraph 1 has been made, he/she may impose, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order, on a person who intends to commit the specified capital transactions, the obligation to obtain permission for the implementation of the specified capital transactions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Hypothetically, a trade structure could exist in which Japanese makers import machinery parts and components which require moderate technology and are made in China by Japanese companies rather than being made in Japan, assemble them into high added-value products domestically using advanced, capital-intensive production management processes, and then export them to the United States and Europe. - 経済産業省


It also has been pointed out that improvements in the trade environmentsuch as those involving the openness of trade among developing countries, the reinforcement of a human resource base, and increases in R&D expenditureshave been important to bringing about this outcome. In addition, the World Bank (2008) has pointed out that the potential of technology transfer to developing countries through tradesuch as the import of intermediate goods and capital goodshas risen in recent years. - 経済産業省


Government and business in particular became concerned that Germany lacked the attractiveness to draw foreign capital and as an industrial location for reasons including high domestic costs and the strong German mark;the offshore transfer of the production bases of some large companies; soaring direct investment in the Central and East European nations following German unification, and the accompanying growth in imports from these countries (Figs 4.1.13, 4.1.14); and the emptying of federal government coffers as public funds were poured into the former East Germany. - 経済産業省


However, Chinese officials themselves explained their stance that using the renminbi for trade settlement is aimed to respond to insufficient dollar liquidity during the crisis and to facilitate the convenience of traders, and that the intention is only for maintaining smooth trading, not for seeking a full-fledged "internationalization of the renminbi" in the near future. In fact, even if the renminbi is to be only used for trade settlements, importers and exporters would have to finance renminbi and to manage surplus, which cannot be kept completely separate from the liberalization of capital accounts.  - 財務省



We also had the "Development and Strengthening of A System of Support for Mid-sized to Large Companies' and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Entry into the Asian Region, etc. under A Partnership between Japanese Financial Institutions, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Others," which was not written up much (in newspapers and other media). This represents an approach of utilizing JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization), which is overseen by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and this is a quite revolutionary initiative unprecedented in the history of economic and fiscal policies and financial policies in the 65 years in post-war Japan.  - 金融庁


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