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該当件数 : 118


あわせて 1京33百です例文帳に追加

That's 133 trillion combined. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

◆2020 年に6次産業の市場規模を10 (現状1兆円)とする例文帳に追加

Expand the market for “the sixth industry” from the current 1 trillion yen to 10 trillion yen by 2020.  - 経済産業省


I am a wealthy person with total assets of one trillion yen.  - Weblio Email例文集


Earthquake insurance benefits totaling 1.2 trillion yen have been paid.  - 金融庁


一般会計:7,79 特別会計:6億例文帳に追加

General Account: 779.1 billion yen, Special Account: 1, 61.6 billion yen - 厚生労働省



The fund reserved for spent fuel reprocessing amounted to approximately 2 trillion 1 hundred billion yen as of the end of March 2010. - 経済産業省


In addition, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) predicts that the scale of the global environment-related business market, which was approximately 1 trillion euros (approximately ¥130 trillion) in 2005,93 will expand to approximately 2.2 trillion euros (approximately ¥290 trillion) in 2020 (Figure 2-2-4-1). - 経済産業省

電子部品の全世界への輸出総額は自動車部品よりも約1 多く、約4 である。例文帳に追加

The total sum of export of electronic parts for the whole world amount to approximately 4 tril lion yen, approximately 1 trillion yen more compared with export of automobile parts. - 経済産業省


Compared to last year’s 2.1 trillion yen total, there has been an increase of 40%.  - 金融庁



The annual damage to these companies is estimated to be over 1 trillion yen.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



The market size for imitations of Japanese products is said to be approximately one trillion yen. - 経済産業省


The balance of the reserved fund as of the end of March 2010 was approximately 1trillion 2 hundred billion yen. - 経済産業省


(i) Nippon Steel Planning to expand the Usiminas steel plant (at a cost of approximately \\1 million). - 経済産業省

東日本大震災に係る復旧支援 8,407億例文帳に追加

Assistance for recovery concerning the Great East Japan Earthquake 1, 840.7 billion yen - 厚生労働省


Further, in April 2009, South Korea passed an additional revised budget for FY2009 (28.4 trillion won in total), deciding to increase expenditure by 17.2 trillion won (approximately ¥1.4 trillion). The objectives of the revised budget focus on the creation and maintenance of employment opportunities and stabilization of people’s livelihoods. - 経済産業省

社会保障給付費は2005(平成17)年度には87.9、国民1人当たり約68.8万となっており、 うち、年金が46.3(52.7%)、医療が28.1(32.0%)となっている。例文帳に追加

Social security benefits paid in FY 2005 were \\87.9 trillion, which is about \\688,000 received per capita. Pensions account for \\46.3 trillion (52.7%), and health care account for \\28.1 trillion (32.0%). - 厚生労働省

◆2020 年に農林水産物・食品の輸出額を1兆円(現状約4,500 億)とする例文帳に追加

Expand the export of agricultural, forestry and fishery products and food produce from the current 450 billion yen to 1 trillion yen by 2020.  - 経済産業省

なお、2011 年11 月のタイ工業連盟(FTI)の試算でも、洪水による経済的影響*56 は1 1,200 億バーツ(約3 240 億)、うち製造業が4,750 億バーツ(約1 2,830 億)である。例文帳に追加

According to the estimates of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) released in November 2011,the economic impact of the floods56 was 1.12 trillion baht (about \\3.24 trillion), of which the manufacturing sector reported 475 billion baht (about \\1.283 trillion) in loss. - 経済産業省

また、投資については、2014 年の外資系企業による投資目標を昨年実績の108億ドル(約1 )の3.2 倍となる350億ドル(約3 2,000億)に、国内企業の投資目標は昨年実績の37 8,000 億ルピア(約4,000億)から4.7 倍の177 9,000 億ルピア(約1 9,000億)とし、内外の資金を活用した発電所や幹線道路、鉄道などの大規模インフラ投資をすすめていく方針が示された。例文帳に追加

Indonesia set up a target to accept $35 billion (about 3.2 trillion yen) of investment by foreign companies in 2014, which is 3.2 times larger than the actual amount of the last year, 2009, which is $10.8 billion (about 1 trillion yen), and for the investment by Indonesian companies as 177.9 trillion rupiah (about 1.9 trillion yen), which is 4.7 times higher than the actual record of 2009, which is 37.8 trillion rupiah (about 400 billion yen). The government announced its policy to promote large scale infrastructure investments such as power plant, highway, and railway projects utilizing both foreign and domestic capital. - 経済産業省

レジャー白書2011 年版79 によると、ホテルの市場規模は、約1 と長期的に横ばい。例文帳に追加

According to the White Paper on Leisure 201179, the market scale of hotels has remained flat for a long time at about 1 trillion yen. - 経済産業省


The number of financial institutions who invest in hedge funds is 348, and the amount invested therein was 7,438 billion yen as of March 31, 2006.Financial Institutions who sold hedge funds for the period from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006(FY2005) constituted 101 institutions, with a total investment of 2,955 billion yen, while financial institutions that launched hedge funds during the same period constituted 64 institutions, representing a total amount of 1,327 billion yen.  - 金融庁

サブプライムローンとは、一般的には、米国における「信用力の劣る借り手1に対する住宅ローン」のことを言い、約 10 ドル(約 1,100 )の米国住宅ローンの中でその約 13~15%(約 1.3~1.5 ドル、約 140~170 )を占めていると言われている2。例文帳に追加

It is said that of the total U.S. mortgage market of approximately $10 trillion (approximately \\1.1 quadrillion), subprime mortgages account for approximately 13-15 percent (approximately $1.3-$1.5 trillion, or \\140-\\170 trillion)2.  - 金融庁


Insurance claims totaling around 1,200 billion yen have been paid out in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region and Ibaraki Prefecture.  - 金融庁


For example, if Japan achieves a ratio of direct investment income to GDP which is equal to that of the U.S., this would add ¥7.3 trillion to its current ¥4.1 trillion of direct investment income (receipts), will be expanded to ¥11.4 trillion, thus the effect of expanding Japanese disposable income (GNI) by over 1%. - 経済産業省


1. As for expenditures, with regard to the Program to Accelerate Reforms, the government will allocate a total of 3 trillion yen―1.5 trillion yen for measures to strengthen safety nets in preparation for the economic and social structural transformation and 1.5 trillion yen for measures to promote public investments that contribute to structural reform. - 財務省

我が国との関係を例にとれば、両国間の貿易額は9,391 億(2009 年)から1 2,906 億(2010 年)と1 年間で約1.4 倍に拡大している。例文帳に追加

For instance, the trade between Japan and India was worth \\939.1 billion in 2009 and \\1,290.6billion in 2010, approximately a 1.4-fold increase within one year. - 経済産業省

次に主要な輸出先をみる(第4-2-1-6 表)と、我が国からの最大の輸出先国は中国(輸出額約1 400 億、輸出シェア25.1%)、最大輸出先地域はNIEs(同約1 7,200 億、41.5%)である。例文帳に追加

As for the main export destination (Table 4-2-1-6), the largest export destination from Japan is China (export amount approximately 1,040 billion yen, export share 25.1%), and the largest export destination region is NIEs (approximately 1,720 billion yen, 41.5%). - 経済産業省

一方、対外直接投資は1990年代半ばから 2005 年までは 1~4 で推移してきたが、その後は増加基調に転じ、リーマン・ショック後の一時的な減少を経て、2011 年には 10 弱まで拡大している。例文帳に追加

In contrast, outward foreign direct investments stood at 1 to 4 trillion yen during the mid-1990s and 2005 but turned upward and expanded to slightly below 10 trillion yen in 2011 after a temporary drop following the failure of Lehman Brothers. - 経済産業省

1 次公募により採択された事業が実施されることで、補助額の約 6 倍に及ぶ約 1 2,600 億の設備投資の呼び水となり、すそ野産業に対して毎年約 4.9 の需要創出効果が期待されている。例文帳に追加

It is expected that the implementation of projects adopted in the first solicitation will induce approximately 1.26 trillion yen of capital investment, which amounts to six times over the amount of the subsidy, and this will have an effect of creating demand of approximately 4.9 trillion yen each year for supporting industries. - 経済産業省

また、先の世界銀行(2011)の試算では、2011 年12 月1 日時点の洪水による被害額(物的資産の被害額、約6,300 億バーツ)と損失額(生産及び所得の損失額、約7,950 億バーツ)の合計で1 4,250 億バーツ(約457 億ドル、約3 8,480 億)となり、うち製造業は1 バーツ(約320 億ドル、約2 7,000 億)と見積もっている。例文帳に追加

According to the estimates of the World Bank (2011), mentioned earlier, the amount of damage (amount of damage to physical assets: about 630 billion baht) and the amount of loss (amount of loss in production and income: about 795 billion baht) caused by the floods as of December 1, 2011 was 1.425 trillion baht (about $45.7 billion, about \\3.848 trillion) in total, of which the damage to manufacturing sector is estimated to be 1 trillion baht (about $32 billion, about \\2.7 trillion) [the funds necessary for reconstruction are estimated to be 798 billion baht (about \\2.155 trillion) in total]. - 経済産業省


While all of the 12 trillion yen could be used up by the end of March 2009, the quota is to be reviewed each fiscal year, so we are thinking of requesting 12 trillion yen again in the initial budget for fiscal 2009. You may understand that 12 trillion will be allocated each fiscal year.  - 金融庁


When I asked the reason for the increase, I was told that earthquake insurance benefits totaling 1.2 trillion yen had been paid, of which 500 billion yen were paid in Miyagi Prefecture alone.  - 金融庁


348 financial institutions were investing in hedge funds to a total amount of 7.4 trillion yen as of March 31, 2006.There was an increase of 22% compared to the results of last year, as of March 31, 2005  - 金融庁


The combined basic profits, or profits from core businesses, of the 11 major life insurance companies, amounted to 1.6 trillion yen, down from 2.3 trillion yen in the previous year.  - 金融庁


1. With regard to expenditures, the amount of general expenditures totals47,632.0 billion yen and the amount of general account expenditures comes to82,110.9 billion yen. - 財務省


1. First of all, with regard to expenditures, the amount of general expenditures totals 47,592.2 billion yen and the amount of general account expenditures comes to 81,789.1 billion yen. - 財務省


As a result, the total fiscal 2001 general account budget after supplementation increases by 1 trillion 61 billion yen from the initial budgetary amount in both revenues and expenditures, coming to a total of 83 trillion 713.3 billion yen. - 財務省


As of 2003, the ripple effect of the lifestyle support services industry on other industries was valued at \\5,162.5 billion, 28) of which \\1,732.4 billion is estimated to be in manufacturing.  - 経済産業省

しかしながら、貿易の絶対額をみると、被災5 県からの2010 年の貿易額は輸出が約1 3,800 億、輸入が約2 4,300 億であり、我が国全体に占める割合は輸出で約2%、輸入で約4%にとどまる。例文帳に追加

However, from the point of absolute amount of the trade, the trade value of 2010 from 5 disaster-affected prefectures were in export approximately 1,380 billion yen, and in import approximately 2,430 billion yen. The percentage in entire Japan value, remain at the level of approximately 2% in export and approximately 4% in import. - 経済産業省

合理化深掘り、必要最小限の料金改定新経営体制( 時的公的管理約1を東電に出資)等例文帳に追加

Streamlined further excavation, minimumrate revision, new management system (temporary public management: around a 1 trillion yen contribution to TEPCO), etc. - 経済産業省


The ripple effect on the service industry is valued at 1,025.2 billion (864.0 billion effect on business services and 161.2 billion on personal services), which is estimated to break down as 284.1 billion relating to large enterprises and 741.1 billion relating to SMEs.  - 経済産業省

東北地域から自地域を含む中間投入総額は約25 であるが、自地域以外で中間投入を多く受け入れている中間需要部門は、第一に関東地域の機械部門が約1 6,900 億(全体の6.8%)、次に関東地域のサービス部門が約11,100 億(全体の4.4%)となっている。例文帳に追加

The total sum of intermediate input from the Tohoku area including that of the region one belongs to is approximately 25 trillion yen. As for the intermediate demand section receiving a lot of intermediate input other than that of the region one belongs to, the top is the machinery division of Kanto area, with approximately 1,690 billion yen (6.8% of the total), followed by the service sector of Kanto area, with approximately 1,110 billion yen (4.4%). - 経済産業省

自己資本(49 4080 億(19 年 3 月期))の水準に照らして、全体として対応可能と考えられる。例文帳に追加

In view of the net business profits (\\6.722 trillion as of end-March 2007) and tier 1 capital (\\49.408 trillion as of end-March 2007) of financial institutions, the situation seems to be manageable overall.  - 金融庁


First, we streamlined state subsidies to local governments by 1 trillion yen through such means as abolition and reduction based on the ''Basic Policies2003'' and the Prime Minister's instruction. - 財務省

本制度の運用を開始した平成23 年5 月23 日から平成24 年3 月31 日までの保証承諾実績は、79,415件、1 8,160 億であった。例文帳に追加

Between the programs entry into operation on May 23, 2011, and March 31, 2012, 79,415 loans worth a total of ¥1,816.0 billion were provided.  - 経済産業省

被災した方々の雇用の維持・生活の安定 (17,369億 雇用下支え効果146万人 生活の安定効果43万人)例文帳に追加

Maintaining employment and securing stability in life for the disaster victims (\\1,736.9 billion; estimated to underpin employment for 1.46 million workers and stabilize livelihood for 430,000 people)  - 経済産業省

リオデジャネイロ、サンパウロ、カンピーナスを結ぶ全長約500kmの鉄道計画の初期投資費用は約1 7000 億とも言われている。例文帳に追加

The initial investment costs of the project to construct a railroad of some 500km as a total connecting Rio De Janeiro, San Paulo and Campinas is estimated as some 1.7 trillion yen. - 経済産業省


The Vietnamese government announced economic policy measures totaling $1 billion at the end - 経済産業省


Japan's net external assets stood at about 250 trillion yen as of 2007 and have ranked first in the world for seventeen consecutive years. - 経済産業省



The GCC is an important market for Japan, with Japan's export to the GCC reaching about 1.79 trillion yen (2006). - 経済産業省


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