
「集合形式」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 41





an architectural style of group housing called skip-floor  - EDR日英対訳辞書




For convenience in implementingsets of sets, inner sets are automatically converted to immutableform, for example, Set([Set(['dog'])]) is transformed toSet([ImmutableSet(['dog'])]).  - Python



The center system 20 collects translation dictionaries of general format from each translation system 10, 10, 10 to edit an integrated dictionary of general format. - 特許庁


このソースログは、所定の記録形式、たとえば、サーバに搭載されるOS(Operating System)の記録形式に基づく原符号文の集合として記録される。例文帳に追加

The source log is recorded as a set of source code sentences based on a prescribed recording format, e.g. a recording format of an OS (operating system) loaded on the server. - 特許庁


The server 16 transmits the string type data to a form converting part 2 (17), performs inverse conversion of the clustered data in the string type data form into original clustered data based on the conversion rule stored in a form conversion definition information storage part 2 (18) and returns the data to the server 16. - 特許庁


Clustered data is transmitted from a client 11 to a form converting part 1 (12) and converted into a string type data form based on a conversion rule stored in a form conversion definition information storage part 1 (13). - 特許庁

オプションとして dialect パラメタを与えることができ、特定の CSV 表現形式 (dialect) 特有のパラメタの集合を定義するために使われます。例文帳に追加

An optionaldialect parameter can be given which is used to define a set of parameters specific to a particular CSV dialect. - Python



To provide a method for defining a complexity of an action and a recipe used for collaborative planning, using a set theory and appendant formalization. - 特許庁



On the basis of a new tabular database that includes the data selected in the step (b), the steps (a) and (b) of the processing are repeated. - 特許庁


A random sample of a set of antenna design contents is generated 130 in a performance vector 131 form from the free variable and the restriction condition 121. - 特許庁


Data recording structures in all business processing are unified into a form of "sentence", a set of "word" of one record in one item. - 特許庁


Rather than group training, the company’s internship emphasized having students see manufacturing activities first hand.  - 経済産業省


Hackers have defined their culture by a set of choices about the form that their competition will take.  - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』


Unified abstract code sentences are previously assigned to source code sentences based on various recording formats and an abstract log expressed as a set of abstract code sentences is generated from the source log expressed as a set of source code sentences. - 特許庁


Items being conditions expressed in the format of "attributes=values" are comprehensively enumerated from the values of attributes included in the training case set, and the degree of support of each of those enumerated items is calculated, and the set constituted only of the items whose support degrees are larger than the minimum support level set by a user is generated. - 特許庁


To provide a maisonette type multiple dwelling house which reduces the number of building frames and solves disadvantages of strength and short span and also reduces planing limits and restriction of facilities within the ceiling in a central corridor, by realizing two planes of structure in the central corridor style. - 特許庁


An attribute information integrating tabulation means 3 generates integrated information in table form which can list the correspondence relation among three items, i.e., the respective documents in the object document set, attribute representation, and attribute values by using the attribute representation extracted from the object document set and the attribute value corresponding to the extracted attribute representation. - 特許庁


A regular language is a formal language (i.e. a possibly infinite set of finite sequences of symbols from a finite alphabet) that satisfies the following equivalent properties:  - コンピューター用語辞典


The exoelectron emitting substance is formed into the shape of a particle aggregating film-like body, and includes a zirconium oxide particle as a binding material, and is easily manufactured, and adhesion is improved. - 特許庁


To provide an on-line partial order planning system and method that represent variables in an environment for which a plan is being developed in the form of a plurality of timelines formed as a set of timelines. - 特許庁


To provide a carrier device achieving strong and secure holding of rod articles with a simple form even the conventional negative pressure aggregate, and enabling high-accuracy control of a transportation process. - 特許庁


A system specification (21) in a state transition chart format is constituted of the set of state transition unit information including information related with the present state, events, the next state, and execution control. - 特許庁


To provide a dwelling unit block of a multiple dwelling house of a maisonette form having a high reducing effect of construction cost without having a common use part, by easily setting and changing the ratio of the exclusively possessing area. - 特許庁


Control information relating to a scene change is stored in one node, and scene change control data 105 composed of sets of control sequences in a list format obtained by linking a node with other nodes is previously provided. - 特許庁


Collections of subbands, in macro-block form, are weighted, detected, and ranked enabling prioritization of the transformed data. - 特許庁


First of all, the raw 3D data are transformed to the data form of combination of three basic geometric forms, namely, to visible data form. - 特許庁


The profiles and the characters are combined in the OR section 30 and the format to be printed out by the group photograph and the profiles and the characters is prepared in the print control section 31 and printed in a printer engine 32. - 特許庁


Twists generated at each of the stations are different, as the twists are given by different strengths at the twist stations in a shape to be collected to false twist. - 特許庁


In an intake pipe 10 for internal combustion engines, which is provided with a collecting chamber 12 having an inlet 11 for combustion air, and at least two intake passages 13 each of which extends from the collecting chamber 12 as the starting point and which have cylindrical outlets 24 respectively, an intermediate space 15 formed by adjacent intake passages is provided for another functional element of the internal combustion engine. - 特許庁


A set of information contents, which cooperate and depend upon one another on the web is equipped with a contents net as a set of web documents accompanied by the dependence relation among elements described in interpretable and executable format of a computer; and if some elements need to have their contents modified, all elements depending on the modified elements are automatically and associatively updated by the computer. - 特許庁


By using heavy element nuclide quantity and a distribution coefficient for every nationality of the heavy element nuclide quantity related with a function and table against the burnup of fuel segment and burnup history moderator density, heavy element nuclide quantity for every nationality is a fuel assembly is calculated. - 特許庁


A compression result index CRX for regulating the relation of the element identifier, the node identifier and the document identifier is generated and stored in the memory, and the set of pairs of the corresponding element identifier of the formal type schema and the compression result CRX is stored in the memory as a compression result set CRS. - 特許庁


That is, since the area ratio of the opening of the central corridor 6 or the like in the part of the multi-story shear wall 61 to the shear wall of one unit including two layers is small, the main frame 60 of two planes of structure can be made and hence, a maisonette type multiple dwelling house can be constructed. - 特許庁


A compression result index CRX for specifying the relationship between the element identifier, the node identifier and the document identifier is created and stored in memory, and an assembly of the element identifiers of the well formed schema and the corresponding sets of the compression result index CRX is stored in memory as a compression result set CRS. - 特許庁


In this sodium cooling fast reactor for surrounding the periphery of a number of reactor core fuel assemblies by a number of neutron shields, the reactor core fuel assemblies are entirely or partially substituted with a lead reflector with lead or an alloy that is mainly made of lead as a component. - 特許庁


The digital camera system 301 for processing digital image assets into a standard structure includes a comparison component 30 for automatically matching an asset scheme of the digital camera to a best available asset normalizer of a predetermined set of asset normalizers and an asset processing component 304 which is connected to the comparison component 304 in order to process assets of the digital camera into a standard structure in accordance with the best available asset normalizer. - 特許庁


The system according to this invention has a step for inputting a classification system name and a classification item for a set of electronic data based on arbitrary viewpoints, and a step for adding property information of the electronic data for the inputted classification system name and classification item not depending on a particular operating system or file system and storing it in a memory device. - 特許庁


In the sharing system for accumulating and disclosing the document file structured in XML format, browsing persons are limited for disclosure by making at least a part of the document file into the content of a tag with a confidential attribute name and accompanying the tag with a user name, a user group name or their collective appellation as an attribute value. - 特許庁



The opinion collection system for collecting opinions of participants gathering in a specified place comprises a means 30 disclosing a stored bar-coded application, a means 101 of inputting opinions of the participants and bar-coding the input opinion information by use of the downloaded disclosed bar-coded application, and a means 10 collecting the bar-coded opinion information and displaying the result in a predetermined form. - 特許庁


Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.
この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の研究成果であり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
Copyright 2001-2004 Python Software Foundation.All rights reserved.
Copyright 2000 BeOpen.com.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1995-2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives.All rights reserved.
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum.All rights reserved.
この対訳コーパスは独立行政法人情報通信研究機構の集積したものであり、Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedでライセンスされています。
原題:”Homesteading the Noosphere”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Eric S. Raymond 著
山形浩生 YAMAGATA Hiroo 訳    リンク、コピーは黙ってどうぞ。くわしくはこちらを見よ。
プロジェクト杉田玄白 正式参加作品。
詳細は http://www.genpaku.org/ を参照のこと。
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